Did anyone elses skin break out when they changed their diet



  • Yes, the same thing happen to me! I am breaking out like crazy!!!!!!!!! All over my body! OMG! I been eating healthy for 2 weeks or so now, and drinking water and exercising. I just started breaking out yesterday!
  • this also happened to me, i wanted to get clear face, but instead of that i am breaking out five time more...is there anyone, who was then succesfull? was it clearing up after some time?
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    drink plenty of water and make sure you get your healthy fats in
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    This is so weird that you made this thread. My face was relatively clear until I started drinking a tsp of vinegar a day. Now I have those under the skin pimples around my ears and neck. That part of the face doesn't seem to be covered in the nice article that was shared. I wonder if I should continue the vinegar therapy and hope it evens out or not. It's been about 10 days since I stopped the vinegar and it has not cleared up yet...hmmm and I drink lots of water every day too, I know that's a huge factor
  • leems_82
    leems_82 Posts: 1 Member
    This is happening to me too! I have been drinking about 8-10 glasses of water a day and eating super healthy with fish etc. at least twice a week for the last month or so...My skin seems to be getting worse! Hopefully it will start clearing up soon and don't worry you aren't the only one stressing over this.
  • RedScathach
    RedScathach Posts: 24 Member
    My skin is currently breaking out due to exercise it seems. I make sure I wash all that sweat off but maybe my body is purging, thus the break outs. I am treating myself to glycolic peels every 2-3 weeks so long as I keep up with my workout routine. My skin and my energy level seems to be getting much better :)
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 770 Member
    It might just be a big coincedence, but funnily enough when I was eating whatever I wanted all the time (crap, basically) my skin was quite clear. For the last couple of weeks, since I've started counting calories and eating healthy, my skin has just gotten so bad, I'm breaking out like crazy, it hasnt done this in a long time.

    Not sure if they could be related, has this happened to anyone else? I know it doesnt make sense but the two seemed to coincide. I thought my skin would clear up with a better diet!

    Thank you anyone who can give me any advice :)

    If you've been exercising more the extra sweat and dirt clogging your pores are the most likely culprit. Wash your face and moisturize, and beware any post that uses the word "toxins."
  • jimshine
    jimshine Posts: 199 Member
    Not breaking out, but my face is more oily than it was.
  • chelseypie420
    chelseypie420 Posts: 1 Member
    WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT DO OIL CLEANSING!! I just started paleo primal eating last month, and my skin has been looking rough as well. It's purifying toxins that have been stuck below the surface for a long time. Personally I have oily skin, and last year I read to fight OIL with oil... What a terrible mistake. I had porcelain skin, even though it was shiny. A week into the new routine, I had big painful zits with no head on them. The blog said this was a normal thing...so I kept on for another month where it just got worse and worse. A year later, my face is still breaking out in places it never did before oil cleansing and I am scarred with Brownish red scars!! I used the best lightest oils as well, I wasn't using baby oil or something like that. Please please do not fall for it!
  • Shreshy
    Shreshy Posts: 1,263 Member
    its like the opposite for me. I only drank water then started getting affiliated with soda and what do you know, hello breakouts galore!!
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT DO OIL CLEANSING!! I just started paleo primal eating last month, and my skin has been looking rough as well. It's purifying toxins that have been stuck below the surface for a long time. Personally I have oily skin, and last year I read to fight OIL with oil... What a terrible mistake. I had porcelain skin, even though it was shiny. A week into the new routine, I had big painful zits with no head on them. The blog said this was a normal thing...so I kept on for another month where it just got worse and worse. A year later, my face is still breaking out in places it never did before oil cleansing and I am scarred with Brownish red scars!! I used the best lightest oils as well, I wasn't using baby oil or something like that. Please please do not fall for it!

    You dug up a 3 year old thread just to complain?
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Necro thread
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I think our skin reacts to any drastic change.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    No. However I discovered I was allergic to synthetic glycols, and eliminating those got rid of 95% of my zits.
  • NerdyRena
    NerdyRena Posts: 1 Member
    I'm actually going through this right now. I changed my diet a little over a week ago, and my face and neck broke out just resently (2-3 days ago). It's starting to clear up now. I didn't at all change my skin care routine either. I would say that if you are making a huge change in your diet, it could be a reason why your skin might break out.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Necro thread

  • KaleidoscopeEyes8
    KaleidoscopeEyes8 Posts: 30 Member
    Anyone have any follow ups? I have been eating healthy for a year or two now and my face has been breaking out increasingly worse over that time. I keep thinking it’s purging but it never stops, no matter what I try.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I'm lucky that my skin usually only breaks out around my period.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    Anyone have any follow ups? I have been eating healthy for a year or two now and my face has been breaking out increasingly worse over that time. I keep thinking it’s purging but it never stops, no matter what I try.

    maybe it's something you're eating? Dairy is a huge culprit for me.