40 or older members?



  • pgarcia1964
    pgarcia1964 Posts: 27 Member
    Will be 52 this Friday...it is harder the older you get, but not impossible. I have to keep myself accountable and log everything, even if it's bad. :( I had a stretch there where I couldn't lose anything and then suddenly last year it started working. Now 57 lbs down and about 70-80 more to go.
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    40+ here. The biggest challenge is the expense of healthy food.
  • Teamdhb120
    Teamdhb120 Posts: 25 Member
    45 here. I've been at my goal weight (150 lbs) for over two years. I've been trying to tone and sculpt and haven't succeeded yet.
  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 661 Member
    I am 47 and I have been at this for awhile. I have had ups and downs while trying to lose weight but have overall lost weight. Trying to get back at the gym to build strength. I would also like to try and lose another 10-20 lbs.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    44yo male. My biggest challenge is not giving into temptation every time it comes up. But, I'm aware that - if I want to stay at around 181 lb - I need to take a step back and not have multiple drinks every weekend and instead of having several desserts throughout the week - have one or two, broken up over multiple days.
  • angmil17
    angmil17 Posts: 1 Member
    45yo female from the UK. Only just started (one week down). A few years ago you would notice the pounds creeping on and would be able to shift it fairly quickly with a bit of exercise but that does not seem to be happening now. Having watched the pounds slowly creep up over the last year (and recently seen a picture that was taken at a family barbecue which made me go "whoaaa") I installed this app and am doing well so far. Exercise is the biggest problem for me, I work full time, running just isn't my think, I drown rather than swim and going into a gym with all the scary thin people in lycra fills me with dread. I have a desk job and am doing a lunchtime walk but that is not going to be enough. Need to find something else but will stick at it!
  • mmkarten
    mmkarten Posts: 7 Member
    I hear you - it is so much harder as we age!! I am in the same boat and am hoping that being more mindful will help! Good luck!
  • webyj
    webyj Posts: 19 Member
    Nearly 42 here.
    Down 23lbs since July 1. Still 107 lbs to go to my goal of 170.
    I'm a sole parent to almost 5 y/o & 8 y/o. Work full time desk job. Between kids, work n housework & 2 acres to tend not much time left for exercise.
    Doing this mainly through calorie counting and 30-45 minutes on my recumbent bike after the kids are asleep.
    My motivation is my kids, and I'm also doing this for me. I looked in the mirror in July and all I could see was this sad, obese woman who hid from the world because of her weight. I'm tired of hiding. I'll never have a bikini body, but I want to be at the beach and feel good about my body.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    49, just taken on new and horribly demanding job because both children now in high school ...struggling to fit in my training sessions ...stress levels rising and sleep diminishing

    But we do what we do

    Life is like that, I've been in maintenance since Feb 2015 ...not gonna lose it now ...it's about the food ..and that is still being logged
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Feel free to add me. I post a goal everyday, and I try to comment on everyone's status. My diary is also open to view. I am 41, married with 3 kids and work full time. Currently down 9 lbs. I still have some binge days and am ashamed to log them, but I will. Exercise includes walking dogs, Bikram yoga, swimming and weight training. I am looking for folks that post and don't just use "like" button. Thx! ☺
  • jkquinn13
    jkquinn13 Posts: 203 Member
    Just turned 50 but feel 35!! feel free to add me, from Whitby, ONtario
  • Candice_Says
    Candice_Says Posts: 24 Member
    Everyone can feel free to add me, too. I'm 40 years old, which is weird to me because I thought for sure I'd feel more "grown up" by now. I love to run, love to lift, love to cook, love to EAT. I struggle a lot and post very little in the forums... a lot of it just seems very "Facebook" to me... and there's already one too many of those :wink:

  • CajunTess
    CajunTess Posts: 268 Member
    I'll be 48 in a couple months, and it's definitely harder at this age that it was in my younger days. My advice is just to make the time to make yourself a priority. Good luck on your journey!
  • mcdonagk
    mcdonagk Posts: 136 Member
    I'm 42 and my motivation is to act 22.
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I'm 41. My ,main exercise is Muay Thai classes plus some sparring classes. Not as fast as I'd like to be but oh well. I also try and do weights twice a week ( I have a very small gym at work I can use) and walk my old dog. My weight is ok but I just need to tone a bit. Plus I seem to be getting stiff muscles more often these day. sigh.