hypothyroidism and still gaining



  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member

    Thank you so much.. for the hope.. I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed and hope that once my Meds are tweaked then I will begin to lose again

    This thinking is not going to serve you well. You need to really educate yourself on the thyroid, how it functions, things that help it work better, etc. You are your own best advocate. My doctor does not dictate how much thyroid meds I am on - I do. I tell her what I'm taking, she does not tell me. Only you can feel inside of your body and know where you're at. Please educate yourself and don't just trust someone because they have "MD" behind their name. It's really not in your best interest to do so. STTM is a good place to gather this understanding of the thyroid.
  • juliebowman4
    juliebowman4 Posts: 784 Member
    edited September 2016
    Ugh!! Why does MFP cut off half my message!!

    Leah, long story short: after a year, I think my levels are stable.
    I started MFP again last week
    I'm down 2lbs :)

    Thank you so much.. for the hope.. I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed and hope that once my Meds are tweaked then I will begin to lose again

    Leah, you're welcome. It WILL happen...it just (unfortunately) isn't an overnight fix.
    I allowed frustration to get the better of me and threw caution to the wind and just ATE. A LOT.
    And gained. A LOT.
    I kinda wish now that I had continued to eat at 1400ish calories.....I would have this 15lbs on top of the 15lbs I already needed to lose.

    Please, yes, educate yourself....but do NOT listen to armchair internet guru's that say it's not in your best interest to listen to your Dr.
    Your Dr is your healthcare partner. :)
  • Pawsforme
    Pawsforme Posts: 645 Member
    edited September 2016
    Psychgrrl wrote: »
    I would echo the potential T3 issue. I am also on cytomel (T3) in addition to synthroid (T4). My TSH didn't change much, but my quality of life did after I started on the T3. The T3 is fast acting, the T4 takes 8 weeks to fully integrate. Unfortunately it is one of those "wait and see" games. I know, I've been there. Armour does contain both T4 and T3.

    Personally, I don't care for "Stop The Thyroid Madness" as an information site. I find it's presentation to be too slanted and sensationalist for my taste. I prefer the Mayo Clinic and medical journals for my info. However, it is critical to know and understand not just what your numbers are, but where they fall on the range of what your doctor and lab are using as "normal."

    There's a normal range for a reason--just because you're in the "normal range" doesn't mean it's the best spot for you. You're your own best advocate.

    I agree about STTM. I find many of the ideas pushed on that site to be rather scary. I wouldn't mind trying NDT but the only person who seems to prescribe it around here is an integrative medicine doctor who gives it out like candy w/o much testing. He offered to switch me over to it with no testing at all! I personally would never feel comfortable medicating by symptoms alone as many on NDT do. It's all too easy to blame every little thing on hypothyroidism when that might not in fact be the cause at all. And no matter what STTM says there are some very serious health risks from pushing TSH too low.

  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    Ugh!! Why does MFP cut off half my message!!

    Leah, long story short: after a year, I think my levels are stable.
    I started MFP again last week
    I'm down 2lbs :)

    Thank you so much.. for the hope.. I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed and hope that once my Meds are tweaked then I will begin to lose again

    Please, yes, educate yourself....but do NOT listen to armchair internet guru's that say it's not in your best interest to listen to your Dr.
    Your Dr is your healthcare partner. :)

    Understand that I'm not saying not to listen to your doctor. What I'm saying is educate yourself to such an extent that you can have an intelligent conversation with your doctor regarding your thyroid. If my doctor and I disagree on dosage I have enough knowledge to discuss why I want my meds set at a certain point. Because I've educated myself we are able to agree together what is best for me. He never makes that decision for me and i don't blindly trust him because doctors are human and fallible. They also can't feel inside of my body. That's why educating yourself and learning what works best for you is so important.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    I am fighting with my levels right now too. I have gained 20lbs since my loss of that 20lbs this winter. It coincided directly with losing half my hair, a few months of low blood pressure drops causing dizzyness and almost blacking out daily, and needing to sleep 14hrs a day just to go to work, come home and go back to bed. It is not much of a life when the hormones are so lacking. I am slowely feeling more human, my kids were surprised when I was able to focus on a card game recently, weight loss has still been impossible but if I am careful I can maintain. Hopefully will get back into losing soon. I feel for you! Keep it up though, we have to remember that the meds are not instant, they take a while to build up properly.
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    Thanks everyone... yes I read and read and read about thyroid how it works etc.. i just wasn't truly aware the time it can take.. I thought pills were instant.. it's because I am able to stay up later at night I thought yes there working so why isn't the weight coming off with it??
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    there are different thyroid meds. My first one was synthroid. I continued to gain weight and feel like crap. After a few months I went back to the doc and I said this is not working. I need something that lets me stay awake and not get fatter and fatter. They switched me to Armour Thyroid (and there are more meds yet, not just these 2) and it was night and day difference. I became able to lose weight and had energy again. You may not have the right med for your body.
  • Pawsforme
    Pawsforme Posts: 645 Member
    Thanks everyone... yes I read and read and read about thyroid how it works etc.. i just wasn't truly aware the time it can take.. I thought pills were instant.. it's because I am able to stay up later at night I thought yes there working so why isn't the weight coming off with it??

    Nothing for me was instant. I did feel significantly better (less brain fog) a week or ten days after starting medication. But it took six weeks before I was able to start losing weight.

  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    You say that you are tracking and weighing, but looking back ~2 weeks in your diary I only see 1 day (partially) tracked. Are you recording your calories elsewhere?
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    Yes I am. I'm a member of weightless resources a site UK based with a more accurate database.. I weigh and measure in there but they don't have the community this does.

    Is armour in the UK?
  • Golbat
    Golbat Posts: 276 Member
    I have Hashimoto's hypothyroid disorder and I take 100 mcg. Once I got to the right dose and once my body adjusted to it (which did take several weeks) I was able to lose. I'm losing steadily now. If you're weighing your food, tracking absolutely everything you eat, and you're sure you're accurate and you still aren't losing after 6 to 8 weeks, I'd go to the doctor and get re-tested and see if your dosage needs to be increased.
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    Aww that's brill hun.. there is so much Internet garb about levo making people gain so much weight etc. And my gain this week it's scaring me half to death !
  • VioletRojo
    VioletRojo Posts: 596 Member
    Aww that's brill hun.. there is so much Internet garb about levo making people gain so much weight etc. And my gain this week it's scaring me half to death !

    It's not the levo making them gain weight, it's the hypothyroidism that's making them gain the weight.
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    VioletRojo wrote: »
    Aww that's brill hun.. there is so much Internet garb about levo making people gain so much weight etc. And my gain this week it's scaring me half to death !

    It's not the levo making them gain weight, it's the hypothyroidism that's making them gain the weight.

    I know and there adamant it's the Meds... I need to stop reading it all now.. cus people post there problems there not going to post success stories on it are they lol
  • VioletRojo
    VioletRojo Posts: 596 Member
    VioletRojo wrote: »
    Aww that's brill hun.. there is so much Internet garb about levo making people gain so much weight etc. And my gain this week it's scaring me half to death !

    It's not the levo making them gain weight, it's the hypothyroidism that's making them gain the weight.

    I know and there adamant it's the Meds... I need to stop reading it all now.. cus people post there problems there not going to post success stories on it are they lol

    No, people rarely post success stories to those message boards. I belong to several online thyroid support groups and it's very rare to read anything positive at all. On the other hand, in real life I don't know anyone with thyroid issues who doesn't feel just fine. Me included. It took a while to get there, but I eventually got there.
  • cvstokke
    cvstokke Posts: 249 Member
    Everyone has given the advice I would (be firm with your doctor, log meticulously, get regular testing) so I just wanted to reach out and say I totally understand how frustrating this is. I am hypo (obviously) after having a total thyroidectomy in 2014 and sometimes I just want to pull my hair out thinking "I HAVE TO DO THIS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE?!" but I try to remember it really could be worse. We'll get through it!
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    VioletRojo wrote: »
    VioletRojo wrote: »
    Aww that's brill hun.. there is so much Internet garb about levo making people gain so much weight etc. And my gain this week it's scaring me half to death !

    It's not the levo making them gain weight, it's the hypothyroidism that's making them gain the weight.

    I know and there adamant it's the Meds... I need to stop reading it all now.. cus people post there problems there not going to post success stories on it are they lol

    No, people rarely post success stories to those message boards. I belong to several online thyroid support groups and it's very rare to read anything positive at all. On the other hand, in real life I don't know anyone with thyroid issues who doesn't feel just fine. Me included. It took a while to get there, but I eventually got there.

    Me, too! Took a few years, but everything came together and all the weight came off.
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    This has made me feel 100x better. Thanks everyone for reaching out. I'll carry on with the Meds and just wait on the next bloods.. fingers crossed.
  • Duchy82
    Duchy82 Posts: 560 Member
    With a TSH of 5.8 there is quite a bit of play yet for you to increase on your levothyroxine dose, I'm on 175-150mcg a day with quite a low TSH( bottoman end of the noral range). I do medicate on symptoms (with the doctors agreement) with a nod toward my blood results but as long as my T4 is in range I'm happy. I was diagnosed in 2010 it took me 2 years of tweaking to get to where I felt 'normal' again. But on the positive side, 5st of weightloss to date so it can be done but it's just has hard, if not harder to lose as for euthyroid patients. Be patient, it will happen, just keep going as you are.

    Use thyroid uk's website to educate yourself they have some really good resources. There is a forum attached but beware it is a bit doom and gloomy but again also can have some gems of info. Most people do really well on levothyroxine (me included), unfortunately they don't linger that much on the forums