Tired.. should I exercise?

Hola!! everyone, am feeling tired, exhausted and lazy and want to go to sleep cause I got out of home and fight to get a paper (or card) in the university (things you don't find in your countries pals) and am back home tired but have my full body workout scheduled today and now it is 10:00 P.M here ...
should I workout and FORCE myself or what? thank you everyone here :D


  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,988 Member
    Day's done. Skip it and get a good night's rest.
  • muffinsandcakes
    muffinsandcakes Posts: 333 Member
    sgt1372 wrote: »
    Day's done. Skip it and get a good night's rest.

    can I say I love you!!! ?????
  • neil4ad
    neil4ad Posts: 42 Member
    Not worth working out if you're tired, so I second that message. Make sure you hydrate, get rest. I've always thought that if you're not on 7 or at the very least 6 hours sleep, it's best to skip the weights.
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    agree. have an awesome sleep, wake up all ready and recharged for tomorrow.
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    I personally would recommend at the least getting in maybe a walk, or something quick and easy like that. Something is better than nothing. Hell, working third shift I am always tired. But I push through, because I want to make this a habit. :)
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    There's a difference between being exhausted & tired. If it's just tired, get to the gym & work out. I've never once regretted a workout.
  • muffinsandcakes
    muffinsandcakes Posts: 333 Member
    Thank you!! Alll ..hmmmmm ok am tired again today but i will push myself :'((((
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    If you are straight up too exhausted to keep good form then definitely don't work out.

    Priority wise sleep should always rank over working out. Your body needs to be able to recover properly from your workout or you aren't doing yourself any good. If you find yourself always running out of time in the day for your workout, then you need to look at your priorities overall.

    Now if you had the luxary of sleeping in the next day and getting your full 7-9 hours of sleep and it wouldn't effect your schedule and workout of the next day.....then maybe it would be okay to get in most or all of your workout.
  • gundamxstar001
    gundamxstar001 Posts: 1 Member
    I feel your pain
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    to echo @Dano74 - if you're tired, go. If you're tired AND it's late, or if you're tired enough that you can't focus, don't - but do go the next day.

    Do the process, but don't be a fool.
  • muffinsandcakes
    muffinsandcakes Posts: 333 Member
    Dano74 wrote: »
    For the purpose of consistency, I disagree with the "Tired? forget it, then" recommendations. That's an obstacle mentality and one that's easily embedded. If you're not going to work out, no biggie- but if you're dedicating yourself to the fit thing, finding reasons not to work out (and there will ALWAYS be one) will impede your mental progress and frustrate you.

    If it's just "tired"-- hit that gym. As has been noted by others, if you're worn down and broken, give it a rest.

    Stay strong, @muffinsandcakes!!

    Thank you bud! :)))))).i did the next day when I was tired and I felt that I won!!

    Guys I have an inquiry If i don't do cardio but only do strength training for about 50 mins a say 3 times a week will I have thin legs or should I do cardio????
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Guys I have an inquiry If i don't do cardio but only do strength training for about 50 mins a say 3 times a week will I have thin legs or should I do cardio????

    Depends on your strength building program. If your program has you squatting (like SS, SL, and other beginner strength programs) regularly that will build legs.

    There's other reasons to do cardio though beyond great legs, such as building conditioning to utilize your new strength gains.
  • muffinsandcakes
    muffinsandcakes Posts: 333 Member
    CipherZero wrote: »
    Guys I have an inquiry If i don't do cardio but only do strength training for about 50 mins a say 3 times a week will I have thin legs or should I do cardio????

    Depends on your strength building program. If your program has you squatting (like SS, SL, and other beginner strength programs) regularly that will build legs.

    There's other reasons to do cardio though beyond great legs, such as building conditioning to utilize your new strength gains.

    that means cardio will make my legs thinner??? am doing body weight strength program and it includes squats yea :'(
  • ksenya03
    ksenya03 Posts: 51 Member
    Depends. Is 10pm your normal bedtime? If it is time you normally go to bed, or close to it, and you are tired, maintain your circadian rhythm and go to bed. If you're normally up until 3am and this is a usual time for you to work out, look at tired vs exhausted. Are you completely exhausted and barely able to function? Or are you just mind-numb from school work and a bit physically drained? In the later case some light exercise may well make you feel better and more energetic. In the former sleep is probably more important.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    Hola!! everyone, am feeling tired, exhausted and lazy and want to go to sleep cause I got out of home and fight to get a paper (or card) in the university (things you don't find in your countries pals) and am back home tired but have my full body workout scheduled today and now it is 10:00 P.M here ...
    should I workout and FORCE myself or what? thank you everyone here :D

    Listen to your body. Just go extra hard next time you're in the gym and make healthy food choices tomorrow. Maybe stretch or do some light ab circuits at-home if you feel the need to be active for the day.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    I am "tired" every day, getting to the gym usually makes me feel better. I also get better sleep after I am active, which helps me feel better the next day.
    If I'm feeling especially beat down though, I do pay extra attention to my muscles/joints and sometimes delay my workout if something is feeling like it's not yet recovered from a previous workout. 99% of the time I get it done anyway.
  • muffinsandcakes
    muffinsandcakes Posts: 333 Member
    thank you all . . . how much it is a bless to have you here :)<3