Looking for fellow keto-ers !



  • mlslaterphoto
    mlslaterphoto Posts: 5 Member
    I just started A Ketogenic lifestyle 30 days ago and would love to support each other!
  • jil13
    jil13 Posts: 7 Member
    Can I be friends too! I am a week in to my keto lifestyle. I absolutely love it.
  • klaak
    klaak Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Everyone!!! I just started Keto about a week and a half ago and it's the first thing that has actually worked for me in YEARS of exercising and low-carbing. Would love to connect with Keto friends as well, and learn what you're doing and how it's going.
  • theclaw900
    theclaw900 Posts: 321 Member
    edited September 2016
    Three weeks into a keto diet. Down about 5 lbs

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    StacyChrz wrote: »
    Hi Audrey! I'm Stacy, I've been doing keto for a little over 2 months. Check out the Low Carb Daily Forum group, it's full of great people and a whole lot of information.


    I have been Keto for two years and have found most of the Keto info/friends to be more than helpful at this MFP sub forum above and expect you will find it to be the same. Keto has changed my life for the better but it has been a very different way of eating and wild results. Here are three lipid tests to make my case about being "wild" but AWESOME.

    Pre LCHF (two years ago) labs were:
    Total Cholesterol - 226
    HDL - 38
    LDL - 146
    Triglycerides - 209

    9 months of LCHF (one year ago) labs were:
    Total Cholesterol - 404
    HDL - 56
    LDL - 323
    Triglycerides - 121

    17 months of LCHF (today) labs were:
    Total Cholesterol - 257
    HDL - 63
    LDL - 186
    Triglycerides - 36

    The new doctor said keep doing what I am doing because it is working and that now Total Cholesterol has to be at >290 before they consider statins, etc. She was not hype pro LCHF but she said the numbers proved it was working for me. I think my numbers helped her better understand the first year of LCHF sending Cholesterol through the roof is NORMAL for some. I refused statins last year because I knew it was normal to shot up because the body takes a while to stop producing high cholesterol that is produced to protect against high inflammation.

    Two years ago I think there were several posters on MFP that thought LCHF was actually unhealthy WOE but I think most know otherwise now hence less attacks on this WOE for example.

    My personal goal for Total Cholesterol is 200-240 since at my age it gets the best odds of preventing my premature death but 257 is not far from that protective range. My ratios are now awesome. A1C was 5.1
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited September 2016
    aspoerr1 wrote: »
    Hello my name is Audrey! I've been on and off keto for a while now.. just looking for some extra support and new friends. It's always nice to meet new people!

    Welcome back to Keto.

    You may be interested in this free training mentioned already on MFP. I have not done it but I did leave my email address just now for this weekend.

  • nebrgrown
    nebrgrown Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Tammy. A little back history. Almost three years ago I had my youngest kiddo (I have 4 total) and I had gained SO much weight (over 60 lbs) despite doing every thing I was "suppose" to do. My friend introduced me to the LCHF WOE and I was able to drop over 30lbs. I was back down to my pre pregnancy weight and felt great. Well May of 2015 I had to have an appendectomy and then in July of 2015 I sadly had to have a total hysterectomy. I do still have my ovaries so there is no issue there with my weight in regards to that. Well during my time of healing and my depression even worse because of the hysterectomy I put on some weight. Once the doc gave me the all clear, I got back on my LCHF WOE and working out like I had always done. Over the course of about 9 months my weight only went up. I was so frustrated!! So I went back and saw my doctor and I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism/Graves Disease. Yes, most people with hyperthyroid lose weight, but there are some of us lucky ones who get hyperthyroid with weight gain. Anyway, I started on meds for that and then I was diagnosed with Thyroid Eye Disease. Long story short the best way to help get that into remission is to get my hormone levels into normal range ASAP. Well It is easier to do that when you are hypothyroid so I had Radioactive Iodine Treatment to kill my thyroid. But to protect my eyes from getting worse through the process I had to be on a 6 week regimen of Prednisone. So in total in a year I have gained my 30 lbs back and I am still working to get my levels into normal range for me. My question is does anyone know if LCHF will still work for me like it did before even though I no longer have a thyroid? I take Nature Throid as my hormone replacement. It is from pigs and it gives the patient both T3 and T4 hormones unlike the synthetic stuff that only gives you T4 in hopes that your body will convert some of the T4 to T3. My doctor has also put me on some DHEA from my adrenal gland since that was low and some progesterone cream to help with water retention and brain fog. I have always been a healthy and active person, but going through all of this has put me through the ringer. I just want to get back to somewhat normal and to start I would like to get this weight off. Thanks if you have read through this long story and I hope to get to know a lot of you on here.
    Good Night
  • Habiteer
    Habiteer Posts: 190 Member
    nebrgrown wrote: »
    My question is does anyone know if LCHF will still work for me like it did before even though I no longer have a thyroid?

    Not an expert on this, but anecdotally some people with hypothyroidism seem to do better with a keto diet

    For a more rigorous case study, here is an interesting case about a morbidly obese patient with Hashimoto's Disease whose doctors put him on a "Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), levothyroxine replacement, and a low-carbohydrate diet (LCD) were initiated" treatment. The results were that he lost 25% of his body weight, 32.4 kg (71.28 lbs), over the period of 18 months. From the article, it sounds like they weren't aiming for a ketogenic state and was just doing low-carb.

    So, we can at least see anecdotally that keto and low carb way of eating benefits some people with impaired thyroid.

    Keto does carry some risks, electrolytes might be depleted, arrhythmias may occur, there might be a "keto flu" period of unpleasantness. So, if you choose to go this way, I'd try to mitigate as much risk as possible and listen to your body on whether it feels good for you or not. Best wishes.

    Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. I am not an expert.