Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • vargaskmfp
    vargaskmfp Posts: 12 Member
    1. Stay under calorie goal.
    2. Preplan my meals for tomorrow.
    3. No added sugars.
    4. Track everything.
    5. Have a 30-minute walk.
    6. Stay Hydrated.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    back on track,no excuses, de=stress, relax
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »
    JFT, 9/21/2016

    1. Walk the dogs :)
    2. Workout :)P90x3 CVX + walking
    3. Stay within weight-loss calories :)
    4. No alcohol o:)

    JFT, 9/22/2016

    1. Walk the dogs
    2. Workout
    3. Stay within maintenance calories
    4. No alcohol
  • nuttygirly
    nuttygirly Posts: 24 Member
    This is a fabulous idea! I would love to join in on the motivating :)
  • 0505jen
    0505jen Posts: 147 Member

    JFT, 9/21/2016
    1. Stay under calorie goal :)
    2. Do an extra workout :)
    3. Drink 8 glasses of water :| only 6
    4. No Alcohol :)

    JFT, 9/22/2016
    1. Stick with the plan for dinner out (prelogged calories)
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water
    3. No more than 90 calories in snacks at work
    4. Enjoy my evening out B)

  • KatieTee83
    KatieTee83 Posts: 196 Member
    JFT, 9/22/16
    1. Log everything
    2. Drink 4 big waters
    3. Get outside and walk
    4. Avoid the candy dish...

    Yesterday started out strong, but I basically forgot about what I was supposed to be doing by the middle of the afternoon, haha! So, back at it again today. Happy Thursday, ya'll! <3:*
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    J4T, Wednesday

    1. Eat whole healthy food :/
    2. Journal every bite :(
    3. Increase water :(
    4. Try to call my mother to wish her a happy birthday even though she recently "divorced" me. Try not to cry if she answers ;) Called, although she did not answer.
    5. Be grateful for my husband, children and grandchildren. Count my blessings. Focus on the positive, not the negative. :)

    Well, didn't do so well yesterday on the food front, but did pretty good on the emotional front, so that's a win of a different kind I guess!

    J4T, Thursday
    1. Log everything I eat
    2. Increase Water intake
    3. Stay positive at work
    4. Prep and plan tonight for tomorrow - food, work clothes, projects to work on, etc. Get organized!
    4. One random act of kindness
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,219 Member
    weds, 9/21
    1.drink water :/
    2. drink water :/
    3. drink water :/

    Trying again today. Why is it so hard for me to remember to drink water.
    But - one thing I am reminding myself everyday now, and it is helping. My hubby and I had our physicals last week. I got the Summary Report from my doctor. He wrote in there that I was "overweight, borderline OBESE". That did it. Now everytime I want to eat, I think of that word "obese"!.

    So JFT, Thrusday, 9/22
    1. Get out of the Obese weight.
    2. drink water
    3. stay focused. I did not gain this weight overnite, and it will take time. Just concentrate on eating healthy, and exercising.
    4. stressful day today with out mentally ill daughter. More reports to fill out for disability, which causes emotional pain and stress. Try not to grab food to make myself feel better - because food will not make this go away. Think positive, as things could always be worse.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,219 Member
    4. Try to call my mother to wish her a happy birthday even though she recently "divorced" me. Try not to cry if she answers ;) Called, although she did not answer.
    5. Be grateful for my husband, children and grandchildren. Count my blessings. Focus on the positive, not the negative. :)

    So sorry for what you are going through with your mother. But happy you were able to focus on the positives in your life! I call that a successful day.

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. Walk 30 minutes :)
    2. 60 minutes intense Zumba :smiley:
    3. under 100G carbs :smile:
    4. 12+ glasses water :smiley: 14...maybe a bit more

    1. Two hours of gleaning pears--tons of walking and hauling in a hilly orchard, plus carrying and using a 12' ladder
    2. swim a mile
    3. under 100G carbs
    4. 12+ glasses of water
  • tristramtrent
    tristramtrent Posts: 257 Member

    Bike or country walk....yep
    Woodwork.....ugh keep procrastinating this
    Move furniture into van......yep
    Do an invoice ( ugh paperwork).....yay did 2!
    Keep under calories.....yep
    Do some reading, take it easy.......yes and no not really


    10,000 steps
    Buy materials
    Stay cheerful in a big meeting, arg
    Bank calories for the evening
    NO stress whatsoever

  • bri150lbs
    bri150lbs Posts: 44 Member
    bri150lbs wrote: »
    J4T Thursday
    1. Exercise after work :/
    2. Stay under 1400 calories :)

    J4T Friday
    1. Zumba after work
    2. Stay under calorie goal

  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    So, I went for one week on holiday and put back on all the weight I had lost in the preceding month or so. This despite it being a "mountain biking and yoga retreat". There was disappointingly little mountain biking though, and I ended up with every afternoon free and basically sat around eating. And then I tried all the sweet pastries available in Portugal... :s:'(

    First day back yesterday was then also utterly disastrous, so I am hoping you guys can help me get back on track. At least just for today. I need some encouragement - please help! :(

    JFT 20.9.16
    - only 1 bread roll and piece of fruit for breakfast
    - no snacking between breakfast & lunch
    - take a sensible lunch packet
    - no snack except fruit and/or yogurt in the afternoon
    - sensible, healthy dinner, no dessert
    - track all food here

    Sorry your holiday went wrong, but I'm sure you can get back on track. I see you listed your proposed meals, but what about some more biking, even if it isn't mountain biking. The calories out, matter just as much as the calories in.
  • bri150lbs
    bri150lbs Posts: 44 Member
    Ok. So I feel like a complete idiot for not exercising today. I only had 2 goals!

    So. I just cleaned the ironing board and laundry off my treadmill and I am going to walk at least 15 minutes.
  • bri150lbs
    bri150lbs Posts: 44 Member
    edited September 2016
    Do over!
    bri150lbs wrote: »
    J4T Thursday
    1. Exercise after work :)
    2. Stay under 1400 calories :)

    J4T Friday
    1. Zumba after work
    2. Stay under calorie goal

    Ahhh...that feels much better.
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,258 Member
    JFT Wed 9/21/16 Day 3
    1. Log all my food into MFP and be under calories :| (Used every calorie)
    2. Exercise 10,000 steps today :/ (Came down with a headache and went to sleep)
    3. Drink at least 8 glasses of water :)
    4. Do not eat after 9 PM :o

    J4T Wed 9/22/16 Day 2
    1. Log all my food into MFP and be under calories
    2. Exercise 10,000 steps today
    3. Drink at least 8 glasses of water
    4. Do not eat after 9 PM
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments -

    - no unhealthy snacks :/ Caved and had a donut. I don't even know why, other than boredom?! One of the downsides of suddenly having less to do at work after months of stress... boredom eating! Have to watch out for that...

    - stay within calories, with c. 400 deficit (i.e. do not eat back run calories) :/ Only -200, due to aforementioned donut.....

    - no alcohol :)

    - run to work :)

    - take a 30+ min lunch break, ideally outside :)

    - watch out for signs of getting angry or stressed and stop myself from reacting (time out/ relax / challenge thoughts) :/ Wasn't too bad on this, but was slightly snappy at my manager at one point - need to be better at this one. Seem to have got into a habit of snapping too quickly.

    Today's commitments -

    - no unhealthy snacks
    - go to gym after work
    - stay within calories, with c. 500 deficit (i.e. do not eat back gym calories)
    - no alcohol
    - take a 30+ min lunch break OR do yoga at lunch
    - watch out for signs of getting angry or stressed and stop myself from reacting (time out/ relax / challenge thoughts)
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Drink 3 bottles of water by supper time
    Second walk in evening to park
    Stay on course for busy day & weekend.
    No eating on account of stress
    Keep fruit with me in car today.
    Preplan workouts next week.
    Early bedtime-9pm
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member

    J4T, Thursday
    1. Log everything I eat :/ I'm going to jump in and back-journal. I actually was so tired last night I fell asleep!
    2. Increase Water intake :)
    3. Stay positive at work :)
    4. Prep and plan tonight for tomorrow - food, work clothes, projects to work on, etc. Get organized! :)
    4. One random act of kindness

    J4T, Friday
    1. Make healthy choices at restaurant today
    2. Increase water intake
    3. Keep a positive attitude
    4. Get ready for trip tomorrow
    5. Rest, relax and enjoy my Friday night
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »
    JFT, 9/22/2016

    1. Walk the dogs :)
    2. Workout :'(Nope. Just didn't get to it.
    3. Stay within maintenance calories :)Stayed within a small deficit
    4. No alcohol o:)

    JFT, 9/23/2016

    1. Walk the dogs
    2. Workout
    3. Stay within weight-loss calories
    4. No alcohol
    5. Get a new Fitbit: my charging piece broke so I have a nice excuse to get the latest :wink: