Strange comments from others after weight loss!?



  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,129 Member
    Two people have told me that if I lose any more weight at all, I'm going to look gaunt and old.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    I recently had the clerk at the corner store ask me why I wasn't in school. Uhhhh gee Brenda maybe because I graduated freaking college in 2011 loooool
  • pineapple_peach10
    pineapple_peach10 Posts: 239 Member
    I've been told I look anorexic and asked if I've been "throwing up". I just chalk it up to people's jealousy and ignorance.
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    This isn't weight loss exactly... But I recently decided to do a bulk (One of several bulk and cut cycles I will be doing before next year) I've been entered into my gym's bodybuilding competition for the fitness category.

    I mentioned this to my family, because you know, excitement. And family should be supportive. But then they went on to say that I will look like a man and whatnot, and me having short hair would make women want to date me or something like that. Lol. When in reality, I'm really just going for the look on my profile pic. Blah. :lol: but they're old people and they don't quite know how it works.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    I've had mostly positive comments. My pastor and his wife both told me on separate occasions how proud they were of me. I thought that was kind of odd. My husband has told me that and I didn't think it odd, but it seemed odd for someone else to say. I have had a few people tell me I don't need to lose any more weight as I'm getting too skinny. And I had a neighbor tell me not to lose any more weight because I looked better with my weight on. Some people just look better heavier. That actually hurt my feelings quite a bit. For the most part I don't mind when people tell me I look good, but if you can't say something nice then I would rather not hear it.

    The ones who are saying not to lose any more are likely saying that as a compliment because you are at an ideal weight range. It is a backwards compliment though, I agree.
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    This isn't weight loss exactly... But I recently decided to do a bulk (One of several bulk and cut cycles I will be doing before next year) I've been entered into my gym's bodybuilding competition for the fitness category.

    I mentioned this to my family, because you know, excitement. And family should be supportive. But then they went on to say that I will look like a man and whatnot, and me having short hair would make women want to date me or something like that. Lol. When in reality, I'm really just going for the look on my profile pic. Blah. :lol: but they're old people and they don't quite know how it works.

    Some people think women should be soft and squishy. I like that many of the women on MFP are strong and sleek. I want to look like a stealthy lioness.

    Exactly! I don't want to be skinny and fragile. I've had to put up with so much *kitten* in my life, I want to look like the warrior I am!
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    This isn't weight loss exactly... But I recently decided to do a bulk (One of several bulk and cut cycles I will be doing before next year) I've been entered into my gym's bodybuilding competition for the fitness category.

    I mentioned this to my family, because you know, excitement. And family should be supportive. But then they went on to say that I will look like a man and whatnot, and me having short hair would make women want to date me or something like that. Lol. When in reality, I'm really just going for the look on my profile pic. Blah. :lol: but they're old people and they don't quite know how it works.

    Some people think women should be soft and squishy. I like that many of the women on MFP are strong and sleek. I want to look like a stealthy lioness.

    Exactly! I don't want to be skinny and fragile. I've had to put up with so much *kitten* in my life, I want to look like the warrior I am!

    Yaay for Warrior Princess!
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited September 2016
    People in my family try really hard not to gain too much, so they are more likely to say something when I gain rather than when I lose weight.

  • duddysdad
    duddysdad Posts: 403 Member
    At my lowest weight, still well within a healthy BMI, I was told I was too skinny. I was told I looked anorexic. I was even nick-named Ana by my MIL. I've noticed a pattern with these comments. The one's that say these things tend to be people who are overweight or obese, who think overweight is "normal". I've received nothing but praise and support from people who actually are a normal weight.
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    This isn't weight loss exactly... But I recently decided to do a bulk (One of several bulk and cut cycles I will be doing before next year) I've been entered into my gym's bodybuilding competition for the fitness category.

    I mentioned this to my family, because you know, excitement. And family should be supportive. But then they went on to say that I will look like a man and whatnot, and me having short hair would make women want to date me or something like that. Lol. When in reality, I'm really just going for the look on my profile pic. Blah. :lol: but they're old people and they don't quite know how it works.

    Haha! I got a similar reaction when I told my family about wanting to run a bulk. I was told to be careful not to get too bulky.
  • Dove0804
    Dove0804 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm looking forward to being where you all are now and getting compliments about my weight loss :)

    And I think I will easily brush off even the not-so-PC comments too.

    I'm very open about discussing my own weight, so I guess I've invited people to have their say whether I like what they are saying or not. In fact I have got into a really bad habit of putting myself down and inadvertently drawing more attention to my weight, just because I think I have to get in before anyone else says anything. Reality is they are probably not even thinking about it.

    I'm also pretty open with my own compliments and have been making encouraging remarks every time I see my future father in law on his weight loss journey. However, last time I saw him I did think he looked really gaunt and old and actually had gone too far and was now unhealthily skinny. I only met him two years ago and he was tall and strong with broad shoulders like his sons - now he looks really small and wasted away. I didn't say anything, as I didn't want to be rude or negative and he may also have other health things going on that I don't know about.

    And then again, whose going to listen to an obese person telling them they are too skinny anyway?!

    My Step-Mother has also lost too much weight - everybody is worried about how she is skin and bones now and she is constantly complaining about people mentioning it, but then she brings the subject up herself all the time - putting it out there for discussion, but only listening to what she wants to hear. People are only worried for her health and well-being though - they are certainly not jealous or trying to be mean in any way.

    So, I wouldn't mind my friends telling me I was going too far either way.

    You know how fat creeps up on you and you don't notice until you see a bad photo, or you catch a reflection of yourself in a shop window or mirror walking next to other people who you thought were the same size - and then you realise too late that you have ballooned? Sure I knew I had put on weight as the size tags on new clothes got into higher digits each time I went shopping and I would pick up a pair of jeans I hadn't worn for a long time and think they must be someone else's, because they looked so small held up against my legs - but for a long time there I still felt I was okay and blind to just how big I was actually getting.

    So it is very likely many people go the other way and lose too much, but still feel they are that fat person they once were and don't see the true image of what they are really looking like now.

    One sign of losing too much weight seems to be the face looking older - some people simply look better with a bit of 'plumpness' in their face and I guess thats one positive thing about being overweight as I often get compliments about my smooth, unwrinkled skin and looking younger than others my age.

    Of course I respond with; "well I guess there's a bright side to being fat" :(

    It sounds like you think too much about what other people look like, honestly. I find it strange that you were complimenting your future father-in-law so much and so frequently and only later thought about potential health issues. Did he ever bring the topic up himself or express he was trying to lose weight?

    Keep in mind though that in the U.S. and many other nations, overweight has become average. Our perception of what a healthy weight looks like has been altered dramatically. Do you know for a fact the people you mentioned are underweight, or do they just look "too thin" to you? One of the things I'm worried about when I start nearing my goal weight are comments like that. My ultimate goal is 120 lbs, at 5'4.5" inches. That's perfectly healthy. Last time I lost weight (in high school) I was 150 lbs and people were telling me I was way too thin when I was actually overweight. It sabotaged me because I took it to heart and looking back at photos from that time, I can tell you I was definitely not too thin.

    I think it's a combination of people not being able to recognize a healthy weight anymore, and people not being used to seeing someone at a lower weight and thus it makes them uncomfortable. Also, I find when people are still wearing their old clothes that are kind of baggy, it makes them look more "sickly" or "gaunt" than they are.
    I hope you ease up on your poor step-mother, unless you know for a fact her BMI is less than 18.5.
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    Mmm...two oddest for me:

    Man I knew fairly well did not recognize me. Knew him for a few years (was friends with his now ex-wife) and saw him for a couple of hours 2 nights running (visiting wife/party and a play date for our daughters). He messaged me on FB the next day with "oh, so sorry, just realized who you were." Never replied. It was a nice enough message, just weird.

    My mom doesn't like to hug me so much now. Expressed disappointment repeatedly my last visit on missing her "huggy bear" and how it is like hugging air. She is happy for me as far as my health, but was genuinely sad that I'm not so nice to hug anymore. Sorry mom...