Strange comments from others after weight loss!?



  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    ilex70 wrote: »
    Mmm...two oddest for me:

    Man I knew fairly well did not recognize me. Knew him for a few years (was friends with his now ex-wife) and saw him for a couple of hours 2 nights running (visiting wife/party and a play date for our daughters). He messaged me on FB the next day with "oh, so sorry, just realized who you were." Never replied. It was a nice enough message, just weird.

    My mom doesn't like to hug me so much now. Expressed disappointment repeatedly my last visit on missing her "huggy bear" and how it is like hugging air. She is happy for me as far as my health, but was genuinely sad that I'm not so nice to hug anymore. Sorry mom...

    Buy her one of those stuffed pot belly Teddy Bears to hug.
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member

    Buy her one of those stuffed pot belly Teddy Bears to hug.[/quote]

  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    What is wrong with complaining about inappropriate sexual comments at work? :huh:
    Nothing at all but I work in engineering. We have a couple of delicate girls that run off complaining about the most trivial of things. Eg one was bragging about her forthcoming holiday and how she was buying new swimwear at weekend. Guy piped up bet you look awesome in a bikini. Then she complains about it. She was one bought up the swimwear topic.
    Guy who made boobserved comment is usually quiet type which was probably why it was so unexpected.
    No one should feel uncomfortable at work period. If they felt uncomfortable they have a right to complain. This is why work conversations should stay work related. *shrug*

    Edit to fix quotes.

    Disagree with last part, that's sounds boring. People should just behave appropriately at work and all will be fine

    "Behaving appropriately" is why people get into sexual harassment lawsuits and have no idea WTF happened. But keep on. *shrug* I would rather a "boring" workplace than to feel uncomfortable at work about my body.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    A few people who see my before pictures swears that those pictures aren't me. Every time we do progress pictures my SO swears I am getting taller. It's not that I have more confidence so I am standing more straighter. I have had another family member tell people I was on drugs. She has never been around to see me weigh and log everything I eat. It's the same one that said I would gain it all back.
    Got a guy at work state my boobs looked more like oranges than melons. Was so gobsmake he could come out with such a statement ( luckily knew him well enough not to go running up to human resources moaning about it as some of the girls here would). Still not sure if it was a compliment of my before or after figure though.

    I understand what you mean here. I really think real sexual harassment should be reported. Those things that makes a woman feel unsafe and demean her as a woman. A friend of mine and my SO at his old job almost lost his job because of a lady complained on him. The place they worked at all of them has know each other 10-15 years some more. Any way they were all out smoking and he had complimented this friend on her new outfit which had leggings. He said something in the lines I wonder if I had legs to pull those leggings off like you. They all had a good laugh over it and went about their day. A week later he was pulled in to HR because a new lady there had complained saying it made her uncomfortable. A man almost lost his job and our friend was so mad and told HR that she never felt threatened or uncomfortable. If she had she would have complained herself.

    Sexual harassment is sexual harassment. One person's uncomfortable might not bother another person which is why people should err on the side of caution if they want to keep their jobs.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    What is wrong with complaining about inappropriate sexual comments at work? :huh:
    Nothing at all but I work in engineering. We have a couple of delicate girls that run off complaining about the most trivial of things. Eg one was bragging about her forthcoming holiday and how she was buying new swimwear at weekend. Guy piped up bet you look awesome in a bikini. Then she complains about it. She was one bought up the swimwear topic.
    Guy who made boobserved comment is usually quiet type which was probably why it was so unexpected.
    No one should feel uncomfortable at work period. If they felt uncomfortable they have a right to complain. This is why work conversations should stay work related. *shrug*

    Edit to fix quotes.

    Disagree with last part, that's sounds boring. People should just behave appropriately at work and all will be fine

    "Behaving appropriately" is why people get into sexual harassment lawsuits and have no idea WTF happened. But keep on. *shrug* I would rather a "boring" workplace than to feel uncomfortable at work about my body.

    They know exactly what happened they take it too far. Most of us have code of conduct at work
    I keep my hands to myself and don't play dangerous games and I expect others to behave the same. Simple
    You can still have fun at work and respect each other.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    What is wrong with complaining about inappropriate sexual comments at work? :huh:
    Nothing at all but I work in engineering. We have a couple of delicate girls that run off complaining about the most trivial of things. Eg one was bragging about her forthcoming holiday and how she was buying new swimwear at weekend. Guy piped up bet you look awesome in a bikini. Then she complains about it. She was one bought up the swimwear topic.
    Guy who made boobserved comment is usually quiet type which was probably why it was so unexpected.
    No one should feel uncomfortable at work period. If they felt uncomfortable they have a right to complain. This is why work conversations should stay work related. *shrug*

    Edit to fix quotes.

    Disagree with last part, that's sounds boring. People should just behave appropriately at work and all will be fine

    "Behaving appropriately" is why people get into sexual harassment lawsuits and have no idea WTF happened. But keep on. *shrug* I would rather a "boring" workplace than to feel uncomfortable at work about my body.

    They know exactly what happened they take it too far. Most of us have code of conduct at work
    I keep my hands to myself and don't play dangerous games and I expect others to behave the same. Simple
    You can still have fun at work and respect each other.

    Yeah and I don't think talking about a co-workers boobs follows that "code of conduct". *shrug* But what do I know?
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    What is wrong with complaining about inappropriate sexual comments at work? :huh:
    Nothing at all but I work in engineering. We have a couple of delicate girls that run off complaining about the most trivial of things. Eg one was bragging about her forthcoming holiday and how she was buying new swimwear at weekend. Guy piped up bet you look awesome in a bikini. Then she complains about it. She was one bought up the swimwear topic.
    Guy who made boobserved comment is usually quiet type which was probably why it was so unexpected.
    No one should feel uncomfortable at work period. If they felt uncomfortable they have a right to complain. This is why work conversations should stay work related. *shrug*

    Edit to fix quotes.

    Disagree with last part, that's sounds boring. People should just behave appropriately at work and all will be fine

    "Behaving appropriately" is why people get into sexual harassment lawsuits and have no idea WTF happened. But keep on. *shrug* I would rather a "boring" workplace than to feel uncomfortable at work about my body.

    They know exactly what happened they take it too far. Most of us have code of conduct at work
    I keep my hands to myself and don't play dangerous games and I expect others to behave the same. Simple
    You can still have fun at work and respect each other.

    Yeah and I don't think talking about a co-workers boobs follows that "code of conduct". *shrug* But what do I know?

    No one should be talking about body parts at work. Simple
    Are you saying no general chit chat at all or no taking about people parts and talk where it gets personal. If the latter we are on the same page.

  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    What is wrong with complaining about inappropriate sexual comments at work? :huh:
    Nothing at all but I work in engineering. We have a couple of delicate girls that run off complaining about the most trivial of things. Eg one was bragging about her forthcoming holiday and how she was buying new swimwear at weekend. Guy piped up bet you look awesome in a bikini. Then she complains about it. She was one bought up the swimwear topic.
    Guy who made boobserved comment is usually quiet type which was probably why it was so unexpected.
    No one should feel uncomfortable at work period. If they felt uncomfortable they have a right to complain. This is why work conversations should stay work related. *shrug*

    Edit to fix quotes.

    Disagree with last part, that's sounds boring. People should just behave appropriately at work and all will be fine

    "Behaving appropriately" is why people get into sexual harassment lawsuits and have no idea WTF happened. But keep on. *shrug* I would rather a "boring" workplace than to feel uncomfortable at work about my body.

    They know exactly what happened they take it too far. Most of us have code of conduct at work
    I keep my hands to myself and don't play dangerous games and I expect others to behave the same. Simple
    You can still have fun at work and respect each other.

    Yeah and I don't think talking about a co-workers boobs follows that "code of conduct". *shrug* But what do I know?

    No one should be talking about body parts at work. Simple
    Are you saying no general chit chat at all or no taking about people parts and talk where it gets personal. If the latter we are on the same page.

    Then we are definitely on the same page... I am referring to this thread and how some people perceive talking about body parts and such as general conversation one should have at work. I personally keep work at work and talk mostly about work, keeps the conversation from even swaying in that direction.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    What is wrong with complaining about inappropriate sexual comments at work? :huh:
    Nothing at all but I work in engineering. We have a couple of delicate girls that run off complaining about the most trivial of things. Eg one was bragging about her forthcoming holiday and how she was buying new swimwear at weekend. Guy piped up bet you look awesome in a bikini. Then she complains about it. She was one bought up the swimwear topic.
    Guy who made boobserved comment is usually quiet type which was probably why it was so unexpected.
    No one should feel uncomfortable at work period. If they felt uncomfortable they have a right to complain. This is why work conversations should stay work related. *shrug*

    Edit to fix quotes.

    Disagree with last part, that's sounds boring. People should just behave appropriately at work and all will be fine

    "Behaving appropriately" is why people get into sexual harassment lawsuits and have no idea WTF happened. But keep on. *shrug* I would rather a "boring" workplace than to feel uncomfortable at work about my body.

    They know exactly what happened they take it too far. Most of us have code of conduct at work
    I keep my hands to myself and don't play dangerous games and I expect others to behave the same. Simple
    You can still have fun at work and respect each other.

    Yeah and I don't think talking about a co-workers boobs follows that "code of conduct". *shrug* But what do I know?

    No one should be talking about body parts at work. Simple
    Are you saying no general chit chat at all or no taking about people parts and talk where it gets personal. If the latter we are on the same page.

    Then we are definitely on the same page... I am referring to this thread and how some people perceive talking about body parts and such as general conversation one should have at work. I personally keep work at work and talk mostly about work, keeps the conversation from even swaying in that direction.

    Oh gosh that's not general conversation for me I stay right away from that.
    More like conversations re films, TV, holidays,
    Some colleagues go over last night football or cricket
  • roamingtiger
    roamingtiger Posts: 747 Member
    People that check my ID don't believe it is me. Maybe it's time for a new one. I've gotten a comment about my collarbone
  • GreyKnight120
    GreyKnight120 Posts: 60 Member
    I've had a couple folks who said they wanted to say something, but were concerned that I had some sort of negative medical condition that was causing the weight loss - which I guess I can understand. I'm not the type of person that would comment on someone else's physique or figure, for exactly the same reason. I should amend that this was admitted (by both individuals) after someone else in my circle had remarked about my efforts, etc - "Oh, I noticed you were much thinner, but thought you might have been sick or something and didn't want to offend you."
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    Got a guy at work state my boobs looked more like oranges than melons. Was so gobsmake he could come out with such a statement ( luckily knew him well enough not to go running up to human resources moaning about it as some of the girls here would). Still not sure if it was a compliment of my before or after figure though.

    What is wrong with complaining about inappropriate sexual comments at work? :huh:

    How do you make that emoji?
  • Intentional_Me
    Intentional_Me Posts: 336 Member
    edited September 2016
    A few weird comments. My best friend and I were talking about my journey (we are both still very plus sized) and when I told her my current weight she kind of gasped and said "You weigh less than me now! Doesn't that make you feel good?"

    Well, not particularly since it's not a competition and you're taller than me. Lol

    Was telling MIL about a few tests I had to get at the doctor and that my doctor said the results were normal with weight loss and she replied "well I guess I'll never have to worry about that then" and looked away. I don't plan on telling her anything else because she's had reactions like this a few times when the subject is brought up and frequently sends home baked goods while telling me she's not trying to be mean :|
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    I used to be very self concious and hated even good compliments. Now if someone gives me a good or even a weird compliment I just say, "thank you for noticing". If they meant it in a derogatory way they shut up. If they meant it in a good way, then they are pleased.
  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    my husband asked me where I was going.
    i was like what are you talking about (as i stood in the kitchen in my pj bottoms and a vest top)

    he was like "where are you going babe? you are vanishing in to thin air"
  • chmckernan
    chmckernan Posts: 9 Member
    A few weird comments. My best friend and I were talking about my journey (we are both still very plus sized) and when I told her my current weight she kind of gasped and said "You weigh less than me now! Doesn't that make you feel good?"

    Well, not particularly since it's not a competition and you're taller than me. Lol :|

    Maybe your friend was just happy for you. I said something similar to the coworker who inspired me. I said something about her passing me on weight soon (downward). I said it because she's doing (and looking) fantastic, and it just inspires me more. I'm enjoying watching her get smaller. I'm truly happy for her because I know how much it bothered her before.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    chmckernan wrote: »
    A few weird comments. My best friend and I were talking about my journey (we are both still very plus sized) and when I told her my current weight she kind of gasped and said "You weigh less than me now! Doesn't that make you feel good?"

    Well, not particularly since it's not a competition and you're taller than me. Lol :|

    Maybe your friend was just happy for you. I said something similar to the coworker who inspired me. I said something about her passing me on weight soon (downward). I said it because she's doing (and looking) fantastic, and it just inspires me more. I'm enjoying watching her get smaller. I'm truly happy for her because I know how much it bothered her before.

    I think the majority of people do mean well.