3kg (7lbs) loss in July!



  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    How does raising calories help you lose more weight? I've been eating 1200 most days this week and still managed to gain weight. Do you think raising my calorie intake help me lose weight this week?

    For some people (myself included!), eating too few calories causes us to GAIN weight, not lose. For years I've been under-eating and that's why I gained all my weight in the first place. I'd often eat less than 1200 calories a day, so my body was holding onto everything I put in it because it was starving. So when I got on MFP I learned that I was eating too little, and really started to lose when I went up to 1310. I wasn't losing much on 1200 calories. Everybody's body is different. If you're gaining with 1200 cals per day, try upping them! :smile:
  • shiransom
    shiransom Posts: 83 Member
    How does raising calories help you lose more weight? I've been eating 1200 most days this week and still managed to gain weight. Do you think raising my calorie intake help me lose weight this week?

    For some people (myself included!), eating too few calories causes us to GAIN weight, not lose. For years I've been under-eating and that's why I gained all my weight in the first place. I'd often eat less than 1200 calories a day, so my body was holding onto everything I put in it because it was starving. So when I got on MFP I learned that I was eating too little, and really started to lose when I went up to 1310. I wasn't losing much on 1200 calories. Everybody's body is different. If you're gaining with 1200 cals per day, try upping them! :smile:

    Exactly what she said :) Some people burn through their calories much faster, so when you don't take in enough, your body goes into starvation mode and holds onto everything.
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    How does raising calories help you lose more weight? I've been eating 1200 most days this week and still managed to gain weight. Do you think raising my calorie intake help me lose weight this week?

    For some people (myself included!), eating too few calories causes us to GAIN weight, not lose. For years I've been under-eating and that's why I gained all my weight in the first place. I'd often eat less than 1200 calories a day, so my body was holding onto everything I put in it because it was starving. So when I got on MFP I learned that I was eating too little, and really started to lose when I went up to 1310. I wasn't losing much on 1200 calories. Everybody's body is different. If you're gaining with 1200 cals per day, try upping them! :smile:

    Exactly what she said :) Some people burn through their calories much faster, so when you don't take in enough, your body goes into starvation mode and holds onto everything.

    Thanks! I've upped my calories to 1300 a day. hopefully I'll see some better results next week
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    My mum and dad moved house today so was going non stop from 9-5! Didnt have a clue what to put it down as so i just guessed...I am so bloody knackered lol early night for me tonight!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I'm so happy! Lost my 1st pound in July! I am now 149 (67.7kg), down from 150 lbs (68.2kg). It makes me sooo happy to be out of the 150's! Especially since I'm leaving for vacation on Monday.

    Just 2.7kg (6 pounds) to go this month! We can all do this ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • amysambora
    amysambora Posts: 219
    Hi girls! I'm a little late but I was wondering if I could join this group? I would LOVE to lose 3kg in July, that would put me pretty much at my goal weight! I've been maintaining at about 61kg for months, after starting out at 70kg last year - now I'm really ready to kick things into high gear and get these last few kilos off! Even if I don't make the full 3kg I would at least like to break out of the 60s and into the 50s.

    I work an active part time job (on my feet 3-4 hours a day) and usually workout for 30mins - 1hr on top of that. I try and take a brisk walk for at least 30 mins each day and I've just started the 30 Day Shred. For the past few months I haven't really worried about my calories too much as I've recently been diagnosed with fructose malabsorption and it's taken me a while to get my head around what I can and can't eat. My calories are usually around 1500-1700 per day but I'm thinking for the next couple of weeks I'm going to drop them to around 1300 just to kickstart my loss, and I'll see how I go from there.

    Congrats on all the great work so far girls!
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    OK, so I went for my normal dog walk last night but I made myself jog some of it...aching butt muscles now put I guess I should look upon the saying "no pain, no gain" with some fondness right now. I'm 1.2 lb down since Tuesday which I guess is about 0.5 kg - hopefully I'm moving off this plateau :-D

    Hope everyone has a good weekend - take care of yourselves!!

    Laura x

    congrats Laura that is a GREAT loss!!!! welldone!!!
    and well done for getting out there and having abit of jog!!!
    good on you.

    IM SOOOO PROUD of you all giving it ago!
    even if you have never ran or hate it just by giving it ago means alot and helps like you wouldnt believe!!!!
    welldone everyone!!!
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    I've raised my calorie intake from 1200/day to 1600/day (I was not losing any weight at 1200) and started 30ds. I'm on day 4 and I've lost 0.5 lb (0.23 kg).

    GOOD ON YOU!!! thats great!!!
    yep dont be afraid to eat abit more especially if your working out!!!
    and 30day shred is a great cardio workout and really boosts your loss. well done on your loss this week :)
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Gained 1.2kg this week! :( I'm now 61.2kg so don't think I will reach my goal of 57 by the end of the month. I'm not going to let this put me off though. My new aim is 59kg by the end of the month.

    welldone on re assesing your goals instead of giving up....
    was it a big weekend or did something happen for a binge to occur??
    we are all here to motivate and help so vent if its helps :)
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    I'm so happy! Lost my 1st pound in July! I am now 149 (67.7kg), down from 150 lbs (68.2kg). It makes me sooo happy to be out of the 150's! Especially since I'm leaving for vacation on Monday.

    Just 2.7kg (6 pounds) to go this month! We can all do this ladies! :flowerforyou:

    YAYYYYYY aimee!!!!!
    welldone hunn!!!!!!!
    you are doing sooo good! keep it up!
    glad you got out of your platuea problem hopefully the upping the calories abit helped out!!!
    enjoy your holidya!!!!
    \jealous!!!! :laugh:
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Hi girls! I'm a little late but I was wondering if I could join this group? I would LOVE to lose 3kg in July, that would put me pretty much at my goal weight! I've been maintaining at about 61kg for months, after starting out at 70kg last year - now I'm really ready to kick things into high gear and get these last few kilos off! Even if I don't make the full 3kg I would at least like to break out of the 60s and into the 50s.

    I work an active part time job (on my feet 3-4 hours a day) and usually workout for 30mins - 1hr on top of that. I try and take a brisk walk for at least 30 mins each day and I've just started the 30 Day Shred. For the past few months I haven't really worried about my calories too much as I've recently been diagnosed with fructose malabsorption and it's taken me a while to get my head around what I can and can't eat. My calories are usually around 1500-1700 per day but I'm thinking for the next couple of weeks I'm going to drop them to around 1300 just to kickstart my loss, and I'll see how I go from there.

    Congrats on all the great work so far girls!

    hey amy (i assumed) :)
    of course you can join!!! we are abit into the month but feel free to give it your all!!!!
    breaking out of 60s into 50s sounds like the best goal yet!!!!
    not 3kg but it doesnt matter it will give you the motivation to see 50 something.
    are you doing thr smae as me, walk and 30day hred its a great boost ontop of your already activy day which is great!!!!!

    goodluck for the next few weeks experiment and see wat works for you and gets you into those 50s!
  • amysambora
    amysambora Posts: 219
    Thanks! This thread is really motivational! I've done really well today - still getting over a cold but I got a 45min workout DVD done (Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds) and have stayed within my cals. Feeling good!
  • annied16
    annied16 Posts: 25
    I know it's a bit late but can I join? I had a really good weight loss with mfp at the beginning of the year then went off it and put it all back on but now I'm back and ready to do it properly this time! I'm currently 89kg and want to be 86kg by next month :) it's going to be hard to keep exercising with this serious coldness so it will really help to be in a group and have a challenge to be held accountable to!
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    welcome annied!
    of course you can join, altthough you need to work HARD if you want to get those 3kg off before the end of the month!!!!


    GET MOVING!!!!!!
    if your diet is pretty good, make it better!!!!
    cut out those' but its only a small bit of cake' or 'just 5 squares of chocolate wont hurt'
    cut them out!!!!

    just for 19days and see how you feel, see how ou act, see how things change!
    another thing that we must ALL step up is exercise!!! i know its cold and early, trust me your reading it from a girl who sleeps til 2pm and is the laziest person EVER!
    hahaha so get those butts out of bed put on a jumper if your cold and get moving, tyou wont be cold for long!

    reporting in:
    ive lost 1.5kg so far half way, and ive been doing 30min walk in the mornings and now have added on my 30day shred for an extra 30min in the mornings, so about 60mins of exercise totalling 500calories! and its all before i go to work, knowing that anytyhing i do exercise wise after i get home is a bonus!!!
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    I have no idea how I gained so much last week. I did have a few days where I didn't eat that well but I wouldn't have thought it would be enough to gain especially not that much!

    Congrats on the 1.5kg loss Bree! only a third of the way through the month and you're half way there. That's fantastic! You've really motivated me to get my butt moving. Since my last weigh in I havn't done any exercise. I'm going to start the 30DS tomorrow and go to the gym before class.
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    I have no idea how I gained so much last week. I did have a few days where I didn't eat that well but I wouldn't have thought it would be enough to gain especially not that much!

    Congrats on the 1.5kg loss Bree! only a third of the way through the month and you're half way there. That's fantastic! You've really motivated me to get my butt moving. Since my last weigh in I havn't done any exercise. I'm going to start the 30DS tomorrow and go to the gym before class.

    thats awesome!!! get moving sweets and you'll notice a difference especially if you do have those bad eating days!
    no reason why you cant just make sure you counteract it with exercise and hard cardio exercise not a stroll around the block! :)
    everyone of us can do this is just comes down to how badly do we really want it???

    can i ask you, how did you feel before, during and after you ate the bad foods???
  • amysambora
    amysambora Posts: 219
    You're doing so well, Bree! Definitely on track to get those 3kg off!

    I don't know WHAT the hell my body is doing. I've been exercising 30-60mins a day (walking, exercise bike, 30DS, various other fitness DVDs), eating 1200-1500 calories (all good ones too!) and today the scale was UP a whopping 1.5kg!!! I don't feel any heavier, my clothes are still fitting the same. It must be water retention from my workouts, but it's so damn annoying!
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    I havent got the exact amount but have lost around about the 1kg mark!
    it was a bit more than 1kg yesterday and then jumped up around a lb today so gone back to near the 1kg mark - d'oh!
    Dunno why, been veeery good this weekend and done lots of walking and 30DS!!
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Did u guys measure aswell?..when i do the shred i lose HEAPS of inches and next to nothing in weight...I havent weighed myself yet, ill do it at the end but i can feel so much difference already...fingers crossed some of it shows on the scales atleast
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    Started the 30DS today and spent an hour and a half at the gym. Exactly what I needed to regain my motivation. Forgot how great I feel after a good workout!

    Kaylah- Congrats on losing inches! Personally I would rather use inches than weight shows you're on your way to that fit, tined body :). I measured myself this morning before starting 30DS.

    Bree- I was at home last week for the uni break so was eating out quite a bit catching up with friends and couldn't resist mums baking. I didn't feel guilty about eating bad food or anything at the time because i thought I had done enough exercise to counteract and had the 'ah well I'm on holiday' attitude. I'm going to be very careful with my calories from now on though.