(POST 3) BATTLE OF THE BULGE - Summer Slimdown Challenge!!



  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    I never knew I could lose 42 pounds and keep it off.
    I never knew I could fit into a size 12 and look good.
    I never knew I could be happy.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    I do "hill repeats". I will pick a steep hill and run up it (and leave a water bottle at the top). I recover for a minute or so then run down the hill. I repeat as many times as I can until I can't run up anymore!! I got confirmation that it was working today. I did a course with some rough hills, a course that I had done in April. In April I had to stop mid-hill a few times just to make it up them (one hill is actually called "Big *kitten* Hill" and another one is "Son of Big *kitten* Hill")!! I powered up every single hill (running some) without having to stop once!! :drinker:

    Awesome job Gale!!!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    1. I never knew I could stick with the daily logging and exercise for so long - only day I missed since Jan. 19 was one day on vacation in Feb.!
    2. I never knew I could workout for as long as I do now.
    3. I never knew I could inspire others - still a shocker when I hear that from someone!!

    Have a great week all! Just had a fantastic anniversary lunch at Red Lobster - then came home, logged it in, and about fell over from the amount of sodium!! Didn't do bad on calories though.
  • journey2size10
    Lovely topic! :flowerforyou:

    I never knew I could inspire others to make healthy changes.
    I never knew I would enjoy eating clean foods
    I never knew I had the strength to keep going on this journey even when times get rough!
  • trapitt
    trapitt Posts: 93 Member
    I never knew...
    I could stay motivated for more than 2 months.
    I could feed off the support of people I have never met.
    I could balance kids, work and a healthy lifestyle.
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    1. I never knew I could stay motivated for this long (losing weight was my New Year's Resolution).
    2. I never knew turkey burgers and bacon tasted exactly like regular burgers.
    3. I never knew I would enjoy a protein shake.
    4. I never knew I would actually miss working out on those days when I can't squeeze it in.
    5. I never knew I'd inspire anyone, especially one of my fellow Vet Tech students I go to school with.

    This past week I only went over on my calories one day :)
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    I never knew that I would consider losing weight "a journey" & enjoy it.
    I never knew I could log my food & exercise & look forward to doing so.
    I never knew I would look forward to working out again.
    I never knew I would get addicted to MFP, but, it's a good thing.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Cool I want to join. I will read the rules tomorrow when I'm on the computer-- I am doing my own daily challenges right now with the book the beck diet solution. I think your challenges will only help on that path!!
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    WEEK 9 CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK: Last week before the second big weigh-in. :noway: AHHHHHHHH! Triple threat every day:
    (1.)Fill your MFP cups, (2.)stay under calories, and (3) do at least 30 minutes of activity DAILY!!!


    MONDAY JULY 12TH - DAY 56 - “When You Wish Upon A Star!”

    Today's challenge brought to us by: Ping_A1C2U (and he get's a gold star for doing 2 posts! Thanks for doing an extra one as today's challenger didn't submit a post):drinker:

    When we were kids, we likely earned gold stars for a job well done. Just because we’re grown up now doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate our small successes. Too often we focus on the ways that we’ve messed up or missed the mark, instead of being proud of the things we did well on. Make smart choices in your activity and eating today, and if give yourself a gold star if you do. Maybe a couple gold stars!

    When You Wish Upon A Star - http://youtu.be/7sORP5C1PoQ
    You’re the Best Around – Joe Esposito http://youtu.be/iBktYJsJq-E
    I’m Awesome – Spose http://youtu.be/KgxT5a0Vmeo

    :huh: What did you do today that should get a gold star?

    STAY MOTIVATED: VISIT OUR WEBSITE - www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge

    *WEEK 9 POSTers:
    Mon July 11 soshotout
    Tues July 12 art4fun69
    Wed July 13 Hannahrenee86
    Thurs July 14 prtykekedd
    Fri July 15 beautylovetruth
    Sat July 16 mistyrider
    Sun July 17 letsgetserious
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    morning, totally did not weigh in the morning so will have to do it tomorrow. I seem to be off a day ????

    I checked the list of challenge posters - it is through 7/17, right? I'm guessing you will update with the next group of people.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • summer_of_69
    summer_of_69 Posts: 28 Member
    I like that - I have a good steep hill by my house and I'm going to take on doing that once a week in the morning before going to work. Thanks for that tip!
    I do "hill repeats". I will pick a steep hill and run up it (and leave a water bottle at the top). I recover for a minute or so then run down the hill. I repeat as many times as I can until I can't run up anymore!! I got confirmation that it was working today. I did a course with some rough hills, a course that I had done in April. In April I had to stop mid-hill a few times just to make it up them (one hill is actually called "Big *kitten* Hill" and another one is "Son of Big *kitten* Hill")!! I powered up every single hill (running some) without having to stop once!! :drinker:
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    So I've got some catching up to do since Im running around all weekend and not at a computer to check the thread. Thanks to the posters yall did an amazing job and thanks for your constant inspiration!!!!

    Saturday-Was not as active as I would have liked to have been (ok i wasn't active at all) BUT I did get focused and stay under my calories so I am proud of that!

    I never knew I could make the changes I have made and stick with them and make it feel so easy!
    I never knew I could be excited about going to the gym and miss it when I dont get to go
    I never knew I could feel and look so good after only losing 20 lbs it has made such a big difference already!

    Monday-Well I am back on track after my disastrous week last week and am gonna try my hardest to keep it up and complete all the daily challenges and really make this next weeks weigh in a great one! I am exhausted today after literally not being able to sleep all night so getting the 30 mins of activity in today is going to be rough but I am gonna do it!!! Gonna earn those gold stars!!!!

    Thanks Chris for both posts they were great and you are doing such a great job and inspiring myself along with many others!!!!

    Happy Monday everybody here's to another wonderful week!!!! xoxo
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    My gold stars: Actually logging all my food--being able to scan on the iphone app is amazing!! Getting in 30 minutes of exercise, I took advantage of my kids wanting to play at friends houses and walked them to and from. 30 minutes Done!
  • SLIM195
    SLIM195 Posts: 133 Member
    Hello: BOB's

    Congratulations to everyone for sticking to your goals for a healthy lifestyle. For today's challenge I didn't meet the goal for exercise because today is my Rest day. I will do extra tomorrow to make-up; however, I give myself a Gold star for eating lunch today at "Chiplote" and staying under my goal for todays diary.:happy:

    BATTLE OF THE BULGE -- Summer Slimdown Challenge

    SW - May 16, 255.6

    Week 6 - Jun 27, GW: 244 Actual: 250.8 Didn't make my goal. I have to get back in the mix.
    Week 7 - July 04, GW: 245 Actual: 250.0
    Week 8 - July 11, GW: 245 Actual: 246.6 Starting to move in the right direction.
    Week 9 - July 18, GW: 245 Actual:
    Week 10-July 25, GW: 245 Actual:
  • ksutte
    ksutte Posts: 76 Member
    My Gold stars for today would be for doing w2d1 of my c25k and staying under my calories for the day. :smile:
  • Duchess54
    Duchess54 Posts: 1
    how do i join
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    My gold star comes from logging all my food and water

  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    TUESDAY JULY 12TH - DAY 57 - "Take it Outside!"

    WEEK 9 CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK: Last week before the second big weigh-in. AHHHHHHHH! Triple threat every day:
    (1.)Fill your MFP cups, (2.)stay under calories, and (3) do at least 30 minutes of activity DAILY!!!

    Today's challenge brought to us by: art4fun69:drinker:

    As the challenge is to get up and get outside, make sure to remember any exercise is better than no exercise—wash the car, weed the garden or take a walk. Many of us can come up with reasons to work out or not to work out. It is good to remember that our health is dependent on our choices (good or bad) and in the words of Bill Phillips (Body for Life) -- No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change. So let’s keep going BOBers - we have the power to make a difference not only in our own lives, but those that look to us for inspiration!!!

    1. Im Gonna Be, The Proclaimers

    2. Start Me Up, The Rolling Stones

    3. Get Up, Global Deejays featuring Technotronic

    4. Car Wash, Version from Shark Tale with Christina Aquilera and Missy Elliot

    Since I am going to be on a long road trip, please share your successes when vacationing—especially when staying with family who don’t always have the same ideas when it comes to fitness and eating. Last year I managed to squeak by with a 1 pound gain and just went off on my own to exercise, hopefully this year I will be able to do the same – without the 1 pound gain.

    **FUN STUFF**
    While I was looking for music I came across this you tube video I hadn’t seen in awhile and since so many BOBers do some kind of dance for exercise thought I would post this link (which is an oldy but goody) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMH0bHeiRNg wonder how many calories he burned in this 6 minutes.

    STAY MOTIVATED: VISIT OUR WEBSITE - www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge *newly updated*

    *WEEK 9 POSTers:
    Mon July 11 soshotout
    Tues July 12 art4fun69
    Wed July 13 Hannahrenee86
    Thurs July 14 prtykekedd
    Fri July 15 beautylovetruth
    Sat July 16 mistyrider
    Sun July 17 letsgetserious
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i never knew i could do an hour on the elliptical until i pushed myself.
    i never knew i would be able to lose over 20 lbs by myself w/o the help of diet pills (which ive done in the past.)
    i never knew i could have the confidence i do or be as proud of myself as i am
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    7/11/11 Weigh in: 129 lbs. (lost .08 since 7/5/11)

    GW: 115

    Had two bad eating days but I've stuck with the exercise:smile: