What is your height and goal weight?



  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I'm 5"8 and goal weight is 143lbs, currently 148-150lbs. I got down to my GW last year, and admittedly it took all of my strength and will power to stay there. Staying at the weight i am now is pretty effortless, so if i get back down to 143, good, and if i don't I'm fine with that too.
  • KyleGrace8
    KyleGrace8 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I'm 5'3 and my goal is 135-125. I've never actually reached 125lbs but I felt confident at 135. Biggest was 190 and I've been back and forth. This year and a half I've been at a steady healthy weight but I just have vanity lbs to lose now and that's what made me start this app bc I've learned how to eat healthy already I just needed to know exactly where I was going wrong for the home stretch!
  • johnneedhamSr
    johnneedhamSr Posts: 223 Member
    6'5' 230lbs.... AND TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    SeanNJ wrote: »
    I'm 6'1", 191 lbs. My goal height is 6'4".

    ... have you seen Kinky Boots? ;)
  • StarVixen92
    StarVixen92 Posts: 32 Member
    5' 9" 165lbs
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    5'9" here 60 y.o. Grandma here. I'm hovering between 144 and a high of 148 if I carb load.

    I'm down over 60 pounds since July30, 2015. I wanted to get to 140 just for round numbers but I get stalled at 141 and change..... It's unsustainable for me. I've been struggling to stay down there since mid April. I'm coming to the realization that 148 will have to be my upper limit and anything below that is a bonus.

    At that weight, I'm pretty happy with how I look in my clothes and can wear just about anything comfortably. I'm in a size small top and either 6 or 8 pants, depending on the style.

    If I try to get lower, I'm hungry, cranky and lack energy. It's not worth the misery for myself or my husband. ;)

  • ALG775
    ALG775 Posts: 247 Member
    Starting weight 245
    Current weight 195
    Goal weight 190. I might drop to 185 but I'm pretty happy with how I look now - and all my clothes fit me!
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    edited September 2016
    I'm 36 years old, 5'7", highest non pregnant weight was 216, currently 144. My goal range is 138-145 (middle of "normal" per bmi). Right now I'm working on regaining some of the strength and muscle I've lost over the years, so I expect to gain a bit, then I'll cut again. Honestly I'm not so much worried about the number on the scale; I've been within my goal range for some time now... I look good in clothes, now I'm shooting for looking good nekkid :D
  • teddybar3
    teddybar3 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 5'7 I want to get down to 180lbs, that being said I generally have a lot of muscle mass and intend to gain more to replace the fat. So at 180lbs I will be a size 4-6.
  • Janetescalante
    Janetescalante Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'6" and weighing 239 my highest was 273. Right now I think my goal weight will be around 165 as I have a lot of muscle on me :)
  • Kelbelb75
    Kelbelb75 Posts: 90 Member
    143lbs - 5'5"
    Currently 154 :)
  • jayeless
    jayeless Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 148cm tall (4'10"). I started out at about 56-57kg (123-126lbs; the reason for the inexactness is that I didn't own a scale then, haha), and have got down to 53kg (117lbs) so far. The "goal weight" I've set in my profile is 45kg (99lbs), which would make a BMI of 20, but I'd be pretty happy to stabilise a bit higher so long as I can fit my thighs into (Aus) size 8 pants :wink:
  • duddysdad
    duddysdad Posts: 403 Member
    edited September 2016
    I am 6'5" with a goal weight of 170. I've made it to 179, but my binge eating disorder kicked in and I gained back 50 pounds to 230. I am now down to 217, so I will get there this time since I am on medication to control the binges. I was about 185 in my profile picture.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    5'2", current 119. Goal is 110-115. So close!
  • LynnBBQ72
    LynnBBQ72 Posts: 151 Member
    5'5.5" Heaviest weight ever was around 245 in 2014. Starting weight on MFP was 222 on July 25 2016. Current weight 210. First goal is 180, which was my weight about 10 years ago and I felt great. Once I get to 180 I will evaluate where I am size-wise and muscle-wise. My ultimate goal would probably be 150. It sounds heavy for my height but I have a LOT of muscle at 44 years old that I did not have at 18 years old and 125 lbs. If I got to 125 with my current muscle mass, Sally Struthers would probably feel compelled to start some kind of charity campaign for me!
  • jahillegas_51
    jahillegas_51 Posts: 143 Member
    duddysdad wrote: »
    I am 6'5" with a goal weight of 170. I've made it to 179, but my binge eating disorder kicked in and I gained back 50 pounds to 230. I am now down to 217, so I will get there this time since I am on medication to control the binges. I was about 185 in my profile picture.

    Can I help you with the binge eating in any fashion? Answer questions or offer support?
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    edited September 2016
    I'm 5'10" and my goal weight is whatever it is when Dunlap's Disease is cured.
  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    I'm 6'0" and my ultimate goal weight is 188, though right now I'm setting smaller goals which should be easier to follow [currently aiming for 250 pounds].
  • nylm2016
    nylm2016 Posts: 5 Member
    5'5 here and my goal weight range is 118-125. Right now I'm sitting at 138 and I started at 155 five months ago!
  • peacelovestone
    peacelovestone Posts: 20 Member
    I'm 5'7.5" and my goal weight is 135-140. But I'm trying to focus more on the mirror because I've built a lot of muscle and look vastly different than I did when I started my journey. Before I had kids, I was 127, which was the very bottom of healthy weight range. For me that seems unachievable and unrealistic to maintain. Also, I had no muscle mass then. I have about the same percentage of body fat now as I did then, with 14 more lbs of muscle on my frame now than I did before kids. I don't want to lose that muscle either. So I'll mostly go by the mirror although it would be nice to lose 15-20 more lbs (currently sitting at 157).