Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • SideshowTam
    SideshowTam Posts: 75 Member
    Please add me :) I've tried to push my self, but without other people to keep me honest its just too easy to slack off!
  • pakita19
    pakita19 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey everyone, I am from Northern Ontario, and shiftworker in Ambulance field. Started MFP about 10 days ago... And have lost 5lbs.. and got another 50 lbs to go. lol Looking for new friends on here and or fitbit.. I am mother of two young children. Full time work, and hoping to meet some more peeps from Ontario who may be struggling like I am to work hard and eat better.
  • sassyfeather
    sassyfeather Posts: 16 Member
    The more the merrier! Add me.
  • mgbcan2
    mgbcan2 Posts: 10 Member
    Starting over again. I could use some great support. Feel free to add me.
  • bladecutter_ph
    bladecutter_ph Posts: 2 Member
    Im from Philippines and I'm on my 1st week tracking my food intake thru this app. I just want to maintain my weight, but wants to add more muscle mass. Anyone in Metro Manila,. Philippines, hit me up.
  • JellyBellyAmy
    JellyBellyAmy Posts: 2 Member
    Add me! I also use my fitbit and do daily challenges :smiley:
  • gb1623
    gb1623 Posts: 13 Member
    Looking for friends please add me
  • LadyRyder610
    LadyRyder610 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Jai and I will be 39 on Oct 1st. I am the mother of three and I have been on and off the weight loss, healthy living wagon for the longest. I have somehow managed to gain a not so healthy 30 pounds in a year and a half and I am not happy with myself. I now need to lose anywhere from 30-40 pounds. I work fulltime, have a family to take care of, I am a graduate student who is also taking certificate programs through another educational institution and I am worn out. I reside in South Jersey and would love to make some new friends close by to work out with, talk to and share support with.

    Feel free to add me and good luck to all of you. I know you can do it!
  • jamescurrie75
    jamescurrie75 Posts: 14 Member
    just started again, lost 3lbs this week so far, follow my rides on
  • metre30
    metre30 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm looking for more active friends! Feel free to add me :smiley:
  • schtump
    schtump Posts: 71 Member
    I've been on and off this site so many times. Time to buckle back down and make myself responsible for my habits. I know it works because I lost 140 pounds a few years ago and about half has crept back. If you wanna add me, we can motivate one another.
  • coffeeebeanzzz
    coffeeebeanzzz Posts: 17 Member
    Y'all should all add me & follow my website ;)
  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    @coffeeebeanzzz I am confused; you 234 friends on your list already. Why do you need more?
  • fmanestar
    fmanestar Posts: 1 Member
    Yes please i need more motivation
  • Raptor2763
    Raptor2763 Posts: 387 Member
    The more friends...the merrier. Count me in.
  • MenssiCropores
    MenssiCropores Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, how are you? I'm fine; Hope that same in you and the rest here. I'm open to any type of dialogue :wink: Cheers.
  • Klitt86
    Klitt86 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi all!! Please feel free to add me!! I'm new and I have about 80-100 pounds to lose. Definitely in need of friends for additional encouragement and motivation and I'll also do my best to encourage and motivate you back :)
  • BlakeRudolf31
    BlakeRudolf31 Posts: 36 Member
    Feel free to add!
  • Surfnwaves
    Surfnwaves Posts: 8 Member
    I am always looking for new friends, sign me up
  • stephenmoralee
    stephenmoralee Posts: 75 Member
    Hi would be great to get in touch with people all over the world