Post here if you want more friends!



  • arlenecooney
    arlenecooney Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me :)

    Could do with a good kick in the *kitten* lost 5lbs last week but put on one this week ....
  • arlenecooney
    arlenecooney Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add. New to this haven't got a clue xx
  • SammeeBoud
    SammeeBoud Posts: 14 Member
    Always looking for new friends. I need the motivation. !!! Feel free to add me
  • Hardstylexmen
    Hardstylexmen Posts: 187 Member
    Friends wanted.Im back after long break need some motivation
  • Evab1u3
    Evab1u3 Posts: 2 Member
    Need support buddies
  • Ipedalforpleasure
    Ipedalforpleasure Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I'm JT, cyclist, runner, part time lifter. I'm always looking for fun, supportive and enthusiastic friends who interact. It doesn't always have to revolve around diet and exercise.
  • VB244
    VB244 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes please! Looking for motivational friends - women only though please. Just friend request me!
  • apolinarshamler
    apolinarshamler Posts: 37 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me. Let's do this as a team
  • tcthept1
    tcthept1 Posts: 154 Member
    always up for some more friends, feel free to add away :)
  • queencelina
    queencelina Posts: 68 Member
    Feel free to add me !!! :)
  • xbabexfettx
    xbabexfettx Posts: 7 Member
    I'd love more friends!! Needing people that love posting tips, and wanting to help one another out. I am in the process of removing all meat from my diet. So if you're vegan/vegetarian, and have any tips for me, please feel free to add me!!!

    I want some people that like to hold one another accountable, are just now starting their fitness journey...whatever it maybe. I'm here for ya!
  • shiraashira
    shiraashira Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I would really do some friends to be accountable for. Just created this account. Want to lose weight.
  • tiffmarieg
    tiffmarieg Posts: 13 Member
    Need all the motivational people I can get in my news feed. I am stuck in a rut and need a kick in the butt!
  • _BrewingAZ_
    _BrewingAZ_ Posts: 252 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • JustKen74
    JustKen74 Posts: 150 Member
    "Add me if you want to live"
  • Superwoman_13
    Superwoman_13 Posts: 3 Member
    Everyone feel free to add me :))
    Always looking for more friends on here!
  • jadorade91
    jadorade91 Posts: 119 Member
    Feel free to add me! I love having friends to motivate and be motivated by.
  • KourageousKarina
    KourageousKarina Posts: 979 Member
    Yes please. Some active ppl that have a sense of humor and are openminded.
  • JuneyJo
    JuneyJo Posts: 182 Member
    I'm not very active on the message boards, but always game for new friends to keep me accountable. :smiley:
  • xLarn
    xLarn Posts: 1 Member
    Id like a few more friends that share their diaries :) how do i add people from here??