Frustrated...i wanna quit!



  • schmidt72
    schmidt72 Posts: 11 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    schmidt72 wrote: »
    So I'm doing 1200 to 1300 calories a day.
    Typical day:
    Breakfast-2egg whites 1 while egg with 1 cup spinach and 1 oz cheddar cheese
    Lunch- 1 cup cottage cheese/1tbs of holy crap Dragon blend cearal.
    Snacks - 2 tbs hummus veggies
    Dinner - 3/4 oz chicken breast
    3 cup spinach goat cheese. Roasted sliced almond cranberry.

    First 13 days I lost 11.5 pounds.
    I've been doing for 23 days after the first 13 I've lost nothing!!!!
    I walk about 1/2 km ever other day but do to back problems...that's about it.

    Not seeing results is very discouraging.....what am I doing wrong??

    11 pounds in 23 days is excellent. Your initial first week loss included a woosh down in water weight. But it is amazing that you have kept it off! It is really common to stall after a woosh. You will likely see only a pound or so come off a week on average now, which is still great! You'll start losing again. Keep going!

    ETA: you mean 3-4 oz chicken breast NOT 3/4 of one ounce, right?

    3-4 oz
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited September 2016
    I have to keep changing things up. Weight loss isn't always linear. Some people lose every week and others lose and stall then lose more. Try not to compare yourself to others, and work with your own body.

    Right now I do IF and eat in an 8 hour window, eat a low carb lunch, and a "normal" dinner. This works for me. I average out calories by the total week rather than day by day so I don't obsess about every daily weight fluctuation. It has taken me 5 months on MFP and experimenting to find my "happy place". Don't give up! Stay with it.

    OP you don't want to go too low in calories for the long term. Calculate your calories for losing 1 pound a week if you have under 50 pounds to lose. Or if you have under 20 pounds to lose consider recalculating for a 0.5 pound weekly loss. When you want to maintain then recalculate and eat at TDEE for the weight goal you want to stay at.

  • schmidt72
    schmidt72 Posts: 11 Member
    I have 55 pd to lose. I'm 5'7
    225 now
    I based mine in 2 pd lose a week
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    edited September 2016
    daniip_la wrote: »
    jolive7 wrote: »
    Back problems are NOT an excuse to do no exercise, get a PT/physio and work on some things that you CAN do. I don't get how people can feel ok doing no exercise, I mean you don't have to be in the gym 7 days a week like some of us but do SOMETHING every day. I see people in wheelchairs in the gym!

    I don't see how you can possibly give this advice. Do you know what's wrong with OP's back, if they've exhausted all methods to work with it? I don't know if you've ever had serious back problems, but they're not something that can be brushed off with a "just do it anyway" attitude.

    OP, I have a compromised spine (it's curved, my vertebrae are twisted, and my lower discs are compressed). I can't lift weights for long without landing myself in bed for several days. You said you're walking, keep that up when you can! The only exercise I can do right now is walk, and it has really helped me.

    I agree. Exercise isnt even necessary for weight loss. Everyone has different goals. I injured my knee 3 months ago. Were my *very* short daily walks followed by pain not good enough in the eyes of others? Geez....Cuz it sure as hell was GREAT for me! Course I kept going and am healing nicely with over 5mi/day now ... but still- this is harsh advice from one stranger to another. And walking is great!

    Anyway, OP. Have realistic expectations regarding your calories and time frame to reach your goals. *You said you want to lose 55lbs* So 1lb per week is a good goal-so thats 55 weeks.... long. term.

    If your new lifestyle is so restrictive that it becomes something tangible that you can "quit" then you are approaching it incorrectly. Slow and steady. You dont like the progress ok- you think you'd feel better "quitting"? in just eating all the things and being unhealthy? Heck no!!!
    So reevaluate as to why there is no loss- taking into account water retention, hormones, sodium, etc.
    I can almost guarantee you its going to be your intake. Digital food scale all the way.
    You dont have to starve yourself to lose weight and you wont have long term success that way.

    Make sure your logging is on point.
    Set your deficit to be 500cals/day=1lb week loss.
    In 4 weeks- see how you stack up. Reevaluate and adjust or keep effing going.

  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Weigh and track you food 100% accurately. Eat in a deficit. Medical conditions excluded, you will lose weight.

    Science and maths is always right.
  • MsSGriff
    MsSGriff Posts: 6 Member
    Your number of calories you eat depends a lot on your size. Some people on here are saying a 1200 calorie diet is not maintainable. I disagree with this broad statement. I am 5'2", and I currently need to lose 30ish lbs. I eat no more than 1200 calories a day. I have 2 eggs for breakfast (generally hard boiled) and a meat and a veggie for lunch and dinner. If I eat a fatty meat like center cut pork loin or sirloin, I will eat a fibrous green beans or broccoli. If I eat a lean meat like tilapia or chicken breast, I indulge in carby rice, pinto beans, red beans, lima beans. This weekend, I plan to do sloppy joes on a high fiber wrap with cheese and either white chicken chili or chicken fajitas on high fiber wraps. If I have a fatty meat for lunch, I will have a lean meat for dinner...and vise versa. It's all about planning.

    I always eat publix sugar free popsicles as a dessert, and I generally have one or two 100 calorie fat free pop corn for a snack. Though, I am thinking about going to air popped pop corn.

    I think you need more diversity in your diet and to stop stressing. Stress will make it harder to lose weight. You also need to drink plenty of water. I try to drink a gallon a day. I recently stopped eating frozen prepackaged lunches. I find that the home cooking is more nutritious and keeps me more satisfied.

    My biggest weakness is that we'll have a work function (luncheon). After having one off meal, I find excuses to continue indulging instead of getting back on track. I am 5'2", 30 years old, no kids, and I weigh 164.9 lbs as of this morning. Granted, that is down overall from my original heaviest weight of 173. I am desperately wanting to get back down to 130 lbs. Though, I would be happy with 130 - 140. I don't know how long it's going to take me, but I'm not giving up. Losing weight and keeping it off requires a lifestyle change. It probably took me about 5 years to get this heavy, so realistically it may take me years to get back to where I was. Maintaining a healthy weight is 80% diet and only 20% exercise. Don't fret if you don't get the exercise in, but try to. Swimming laps may be an option for exercise. It's what I like to do. Focus more on your diet. Losing weight is not easy, but it's so worth the effort.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    schmidt72 wrote: »
    I have 55 pd to lose. I'm 5'7
    225 now
    I based mine in 2 pd lose a week

    So you're achieving that. The 2lb a week will always be an average over several weeks, not week by week like clockwork. This is especially the case for women because of hormonal variations in how much water you are carrying. Once you get a handle on that it will be much easier not to get discouraged.
  • szkodzt
    szkodzt Posts: 124 Member
    I am the same weight and height as you and am currently losing 2 lbs a week (average) eating at about 1500 calories. I have a desk job and have yet to get into a regular exercise routine. My guess is that you are being too restrictive (your menu doesn't sound that fun if you are eating it every day) which is why you are leaning towards giving up. Make room for foods you used to have and like - just plan for them. This will make your new lifestyle more sustainable.
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    I was just stalled for two weeks myself. And I had stalled for two weeks before that too. It happens. Every time I'm like "ugh this sucks I just want to eat all the things" I remember that all that's going to do is make the scale go UP. Been there, done that, bought the XXL t shirt.

    You didn't gain the weight in a month, it's definitely going to take longer than that to lose it. Do your best, take care of yourself, make sure your deficit is something you can sustain, eat things you like within your calorie goal and BUY A FOOD SCALE. Makes all the difference in the world on accuracy.

    Best of luck to you.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    You really have not been at this long enough just yet. Don't quit, look at the advice given and keep it up. Nobody is perfect, and your body is going to fight you on the losses from time to time. 11.5 lbs in roughly two weeks was too much to loose in that short of time, so it was probably a lot of water weight. To loose 55 lbs you should be looking at around six months or more time, so you've just scratched the surface. As the weight comes off the back issues won't be as bad hopefully, and maybe you can increase walking distance. That's what I did (well, honestly I walked too far/too often at first and injured myself, but we won't go into that lol - I simply did not give up) and it worked. Do take a look at your macros, make sure you're getting adequate protein. Do some research on the web, it'll help you to build a little muscle which will help protect the back.
  • GothamVeggie
    GothamVeggie Posts: 87 Member
    edited September 2016
    schmidt72 wrote: »
    So my back pain is past physio, been there done that thank you!
    Last year being at the gym 4 days a week, stair master, treadmill, weight training with a certified coach, landed me in the hospital for 2 weeks. After home it was another 3 weeks till I could walk again.
    So please don't lecture me about excise. I keep myself active everyday...

    Ignore the haters. I had spine surgery & it's taking me a looonnnng time to get better. Right now, just a little bit of walking is all I can manage. If you continue to eat healthy, you will lose weight.

    (Feel free to add me if you want to motivate each other.)

  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Yoga can help with the back pain/spine injuries. Mine was for several bulging discs in my Lumbar area, one had to be surgically removed (partially) years ago. For bulging discs and the such look up "Push Up Extensions", it's a yoga stretch that will help. It saved me several times.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    schmidt72 wrote: »
    So I'm doing 1200 to 1300 calories a day.
    Typical day:
    Breakfast-2egg whites 1 while egg with 1 cup spinach and 1 oz cheddar cheese
    Lunch- 1 cup cottage cheese/1tbs of holy crap Dragon blend cearal.
    Snacks - 2 tbs hummus veggies
    Dinner - 3/4 oz chicken breast
    3 cup spinach goat cheese. Roasted sliced almond cranberry.

    First 13 days I lost 11.5 pounds.
    I've been doing for 23 days after the first 13 I've lost nothing!!!!
    I walk about 1/2 km ever other day but do to back problems...that's about it.

    Not seeing results is very discouraging.....what am I doing wrong??

    So you are upset that you haven't lost weight over the period of 12 days and that you have "only" lost 11.5 pounds over 3 weeks.

    Well what you are doing wrong in my opinion is eating that little. But that isn't what is wrong with weight loss, that is just a problem with your diet in terms of health and your abiliy to stick with it long term. In terms of weight loss you shouldn't be expecting to see consistant weight loss over periods of just a week.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    Ive lost 12lb in 5 months and am not quitting. Sometimes this is slow but you have to decide its worth it. For me I know if I quit best case I will only gain back what Ive lost so far. How does that serve me or help me reach my goals?

    As for injury I get it. I was unable to walk for 6 weeks and rehabbing for another 4 after a torn meniscus. This is part of why my loss was so slow. I found things I could do though and gradually built my strength and mobility back. I still cant do what I used to but Im getting closer.

    I have no real advice to give othef than my own experience but I really hope you keep going.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    If you quit you are only quitting on yourself. You started this journey for a reason, find it and get back on track :).

    It will be a year before I reach my goal and I'm taking this time to learn just how much food I can actually eat in a day. I'm not restrictive I just eat within my calorie goal this helps.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Holy moly... 23 days with 11.5lbs loss. That's over 3lbs per week lost, which is above the recommended 2lbs per week safe loss.

    Did it take you this long to gain the weight?

    I think you really need to change your expectations of weight loss.

    Stop using cups and spoons for solid and semi solid foods... weigh everything on a food scale that isn't a stock, beverage...