Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • KatieTee83
    KatieTee83 Posts: 196 Member
    JFT Thursday 9/29
    Motivation is lacking today, so...

    Drink 1 full water bottle during work day
    Refill and take home, drink another full bottle before bed (This is a 36oz bottle)
    Get up and take two walks during the day.
    Log what I eat.
  • jennymo
    jennymo Posts: 30 Member
    Still having trouble getting down my water
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Another bad day - I don't really know what's going on with me this week other than I'm feeling a bit demotivated in general and I think that's feeding into my motivation to keep going with this.

    I've now over eaten for four days in a row so there's absolutely no way I can lose weight this week. The main thing now is to try and be as good as possible for the rest of the week so I don't put weight ON!

    Yesterday's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - No unhealthy snacks :/
    - Don't go overboard at free lunch - max 4 sandwiches, tiny amount of crisps, no sweet things :/
    - Choose a healthy option at dinner :/
    - G&T only, one water for every gin :/
    - Have a lunch break outside/ in a quiet place :/
    - If get overwhelmed with work, close eyes ans breathe (or do other coping mechanism, if that doesn't work) :|

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No unhealthy snacks
    - Only have one drink after work
    - Then go to gym
    - End up with 500 kcal deficit - i.e. do not eat back gym calories
    - Play music to keep myself motivated
    - Do yoga at lunchtime
  • sarahrob215
    sarahrob215 Posts: 3 Member
    Today's commitments for me:
    1. Log everything (including liquid calories as I get lax over them)
    2. Walk more than 5000 steps
  • vargaskmfp
    vargaskmfp Posts: 12 Member
    vargaskmfp wrote: »
    1. Stay hydrated. :#
    2. Stay under calorie goal. :#
    3. Go for a walk. :)
    4. No added sugars. :#
    5. Autumn clean the flat, and prep for rainy weather. :s
    JFT, 30/9/2016
    1. Stay hydrated.
    2. Stay under calorie goal.
    3. Go for a walk.
    4. Buy a food scale.
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    aerochic42 wrote: »
    My impetus for recent ennui and meh attitude is gone. This is good thing. I just need to re-engage my desire and ability to care about making progress on improving my health. So on that note, let's start small & see how it goes.
    1. brush /floss before bed :)
    2. no after dinner munchies:)

    yesterday was good, so repeat and add two items on to-do list
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Drink 3 bottles of water.
    Taking a loved one for lunch (make a healthy choice).
    Log everything.
    Early to bed.
    Walk dog twice today.
    Be grateful!
  • Tonystime
    Tonystime Posts: 6 Member
    Today I want to begin over again. A little over two years ago I joined this site...joined a gym...and was making fairly good progress when some personal tragedies hit. I did not deal with them well...have gained back all the weight, and worse, lost all the muscle tone I had added. I need that focus again, that push to do this every day. Hard to start over...been trying now for a few weeks...but today I post...so that is a positive start. My new workout bench arrives (hopefully) today...have my dumbbells waiting for me. Now I just need to control my diet...and get back to it. As you get older, and I certainly qualify in that group (lol) it just seems to get harder.

    But...now is the time.

    Hope I can help others to get started, and others can help me to finish the job!
  • redperphexion
    redperphexion Posts: 193 Member
    Today, Thursday, my goals are to:
    stay within my net cals
    take the dog for a walk
    turn out my light before 10:30pm
    no alcohol at my social event tonight

    I had a beer at the meeting last night.... and I went over my net cals by 100, and the poor dog did not get a walk.

    Let's try again, shall we!?
    Today, Friday, I will:
    stay within my net cals
    take the dog for a walk
    have only 1 drink at my husband's birthday dinner
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    @OConnell5483, so sorry about the loss of your friend. That's rough to deal with so understandable other things don't seem so important.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »

    JFT, 9/29/2016

    1. Walk the dogs :)
    2. No workout today so eat within maintenance calories :)
    3. No alcohol o:)

    JFT, 9/30/2016

    1. Walk the dogs
    2. Workout: Body Beast Total Body + some type of activity or fun cardio
    3. Eat within weight-loss calories
    4. No alcohol
  • jennymo
    jennymo Posts: 30 Member
    Went over calories and sugar yesterday but did get in walking and 15 minutes workout.

    JFT 9/30
    Watch sugar numbers
    Stay in calories goal
    Line dance
    Drink more water
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    J4T, Thursday, 9/29
    1. Eat healthy :/
    2. Journal every bite :/
    3. Drink at least six 8 oz glasses of water :/
    4. Spend at least 1 hour standing at my desk today :/
    5. Think before I speak eliminating "foot in mouth" disease :D
    6. Be grateful for all the wonderful things in my life that I take for granted :)
    7. Random Act of Kindness :)

    Well, yesterday was another not-so-great day on my end. I've noticed a few others say they are lacking motivation lately, and I notice that I am too. I wonder why that is? Change of seasons? It's getting darker up in WI where I live...earlier every day. Granted, a lot of stressful things are going on lately but I can't let that throw me off track. This is about taking back my health and feeling good. Looking nice in clothing would be a great bonus too, of course B) , but I really need to take back my health and just feel good again. So....

    J4T/Friday, 9/30
    1. Make healthy choices and journal them
    2. At least six 8oz glasses of water
    3. Walk at least 30 minutes today
    4. Continue to take the high road when coworkers whisper about each other cubicles. Life is too short to not be kind to one another. (Drives me insane!)
    5. Buy a digital weight scale today
    6. Be grateful for another beautiful brand new day!

    Have a wonderful Friday, everyone!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    @Tonystime: You helped inspire me today, so that is at least one person you have touched by starting again! We can do this. I'm getting older too, and it's tough. Way tougher. But we can do this! Baby steps...

    @slittlemeister: I've overeaten almost the entire month of September, so I know how you feel! I have a long weekend in Orlando coming up next week and I'm horrified of putting on a bathing suit. UGH. You help keep me motivated though, so I know you can get on track and do this! None of us are perfect, so keep putting one foot in front of the other. :smile:

    @shrcpr Thank you. It has been a rough couple of days, and it does make things seem less important. But then I realized that my health is very important and I can't let this go, or my kids and grandkids will be mourning me. So, back up on the horse I get... I appreciate your kind words. Have a great day!

    Tracie in WI
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    J4T, Thursday, 9/29
    1. Eat healthy :/
    2. Journal every bite :/
    3. Drink at least six 8 oz glasses of water :/
    4. Spend at least 1 hour standing at my desk today :/
    5. Think before I speak eliminating "foot in mouth" disease :D
    6. Be grateful for all the wonderful things in my life that I take for granted :)
    7. Random Act of Kindness :)

    Well, yesterday was another not-so-great day on my end. I've noticed a few others say they are lacking motivation lately, and I notice that I am too. I wonder why that is? Change of seasons? It's getting darker up in WI where I live...earlier every day. Granted, a lot of stressful things are going on lately but I can't let that throw me off track. This is about taking back my health and feeling good. Looking nice in clothing would be a great bonus too, of course B) , but I really need to take back my health and just feel good again. So....

    J4T/Friday, 9/30
    1. Make healthy choices and journal them
    2. At least six 8oz glasses of water
    3. Walk at least 30 minutes today
    4. Continue to take the high road when coworkers whisper about each other cubicles. Life is too short to not be kind to one another. (Drives me insane!)
    5. Buy a digital weight scale today
    6. Be grateful for another beautiful brand new day!

    Have a wonderful Friday, everyone!

    You know where I see the happy face - is the random act of kindness. That says a lot about you - and what a wonderful thing. You are going through a lot right now, so you have to be kind to yourself. And you did have a great day - you came back - you posted, and you are enjoying life as it is. I know you can do this! We are all in this together!!!!! I also have been struggling, and all of you keep me coming back as well!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Tonystime wrote: »
    Today I want to begin over again. A little over two years ago I joined this site...joined a gym...and was making fairly good progress when some personal tragedies hit. I did not deal with them well...have gained back all the weight, and worse, lost all the muscle tone I had added. I need that focus again, that push to do this every day. Hard to start over...been trying now for a few weeks...but today I post...so that is a positive start. My new workout bench arrives (hopefully) today...have my dumbbells waiting for me. Now I just need to control my diet...and get back to it. As you get older, and I certainly qualify in that group (lol) it just seems to get harder.

    But...now is the time.

    Hope I can help others to get started, and others can help me to finish the job!

    I know you can do this - and we can all help each other along the way! I seem to have more bad days than good days lately, but I am not giving up. Think of where we can be this time next year if we stay focused! Welcome, and we can all get there!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Most of my day did not go so well - getting things ready for my BIL and SIL this weekend. I am exhausted, and that means I overeat. Not to bad today - but just too much "grazing"

    BUT ..... I did get in 8 glasses of water yesterday, and 6 so far today. Really trying to turn this into a habit.
  • cjdalla
    cjdalla Posts: 19 Member
    I woke up feeling low because we got last minute invite for tonight and I don't want to go because my clothes don't fit so here's what I'll do today instead.
    - remember that I did well in the last 3 weeks and its been tough
    - go for a run
    - keep my calories under limit
    - Go spend the night with my best friend instead of judgemental people and eat well and no alcohol
  • vargaskmfp
    vargaskmfp Posts: 12 Member
    vargaskmfp wrote: »
    JFT, 30/9/2016
    1. Stay hydrated. :)
    2. Stay under calorie goal. :#
    3. Go for a walk. :#
    4. Buy a food scale. :)
    JFT, 01/10/2016
    1. Stay hydrated.
    2. Stay under calorie goal.
    3. Go for a walk.
    4. Make something delicious to eat.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    no more junk food after gaining 3 lbs this week while sick
    no eating at night, drink water