Any other ladies out there over 50 fighting to stay strong, healthy and fit?



  • horsetrainer46
    horsetrainer46 Posts: 69 Member
    I could sure use the help and support.

    I could sure use the help and support.

    You got it Grammie1965!!!!!
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm 53 and as my screen name says, I'm looking to get my energy back. Menapause and increase stress at work has zapped me of my energy. of course my unhealthy diet has been a major part of the problem. I want to be able to keep up with my almost year old grandson and be a positive role model for him. Up to the past couple years I've felt younger than my real age. Now I feel older, my mom who is 71 has more energy than I do. Good luck all on your journey to a healthier life
  • ChrisSinc16
    ChrisSinc16 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you to "horsetrainer" and all of you to replying to this post You are a great inspiration. I'll keep in touch to help myself. HorseTrainer, you are an inspiration. Maybe change your name to "InspirTrainer" Thank you.
  • evesuccess2
    evesuccess2 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, everyone! I'm turning 50 in December, and want to enter my 50s stronger and lighter. I lost about 30 lbs on Weight Watchers 5 years ago, maintained for 3 years, and slllooowwly put about 15 lbs back on during a couple years of travel and finishing big projects. Just didn't track as carefully, and started "grazing." Tracking absolutely helps, so much. My first goal is to lose 10 and keep progressing in my workouts (combination of strength, cardio, and yoga at a fabulous gym I'm lucky to have nearby). We can do this!
  • Steff46
    Steff46 Posts: 516 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm 51 and struggle with keeping up my energy level. I've noticed after three straight days of working out I end up crashing for two days then the cycle starts over. I'm not sure if I'm menopausal yet :/. I agree with 'energyseeker' I too used to feel younger than my real age but now it seems to be creeping up on
  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    54 Here! Anyone can add if they like. I try and be a good MFP friend and help with motivation.
  • shars66
    shars66 Posts: 1 Member
    I have just turned 50 and have never been overweight but the last couple of years it has just slowly crept on. I just want my clothes to start fitting me again. I hate keep fit, but just treated myself to a pair of sketchers and am walking a couple of times a week (only in the good weather). Now whatsgetting me is that I have religiously stuck to the calories I am allowed (been adding everything I eat and drink) and the first week I lost 4lb but the next 2 weeks nothing. It is hard to keep going when Im not loosing. Sometimes I just think, what the heck, have some chips then chocolate!!!
  • rigmar60
    rigmar60 Posts: 34 Member
    can i get on board here i am 56 and started my journey end of july lost 19 lbs so far and looking to lose apprx another 50 lbs.. you are all so motivating. thanks all
  • horsetrainer46
    horsetrainer46 Posts: 69 Member
    shars66 wrote: »
    I have just turned 50 and have never been overweight but the last couple of years it has just slowly crept on. I just want my clothes to start fitting me again. I hate keep fit, but just treated myself to a pair of sketchers and am walking a couple of times a week (only in the good weather). Now whatsgetting me is that I have religiously stuck to the calories I am allowed (been adding everything I eat and drink) and the first week I lost 4lb but the next 2 weeks nothing. It is hard to keep going when Im not loosing. Sometimes I just think, what the heck, have some chips then chocolate!!!

    shars66, that happens to me too. It can be easy to get discouraged but try not to let it suck you in. You wont just keep consistently dropping pounds. Your body will pause and adjust and then resume. I make a point of measuring myself because muscle is heavier than fat, so the scale can stay the same, and sometimes even increase a bit, but your size will be shrinking. My weight loss has slowed in the past couple of weeks, but I have lost a few inches all over. Jeans that I could not pull up 2 weeks ago fit perfectly now. If I focus on the scale I would be very discouraged right now and and eating ice cream for breakfast!
  • goingtobefit2015
    goingtobefit2015 Posts: 408 Member
    I'm 50 yrs you can add me I'd love to share this journey with you. I've lost 61lbs and have changed my way of eating and exercise for LIFE!
  • horsetrainer46
    horsetrainer46 Posts: 69 Member
    rigmar1960 wrote: »
    can i get on board here i am 56 and started my journey end of july lost 19 lbs so far and looking to lose apprx another 50 lbs.. you are all so motivating. thanks all

    rigmar1960, welcome aboard! 19 lbs since July, wow! Thats awesome, good for you! We all have to motivate each other :-)
  • horsetrainer46
    horsetrainer46 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm 50 yrs you can add me I'd love to share this journey with you. I've lost 61lbs and have changed my way of eating and exercise for LIFE!

    Welcome!!! I'm so glad I started this post! So many awesome 50+ folks out there! Its great for all of us to have each others support :)
  • horsetrainer46
    horsetrainer46 Posts: 69 Member
    edited September 2016
    For the upcoming month, I'm pushing myself out of my comfort zone with workouts, tackling the workouts that are the most difficult for me (2 bad shoulder injuries=shying away from pullups!) and looking to sweat, sweat, sweat! No pain, no gain! I am crippled from leg day yesterday, but I like it! Also, I am adding this October Challenge to my regular workouts every day. Hoping some of you will do it with me! It can be modified to suit all of our different levels, and done in as many sets as needed. Who's on board? Also, here is a link to the challenge itself: 6xb7w4yu6a9t.jpeg
  • horsetrainer46
    horsetrainer46 Posts: 69 Member
    p.s. I dont really crunch so I'm using reverse crunches as a modifier on that. Push-ups can be hard so if you're new to working out, dorn't be afraid to try this challenge. You can try them leaning forward against a wall, counter or on stairs..the more the incline, the easier push-up will be. Challenge starts tomorrow! Lets rock!
  • sstrack123
    sstrack123 Posts: 171 Member
    Looking 51 in the eyes!!! Just really beginning to see those womanly changes start
  • cjsr2563
    cjsr2563 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm right there with all of you. I'm 53 and struggling with the 10 lbs I gained when I hit menopause 2 years ago. I'm a runner, I swim, and 1.5 years ago started doing Bodypump twice a week. When I tried MFP 2 years ago, I gained a few pounds.
  • cjsr2563
    cjsr2563 Posts: 5 Member
    Not sure what happened to the rest of my last post, but I'm in for support and accountability. No more eating my body weight in tortilla chips after a tough day at work. Time for change!
  • horsetrainer46
    horsetrainer46 Posts: 69 Member
    cjsr2563 wrote: »
    Not sure what happened to the rest of my last post, but I'm in for support and accountability. No more eating my body weight in tortilla chips after a tough day at work. Time for change!

    Welcome cjsr2563! I think you will get lots of support here!
  • horsetrainer46
    horsetrainer46 Posts: 69 Member
    Day 1 of October squat- push up- plank- crunch challege DONE!
    30 days to go! I substituted reverse crunches for standard crunches.
    50 squats
    10 push ups
    25 reverse crunches
    60 second plank
  • 51time
    51time Posts: 9 Member
    Yes my husband had no trouble loosing weight when he wants to; however, it is a harder for me at the age off 55. This why I am giving this a shot.