Can someone giveadvice

penniroc Posts: 21 Member
edited October 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi. Iv been using mfp for 3 weeks now. Sticking to 1200-1500 calories a day. Burning 300-500 through exercise and the scales have not moved. Any advice on what types of foods I should be consuming to help? Not sure if I'm just eating the wrong foods or eating too less calories. I'm confused as to why I'm not losing any weight.


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    How are you measuring your calories? If you haven't been losing weight, you're eating more than you think.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    If that is the current you in your profile pic, it looks like you are already at a healthy weight and do not have a lot of weight to lose. If that is the case, weight loss will be slow and low and you won't have a lot of leeway. If you are not weighing and measuring every thing that passes your lips, you are likely eating more than you think.
  • penniroc
    penniroc Posts: 21 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    How are you measuring your calories? If you haven't been losing weight, you're eating more than you think.
    I'm measuring with scales and measuring cups and spoons. Pretty sure I'm as close as I can be with my measurements.
  • penniroc
    penniroc Posts: 21 Member
    If that is the current you in your profile pic, it looks like you are already at a healthy weight and do not have a lot of weight to lose. If that is the case, weight loss will be slow and low and you won't have a lot of leeway. If you are not weighing and measuring every thing that passes your lips, you are likely eating more than you think.

    Hi. Yes this is me in the picture but before my second child. This is the picture I want to get back to. I'm currently 70kg and wanting to be back at a fit and healthy 65kg :) I've honestly been counting, weighing and measuring every single thing bat I eat. I've also been Measuring my heart rate while exercising so know exactly how many calories I'm burning.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    penniroc wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    How are you measuring your calories? If you haven't been losing weight, you're eating more than you think.
    I'm measuring with scales and measuring cups and spoons. Pretty sure I'm as close as I can be with my measurements.

    Ditch the cups and spoons for everything except liquids such as milk. They're really not very accurate and with some foods the differences could add up to 100s of calories.

  • penniroc
    penniroc Posts: 21 Member
    firef1y72 wrote: »
    penniroc wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    How are you measuring your calories? If you haven't been losing weight, you're eating more than you think.
    I'm measuring with scales and measuring cups and spoons. Pretty sure I'm as close as I can be with my measurements.

    Ditch the cups and spoons for everything except liquids such as milk. They're really not very accurate and with some foods the differences could add up to 100s of calories.

    I only use them for liquids. My milk & rice malt syrup but also have double checked the syrup in grams as well. Everything else I use the scales or my thermomix
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    Open up your diary (go to settings, diary, and change it to public) so we can see if anything seems off. Calories are all that matters when it comes to weight loss. The type of food you eat matters for satiety, general health, sports performance, adherence to diet. You should not have to make any sweeping changes to your normal diet to lose weight - you just need to eat less calories than your daily expenditure. You may find that certain foods make it easier to adhere to the calorie deficit (some people find protein and fiber filling).

    You provided your weight, what is your height? How many pounds/kg a week are you trying to lose?

    Did you just start exercising or start a new routine? It is common and temporary to gain a little water weight when starting. It can be frustrating because you won't see movement on the scale for a few weeks. How are you determining the calorie burn?

    For women weight can fluctuate several pounds during full menstrual cycle. I have a slight weight gain during ovulation and also a slight weight gain right before my period starts. It usually takes a full month for me to figure out if I have gained/lost weight because of these fluctuations.
  • penniroc
    penniroc Posts: 21 Member
    bioklutz wrote: »
    Open up your diary (go to settings, diary, and change it to public) so we can see if anything seems off. Calories are all that matters when it comes to weight loss. The type of food you eat matters for satiety, general health, sports performance, adherence to diet. You should not have to make any sweeping changes to your normal diet to lose weight - you just need to eat less calories than your daily expenditure. You may find that certain foods make it easier to adhere to the calorie deficit (some people find protein and fiber filling).

    You provided your weight, what is your height? How many pounds/kg a week are you trying to lose?

    Did you just start exercising or start a new routine? It is common and temporary to gain a little water weight when starting. It can be frustrating because you won't see movement on the scale for a few weeks. How are you determining the calorie burn?

    For women weight can fluctuate several pounds during full menstrual cycle. I have a slight weight gain during ovulation and also a slight weight gain right before my period starts. It usually takes a full month for me to figure out if I have gained/lost weight because of these fluctuations.

    Hi. Thank you for taking he time to reply. My stats are Weight 70kg, Hight 168cm, Body fat 28.7% (as per scales) Water 52%,,
    BMI 24.8. I tried to work out my EDEE which I think is around 1900 calories. I'm a work from home mum of two so I'm on my feet most of the day. Ideally I'd like to lose .5kg per week but I'm realistic with my goals.
    I was 65kg healthy and fit before my last child 7 months ago but have only just recently in he last three weeks really been strict with my food and exercising 5-6 days a week. I've opened up my diary so you can see. I'm sticking pretty much to the same Foods each day because they are what I enjoy and can eat healthily long term. I jog/ power walk 3-5 kms in the mornings and power walk with a pram another 3-4s maybe 3 afternoons a week also. I track my heart rate with a polar fitness monitor and calories burned range from 300-600 a day. I'm going to double check all my meal measurements tomorrow to be extra positive but I weigh and measure everything. Always add every meal and snack and drink 1500-2000 litres of water a day. Any advice you can give me I would really appreciate. I just expected to see some kind of loss in the scales in 3 weeks. Thanks again.
    P.s. I used mfp 4 years ago for the same purpose after my first child. To lose the last 5kg and the weight just dropped off.
  • penniroc
    penniroc Posts: 21 Member
    penniroc wrote: »
    bioklutz wrote: »
    Open up your diary (go to settings, diary, and change it to public) so we can see if anything seems off. Calories are all that matters when it comes to weight loss. The type of food you eat matters for satiety, general health, sports performance, adherence to diet. You should not have to make any sweeping changes to your normal diet to lose weight - you just need to eat less calories than your daily expenditure. You may find that certain foods make it easier to adhere to the calorie deficit (some people find protein and fiber filling).

    You provided your weight, what is your height? How many pounds/kg a week are you trying to lose?

    Did you just start exercising or start a new routine? It is common and temporary to gain a little water weight when starting. It can be frustrating because you won't see movement on the scale for a few weeks. How are you determining the calorie burn?

    For women weight can fluctuate several pounds during full menstrual cycle. I have a slight weight gain during ovulation and also a slight weight gain right before my period starts. It usually takes a full month for me to figure out if I have gained/lost weight because of these fluctuations.

    Hi. Thank you for taking he time to reply. My stats are Weight 70kg, Hight 168cm, Body fat 28.7% (as per scales) Water 52%,,
    BMI 24.8. I tried to work out my EDEE which I think is around 1900 calories. I'm a work from home mum of two so I'm on my feet most of the day. Ideally I'd like to lose .5kg per week but I'm realistic with my goals.
    I was 65kg healthy and fit before my last child 7 months ago but have only just recently in he last three weeks really been strict with my food and exercising 5-6 days a week. I've opened up my diary so you can see. I'm sticking pretty much to the same Foods each day because they are what I enjoy and can eat healthily long term. I jog/ power walk 3-5 kms in the mornings and power walk with a pram another 3-4s maybe 3 afternoons a week also. I track my heart rate with a polar fitness monitor and calories burned range from 300-600 a day. I'm going to double check all my meal measurements tomorrow to be extra positive but I weigh and measure everything. Always add every meal and snack and drink 1500-2000 litres of water a day. Any advice you can give me I would really appreciate. I just expected to see some kind of loss in the scales in 3 weeks. Thanks again.
    P.s. I used mfp 4 years ago for the same purpose after my first child. To lose the last 5kg and the weight just dropped off.

    I also do some body weight strength workouts. Nothing major just 10 mins 4-5 times a week. Like squats, lunges, push ups etc
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    For items like fruits and veggies I tend to use the USDA entry.

    Like this one for avocado or bananas. You can change the serving size to 1 gram. So if you eat 66 grams of avocado it would be 66 servings. Avoid entries like medium banana.

    For items that have nutritional information on the package I always verify that I the entry I choose matches the package. MFP database has a lot of user entered data. There is over 10 entries for a turkey burger I regularly eat. My calorie count could be off if I select the wrong one.

    Try those things out and verify that you are indeed eating under your TDEE.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    I have a really hard time believing you are burning 300 - 500 calories a day from exercise if you are only doing 10 minutes of body weight exercises. I would try not entering your exercise into your diary because overestimating calories burned and then eating that much more per day could be holding back your results

    Also do you consume alcohol? That will majorly stall weight loss. Also consuming foods you might have sensitivities to- I suggest for at least a month you go without dairy, gluten, alcohol, refined sugar & other sweeteners and see if that helps.

    It sounds like your scale measures body fat percentage and muscle mass- you say your weight has stayed the same, but has your body fat gone down or muscle gone up? It's possible to lose fat and gain muscle simultaneously- so you could be getting results without losing weight. Be patient and keep going.

    Are you eating enough protein? For a while I wasn't and it stalled my weight loss. Look up the proper protein intake for your age, height, activity level etc and make sure you're getting at least that much.

    Your calories also seem pretty low- eating too few calories can be as bad as eating too many. Have you used a calorie calculator? You should only be eating 250 to 500 calories less than your estimated daily calorie expenditure or 20% calorie deficit at the most. Try a few different calorie calculators too, some can be kind of off. Try a bunch and average the results (you can find them for free online).

    Lifting weights/building muscle might be helpful, having more muscle increases your metabolism.

    Good luck!
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    If you are suddenly working out a lot more and depending on your tom, water retention COULD be masking some losses too though.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    300-600 calories from 10 minutes of body weight exercises? I think your calculations are extremely inflated. I would really work on the accurate logging to get the results you are after.
  • penniroc
    penniroc Posts: 21 Member
    300-600 calories from 10 minutes of body weight exercises? I think your calculations are extremely inflated. I would really work on the accurate logging to get the results you are after.

    I didn't say I burn 300-600 calories a day in 10 ministers of body weight exercises! If you read my post I jog for 30-50 mins every morning plus then 10 mins of body weight intervals. I also then power walks for 40 min or more three times a week. This is up hills with a double pram. So yes I am burning anywhere from 300 calories on a day I don't do the afternoon power walk and up to 600 or more in the days I do power walk.
  • penniroc
    penniroc Posts: 21 Member
    ogtmama wrote: »
    If you are suddenly working out a lot more and depending on your tom, water retention COULD be masking some losses too though.

    Yes. This could be the case.
  • penniroc
    penniroc Posts: 21 Member
    I have a really hard time believing you are burning 300 - 500 calories a day from exercise if you are only doing 10 minutes of body weight exercises. I would try not entering your exercise into your diary because overestimating calories burned and then eating that much more per day could be holding back your results

    Also do you consume alcohol? That will majorly stall weight loss. Also consuming foods you might have sensitivities to- I suggest for at least a month you go without dairy, gluten, alcohol, refined sugar & other sweeteners and see if that helps.

    It sounds like your scale measures body fat percentage and muscle mass- you say your weight has stayed the same, but has your body fat gone down or muscle gone up? It's possible to lose fat and gain muscle simultaneously- so you could be getting results without losing weight. Be patient and keep going.

    Are you eating enough protein? For a while I wasn't and it stalled my weight loss. Look up the proper protein intake for your age, height, activity level etc and make sure you're getting at least that much.

    Your calories also seem pretty low- eating too few calories can be as bad as eating too many. Have you used a calorie calculator? You should only be eating 250 to 500 calories less than your estimated daily calorie expenditure or 20% calorie deficit at the most. Try a few different calorie calculators too, some can be kind of off. Try a bunch and average the results (you can find them for free online).

    Lifting weights/building muscle might be helpful, having more muscle increases your metabolism.

    Good luck!

    Sorry I must not have explained my exercise correctly. I didn't say I burn 300-600 calories a day in 10 mins of body weight exercises! I jog for 30-50 mins every morning plus then 10 mins of body weight intervals. I also then power walk for 40 min or more three to 5 times a week. This is up hills with a double pram. So yes I am burning anywhere from 300 calories on a day I don't do the afternoon power walk and up to 600 or more on the days I do power walk. I measure the calories burned with a polar ft6 with heart rate strap so I am entering accurate calories burned. I am also not eating back all the calories burned.
    I don't drink alcohol and to be honest I am not really prepared to cut the foods you mentioned from my diet. I still want to eat a wide range of healthy foods.

    Yes my body fat % has come down 1% in two weeks. I wasn't sure if the scales could
    Correctly Measure body fat?

    I'm going to do more research and work Out my exact bmr and tdee and go From There. Thank
    You for taking the time to reply.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Did you just start exercising or increase intensity? With so little to lose you are unlikely to see losses every week and water weight fluctuations can mask them for weeks on end. Throw in hormones and it will be even harder.

    My deficit has only been enough for 0.5lb per week losses lately and I don't see those losses until the week of my period when I get a whoosh over several days. Totally normal.

    Keep doing what you're doing for a good 6-8 weeks, then reassess.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    And to follow up, scales that measure bodyfat are not accurate.

    Mine reckon that at a US6-8/UK10-12 I'm 41%. I might still have weight to lose but no. I laughed long and hard.
  • penniroc
    penniroc Posts: 21 Member
    bioklutz wrote: »
    For items like fruits and veggies I tend to use the USDA entry.

    Like this one for avocado or bananas. You can change the serving size to 1 gram. So if you eat 66 grams of avocado it would be 66 servings. Avoid entries like medium banana.

    For items that have nutritional information on the package I always verify that I the entry I choose matches the package. MFP database has a lot of user entered data. There is over 10 entries for a turkey burger I regularly eat. My calorie count could be off if I select the wrong one.

    Try those things out and verify that you are indeed eating under your TDEE.
    bioklutz wrote: »
    For items like fruits and veggies I tend to use the USDA entry.

    Like this one for avocado or bananas. You can change the serving size to 1 gram. So if you eat 66 grams of avocado it would be 66 servings. Avoid entries like medium banana.

    For items that have nutritional information on the package I always verify that I the entry I choose matches the package. MFP database has a lot of user entered data. There is over 10 entries for a turkey burger I regularly eat. My calorie count could be off if I select the wrong one.

    Try those things out and verify that you are indeed eating under your TDEE.

    Thank you. I will definitely be looking at the measurements for avocado and bananas. I do weigh them to match the half and medium sizes but will do as you suggest for future logging. Going to work out my bmr and tdee properly today. I just went off 1200 as that's what mfp suffered.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Totally missed the bit about not getting enough protein stalling weight loss. No. Not a thing.

    And no female is building muscle eating at a deficit, running and doing bodyweight 10 minutes a day. Not happening.