how do you all stay motivated?

Ive been having problems staying motivated. I keep making excuses for myself, but really, I know its my fault. Any tips or tricks?


  • AlyssaPetsDogs
    AlyssaPetsDogs Posts: 421 Member
    I try to sign up for fitness classes so I go!

    I also signed up for another DietBet so I stay on track with my weight loss. Losing money is a huge motivator for me.

    I try to schedule cheat days way ahead of time so I have something to look forward to. Without that future day, I'm sure of fall off the wagon!

    But most importantly, I have learned that you have to be mentally committed to a lifestyle change. It's easier said than done, but you have to want it. I started and failed so many "diets" before I changed in February and I was on point up until May... then summer break happened. Now I'm trying to collect myself and get back on track.

    Good luck!!!! You'll do great! Add me if you like! I log on every day!
  • Habiteer
    Habiteer Posts: 190 Member
    I think about how good it felt the last time I went for some exercise.

    I think about how good I would be feeling if I started getting fit earlier in life.

    I think about how good it would have been if I never quit exercising the first time I started to get lean.
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    I let myself go for a long time. I knew I needed to do something about it but it was easier not to. When I found out I was going to be a grandfather, I thought about my future, being around for the kid and being able to enjoy activities including sports with the kid and that is when I decided it was time to quit making excuses and get fit and healthy again. There are days it is tempting to hit the buffet instead of the gym but I know how much better I look and feel already, how much better I will look and feel when I reach my goals, and how miserable I would be going back to being the fat guy.

    Just remember what is important and also keep finding new healthy, low calorie, and yummy foods so you are satisfied instead of burned out and hungry.
  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    I started my weight journey last November 2015 because I did not want to gain anymore weight over the holidays and 2 birthdays in January. All of this was motivation enough. Oh! I am taking care of my mom which requires strength and endurance and besides that I had a good 40 pounds to lose!

    I decided to take it slow this time so I would not get burned out. If I wanted more food to eat, I would set my goal to maintaince for a couple of days. Normally my goal would be lose 1/2 -1 pound a week.
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    Once you start to see progress, it becomes self reinforcing, and motivating. there is always that extra pound you can lose, maybe to "earn" a reward, like a mani-pedi, a haircut, a shiny trinket, a movie with friends etc. Then there is the fitting into smaller clothes thing - pick a target outfit and work toward rocking it. Or the major goals where you get a major reward - save a dollar for every pound (or $5 or $10) and go on a trip when you reach your goal. Pictures can be very motivating, especially if you keep them on the refrigerator or pantry door!! Talking to folks her on MFP can also help get through some of the rough days - a good laugh at something can ease the tension or anxiety just enough to help you get a different perspective on your situation, and ease the way to getting in the groove. Some folks have target dates, like birthdays, or the new year - that hasnt really worked for me, cuz I dont like deadlines, and weight loss is so unpredictable that even if you are on point, you may not be the weight you want to be by that particular date. Too restrictive for me. Anyway, these are a few things that have helped me over the last year to shed 110lbs. Good luck!
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I gave up the foods that are really bad and calorie dense like fast food fries & such. I cut out sweet drinks. So for me I can stay on track fairly easy on the calories in part with the exception of beer & wine. For that I need to run several days a week to keep the weight off. My motivation, I look at people that are having trouble due to their weight. This can range from joint pain to the electric shopping carts. I say to myself "I am not going to be them"
  • Spears1354
    Spears1354 Posts: 223 Member
    You definitely do really have to want it... After that get semi addicted to MFP and your friends will help you keep motivated. Join Challenges... Keep up with everyone. It really does help push me to move!
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,165 Member
    You are posting about motivation in the recipe section???? Please ask the moderators to move it to the right place/thread.
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    I made it easier, which makes motivation less of an issue.

    If it's too hard, you need a lot of it.

    I simply evaluated where I was struggling, and figured a work around.
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    I made it easier, which makes motivation less of an issue.

    If it's too hard, you need a lot of it.

    I simply evaluated where I was struggling, and figured a work around.

    well said. dis one is smart.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Set mini goals.. Travel a small part of the pathway to get your destination. You cannot travel 1000 miles in one single day.
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    Also I'd like to add, pray about it. When I said "I simply found a workaround," that answer to it came after I prayed for a solution.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Gisel2015 wrote: »
    You are posting about motivation in the recipe section???? Please ask the moderators to move it to the right place/thread.

    This too.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    Zig Ziglar tapes. Zig could probably motivate a corpse to get up and start singing!

    In general, I try to stay positive, think long term, and don't beat myself up if I eat a little too much for a day or two. If we're thinking about acting in the best interest of ourselves and our bodies, then we'd naturally want good things for ourselves, like eating healthy and losing weight.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    I've been at this whole thing for something like 5 years now. The reality is-you just have to decide You.Will.Do.It. and then get to it. There will be good days and there will be bad days. Days you feel like giving up and other days where everything goes right and you're doing a happy dance at the end of the day. The key is to focus on the big/long term picture. If you have a bad day it doesn't instantly cancel out all the good days you've had.
    Also, if you're still in the weight loss phase remember that it's for a pretty short period of time-it's a very small part of this whole process.
  • russb_
    russb_ Posts: 39 Member
    I have a gym partner, switch up my song playlist. It's a challenge especially with winter coming. I have to remind myself of summer. That gets me to work hard now.
  • Dano74
    Dano74 Posts: 503 Member
    Results. Knowing they're out there. Knowing I can get them and putting in the effort, with patience, to see those results become reality. Then it's motivation city all over again.