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Workout on an EMPTY stomach or after EATING?



  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    I do intermittent fasting so I work out before eating and then have a recovery shake. I do Insanity and will throw up if I eat before so thia works for me.
  • Pmillz10
    Pmillz10 Posts: 1 Member
    I personally love to train before eating such as in the morning before breakfast. It may sound counterintuitive, but I actually feel more energetic when doing so. I'm big on delayed gratification so that may be why. It feels so great to eat after working through a difficult workout. Neither is wrong, but depends on the individual, experiment and see how it can work for you. Remember, if you are going to eat before training to separate the time frame at least an hour or more apart.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    "So the question is: Which have you been doing and why do you prefer it? "

    Workout fasted. I am not one that likes tasting my food later during a workout if I eat before.

    I did not purposefully set out to train fasted in the very beginning of exercise, it is just that I workout so early in the morning that I have pretty much adapted my body to training fasted.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    I think the more important question is "Do you eat before or after you have a BM?"
  • lmew91
    lmew91 Posts: 88 Member
    As long as I've eaten at least one meal sometime during the day, I'm usually OK even if it's been several hours.

    I have to be careful if I exercise too much in the morning before breakfast (can get nauseous or dizzy), but if I eat too much and then exercise I also get nauseous so it's just tricky for me to do intense workouts at that time.

    Same for me. Just have to find a nice balance between not too dizzy and/or nauseous from too little food, but at the same time trying to avoid cramps and/or nausea from too much food! An apple with peanut butter works well for me.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    People have different experiences. It's really just "as tolerated." Some people get sick if they eat before, some people get sick if they don't. I've done both and been fine.
  • bigmuney
    bigmuney Posts: 284 Member
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I don't exercise much but when I do, I get really bad stitches if I've eaten in the last few hours, or even if I've had anything to drink in the last couple of hours. It's a pain.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I do both. I workout early in the morning fasted and I also get in a 3 - 4 mile power walk in the evenings during the week after dinner.

    I workout much better with an empty stomach.
  • becauseiwillbestrong
    If I work out in the morning I never eat beforehand because it makes me nauseous and I can't reach the intensity I like. If I work out in the evening (before dinner) I don't eat after lunch for the same reason.
    The only exception is when I race, then I usually eat something small (banana or similar) about an hour before.
    Basically if I eat less than an hour or two before exercise I cannot perform well.
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Either, depending on the day - some days I can get to the gym in the morning (with nothing in me but my morning coffee), other days it's not until after dinner. I prefer the empty sessions, but I also prefer working out in the morning anyway. I don't feel any major physical difference. If anything I feel a tad sluggish during the evening sessions, but I'm not sure if that has to do with me still digesting my food, or if I'm just tired because it's 7pm and I've been running around all day already.
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    I think this depends on your body as many people have severe dips in blood sugar if they don't eat. Personally, I have found success for myself doing fasted cardio/weights in the mornings. And through intermittent fasting (eating in a 7-8 hour window each day).
  • mommarnurse
    mommarnurse Posts: 515 Member
    If it workout very early before work as early as 5 AM sometimes ) I find I am nauseous afterward if I don't eat something small like a Greek yogurt or half a banana before then I pay for it . I am way too hungry by 7 or 8 AM to not have a full breakfast before my usual time of day workouts.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    I do evening workouts and try to be right between meals. I do play a full contact sport a couple times a week and those days I make sure to eat my big meal 2-3 hours before I skate. If I'm over hungry when I exercise it just feels terrible.
  • fitnessari567
    fitnessari567 Posts: 9 Member
    I like to workout with some light food.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    edited October 2016
    It's personal preference, not a universal best.

    I've run 15mi fasted in the morning before breakfast. I've run slightly less than that a couple of hours after dinner.

    I felt better running fasted, because food in the gut is generally a negative for me on long runs. At best it makes me slightly heavier, perhaps a hair more sluggish which is probably a psychological effect. At worst, I end up with gas pains, intestinal upset, and emergency trips to the Porta-potties on my running route. Not fun.

    I've eaten during a long run thinking I was at a distance where I might need to re-fuel and noticed no difference in energy. I think I need to be running closer to 20mi for that to be a necessity for me.

    I've also lifted fasted and fed. Here I also don't notice a difference. I don't have to be too concerned about intestinal issues, either. Running exacerbates those, lifting does not.
  • joelo_1119
    joelo_1119 Posts: 118 Member
    If you're in a calorie deficit, a small snack can help reduce muscle breakdown and catabolism during the workout. But realistically , unless you're diabetic , it doesn't matter. Your body compensates through glycogenolysis and ketoneogenesis.

    I do whatever works with my schedule. Sometimes that means hitting the gym after a meal sometimes it means in a fast first thing in the morning. It's more mental than anything.