Can 10 lbs really be water??

I just want to say upfront that I'm not here and discouraged, and I don't need anyone to tell me I can do it lol. It's just a question.

Ok, so I worked really hard to lose 10 lbs. And I was really happy. But one night I got really bloated, but didn't think anything of it. The next morning when I jumped on the scale, I was 10 lbs heavier! Ok, so I was mortified, but I thought to myself "I'm really bloated, maybe it's just water". But then I jumped on the scale again yesterday, and still 10 lbs heavier. Jumped on this morning....I think8 lbs heavier.

I did not eat ten lbs of food lol. I'm still bloated (oh, and it's not hormones...I've been on the Depo shot for over 10 yrs) so what in the hell could this be? Could I really be holding on to that much water? Is it even possible to hold on to THAT much water?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Are you pregnant?
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 653 Member
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 653 Member
    @jemhh Thank you. I knew 5 was possible. I just didn't think 10 was.
  • WrenTheCoffeeAddict
    WrenTheCoffeeAddict Posts: 148 Member
    After Christmas last year, I weighed myself, and had gained a lot of weight. I hadn't weighed myself for about 6 weeks, and had been under a lot of stress, and fallen off the wagon.
    Jumped back on the wagon, and weighed myself a week after that, and the scale jumped down by 10lb! I instantly knew that at least half, if not more, was water weight.
    I actually updated my weight, and had someone start ripping into me for lying about my gain to make myself feel better. Very weird behaviour, I blocked them. Only person I'm doing this for is myself!
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 653 Member
    @ZombieLauren Same here. I'm only doing this for me. I have no time set, and I don't care if anyone has anything to say. I'll get there when I get there.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    10lbs can be water weight + waste, or your scale may need a battery. Either way up your water intake to about a gallon a day if you can for about a week and see what happens along with watching your sodium intake. I think by default one of the categories on your diary is sugar, replace that with sodium and keep an eye on it. I'll typically hit 3k-4k sodium a day but I exercise a lot as well as drink a lot of water so that's fine, but when I go over 4k or more I gain water weight as well.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    " Could I really be holding on to that much water? Is it even possible to hold on to THAT much water? "

    You have me beat.. I have gained 9 before..not that I want to do that again any time soon.. LOL :)
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    in a word... yup.

    take 2 days and drink a ton of water and limit your salt intake. Try to drink enough water that your urine is totally clear for the last couple of hours of the day before bed. Your weight will probably drop significantly following.
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 653 Member
    I usually drink about 100 oz of water, but I will admit the last few days I may have only drank about 25 oz each day. I just had such a bad migraine, getting out of bed to even get water was too hard. I'll definitely up it starting today.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    Hang in there, you can do it!

    lol...can't tell if can't read or being deliberately facetious.
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 653 Member
    @ Noel_57 lol
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    My old bathroom scale was terribly inconsistent. I notice a big change from one day to the next, so I tried weighing myself several times in a row; I got different numbers each time. So in addition to water and digestive tract content differences, you might have an inconsistent scale.

    I switched to an EatSmart Precision Digital Bathroom Scale based on the Amazon reviews, and have been happy with the results -- it's consistent from weigh-in to weigh-in.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    edited October 2016
    I hopped on the scale the day after I got back from a two week holiday as I know I retain a crazy amount when flying but was curious just how much. 11lbs how much. Whooshed back off within a week.

    Now it hasn't happened again to that degree (unless you count my scale totally flipping out last week and telling me I regained the 52lbs I've lost overnight. Yes, it was broken, yes I've replaced it) but it's not beyond the realms of possibility.
  • Skyblueyellow
    Skyblueyellow Posts: 225 Member
    I can hold on to 6 lbs of water easily! Combine that with not having had a proper bowel movement and you could easily be up 10 lbs or more.

  • WrenTheCoffeeAddict
    WrenTheCoffeeAddict Posts: 148 Member
    I'm so glad to hear that this has happened to other people :)
  • Red_Pill
    Red_Pill Posts: 300 Member
    Are you pregnant?

    Haha. Priceless
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Mr_Ryder wrote: »
    Are you pregnant?

    Haha. Priceless

    Must be one of those overnight add 10 pounds kind of pregnancies.