Get off your TUSH!! Who else sits at a desk allll day!?



  • crystalmichelle82
    I've thought about getting one of those balls to sit on, the exercise ball? I've heard it's good for those with back problems.

    In the past, when I used the restroom (which is often because I drink a lot of water) I did squats and lunges. If anything it get my muscles working.

    those are great. I bought one and then everyone on my floor was getting one, and then all of a sudden corporate came down on us & said we can't have those b/c they are a "liability" blah! :noway:
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    I do power walks at lunch.
    I walk to people I need to call (they are usually a little weirded out, but oh well)
    We have like a “concourse” level below the lobby. Mostly maintenance people and building manager there, I sometimes take the stairs there to use the bathroom on that floor. I work on the 7th floor.
    Now I am in my own office not a cube, so I occasionally do squats when I think no one will walk by
    At the printer I do calf raises
    My boss does not like this but I use the "smokers" as my sign. When they go for smoke breaks, I walk out with them, except I take the stairs down then back up. Not always, cuz they smoke a lot, but often.
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    Meeh Me Meeh! I unfortunately sit at a desk for most of the day. But what can you do?? On my lunch breaks I GET OUT! I take the stairs up and down everydayno exceptions. That 6 flights of stairs in heels! Then i'll take my lunch break outdoors take a light walk. I wish i had time to do more excercises at work but I don't. I just have to make sure I squeeze in my workout before or after work. Its a part of routine now.

    P.S. WhenI had more free time I used to do resistance bands at my chair. Hook your heels to the bottom and do alot of Arm excercises. There is a whole world of excercises to do at your desk for ladies & gents like us.

    ;) Take care and good luck!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I converted my desk to a standing workstation and stand instead of sit all day.
  • slheflinVA
    slheflinVA Posts: 47 Member
    ME!!! And I woke up late this morning and didn't walk so I'm feeling blah (and mad at It's 95 and humid or I would have walked at lunch. I can't wait until I can walk tonight!!!
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I sit at my desk all day long. But for lunch I go for an hour long walk at a fairly brisk pace. I also bike to and from work.
  • carmcd
    carmcd Posts: 115
    Do you think it would look odd if I just did a quick lap around the office every 30 minute or so??? ;)

    not at all!!! i do the same thing! I hate sitting all day!! I'll walk to someones desk/office to talk instead of emailing and I try to use the rest room on a different floor or even building to get moving!!
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    UGH!! I sit on my bum all day at work too. Somehow, I managed to strain a muscle on my right side around my rib cage last week. Must have twisted funny at my desk. It's too hot here for lunch time walks outside. Some days I'll head to the mall and roam around... I park at the opposite end of the mall that I need to get some extra movement in my day.
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    I work from home on the computer, if it was busy and I made my quota earlier I would be able to work out, But sadly it take 12 hours (or more) to make 10 bucks and being a mom keeps things very limited to cleaning, cooking and what not.... I get up about 5 am to get the house cleaned up and laundry as well as breakfast. Then gardening a lil bit until I work which then I take the laptop everywhere to work without breaks, I do try to move more when I get up, even if it stretching while cleaning.
  • craek
    craek Posts: 201 Member
    I sit at a desk all day too! I have a very lax office and we do whatever we please when we please...I always get up and walk around..even if it is to do nothing. I'll go stand outside and at lunch, even if I brought my own, I will eat then go to a store and just walk around for a while...It may not be great exercise but sitting surely does suck! Then I come home to sit all night and do homework! I have heard of the ball idea and thinking about bringing mine! But I am lucky enough to have a boss and co workers that are disfunctional and would think it was funny to have me sit on one all day!
  • imgone324
    imgone324 Posts: 84
    I'm sitting at my desk at work right now....and it sucks being stuck sitting all day. My lower back is shot because of my poor posture, but I have noticed that now that I'm working out and reporting daily on MFP, I tend to sit up a little more. Also, because MFP forces me to record my water intake, I get up and take more walks during the day to get water. We need a "fitness" challenge that can be done at the office....something to get us off our butts and out of those seats more often.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I sit at a desk all day too. I drink extra amount of water so i go to the bathroom alot. Plus our bathroom isnt close either. Also when i go to the bathroom i try to do squats or leg lifts each time
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I sit at a desk all day too, doing it now, in fact. LOL! I hate it but I work out 6x per week to make up for it. I do wish there was more time at lunch (and the weather was nicer) to work out during lunch whether going for a walk or to the gym. I try to get up and go visit coworkers offices rather than email or call them. Also I will take a lap around and through the facility about once a day just to "check up on things", this takes about 15 minutes. Luckily, this fits in with my job description so I am not being unproductive or wasting company's time. However, perusing the forum while at work...yep that's a waste of productivity. Back to work.
  • Starkle09
    Starkle09 Posts: 238 Member
    i also sit at a desk all day...i try to get up and walk whenever i can. if i need to get a file or something i try to walk the long way. i also go to the restroom that is the furthest from my office.
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    I sit at a desk all day too- well minus the random trip to the fax machine lol....

    I thought about bringing my shake weight to work and doing that........ BUT then I realized I work with a guy and thats prob not in my best interest..... I am going to power walk on my lunch tomorrow.
    I have heard good things about the "ball" that replaces your office chair- not only does it improve posture but it works your core?? Im too much of a chicken to give it a go though- my clients would think I was off my rocker if they walked in to that sight LOL
  • perne11
    perne11 Posts: 46 Member
    I also sit at a desk all day. What I do to stay moving as much as possible is:

    1. I park far away from the building
    2. Always take the stairs
    3. Take the long way to the restroom
    4. Instead of sending emails to my co workers, I leave my office and walk to theirs.
    5. I take brisk walks around the building
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    I stand up when talking on the phone sometimes. I just can't sit all day.
    I will walk around the office too... :) not to mention I pee like crazy so I'm always going to the bano. LOL
  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    I take the stairs everytime. Walk to the restroom furthest from me. Instead of calling someone in the same building, I walk to their office to see them. Walk to mailroom. Park away from the building.

    I just do those little extra things - then I work-out during my lunch hour.
  • 1forty
    1forty Posts: 3
    I stand up a lot and take short walks on my break. I park my car in the garage, so I can walk to it.
    This is all new to me, but the small things have some impact (I guess).
  • datzun
    datzun Posts: 198
    I sit at a desk all day. That said, I make frequent trips to the water station, bathroom, and to other cubicles (instead of calling or emailing). Some days, I also go for a walk around my building. I also park in the very back of the parking lot. ;D

    If I don't move around, I turn into an icicle because it's freezing in my office. :(