What is your why? Why are you doing this?



  • kalit2013
    kalit2013 Posts: 3 Member
    I was looking at a summary of a doctor's appointment from August 2015 and one from August 2016 and I realized I had gained a little over 20 pounds in a year and my weight was just going up. Plus with a lot of my jeans not fitting well many more I decided I needed to make some changes.
  • momofGD
    momofGD Posts: 110 Member
    You all have awesome reasons! So inspirational. Thank you for sharing!! Feel free to friend me.
  • My bro had his wedding last year and my sister had her wedding this year. Both times I couldn't look at myself when we took the pictures. I was completely ashamed. That adding to the realization that because of one of those guilty before innocent court cases my family and I have been fighting for about a year and a half, our financial welfare declined where buying larger clothes wasn't an option with us barely having for food as it is. I stress ate and now gotta stop.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    momofGD wrote: »
    I'm sorry I laughed. However, it's a good reason to start!!!

    lol no worries.
  • momofGD
    momofGD Posts: 110 Member
    Awesome! I love hearing people's stories.
  • pmastro724
    pmastro724 Posts: 122 Member
    I know what I looked and felt like 15 years ago and 40 pds lighter. I want to look like that gal again :wink:
  • wookiepants
    wookiepants Posts: 40 Member
    My energy lvls and Id like to be at a healty weight to maybe go into the military someday.