A question for diabetics.

I'm asking this on behalf of my mum and i'm also curious too..

Her brother, my uncle, is a type 2 diabetic, but he lives in Germany so she only gets to talk to him on the phone and also hear only his side of the story..

By his own admission, he eats a terrible diet loaded with sugary foods, lollies, sweets and excessive carbs. However, he says he can eat all of these things because they have come out with an insulin injection which allows a diabetic to eat whatever they want as long they inject themselves (more than usual), after they eat 'unsuitable' foods, without any repercussions. Is this true, has anyone heard of this? My mum thinks he's fibbing...
Especially since he is now in hospital after having half his leg amputated. His doctor told my mum it was because of his poor lifestyle choices.

So my main question, is there such an insulin available?


  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited October 2016
    kbmnurse wrote: »
    It's called non-compliant. Liar, liar pants on fire. Next the whole leg.

    Yep, that's my thought too. he is also a heavy smoker :worried:

    ETA: He is not, and has never been overweight.
  • Gena575
    Gena575 Posts: 224 Member
    An insulin pump sort of works on this premise...and many feel the freedom to eat poorly because of it. But some (maybe all?) pumps have you input your carbs eaten to adjust the dosage. But it's not a license to eat like a fat kid unleashed on a cake...as evidenced by his recent amputation.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I know there's a diabetic member here, @midwesterner85 , who had 10-20k binge sessions iirc. Hopefully he'll see this thread and provide some insight.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    He's probably using medication to cover the fact that he's eating very poorly. In the short term he may lessen his blood glucose spikes, but in the long term his insulin resistance will get worse. I could take insulin to cover a bag of candy too. Long term, that's going to cause more problems.

    Plus, I would be a lot of money that he is still getting spikes in BG that are way beyond acceptable. I would bet he would be getting BG readings in the double digits quite often (or 180's+).Doctors are finding that BG spikes above 6 are associated with "diabetic" complications. If he is letting his BG go higher, he is asking for trouble. Unfortunately.
  • andrea_nichol
    andrea_nichol Posts: 47 Member
    There are a wide variety of meds for diabetes, but nothing magical. It is true insulin can be adjusted to accommodate for what you eat to get your blood sugar to goal, but it will lead to weight gain unless you change your lifestyle ((healthy diet and exercise).
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Thank you so much for your insightful post @jgnatca
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Umm... How is he not counting amputation as a repercussion? Seems like some serious denial going on.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    Umm... How is he not counting amputation as a repercussion? Seems like some serious denial going on.

    Most definitely! Knowing him, he'll be blaming everything else other than himself... Hopefully this is a wake up call for him.
    He went into the hospital expecting to have his little toe removed, and came out of the theatre with half of his leg gone.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    My brother and sister have type 1 diabetes and that was pretty much how it's worked for them. They eat what they want and then take the right amount of insulin to match up with the amount of carbs they eat. Of course I think the less insulin they have to take the better and eating too many sweets is unhealthy for everyone, but they can't go their whole lives without dessert because what kind of life would that be.
  • Skyblueyellow
    Skyblueyellow Posts: 225 Member
    I'm having a hard time understanding how he is having such extreme complications if he is keeping tight control of his glucose readings. Something doesn't add up.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I'm having a hard time understanding how he is having such extreme complications if he is keeping tight control of his glucose readings. Something doesn't add up.

    I doubt he's keeping tight control of anything, I really have no idea. At least once every couple of weeks he calls my mum telling her he's going to down a bottle of pills and kill himself.. He's one of those woe is me types.
    Everything i hear is 3rd hand news down the line from my mum... I posted this to try and get a better understanding of diabetes.
  • Skyblueyellow
    Skyblueyellow Posts: 225 Member
    I'm Type II but not on insulin so I am not able to adjust a dose of anything to compensate for carb binges. I do know of several diabetics in my life who are on insulin pumps and just eat whatever the heck they want.

    I do take medication, but thankfully that is all that I need at this point in my life. I'm hoping to actually get off of medication completely and be diet-controlled. It's a goal at least.

    Your uncle is technically correct (as others have pointed out) but I'm afraid that it sounds as if his mental health is not great. Threatening suicide along with binge eating (with or without weight gain) is extremely concerning to me. I'm hoping that he has some sort of support system where he is to help him adjust to life after amputation. I'm afraid that if he is already suffering from depression that the loss of half of a limb will just compound that.

    Best wishes to your family. This has to be difficult for your mother.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    He's probably using medication to cover the fact that he's eating very poorly. In the short term he may lessen his blood glucose spikes, but in the long term his insulin resistance will get worse. I could take insulin to cover a bag of candy too. Long term, that's going to cause more problems.

    Plus, I would be a lot of money that he is still getting spikes in BG that are way beyond acceptable. I would bet he would be getting BG readings in the double digits quite often (or 180's+).Doctors are finding that BG spikes above 6 are associated with "diabetic" complications. If he is letting his BG go higher, he is asking for trouble. Unfortunately.

    Perfectly healthy people have spikes in the 180's+ when eating carbs. The differences are more about timing with insulin injections because 1) The pathway for insulin is slower, and 2) Artificial insulins still don't work as fast as our own insulin when properly working.

    A few years back, there was a study published about the timing issue of injected insulin wit type 1's. Participants ate oatmeal. The control group's BG went up to 180's at 1 hr. and the diabetic group went up to lower 200's at same time. The group making insulin had started reducing BG earlier because insulin didn't have to travel through subcutaneous tissue first.
  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    Also, while it sounds like he isn't keeping good control please keep in mind that some diabetics can do everything right and not necessarily keep what many deem "good control". So many factors other than food can also cause higher blood sugar. I have also known as few diabetics that are very healthy and active and still have issues with complications. Everybody is different.
  • gieshagirl
    gieshagirl Posts: 102 Member
    Yes, as long as he is using proper bolus doses and knows how to do the math, then a bolus type insulin can be used to cover carbs. This is what type 1's do all the time for everything they eat - whether you think the food is "healthy" or not; and regardless of weight.

    On the other hand, if he is really a type 2 and overweight, it is almost certain he can improve his condition by losing weight. So while he is right as far as taking insulin to cover carbs (assuming he has the supplies and knows what he is doing), he might be better long-term by losing weight.
    this is true. I am a nurse at a high school and several diabetic students...they eat what they want, try to stay away from sugar...yeah right....calculate carbs and adjust per meal. all of the diabetics at my school are on this now. since they don't adhere well to the rules....sugar....the blood sugar levels are all over the place...that being said adults seem to do very well with this.

  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    gieshagirl wrote: »
    Yes, as long as he is using proper bolus doses and knows how to do the math, then a bolus type insulin can be used to cover carbs. This is what type 1's do all the time for everything they eat - whether you think the food is "healthy" or not; and regardless of weight.

    On the other hand, if he is really a type 2 and overweight, it is almost certain he can improve his condition by losing weight. So while he is right as far as taking insulin to cover carbs (assuming he has the supplies and knows what he is doing), he might be better long-term by losing weight.
    this is true. I am a nurse at a high school and several diabetic students...they eat what they want, try to stay away from sugar...yeah right....calculate carbs and adjust per meal. all of the diabetics at my school are on this now. since they don't adhere well to the rules....sugar....the blood sugar levels are all over the place...that being said adults seem to do very well with this.

    Are these type 1's or type 2's? Why are they trying to stay away from carbs (sugar)?

    Teenagers will have more BG fluctuations (and challenges) than others under similar circumstances. BG is affected by dozens of factors, including hormones.