Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • starbucktigh
    starbucktigh Posts: 170 Member
    Not eat anything fried.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    A terrible weekend - foodwise - but otherwise, a great weekend. My brother-in-law and his wife were here, so lots of eating out - and took his wife shopping. So at least I got a little walking in. My now today, here I am, eating leftover homemake bread and cookies! At least the stuff is almost gone.
    So my list is going to be simple today --

    just drink 8 glasses of water to flush all the sugar, carbs out of my system!
  • jtsweats
    jtsweats Posts: 9 Member
    Thank goodness for yard work or else I would have blown my calories this weekend! So, since I am back at the office today and no playing in the garden - I have to be good.

    No midnight snack! And no sneaking into the bagels!
    No wine
    Take the kids for a walk after (before?) dinner
    30 push ups
    core work (time to get that belly left over from the last baby!)

    Good luck everyone!
  • cjdalla
    cjdalla Posts: 19 Member
    Today I will;
    - Log every calorie
    - Do personal training session (Sometimes I cancel because I'm scared - it's so hard)
    - Have no alcohol
    - Like myself and remember to smile
    - Go for a walk after dinner
    - Buy healthy food to cook for dinner
  • spencendawn
    spencendawn Posts: 20 Member
    edited October 2016
    I will:
    1. No Soda (it's going to be hard!)
    2. Exercise daily
    3. Eat within calorie limits
    4. Track my food

    Monday (Oct 3)
    1. I didn't make my no soda goal, but will try harder Tuesday
    2. ✔️ 30 Day Shred, level 1
    3. I was way over my calorie goal!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Plans changed yesterday - was going to get dinner with a colleague then go to a dance class. However, he couldn't make it. Targets were adapted accordingly, overall a good day!

    Yesterday's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - No unhealthy snacks :)
    - Choose healthy option for dinner :)
    - If go for drink, G&T only :)
    - Dance class after work :/
    - Do not exceed calories by more than 300 :) Did not exceed at all, yay!
    - 30+ minute lunch break :)
    - Listen to music to stay upbeat :|
    - If find self getting stressed/overwhelmed, take a quick break and breathe/have a cup of tea/think positive thoughts :|

    Today's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat
    - No unhealthy snacks
    - Do not be a pig at dinner - no seconds and sensible size dessert!
    - Do not exceed calorie goal
    - One water for every glass of wine

    - 1h lunch break
    - Spend lunch break doing exercise for CBT
    - Listen to music to stay upbeat
    - If find self getting stressed/overwhelmed, take a quick break and breathe/have a cup of tea/think positive thoughts
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    1. Journal every bite :)
    2. At least one salad today with either lunch or dinner :)
    3. 64 oz of water :) very close. off by 8 oz so I'm giving myself a pat on the back for huge improvement!
    4. Finish a project at work and check it off my to-do list :)
    5. Use earbuds to listen to music and stay in a calm zone at work today. No stress! :)
    6. Gym, tan and massage chair tonight :)
    7. Start a list of items to pack for long girls' weekend getaway :(
    8. One random act of kindness :)

    1. Journal every bite
    2. Healthy choices
    3. 64 oz of water
    4. Finish at least one Quick Start Guide today at work
    5. Stay in my calm zone at work by looking at the positives and tuning out the gossip
    6. Gym, tan and massage chair
    7. Make a list of things to pack and start packing tonight
    8. Make someone smile today, be kind

    Have a great day!
    Tracie in WI

  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »
    JFT, 10/03/2016

    1. Walk the dogs :)
    2. Workout :)Kind of messed up my eating schedule so went for a walk just under 4 miles, over 11k steps for the day
    3. Eat within weight-loss calories :)
    4. No alcohol o:)

    JFT, 10/04/2016
    Same as every other day!

    1. Walk the dogs
    2. Workout
    3. Eat within weight-loss calories
    4. No alcohol
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    JFT - Tues Oct 4th. I will:
    1. Log all my food and eat within goal
    2. Drink 64-80 oz water
    3. Track 30+ active Fitbit minutes
    4. Do one task on my list of unfinished business.

    Started on 10/3 and was successful. Go me!
  • jennymo
    jennymo Posts: 30 Member
    JFT 10/04
    - drink more water
    - Log all calories
    - do 15 minutes abs
    - do 15 minutes cardio exercises
  • tbrule
    tbrule Posts: 4 Member
    JFT 10/04
    -Burn 700 cals
    -Do not eat past dinner
    -Fold laundry :p
  • cjdalla
    cjdalla Posts: 19 Member
    My mum just visited and told me I look glowing from all my exercise which helped.

    Today I will;

    1. Run with my husband.
    2. Stay under my calories.
    3. Do a training session.
    4. No alcohol.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat :| will finish when friend sends me the dinner calories
    - No unhealthy snacks :)
    - Do not be a pig at dinner - no seconds and sensible size dessert! :)
    - Do not exceed calorie goal :| Not sure yet but shouldn't be far off
    - One water for every glass of wine :)
    - 1h lunch break :)
    - Spend lunch break doing exercise for CBT :)
    - Listen to music to stay upbeat :)
    - If find self getting stressed/overwhelmed, take a quick break and breathe/have a cup of tea/think positive thoughts :| wasn't necessary which is good!

    Today's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat
    - No unhealthy snacks
    - No alcohol
    - Don't go for unhealthy option at lunch - medium healthy is ok though
    - Do not exceed calories by more than 300
    - Exercise class after work

    - Focus on getting key priorities done
    - Listen to music to stay upbeat
    - If find self getting stressed/overwhelmed, take a quick break and breathe/have a cup of tea/think positive thoughts

    - Leave work by 6.45pm (after exercise class)
    - Do CBT exercise in evening
  • tbrule
    tbrule Posts: 4 Member
    edited October 2016
    October 5, 2016
    JFT I will...

    -Go to the gym (went this morning :) )
    -Stay within macros
    -Not overeat during dinner tonight with my friend
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Just for today I won't overeat food to avoid facing unresolved conflicts and insecurities.
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Just for today, Wed 10/5. I will

    1. Log my weight
    2. Drink my water
    3. Track all food, stay within goal
    4. Walk 30 active Fitbit minutes
    5. Complete 1 task on my list of unfinished business
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    edited October 2016
    Yesterday's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat :)
    - No unhealthy snacks :)
    - No alcohol :/
    - Don't go for unhealthy option at lunch - medium healthy is ok though :| 800 cal pizza - not too awful but not as good as intended
    - Do not exceed calories by more than 300 :/
    - Exercise class after work :| wasn't running

    - Focus on getting key priorities done :/ Didn't really happen - too many meetings and issues
    - Listen to music to stay upbeat :|
    - If find self getting stressed/overwhelmed, take a quick break and breathe/have a cup of tea/think positive thoughts :|

    Today's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat
    - No unhealthy snacks
    - At dinner only have small amounts of the unhealthy stuff
    - One water for every alcoholic drink

    - 30 minute lunch break
    - Focus on 3 key priorities
    - Listen to music to stay upbeat
    - If find self getting stressed/overwhelmed, take a quick break and breathe/have tea/think positive thoughts about cats/mountains
  • spencendawn
    spencendawn Posts: 20 Member
    My goal today is to eat healthy and not drink soda.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »
    JFT, 10/04/2016
    Same as every other day!

    1. Walk the dogs :)
    2. Workout :)Fire 45
    3. Eat within weight-loss calories :)
    4. No alcohol o:)

    Missed yesterday due to working in SF. Made it through the horrific commute and a work lunch at maintenance calories so consider that a big win.

    JFT, 10/06/2016

    1. Walk the dogs
    2. Eat within maintenance calories
    3. Today's usually my rest day because I have an after-work commitment but see if I can get some walking in or squeeze in a workout sometime today
    4. No alcohol
  • LillysMomma09
    LillysMomma09 Posts: 272 Member
    1. Bike for a full episode of Downtown Abbey at 16mph or more.
    2. Not eat the raspberry zingers I'm so desperately craving