What is your why? Why are you doing this?



  • cgabby101
    cgabby101 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm tired of being so self conscious and unconfident. I'm tired of hating what I see in the mirror. I can't even go in public anymore without having bad anxiety due to my body. I want to be confident and comfortable in my skin for the first time in my life. May be vanity but that's why
  • drabbits2
    drabbits2 Posts: 179 Member
    A few reasons. I never had trouble with my weight until I hit 40 and then BAM gravity happened. So now I am 46 and have about 30 pounds to take off. So reason #1 -- I don't like looking like a dumpy middle aged mom. I want to be a fit mom (not model skinny, but fit). Reason #2 -- I suffered with a back injury for a year and couldn't work out at all. I had back surgery July 25 that was a 100% success and on Oct 17 I will see the surgeon to get cleared for all normal activity except running, which I can't do ever again (back is too unstable, but honestly--I didn't run before so no biggie). I miss being more active and my stamina is awful from that year of pain and no movement.
    Reason #3 -- I hate buying double digit pants. My goal is a size 8. That is an achievable goal for a person my age and height and activity level. So I feel like my goals are realistic, no reason I can't meet them. Reason #4 -- to challenge myself--I am kinda scared middle aged malaise is creeping in on me and I don't like it.
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    I am doing this because I want to be a role model for my two girls. I also want to develop a healthy relationship with food. Get control on my portion distortion and learn that food is not black or white. I can have what I crave but in reasonable amounts. I have been on the fad diet until I brake and binge and gain it all back cycle for 22 years and I want off desperately. I also had high blood pressure during both pregnancies and diabetes as well as high bp and cholesterol run in my family so I want to prevent these so I never have to go on medication. Plus i wouldn't mind fitting into my small clothes again and feeling confident when I look in the mirror.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    I want to:

    1. live an active life
    2. be around as long as I can for my husband, kids, and future grandkids
    3. look good naked
  • Gotrek1
    Gotrek1 Posts: 64 Member
    I want to see my grand kids when(if) they come, I want to stop flirting with diabetes.
  • momofGD
    momofGD Posts: 110 Member
    You guys are awesome. Like I said before please friend me so we can stay motivated together
  • KyleGrace8
    KyleGrace8 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I'm here bc I want to never fall back into bad habits. I've been chubby to overweight my whole life and was just tired of not liking what I see in the mirror and being out of breath doing simple things. Getting fit has been great so far and I want to keep climbing the ladder so to speak. Hopefully in 2ish years when I turn 30 I'll look better than I did at 20. Feel better too. I already have family members asking me for advice, yes, the same ones who poked fun at me and that right there, is the best karma. I love the feeling of being capable and strong.
  • soufauxgirl
    soufauxgirl Posts: 392 Member
    edited October 2016
    I want to see and enjoy my grand-babies and be able to run around and play with them, not be stuck in a wheelchair with gangrenous or amputated limbs due to my obesity/diabetes with a oxygen tank and mask thrown in for good measure, that was my future. I chose a path to a brighter one.
  • gypsybunny72
    gypsybunny72 Posts: 2 Member
    Since 2011, I've been hit with a plethora of health and mental issues and enough is enough! I want to lose 66-70 lbs and go back to the old me, the healthy me. The happy me. I want to be around to see my son grow up and be happy again.

  • nehaad88
    nehaad88 Posts: 159 Member
    This is such a fantastic thread.

    My "why" is that both my parents are diabetic and my brother is a diabetic at 30. I am pretty near that age myself. Plus my husband is lean and athletic and i dont like to look 10 years older than him when I am not..
  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    It has taken me a long long time to admit to myself that I am fat. Yes I have called myself fat multiple times in the past, but never really believed I was as large as what I am. After hitting 80kgs this was a scary wake up call. That is only 20kgs less than 100!!! At 5 foot that is a lot for me.
    My mum for years told me I was a "big build" "big boned" etc.
    It's time to discover who I am under this fat suit I'm wearing
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,988 Member
    For health & fitness now and to avoid a wheelchair and walker later.