The Diamond Challenge: Round 3 - Wk 4 (DITR)


Hello Diamonds!

Thank you to those of you who gave me your weigh-ins this morning! I know it can be easy to forget. You guys ROCK. Congratulations to all of you lovely ladies on making it to the 4th and FINAL week of the DITR challenge! I love you guys, and look forward to losing more pounds with you!

This week a lot of our Diamonds struggled, but many of you lost some serious weight (Maria!). Plus, last time I checked, you were STILL HERE, which is a major part of the battle! Not only that, we have EXCEEDED our goal of 100 pounds lost!

Here are our biggest losers for the week:

Blue Team: Maria (HungryMom) lost 2.4 pounds!
Pink Team: Go Lisa (Lisa_Lotte)! She lost 1.5 pounds!
Yellow Team: Great job Logan (peanut613) on your 1.8 pound loss!

You ladies kicked some serious butt!

The battle was close this week, but the Blue Diamonds kept the crown by just 0.2 pounds! The Blue Diamonds lost 7.2 pounds this week, the Yellow Diamonds lost 7 pounds, and the Pink Diamonds trailed at 5.2 pounds.

Individual and group winners can claim their diamond rings in the DITR blog!

As always, we celebrate EVERY loss!

Cee 0.8
Elle 0.8
Jamaica 0.2
Kathy M 1
Kristin M 0.6
Laura 0.6
Malissa 1
Meghan 1
Michelle 1.6
Molly 2
Monja 0.7
Nicki K 0.5
Nicola 1.5
Nikki J 0.6
Pam 0.8

Ladies, this is the FINAL WEEK. Let's go out with a BANG! Let's lose those pounds!

As a reminder, this week is Diamond Spirit Week. It's a ton of fun if you celebrate!
Diamond Spirit Week:

Wed.: Show Your Colors Day - Change your profile picture to anything OTHER than a diamond in your team color. BE CREATIVE!

Thursday: High School Reunion Day - Change your profile picture to a photo of yourself in high school! Show us that teased hair or those side ponytails baby! We want all of the embarrassing goodness!

Friday: Diamonds in the Rough Day - Change your profile picture to the DITR logo! It's the LAST day of Round 3!
QOTD Dates:

Monday - Kate D.
Tuesday - Nikki J
Wednesday - Nicola
Thursday - Y'Teva

Keep Shining Divas!


  • majpal
    majpal Posts: 41 Member
    Yellow Diamonds,
    Let's go for the win this week! We can do it!
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Hey, congratulations to all you losers this week!!
    I am going to post my question a little early just in case I forget tomorrow as I have a busy day and my little boy is teething (and don't we know about it!)

    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?

    My answer: This is a major struggle for me, I tend to act without thinking and the next thing I know I am already in the cupboard. The more I think about sweet stuff the more I want it. Exercise is my biggest friend when it comes to the urge to snack on the bad stuff, the endorphins have the same effect as chocolate on me I think!! Shame I can exercise every time I get a craving!!
  • GoneWithTheWhinge
    GoneWithTheWhinge Posts: 168 Member
    Well done everyone, great losses this week. Go Yellow!!

    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?

    I keep really good quality dark chocolate in the freezer and if the need arises I'll have a couple of squares, where its decent quality and dark it satisfies the craving and where its so cold it lasts for longer!
    My real weak point is crisps, I could easily snack into oblivion on them, with the worst time of day being evenings so I put them in the garage so to get them I have to go outside! Which is very unappealing as I'm in winter and its a bit cold so often I find its just not worth it! I need to work on my willpower to resist so I can keep stuff in the house without feeling the need to consume!
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    Congratulations to all the Diamonds

    Yay Blue Diamonds we did it again. (HungryMom) Maria Congrats and winning big for blue diamonds

    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?

    my weakness are sweets i used to have something or other fatty sweets in my pantry before this journey now i have snack yogurts which actually relive my sweet tooth and some laughing cow icecream sandwich hmm yummy

    Have a great day diamonds

  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?

    The best thing that works for me is to have a hot drink - hot tea, decaf coffee, or the diet hot chocolate (25 cals). The other thing that works for me is sugar-free popsicles or creamsicles. So i guess I go for extreme temperatures. My hardest low-willpower time is in the evening. A real challenge. Sometimes I walk into the kitchen 3 or 4 times, trying not to give in to opening the pantry.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Hey, congratulations to all you losers this week!!
    I am going to post my question a little early just in case I forget tomorrow as I have a busy day and my little boy is teething (and don't we know about it!)

    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?

    I cave in! Lol, no but really. I am very aware of my need for regular doses of ice cream, so from the start I planned plenty of ice cream into my plan. I eat ice cream at least once a day. Another thing that I do is aim for a lower calorie count than I'm actually allowed. That way, if at the end of the day I just can't resist a cupcake... I'm still within my actual calorie range.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?

    I don't fight it, I snack! If I'm hungry, I eat. That said, I try to keep low cal snacks. I have popcorn, crackers, ice cream, chips, peanuts--all in the 100 calorie ballpark. Yogurt is great, especially the cake flavored types. Much better than a real slice of cake! Also, fruit and veggies are so low cal, there's no reason you CAN'T snack on them!

    My most exciting find has been 35 calorie fudge pops :)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Sorry this is so late!:blushing:

    Question of the Day: Monday

    What is more important to YOUR weight loss journey: Diet or Exercise?
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    WooHoo!! Congrats to my partner, Logan (peanut613), for being the top loser on the Yellow Diamonds this week! Keep up the great work!
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    Question of the Day: Monday

    What is more important to YOUR weight loss journey: Diet or Exercise?

    For me personally, I'd say exercise. I'm not good at eliminating certain foods from my life completely, so its better for me to kinda eat what I want (within reason) and then work off the calories.
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?

    I just don't buy many sweets. So when I have the cravings, there isn't anything in the pantry tempting me. But the Reese's peanut butter cups in the checkout aisle of Target taunt me. So I have started going through the checkout lane without candy sothat I don't absent-mindedly grab one and toss it in the cart (or my
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    Sorry this is so late!:blushing:

    Question of the Day: Monday

    What is more important to YOUR weight loss journey: Diet or Exercise?
    For me they are both important, in the past i have done just diet and it has worked but i still felt very sluggish , when I exercise i have more energy. However when I just exercise and don't get the diet right i still don't feel good . So like I said I definitley need both to keep me healthy in my body , soul , and spirit.
  • majpal
    majpal Posts: 41 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?

    I try not to have too many sweets in the house now. I usually have a Blue Bunny Fudge Bar when I want a dessert. The chocolate goodness lasts quite a while. ;)
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?

    I am right there with you about the craving sweet stuff. These are things I try to do: go to sleep early, have fat free chocholate pudding with cool whip to get that chocholate fix. also fiberone 90 calorie bars, read a book, work on a project ( crocheting), change the channels when commercials come on so I don't have to look at the food commercials. 40 cal fudgesicles, mini bag pop corn. and sometimes I pray for God to help me.
  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    QOTD Tuesday...... wow..ummmm.... I was very strong until recently. I noticed that when I was taking my vitamins and supplements that didn't have cravings. Even during TOM. I had to stop taking them because of my tummy issue's and guess what? I have been caving like crazy. That being said I am taking control again. I am starting my meal plans again and taking my supps and vits. I will however maintain my affair of ice cream. I will indulge to keep my metabolism in check every now and agian. But when I do I will burn it off. I can promise you that....
  • TwinMom12409
    Question of the Day: Monday

    What is more important to YOUR weight loss journey: Diet or Exercise?

    I think they are equally important because I can't seem to get a grip on both at the same time. I go between eating spot on OR exercising religiously. Never both at once. If I could get it together I would be unstoppable.
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
    Question of the Day: Monday

    What is more important to YOUR weight loss journey: Diet or Exercise?
    Well to me, its diet, even when i cut calories and everything, i don't lose the weight unless i exercise, even though its just walking 4 miles everyday. So, for me, and probably only me, exercise is the most important.

    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?
    I just think about how far i have come. if that doesn't work then i just do something to get my mind off of it, but for me i don't have too much problem with temptation because i'm just a poor college student. and i don't have the money to have snacks :D
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    Great job on week 3 DITR! :wink: :smile:

    Diamond Dolls are coming back for week 4!
  • journey2size10
    QOTD: Monday: What is more important to YOUR weight loss journey: Diet or Exercise?

    Diet, most definately! I have tried eating whatever and exercising my butt off and it doesn't make the same changes as the diet does for me. I have even lost weight, not exercising and just watching my diet (slow weight loss, but still a loss). I've even read somewhere (I think tosca reno) that diet is 80% of the equation in losing weight&fat, exercise is the rest.

    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?

    I don't keep sweet unhealthy things in the house as I know thats setting myself up for failure. I always have sweet fruits, kettle corn and have (hidden) 100 calorie pack cookies..I asked my friend to hide the 100 cal packs in the house and when the fruits or popcorn doesn't get it then I will indulge in one or two :wink:
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Congratulations ladies on your win!! We were all starting to get a bit cocky over there!! Keep it up!!