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Re-establishing Chubby Twenties?!



  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Sweetsaphire - Congrats on losing!

    All - thanks for the support. She did apologise, which helped, she doesn't live around me (we're now states away *college sucks*) but interestingly enough she decided today that she needs to run and watch what she eats so it might have been jealousy. It was annoying but thankfully fairly short lived.

    About the weighing in every morning: I want to add, if I didn't weigh in every morning I'd never let myself have any kind of cheat. I need to see the number or I kind of freak out mentally. I've got that 'fat girl' mindset where I can't see the weightloss on my body so I track it differently and I need the constant motivation. And I know I have to eat my calories, all of them and my exercise calories, and log them or my mother (who is on MFP) will hunt me down and make me eat them. For some of us, watching the scale go down (even if it's the water weight and we know it) IS what keeps us eating. I know all to well how weight gain/loss works, I also know how my brain works. I also JUST got the scale and haven't been weighing myself the first month I was doing this so it's exciting (for me) to see the number, like Nat said, curiosity.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Well done to everyone losing, and keeping strong and on track!

    Sorry I've been a bit rubbish at checking in - it's the final week before a coursework deadline so feeling snowed under and unmotivated about that and trying to focus on that, get through that and then deal with all the other stuff!

    As for weighing in - I try to only weigh in once a week. Sometimes I might sneak onto the scales midweek, but I don't take that as an accurate thing at all. I definitely don't use the scales as a way to know what to eat/how much to exercise...I *know* I'm eating right, and much better than I was, and the exercise is paying off - I can see it in my body/fit of my clothes/finding a collarbone/arm muscle, so the scale number is more of a bonus. I'd prefer to be a slimmer heavier person than bigger and lighter...
    I must admit, when I've got a tight piece of clothing or taking measurements I have had moments where I've had to actively stop measuring myself/putting the clothing on to see if it fits yet...so maybe that's just as bad as hopping on the scale all the time!

    On a completely unrelated subject...
    Do all your friends know you're dieting and exercising etc? I'm in a weird situation where only those I have a talk-about-everything regularly relationship with know about it, whereas I've barely mentioned it to any of my other friends.
    The ones that know are all really really supportive and can't believe how well I'm doing, how much healthier I am and that I'm enjoying the exercise and being so good when it comes to eating etc.
    However with the other friends that we don't stay as in touch with....when we've spent time together sometimes it's come up that I now go jogging, or whatever, but with lots it hasn't, and they've not really noticed that I'm not having the massive portions and unhealthy choices anymore... I don't really know what this means, whether I'm really not so close with these friends, or that they're I bit scared to mention it/bring it up. It's all just a bit weird. I look massively different to the way I did over xmas/new year (and of course for ages beforre that). i just don't get how they've not noticed...
    Sorry....I'm not really looking for *answers* to this, it's more that I was just wondering if many of you had similar situations...I know it's something that I just don't get right now.
  • Selly7749
    Selly7749 Posts: 48

    :) Please may I join this group? It really does look lovely! I'm 21 and I'm looking to lose 113lbs. I am blessed with some wonderful, but almost unanimously skinny friends, so it would be so nice to make friends on here to support and to maybe be supported by a little bit too. I'm going to go back now and read through everybody's posts, and I hope to speak to you all lots over the coming months!

  • 0flynnstone0
    0flynnstone0 Posts: 150

    Do all your friends know you're dieting and exercising etc? I'm in a weird situation where only those I have a talk-about-everything regularly relationship with know about it, whereas I've barely mentioned it to any of my other friends.
    The ones that know are all really really supportive and can't believe how well I'm doing, how much healthier I am and that I'm enjoying the exercise and being so good when it comes to eating etc.
    However with the other friends that we don't stay as in touch with....when we've spent time together sometimes it's come up that I now go jogging, or whatever, but with lots it hasn't, and they've not really noticed that I'm not having the massive portions and unhealthy choices anymore... I don't really know what this means, whether I'm really not so close with these friends, or that they're I bit scared to mention it/bring it up. It's all just a bit weird. I look massively different to the way I did over xmas/new year (and of course for ages beforre that). i just don't get how they've not noticed...
    Sorry....I'm not really looking for *answers* to this, it's more that I was just wondering if many of you had similar situations...I know it's something that I just don't get right now.

    I don't really tell people either, but it's due to a variety of reasons. It makes me sad to say this, because it shows the world that we live in, but one of the biggest reasons that I don't want to say anything to a few of my closest girlfriends is that they have body issues too, and I almost feel like they would want me to fail, almost as a competitive thing. I mentioned it to one of my friends and she just wasn't very supportive, so I just do it sort of privately and with my MFP friends for support.
    And don't feel about about your friends not noticing, it's hard to tell the difference when they see you often, and like with my dad, after he saw me after I'd lost some weight he didn't mention anything until my grandma did and then he admitted he'd noticed but didn't want to say anything because if I hadn't actually lost weight he worried that I would've taken it the wrong way that I looked fat last time he saw me or something! haha....men.
    Another reason I don't like to tell alot of people, is because I've done that whole thing before "Hey I'm on a diet!" and then given up 3 days later, and never lost weight and felt like an idiot. So I was worried that's what would happen when i started MFP.

    To all you ladies: it sounds like you're doing great!

    I've been having a pretty good week, have been good on food and good about going to fitness classes, til today. My brother and his girlfriend stopped by and we went out for Mexican food. I am so stuffed and don't even want to think about how many calories I consumed. It's only one meal though, so as long as I get back on track I'm not going to freak out about it. Plus most of my friends are out of town this weekend, which takes the temptation of drinking away, which is usually what gets me on the weekend.
    Hopefully once I digest this food and am able to move again I can get a nice run in or something. (indoors unfortunately since it's like 90 degrees out)

    Hope you all have a good weekend!
  • SkinnyjeanKathleen
    SkinnyjeanKathleen Posts: 20 Member
    As far as weighing daily goes, I weigh myself daily, but if I gain a pound I'm not the type of person who would freak out or punish myself for it. I know that weight can fluctuate from day to day, but I feel like if i don't weigh myself then I won't focus on my diet. I feel like it's an "out of sight, out of mind" type of thing for me. Plus, I am also just curious.

    I'm really excited about dinner tonight. I am trying out this vegetarian recipe that was posted on MFP: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/TheGoktor/view/recipe-involtini-di-melanzane-aubergine-rolls-lots-of-photos-107335. On Saturdays my boyfriend is vegetarian (he's Hindu and it's a religious day where he is from) and I wanted to cook us a nice vegetarian dinner.

    @Selly: Welcome to the group!

    @Penny_eclipse: I am pretty open with my friends, but right now I don't really know many people (moved to a new city for grad school).. But I don't think there is anything wrong with keeping your dieting to yourself.

    To all of you, I was wondering.. When you lost weight, like around 10 pounds, could you tell a difference? I just hit my 10 pound goal today, which I am super pumped about. It's just that I can't really tell any difference.. Maybe it's because I have so much weight to lose (80ish pounds)?
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    To all of you, I was wondering.. When you lost weight, like around 10 pounds, could you tell a difference? I just hit my 10 pound goal today, which I am super pumped about. It's just that I can't really tell any difference.. Maybe it's because I have so much weight to lose (80ish pounds)?

    After my first 10lbs...no I don't think I did at all...I mean I felt less sluggish and happier, but to be honest I didn't really even get excited until I'd lost 1stone (14lbs) and I actually started noticing a real difference in clothes at about 1.5stone (21lbs). I think this is because 23lbs lost was 10% lost - and I think that first 10% is always where I notice the real first difference. But I'm the kind of person that holds their weight really well...most of my friends simply would not believe that I was *actually* 16st8 (132lbs). they just refused to believe it as I was only a (large) UK size 18...
    After that first 21lbs I started noticing differences a lot more though, and the differences are speeding up too...
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    Hi all,
    Big thank you to penny....I have had a bad weekend and a kick from her made me get on here!!

    Well done all of you on the losses.
    Welcome to the new members LOVE to have you here!!

    As for me - HORRIFICLY emotional at the moment, was doing ok with eating wise, had a bit of a splurge on sunday but nothing too bad...until this evening were the emotions took over and I turned to some dark chocolate!!

    I have done some huge huge huge damage to my ankle again which is making it crazy hard to walk, having a boy issue and feel like crap!!

    In relation to to 20lbs loss...I didnt see ANYTHING I was gutted...I still cant see it clothes wise or measurements wise and ive lost over 20lbs!!! However I was looking back at old pics...I do look way different...when I can figure out how, I will post pics!!

    I promise to start being better soon! Keep up you amazing work girls!!
  • Littlenatt
    Littlenatt Posts: 26 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I think i'm going to need to pushing to get in the gym again. I'm just so tired when i finish work at 7am all i do is jump in the car and come home.

    Anyways, I havent lost 10lbs yet but im close and i cant tell where its gone, i keep thinking my scales are lying to me somehow!

    Nat xx
  • deannalu89
    deannalu89 Posts: 29
    Hello lovely ladies! (please excuse my scatter-brain post) ;)

    Congrats to everyone on their weight loss! and to those who are struggling... keep pushing foward; Rome wasn't built in a day! (I have to remind myself of that OFTEN)

    This entire weight loss journey has been a day to day struggle and I'm hoping to find some support here. Not only do I complain about going to the gym but I mostly worry (have questions) about what to eat! I would have to say the hardest thing is that although SUPER supportive my hubby WILL NOT eat any of the foods I want to try. (if its green or has less than 300 calories in it, its a NO GO) This results in me making 2 seperate dinners or giving in and eating hot dogs and mac n' cheese! ( I'm not much of cook anyway so if anyone has some simple recipes PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know!)

    What do you ladies eat for breakfast?? I have oatmeal EVERY morning ... and I'm craving something salty and completely naughty. The oatmeal has just gotten BORING.

    As far as the weighing yourself everyday ... I only aim for once a week. I think I would be one to get depressed because I didnt lose a pound over night.

    Another question ... I heard that the first 13 pounds you lose is only water weight?! is this true? if so ... that's kind of depressing! I thought i was doing so well...I'm i going to plateau now?? My anxiety is getting the best of me!

    @Nat what helps keep me motivated is how AWESOME i feel after a work out. I'm way more energized at work the next day so I try to keep that in the back of mind while I'm laying on the couch whining about going to the gym. Also on days where I am just exhausted after work ... I take a little power nap and then go to the gym!

    p.s a little bird told me to NEVER deprive yourself of the things you want (chocolate, pizza, tacos) it will make your weight loss THAT much easier if you give in every once in a while!
  • Littlenatt
    Littlenatt Posts: 26 Member
    Deannalu: I know that going to the gym gives me energy, and having a power nap isnt really an option, well it is, but i work near my gym and it would mean going home, to go back to the gym. I've actually swapped my morning shifts this week, for evening ones so i might go straight from one job, to the gym then start my other one.
    As for breakfast, i vary it between cereal (kellogs crunchy nut), chopped tomatoes on toast, and some kind of egg on toast usually scrambled or poached. And its wholemeal bread ive been having. I occasionally will have a bacon and tomato sandwich because like you said, depriving yourself completely doesnt help!
    As for simple dinner recipes - I like pesto chicken. Basically, i boil abit of chicken, cook some pasta, have LOADS of vegetables (courgette, broccoli, peppers, onions, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes) which i steam, then put them all together with some pesto. Ooor do the same, but instead of pesto i use chopped tomatoes and oregano or basil to make a bit of a sauce.
    I also lke having chicken fajitas, theyre really simple to make! stir fry some chicken in a tiny bit of oil, with some onions, peppers and any other veg you like, put in some fajita spices (we buy them from the dried herb/spices isle) then stick in a wrap with some lettuce and some salsa if you have any!

    As for the 13lbs being water weight, ive heard 9lbs can be, but then again i know when its that time of the month i have put on about 10lbs before.
  • deannalu89
    deannalu89 Posts: 29
    @nat well thanks for the info!! the fajitas sound like something i can handle without having to contact the fire dept! haha!
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    Sorry to hear about your emotional roller coaster gemfox.. hope everything is getting better for you!

    And good job/good luck to everyone for their weight loss!

    I weighed this morning and I back in the 160's!! 169.2 to be exact. I'm down about 6 lbs in a week, which I'm sure is just my body dropping all the garbage I was eating before. I'm not expecting a huge loss next week but I am excited to start off so well :)
  • diferenc3
    diferenc3 Posts: 8 Member
    SO i signed up in august but never really dedicated myself to doing all this. Im 25y.o. i weigh 240lb. and i fear getting diabetes and hypertension before the age of thirty and not begin able to see my nephew grow up if i keep on putting on the weight. Since graduating college 3 years ago ive put on 22lb. I need to do this for myself, but im my worse enemy. Need all the support possible!!!!
  • Hey Everyone! I'm a newbie to MFP! I'm 25 yrs old and am currently trying to lose some pounds so that I'm at a healthy weight before getting pregnant. I previously used WW online and lost 30 lbs, but I've been doing the diet plan half-*ssed for a while. I did come back and lost some more, but then wasn't having any success with the new pts system. I feel like I have lost and gained the same 10 lbs this last year!!! I'm just starting calorie counting for the first time and so far I really like how MFP is set up (it might be better than WW, but don't tell them that!). Feel free to add me and I look forward to sharing in your successes!
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    Hi ladies....
    SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO back officially! hurrah!!! get me on here all the time ladies. I now have a focal point and smething to keep me going which I have found is the key to my weight loss so far!!!
    I have until the end of August to get trim..not a massive weight loss but a deffo toning session and a huge push for me.
    come on ladies lets do this!!!

    PS welcome to he new posters!
  • Littlenatt
    Littlenatt Posts: 26 Member
    Waah, i fell off the wagon. Again.
    So last week was a good week because my friend from cambridge came to visit, and while i love her to death, its all about booze and food, i did well though. Until the weekend. I went out with her, and a load of our mutual friends, including a guy i've liked for well over a year, anyways, things were awesome until the end when my friend told me she'd spoke to the guy about me and him, and he told her what i already know, which is that he wants to be able to put 100% into a relationship with me, but with his uni work and work work he just cant do that, and he doesnt wanna hurt me. I already know this, ive known it for MONTHS, but for some reason it really affected me.
    I think its because the "old nat" came back, my ex was basically mentally and emotionally abusive and turned me into this insecure, jealous, paranoid mess. And he used to say stuff like that all the time, "i love you but i dont wanna be with you because your too insecure, youre tired all the time, youre depressed, you never smile, youre paranoid" (basically, anything you could think of he'd use as an excuse not to be with me) he would then go on to compare me with whatever girl he was seeing, while still telling me he loved me. He was the epitome of mind-****.
    Anyways, i think that all came back when my friend told me what the guy had said and on top of a mountain of other problems in my life it just set me off and i broke down. At which point i ran away, drove to the countryside and sat for an hour until i calmed down, then went home to bed (all this at like 3am). Anyways, the next day i felt sick, as i always do after crying, went out and just ate crap. I know it sounds extreme but i really do have an addiction to chocolate, and recently ive managed to get over it and havent really touched any for a while, but this weekend has ruined me. All ive eaten is chocolate, and cakes. However, i'm back on track now because ive got less than 4 weeks until my holiday. I didint manage to make it to the gym this week, but next week I AM GOING!!

    I WILL feel good about myself on holiday!

    Nat xx
  • Hang in there Nat,

    I've had the same experiences in previous years. (Been single for the past 4 honestly) I had to get into a fight with every guy i've liked because they liked me enough to want to go out and have a good time, just never enough to really take it into a semi serious direction (but didn't want me to see other guys either). It was some horrible manipulation and it really damaged my self esteem because i never thought i was good enough. (I still battle it at times) I get depressed and want to eat sometimes, others i get so depressed just the idea of food sounds disgusting.

    But I've gotten to the point that I know I'm a good person with a lot of things to offer, and it may sound harsh but I don't need anyone in my life who doesn't love me for EVERYTHING I am. I'd rather be alone than guilt-ed into wanting to change myself. If i want to make those changes like i am right now they are because I (and only I) want to make those changes.

    You are a beautiful person inside and out, don't give away your power by allowing them to change how you feel about yourself!
  • jenny_91
    jenny_91 Posts: 23
    I'll be 20 in a few months, can I sill join? :)
  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    Hi everyone! Another newbie here. I've been having a nosy through this thread and it's really inspiring to read about all your ups and downs, I would love to share mine here too as I go along with my weight loss plan. I'm 22 years old and have been overweight most of my life, just want to lose some weight now to look and feel healthy for once :) I lost around a stone at the beginning of 2011 but put it all back on when I went on holiday, and now feel terrible about it!

    Good luck to everyone here! :)
  • Welcome guys! post when you need it seems like the thing we do here, We all need support and motivation! I'll add you guys!