Need to lose 100 + pounds and scared



  • matt_vagner
    matt_vagner Posts: 4 Member
    edited October 2016
    you got it
  • Expat4Life
    Expat4Life Posts: 154 Member
    jls2837 wrote: »
    This number seems so big to me and I'm trying to conquer my fears of doing something new and unfamiliar. Does anyone else feel this way when starting a new lifestyle? I've tried SO many times to get in better shape and have ALWAYS fallen off the wagon. What makes this time different? Fear of the unknown and my lack of confidence has been controlling my life.

    I'm 3 days into tracking calories and have been walking a mile everyday since Monday. Will I ever get there?

    Not only have you got this, you'll be shocked how quickly it goes by. I've lost nearly 60lbs so far with no sign of stopping until I hit my goal of 75lbs. It seems incredibly daunting at first, but just focus on mini-goals (e.g. getting into that next 10 pound bracket of the 60s, then 50s, then 40s, and so on). It you look to the end it seems so far away but focusing on these smaller, achievable goals allows you to focus and crush it! Plus, the community on here is great :smile:
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    totally doable. check out all the success stories. 4 years ago I lost 100 pounds, took me roughly a year. Been maintaining for 3 years now. It really doesn't matter how long it takes as long as you keep after it. When you stumble, you got to come back. Every day, every minute, is an opportunity to right the course. Some days you might not want to, and thats fine too.
  • slimsammyone
    slimsammyone Posts: 2 Member
    You will, as long as you stick to it. You will find it difficult at times, especially if there is an underlying compulsive issue that you don't tackle head on. I needed to get back on meds, bupropion, and even with that I am still better some times than others. Compulsions are a result of trying to cope with real or perceived stresses. That is to say the stress is real whether or not the problem is. I was able to minimize my exposure to the stressors, but we are not always able to do that, and that is where professional help can be the key to success. Don't ever feel bad about seeking medical or psychological help. Good luck. P.S. I don't own a scale. I focus solely on my daily caloric intake.
    PALMINADALESSANDRO Posts: 192 Member
    I ALSO have to lose 100 lbs :)
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    Take it slow. Turtles win the weight loss war, not rabbits ;) The biggest danger is losing confidence that the weight will come off, but guess what, you decide if you stick with it. It's that simple, just because you miss a walk or something, doesn't mean it's over. AND, by the way, you don't even need to walk, just keep logging all you meals and keep to your calorie goal and you WILL do it :smile: !!! It's gonna take some time, but you're gonna get there and it's gonna feel so good!! 5 lbs at a time, and a month at a time, you got this, be patient.
  • s3rend1p1ty
    s3rend1p1ty Posts: 65 Member
    I have a bit less than 100 lbs to lose when I got started. Instead of focusing on the whole number, I broke it down into smaller goals. First goal, 20 then on to 50. When I self talk about only needing to lose 4 more lbs to hit my first goal, then it wasn't overwhelming anymore.
  • avygyaru
    avygyaru Posts: 51 Member
    jls2837 wrote: »
    I've tried SO many times to get in better shape and have ALWAYS fallen off the wagon.

    You and me both but clearly you keep trying and that's really the key. Even if you have a "bad" day, make the next one better. Try to start fresh every week and review weekly. It helps if you have people to help. I have 100 to lose as well (100+ honestly) so if you're looking for another helper, feel free to add me! Just don't let the fear and frustration stop you.

  • jls2837
    jls2837 Posts: 13 Member
    AprilCoe wrote: »
    I lost 105 pounds - it took a year. Give yourself time, don't try to cut calories too drastically and don't rely on exercise to offset a poor diet. You can do it. Lose 10 it 9 more times. :smiley:

    I like your way of thinking!!
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    I will add in my two cents for what its worth. I was hovering at 500 pounds March 2015. My doctor suggested I try weight loss surgery. I did not give surgery much thought, because I had not tried to lose weight on my own. On my birthday in March of 2015, I finally decided it was time to make a change, I was miserable in every way imaginable. I started with a commercial weight loss program and I was faithful for the first year. In that year I lost 120 lbs. Since then I am learning how to eat regular food, but in moderation. I am continually losing and I really feel this is just my new way of living.
    I never had a weight loss goal and I still don't. I just want to be the best person I can be. I have learned so much about myself on this journey. I do not beat myself up if i had a bad day or a bad week, because I know I am strong enough to get right back to doing what I need to do. And that is just what I do. What I always say is that it takes dedication, motivation, commitment, and planning. Everything else will fall into place. Good luck!
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    You'll learn to love this new lifestyle - soon you'll wonder why you didn't start sooner! You won't even remember what you did before you started eating for health and moving your body!
  • bobfernandes
    bobfernandes Posts: 8 Member
    I at the beginning of my journey. I need to lose about 180-200lbs. It was easy to put it on and way harder to get it off. The hardest thing is retraining my brain to be healthy and staying motivated to do so.
  • blueboy2526
    blueboy2526 Posts: 19 Member
    As others have mentioned - it is a marathon not a sprint. We are all human and give in to temptation upon occasion. My view is this "you are defined by what you do the majority of the time" have fun when you need to and be good when you should be. My vices are beer and bread. I have managed to drop the bread, but i do still enjoy the odd beer with friends. I want to lose weight and get in better shape - becoming a monk is not the route to achieving this. Good luck with your journey x
  • misa_x1
    misa_x1 Posts: 5 Member
    Nutrition plans and exercise. Nutrition plans and exercise. Supplements are only meant to supplement nutrition and exercise. When it comes to your progress, no matter how slow or fast, each small step forward is a step forward regardless. It's what I tell all of my clients. You can do it. And you have a whole lot of us to support you. Get after it!!!
  • msphenix
    msphenix Posts: 1 Member
    I love these encouraging posts! I'm in the same boat as you with a goal of 101 pounds to lose. I've lost and gained 77 pounds before and know that the emotional component to weight loss is what trips me up every time. I like small goals and love that comment, "Lose 10 it 9 more times" from AprilCoe. Thanks for posting this!
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    I lost 95lbs. I went from 285lbs to 190lbs. The bulk of it, 65lbs, i lost in like 7 months or so.

    it's really simple. eat healthy, be active and be consistent with these choices. you're going to have days that you eat unhealthy foods, just keep them in moderation and immerse yourself in trying different healthy snacks.

    i had a thread of mine that popped back up today that i talked about how i lost my weight (and how in the middle of it, i gained back 40lbs..) but maybe my post can help make the process feel more tangible. it's really just about consistency. let your good choices far out number your bad choices, your active days far out number your lazy days and you'll see progress.

    Just when you start, realize it does take months and months...but you also find how great of a feeling it is as you see your body change.
  • ajleefan1
    ajleefan1 Posts: 22 Member
    I know how you feel. I've lost 46 pounds so far and I still need to lose 100 pounds more. My issue is I get to a mini goal I set for myself and then I start to self sabotage. My first goal was 50 pounds and then I realized how close I was to it and I started eating more and working out less. I didn't gain any weight but I was only losing a pound a week. Currently I'm trying to get down to 199 before my 30th birthday in March (i'm 267 now). Getting back on track is hard esp. knowing soon the holidays will be coming (and lots of good food will be cooked). And I also think a part of me is afraid to see what would happen if I did lose the weight. I've been overweight my whole life so the idea of being a healthy size or even being out of the 200's is kinda scary.
  • pedermj2002
    pedermj2002 Posts: 180 Member
    I got started with my own journey back in June. At that point, I wasn't even considering MFP, or any tools to help, none of that. I was just looking to improve slightly, *and* see if I'd stick with it. I didn't even tell my wife I'd started doing anything because I didn't want to get her hopes up, and then quit.

    Fear of being a failure kept me quiet for the better part of two months. Finally, around the end of August, I figured out that this wasn't just a fad for me. I'd decided that I was going to make this happen. I'm going to get into better shape.

    Will you quit? I can't say you won't. My crystal ball is in the shop, and they didn't even offer me a loaner :)

    But here's something that might help you, since it's helped me as I move forward: I have a choice, every day, to decide what I will do for my physical betterment. I acknowledge that choice, and I own the decision. If I stop, it's not my wife's fault, it's not my dog's fault, it's mine. If I continue, it's not my wife's pressure, it's not my dog's chasing me, it's mine. I decide if I move forward, and I decide if I stop.

    I have decided to move forward. There are days it's not easy.

    Right now, I'm developing a cold. I wake up with a runny nose. I can pause for a day if I need to, but right now, I'm moving forward.

    Right now, my step counter (Google Fit) isn't sync'ing up, so I have to manually adjust my calories used to account for this. It's annoying. But still, I move forward.

    In the end, it has to matter to you. You have to have that reason to get out of bed when it's cold and wet and an ugly day and still do it. You need a reason to pass by the sweet treats more often than you have them. That reason, whatever it is, will be what keeps you moving forward, including through the bad times where it seems like all progress has come to a screeching halt.

    My reason is simple: I was a fat, lazy slob who didn't care about his weight. I got seriously tired of being that person. I decided not to be that person anymore. My house is (mostly) clean. My weight is down by 14lbs so far. I'm still working on my motivator, but I'm not lazy anymore. I don't want to be that person again.

    And so, when I'm pondering taking a day off, I ask myself one thing: Am I quitting? Am I going back to who I was? Or is today just a day off from working on this, and tomorrow I'll be back to being the new me?

    My answer is still the same: I'm moving forward.

    If you need help with motivation, if you any of what I've said resonates and you think I can help, feel free to add me as a friend. And let's move forward together.
  • swati1279
    swati1279 Posts: 2 Member
    It's like you are resonating my thoughts. I have 100+ to lose and have just started yet again. It's daunting but this time I'm trying to think about it in smaller goals and want to make sure I keep logging honestly. Please add me too. I need a support system of people in the same boat.
  • veggie16mfp
    veggie16mfp Posts: 114 Member
    Started logging last week. Have 100lbs to go. This is my third serious attempt and really need to stick with it this time. So sick of carrying an extra person around in weight. It just makes everything so much harder than it needs to be! We can do this!!