Anyone else with an under active thyroid trying to lose weight?



  • Golbat
    Golbat Posts: 276 Member
    I have a bad thyroid and hashimoto's, but I have a good doctor who keeps track of my levels and they are in good shape with medication. I'm losing without too much trouble so long as I keep my calories where they should be. If you are weighing everything on a food scale and tracking everything that goes in your mouth and you absolutely know you should be losing with the amount you're eating, but it's been a few weeks and you haven't lost anything, go to the doctor and get your levels checked again. (Not after just a week or so - particularly for women our weight can fluctuate too much within a menstrual cycle.)
  • seeing1111
    seeing1111 Posts: 13 Member
    edited October 2016
    Try the dessicated thyroid med instead of synthroid. I started it 6 months ago and started my weight loss 4 months ago and dropped 15 lbs using intermittent fastingon the dessicated. My weight was always higher on the synthroid.
  • suzzerand68
    suzzerand68 Posts: 14 Member
    Just diagnosed in May 2016. On Synthroid and seems to be levelling ok. Lost 30 lbs and gained 10. Back at it.
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    Sophs380 wrote: »
    Hey guys, I have had an under active thyroid for 15 years now and to cut a long story short I have been put on a trial dose of T3 combined with thyroxine. I have always struggled with weight loss and I usually have a good few weeks, lose a few lbs then it stops again.
    Is anyone else in a similar situation? Could really do with some help/support/advice.

    Thank you

    hi hun, i have hypthyroidism, i am on 100mcg of levo and cannot lose weight.. i so slimming world because i was just so sick and tired of counting dn weighing things like carrots etc. i lost 5 stone as of September 2015, however after then i struggled, finally in july 16 i was diagnosed. im hoping once my levels are stable i can lose weight again.