Ripped in 30 starting July 4th



  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    Well I was only planning on taking a rest day on Sunday, but my body had other things in mind. My knee swelled up and was sore so I thought that I will take Sat. off instead of Sunday. Then woke up on Sunday with a fever and flulike symptons. It's summer in South Carolina here for goodness sake!! So after two rest days, I did week 2 day 1 today. I don't understand why there are two minutes straight of planks with jacks and mountains...couldn't it rotate a bit? I hate it because my shoulders dont hold and then I burn less cals because I am doing less cardio. I am sure I will get better as the week goes by. She did say we will never see the same moves again so if I had to get rid of all three plank moves (including squats) I guess I can do them all in one week. Like ripping off a bandaid :wink:
  • I have the same complaint about the cardio sequence with the plank jacks and mountain climbers. My shoulders start to burn about as bad as my quads and I have to stop. It's the same reason I have a hard time with yoga routines with a lot of downward dog poses! I'm hoping it gets better as the week goes on, too!

    The advanced ab moves on level 2 are tough! I'm watching that girl curl ALL THE WAY UP thinking, "Hot damn, how does she do that?!" Someday, someday...
  • HarmonyNLife
    HarmonyNLife Posts: 47 Member
    I had a few set backs this weekend which caught up with me today. I ate out three days and I didn't do my RI30 workout for two days. I started week 2 today and it kicked my butt. The planks are ridiculous. I am going to push through this week's workout. I might have to do week 2 for a few extra days. We will see how it is going after day 5.
  • ridgellmomof3
    ridgellmomof3 Posts: 83 Member
    W2D1...two words MY GOD!! okay three words Help. I was shocked at the intensity changes. I have never, even being a college athlete, sweated to the point it was running down my legs...The plank jacks and mountain climbers are killer. We can do this ladies...I definitely realized how weak my abs are. Hope everyone is hanging in...
  • Sdean07
    Sdean07 Posts: 1
    I am new to this. I heard about ripped in 30 and i think I am going to order it also. I hear such great results. I think I will join you girls also. I will post my stats soon. good luck everyone. :smile:
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    :smile: I am glad I'm not the only one with "plank" aversion! Today was D3 of Ripped in 30 Level 2 for me and dare I say--it just may be getting a teensy bit easier but I'm not sure. I still think Jillian is trying to kill me
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Also, question: are you guys doing anything else in addition to Ripped in 30 or are you doing more than one level a day? I'm just doing Ripped in 30 and wonder if it's enough to see results. I guess time will tell, but I'd love to hear what each of you is doing.
  • HarmonyNLife
    HarmonyNLife Posts: 47 Member
    Also, question: are you guys doing anything else in addition to Ripped in 30 or are you doing more than one level a day? I'm just doing Ripped in 30 and wonder if it's enough to see results. I guess time will tell, but I'd love to hear what each of you is doing.

    I just started doing more cardio. I tried to get back into C25K but determined it was too much to do RN30 and C25K. Now, I am doing a preset elliptical/treadmill workout.
  • Srivera40
    Srivera40 Posts: 9
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm a newbie. I'm staying at a hotel for the summer. Wanted to know if I need a lot of space for these workouts. Planning on getting the Ripped in 30 DVD today. Your posts reflect a lot of success with this program. Besides 3 lb. weights, would I need anything else. I have been struggling to lose 30 lbs. for a long time. Can anyone tell me if my goals are reasonable with Ripped in 30? I will be working out 6 days a week with Sundays off. Any suggestions or comments will be greatly appreciated.:happy:

    Height: 5'3"
    Starting Weight: 160 lbs on July 12
    Goal #1: 140 lbs by August 13
    Goal #2: 127 lbs by September 10 (My Birthday)
    Goal #3: 125 lbs by October 12
  • ridgellmomof3
    ridgellmomof3 Posts: 83 Member
    W2D2 hanging in there, I decided to run 3 miles before starting day two, it was hard but I survived...however I am tired. how is everyone holding up. To answer questions it takes about a 7 foot square to have enough room to move around. How is everyone holding up? This is intense...i love it though. I do agree with other posts, I think Jillian Micheals is trying to kill me too! :sad:
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Oh goodness. Those plank jacks and mountain climbers and squat thrusts are going to be the end of me. It's like L2 of 30DS is coming back to haunt me LOL. Who else misses week 1? I feel like I am a mess with this week 2 workout! I have zero balance so that one move where you balance on one leg and bend over and do the rows, omg its just humorous. I'm falling and flopping all over the place HAHA.

    sriv2259 - You don't need much space AT ALL to do this workout. I think you will be able to do it in your hotel room! Hope you enjoy it :)

    Keep it up Rippers! You guys are all doing fantastic :)
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    Ok, finished day 2 Level2 after a surprise day off yesterday. I guess I hadn't shaken that flu thing all the way and had a fever all day again!! Worked on it today but am not going to double with any cardio today.

    bathsalts= Normally, I would double up so to speak three times or so a week with other cardio. I go to Gold's Gym so I usually do a group fitness class like zumba, step, spin, or body combat. If I don't go to a class, I do my Wii Dance 2 game for a couple hundred extra calories. I would like to run more (been a runner all my life and just completed a half marathon last year) but my knee has been acting up.

    I'm so proud of our group!! We have made it to a third page :) Keep it up all!!
  • ridgellmomof3
    ridgellmomof3 Posts: 83 Member
    Rest day for me, i have worked out 7 straight body is tired. Keep it up ladies you can do this!!!
  • alexwalper
    alexwalper Posts: 81
    Can I join you guys? I started RI30 on July 5th :). I just did my first day of Week 2 today and since it nearly brought me to tears with the huge jump in intensity haha, I could use some support :). I second with whoever said she was trying to kill us!!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    I would love to join.I just got done with 30 Day shred and have taken about a week off.I just bought Ripped in 30 today,and plan on starting tomorrow.I have done Turbo Fire and alot of other Beachbody DVDs and I can say that I REALLY like Jillian Micheals.I got good results with the Shred (12 inches and 10 pounds lost!!)I am excited to do this one! Is anyone doing her meal plan??If so what do you like the most? I would love to be friends so send me a request and we can Cheer each other! on!!!:smile:
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Still hanging in there! Last day of week 2 tomorrow, then my rest day. I'm excited and a little scared about starting week 3, but I'm committed to this, so damn the torpedos!! Full speed ahead!!!
  • I took a surprise day off today, but I'm just going to call this my rest day instead of Thursdays like I normally do and roll with it. I bought some real weights today, so I'm expecting my arms to be feelin' the burn with Jillian tomorrow!

    Keep it up everyone! I think I'm going to take my measurements on Monday morning and see how things are looking at the halfway point!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Hey everyone! I took a rest day today too :( I've been trying to fight on this migraine but it just keeps getting worse. I hope it doesn't throw me off track! I will try to get back on it tomorrow.

    You guys are all doing great though! Keep it up. And welcome to all the new people!!
  • alexwalper
    alexwalper Posts: 81
    Just finished W2 D2! When I did W2 D1 yesterday, I thought I was going to die! I spent the whole time watching the moves thinking "What crazy person can even do that?!?" :laugh:
    I was really discouraged, but I gave it some effort today, and I did it! I still have to modify some abs stuff (my god, my core must be non-existent or her cronies are mega robot women) and there were a few more water breaks in there than Jillian would approve of, but I felt strong and pulled off more than I did yesterday.. I could even bust out a half-crow push up or two. The best part, I lost 1.2 lbs! :bigsmile: I am feeling rather proud, and I'm excited to master this level and keep moving on!

    I did a late start this week due to an unexpected rest day, so I'm gonna have to fudge my days a little bit to make sure I get all 5-6 days in of this week. Keep going guys, you all are doing great!
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    Looks like a lot of us had surprise rest days :) That's one great thing vs. shred is that I don't feel guilty about it!! Finished day 3 L2 today and hit the halfway point of my week. I am def. ready to get to level 2 and be done with plank crap. Great job to all!! Love to see some new faces :)