What is your why? Why are you doing this?



  • TracyY824
    TracyY824 Posts: 15 Member
    edited October 2016
    My doctor put me in bp meds about four years ago and told me I needed to lose at least 30lbs. After years of starting and failing I'm finally on the right path 30lbs down and plan to stay there. I sometimes still can believe that I was able to do it. I feel so much better about myself physically and emotionally.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Doctor said I was pre-diabetic so I wanted to stop the numbers actually moving in to the diabetic stage. Exercise and weight loss was the alternative to deteriorating and needing diabetic medication.
  • rcktgirl05
    rcktgirl05 Posts: 87 Member
    I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. And then there was that one picture where I didn't even recognize myself. Yikes.
  • Sairzie
    Sairzie Posts: 122 Member
    I'm 26 now and am aware I've spent most of my teen years and over half of my twenties worrying about my weight and not feeling my healthiest self. I'm growing up and settling into who I am as a personality, as a wife, as an employee, as a member of my social group and felt it was time to settle into my body so I can live a healthy, happy life.
  • rcktgirl05 wrote: »
    I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    I liiiiiiike it!
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    Prediabetis, fibromyalgia, tired of people thinking I was pregnant when I wasn't, tired of everyone disrespecting me, tired of being pissed off about my weight and taking it out on everyone else for what I did to my health. Wanted to look and dress like a lady- makeup, heels, fitted clothes, the whole nine yards, but my weight didn't match the vision in my head. I wanted to love and respect myself again and live a long healthy life, comfortable and confident with myself in my own skin.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Today my why is to not be the fat mom at my kid's school events.
  • DeviatedNorm
    DeviatedNorm Posts: 422 Member
    I would sing to myself, "I have become...uncomfortably fat" (to the tune of Uncomfortably Numb). It was such a hindrance in my life. There were two main catalysts to losing weight: spending over 20 minutes forcing an airplane buckle to just barely snap together, and then my biggest motivator, the passing of my father. He didn't pass away due to anything related to weight, but I know he would have wanted me to be a healthy weight and it's a huge motivator.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    To *kitten* rock.
  • elleestmighty
    elleestmighty Posts: 1 Member
    My boys...I have 3, the youngest is 3. Getting down on the floor to play with the 3 year old is difficult. I want to be around to see them have their own kids. I want to be a good example for them. Other reasons...to be able to shop easier for clothes (I'm short + round....not an easy combo to shop for!). To feel attractive and confident again. To be healthy. To not have weight stop me from doing things.
  • stephenmoralee
    stephenmoralee Posts: 75 Member
    i was fed up of looking like thise20zfb8hoqvp.jpg

  • l
    i was fed up of looking like thise20zfb8hoqvp.jpg
    And now i look like this


    that is the reason i do this

    Lookin fricken fabulous! Well done.
  • xxsaraxmariexx
    xxsaraxmariexx Posts: 10 Member
    edited October 2016
    I've been overweight ever since I was a kid. About two or three years ago I finally reached 145 which was the first time I was considered a normal weight on the BMI scale and it made me so happy. I didn't keep up with it, made a bunch of poor eating choices and I've gained 35 lbs since then.

    I want to get a grip on it now before I gain more weight. Looking better is a factor, but I also have to be on my feet for work and by the end of the day my legs are killing me. I want to see if not carrying around the excess weight helps ease that.
  • Intentional_Me
    Intentional_Me Posts: 336 Member
    I was physically very uncomfortable and it was majorly taking a toll on my energy and mental health. And I realized I couldn't be the mom and wife I wanted to be at that weight because I was too tired and sad. I don't want to die at a young age and I want to lead by example for my children. Bottom line, I'm doing this for me but the side effects it will have on my family are unmeasurable.
  • Intentional_Me
    Intentional_Me Posts: 336 Member
    Also I'm guessing it'll really help my chronic back pain.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    I would sing to myself, "I have become...uncomfortably fat" (to the tune of Uncomfortably Numb). It was such a hindrance in my life. There were two main catalysts to losing weight: spending over 20 minutes forcing an airplane buckle to just barely snap together, and then my biggest motivator, the passing of my father. He didn't pass away due to anything related to weight, but I know he would have wanted me to be a healthy weight and it's a huge motivator.

    I literally laughed aloud!

  • rachel29hart
    rachel29hart Posts: 23 Member
    I want my appearance to reflect what I am, what I do - working full-time in the fashion industry, writing for academic journals, and running a blog on the side. I am in a very odd position where I do not fit into the largest sizes most stores offer, but I am too small for plus size. Old Navy is the only store I can find clothing at (and it's not my style AT ALL), and it pains me to shop there (morally, ethically). I know that once I can align my appearance with my mindset, I'll be a superhero.
  • Lulaica
    Lulaica Posts: 63 Member
    I used to be very in shape when I was younger (pre-college and early college). I walked everywhere, ran and danced (country swing) regularly, and was just happier overall. With my wedding coming up in a year and the future of starting a family with my love, I want to be in the best health I can be for them. And as vain as it may be, I want to look great for my wedding, honeymoon, and be able to encourage my children to live healthy through being an example.
  • Steen0402
    Steen0402 Posts: 2 Member
    Tried on a sweater dress last week and I looked pregnant. All my pants and jeans are getting too tight in the waist. Wanted to get some cute fall clothes at Kohl's, tried 12 outfits on and none of them looked good.