October (2016) Running Challenge



  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    swillis21 wrote: »
    Can I join? I have a baby and have been so tired that I kept putting off running or when I did I didn't stick to it. But it's time - I got back on mfp starting yesterday. My goal coming in late is 24 miles since my runs are around a mile right now. And my MIL is coming to visit but I'm wanting to still run those days too.

    Welcome to the madhouse! Beware - something is addictive around here: it might be the crazy folks and it might be the running and it might be something else. But you're gonna get hooked!
  • jodilynnsanders5104


    Oct 1: 15km long run day
    Oct 2: 0km running, active recovery day, 6.62km brisk walk.
    Oct 3: 12.06km...2km run on coffee break in. Or img, 6.08km long hill repeats at lunch, long, 4.01km treadmill run with hill intervals after work, followed by 30 min strength training
    Oct 4: 90 minutes skating (45 min practice stake during the day, 45 min refereeing girls hockey at night)
    Oct 5: 5km progression run before work, 3km base run at lunch.
    Oct 6: 3.6 km hilly trail run at lunch, 5km tempo run on treadmill after work, 30 min strength training.
    Oct 7: REST DAY
    Oct 8: 16.7 km long run. Forgot my hydration bottles. First run without fluids. Had a couple extra gummies for fuel. Glad I was well hydrated before I started.
    Oct 9: REST DAY
    Oct 10: 7.65 km recovery run including 25 minutes of running drills
    Oct 11: 6.96 km tempo run. First 5km was a PB 31:30.
    Oct 12: 0km running, cross train day. 35 minutes on recumbent bike, 30 min brisk walk.

    Upcoming races:

    Awesome Virtual Events 100 mile (160km) October challenge.
    November 6th: Hamilton Road2Hope HM

    Saturday is my longest training run coming up for my HM (18-19km). Then I have to referee to peewee hockey games. Any suggestions for the fastest recovery of my legs so I can skate for 90 minutes a few hours later?

    @garygse welcome!

  • jodilynnsanders5104


    Even split beats positive split...
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    Of course the ladies at the running store had to ask if I was going to run the - Read Carefully - The Halloween Howler Saturday October 29 >:) ~ 10 km Give or Take a Little Distance, Bush and Sand Hill trails - Gun time at approximately 1940 = Sunset. Yes that's right it will be a night time run in bush trails at the Cross Country Ski-club. The Wicked part - there are 3 different Trail Setters each one responsible for a different section and different surprises = No Pre-Race Maps. Promises to be Stupid-Foolish fun. That's why the final true distance is ???.
    Who wants to get lost in the bush just before Halloween?
    What do you think will be popping out of the Trees and bush's?
    The reality is there are only so many ways they can link the trails so you are not running into other runners - it promises to be fun no matter what they do. Its going to be interesting seeing headlights bobbing through the trees going in different directions depending on where they are in the race. You could be on parallel trails going in the same direction or opposite direction. Definitely have to give a big Thank You to the Volunteers.
    Definitely sounds like an interesting evening! Much better than what we usually have - I live in a cul-de-sac with no kids of trick-or-treat age, and for some reason, we have had bupkes for the last several years. Not a fan of trail running, but I might be persuaded with something fun like that!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    5512bf wrote: »
    I think I convinced my mom to train for a half to run with me next year. Problem is, depending on the scheduling, it could be only a week or 2 before the marathon I might be targeting... why do I have to come up with so many "awesome" ideas?????

    My plan had 17 miles for a long run 2 weeks out, with 13 the week before. 13 miles 2 weeks out wouldn't be a stretch at all, especially if your mom isn't very fast. :) you'd most likely be coming off a 20 miler 3 weeks out.

    Her faster pace is right at my easy pace right now, so I'd imagine that if she were running a HM, she'd be somewhere in my recovery pace range. Good to know I could probably do both. The HM is the same one I ran 2 weeks ago, and they did an awesome job with the event.

    As someone who is at least old enough to be your mother...........I just know she'll be so happy to have you running with her and I'm sure it will be a pretty easy run for you!

    My Son In Law is running a 10K Turkey Trot with me next month and I tried to tell him to just leave me behind but he's insisting on keeping me company and is just going to consider it a training run and have some fun!

    Just enjoy running with her and I'm sure you'll be fine for the Marathon!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited October 2016
    @Orphia Yes the Halloween Trail Run promises to be a lot of fun and yes anything less than 10 km can be considered a rest day, right?

    @kristinegift Upgrading the Headlamp :) . I changed mine out last year to the Petzl Tikka and it is such a big step up in quality. If my Trail Running addiction continues I will probably upgrade again to the Reactive version with the external Lithium Battery.

    @7lenny7 Envy that you can wear The Salomon Speed Cross trail shoes. Unfortunately I have DUCK Feet so I need a Big Toe Box and the Salomon running shoes just don't have that. I have 2 pairs of Salomon Hiking boots and they have the wide Toe Box option. Salomon has always had one of the best Tread patterns for Nasty Soft Terrain Trail shoes. On Hard Rock-Mountain Trails the lugs are a little to stiff and get ripped off/destroyed.

    2nd run in my new Saucony Nomad shoes. No calf pain. :)
    10 km with 8 members of our little club up Pats Creek Trail.
    A great day as we were all waiting to see our new BQ girl and give her a big cheer. She ran with me for the first 2 km - had a good chat - by then her legs had loosened up and she joined up with another ( faster ) member of our club. So we planed our Saturday Medium Distance Run - Judah Hill ( 3.5 km uphill slog ) plus 1.5 km extension on top for 5 km, loop back and Dive down into the Bush Trail beside the Railroad Tracks for a estimated total of 18 km.

    10/01 – 0.0 km – 0.0 - 140 km – YTD 954.5 km
    10/01 – 6.0 km – 6.0 - 134 km
    10/02 – 1.0 km – 7.0 - 133 km - Gimpy Calf Said Noooo
    10/04 – 2.0 km – 9.0 - 131 km – Gimpy Calf Said Noooo
    10/06 – 2.0 km – 11.0 - 129 km – Gimpy Calf Said Noooo
    10/08 – 6.0 km – 17.0 - 123 km
    10/11 – 10.0 km – 27.0 - 113 km – YTD 981.5 km New Saucony Nomad TR
    10/12 – 10.0 km – 37.0 - 103 km – YTD 991.5 km Saucony Nomad TR on Pats Creek

  • jodilynnsanders5104
    @MermaidAnnie89 welcome aboard! I just joined last month. The group doesn't bite!

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Saw the doctor and no running for a while. My HM next month is iffy depending on how my recovery goes which is really disappointing since it is the Invitational that I had to qualify for and I am not at all certain I will be able to qualify again for next year. It is definitely an Achilles injury and once the inflammation is reduced he will do another analysis to see if I need new orthotics. My pronation is getting worse and probably contributing to the Achilles issue :( Of course NOW the weather decides to cool down and be perfect for running! He does want me to walk so walk I will! Hobbes the Vizsla is turning into a crazy dog, reflecting my feelings I am sure... I will have to come up with creative ways to wear him out!!

    @HonuNui - love the sea turtles! One of my favorites!!
    @juliet3455 - The Halloween Howler run sounds like fun!
    @skippygirlsmom - I agree with @ddmom0811 - drink your water! and throw in some electrolytes and/or magnesium. Water alone didn't take care of my leg cramps, they were terrible during strength training. So now I take magnesium too like @greenolivetree's husband and that seems to have helped.
    @dkabambe - Running (any run - long, short, fast, slow) keeps me from being depressed, sad and cranky... it is not good when I can't run :disappointed:
    @7lenny7 - Love Larry! Oh and the new shoes too!
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,129 Member
    edited October 2016
    11/10 3 miles
    12/10 3 miles


  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    It's been a while since I updated.

    10/1....12 miles.
    10/4....3 miles.
    10/7....1.62 miles treadmill. Total..16.62 miles
    10/8....13.1 (Indianapolis Half Marathon....average pace 11:58
    10/9...Colts game...beer and a large pretzel....mistake...lots of swelling in left ankle.
    10/11...6 miles run, mixing up fast sprints, easy run, fartleks...felt good but unable to muster a fast pace or increase heart rate much above 90% max heart rate. The half marathon took a lot out of me.

    Goal...75 miles.

    5/6/17....Indianapolis Mini-marathon

    Tried to run a sub-10 minute mile, but best was 10:17....going to table this goal for a while and work on building up running base. Long run planned today.

    Since Saturday, I am been having problems with sore and aching left leg from left ankle radiating up the side and into the left hip. I am thinking it is the IT band. Any suggestions? I have been taking tylenol, ibuprofen and naproxen. The naproxen works the best...so I am thinking that there is some inflammation; Using Ben-gay during the night. Walking and running seems to improve the situation.

    Is it common to gain weight after running a half marathon? My weight is up by 5 pounds. I think that there is some water retention...not sure.

    Thanks in advance for your answers and support! This is a wonderful and supportive community.

  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member

    Another 5.5 this morning for a total of 35.5 with 34.5 to go!!


    5.5km this morning for a total of 41 and 29 to go
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited October 2016
    10/1: 20 miles
    10/2: 4.6 miles (am), 5.4 miles (pm)
    10/3: 6 miles with the Coffee Crew
    10/4: 5 miles (am), 10 miles (pm)
    10/5: 5 miles
    10/6: 3.5 miles
    10/7: 9.5 miles
    10/8: 6 miles with a 5k in the middle
    10/9: 4 miles
    10/10: Oh my god finally a rest day
    10/11: 10 miles
    10/12: 6 miles (am), 4.2 miles (pm)
    10/13: 8 miles (am), group run tonight!

    Speed work for the week is DONE. Finally. ;) It was dark when I started, but the sun was starting to come out when I got to the speedy portion of the run, however thanks to 95% humidity it was super foggy and creepy! I did 2 miles to warm up, then 5 miles in my goal marathon pace range (splits: 7:53, 8:05, 7:48, 7:54, 7:46) and then one cool down mile. Back to the group runs tonight after being absent last week since I was in another state; excited to see all my running buds again!

    Trying to decide between shoes for my race Sunday. I've put a couple speed sessions in with my New Balance Vazee Pace and they're GREAT speed shoes, but I've only done 8-10 miles in them. I'd also consider my NB Zantes because they're also light and speedy, but I've only done max 9.5 in those because I use them for short runs and recovery typically. On one hand, I want to try out the Vazee Paces in an HM because they may be my marathon shoes... on the other hand, if they don't prove as comfortable as I think they are, it could blow my chance for a PR. Decisions, decisions!


    Upcoming Races:
    10/8: Coe College Homecoming 5k: 21:26
    10/16: Superhero Halloween Half Marathon (Goal: 1:38 or better)
    11/20: Philadelphia Marathon (Goal: 3:30 or better)
    3/26/17: Philly Love Run HM
    5/14/17: Delaware Marathon Running Festival HM

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @7lenny7 - love the running art!
    @shanaber - that is awful but it's good he wants you to walk. Hobbes will be happy! And you did the right thing by going in early.

    Saw a bear on my 4:30am run today! I initially heard cans/bottles. It sort of echoed on the street and I at first thought it was something behind me. So I looked behind me for a few seconds, and then continued on. About 50 yards ahead was a bear going through a recycle bin. She (I assume) looked up at me and took off for the woods. I turned around and went back a different way. Saw a neighbor with his little dog a few minutes later and told him (I see him several times a week usually on my runs but we usually just wave and shout hello). I also told him that on Monday I saw a coyote (which would actually be worse for his little dog). So my run was cut short to 4 miles. I guess the good news is I'm glad that the bear did exactly what everyone said -- when it sees the lights or hears you -- it runs away.

    10/1 - 5.1 miles
    10.2 - 7.3 miles
    10/3 - travel/rest day
    10/4 - rest
    10/5 - 5.1
    10/6 - 5.2
    10/7 - hurricane day
    10/8 - 7.5 miles - trail running on sidewalks
    10/9 - 37 miles biking
    10/10 - 5.1 miles - perfect 65 degrees
    10/11 - 5 miles - still nice out!
    10/12 - strength training (after 2 weeks away!)
    10/13 - 4 miles


    Upcoming races
    11/30/16 - I/ITSEC 5K
    2/5/17 - Daytona Beach HM
    2/26/17 - Disney Princess HM Orlando
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    10/1- 4.04 miles
    10/2- Rest/Travel day
    10/3- 3.47
    10/4- 5.03
    10/5- 3.0
    10/6- 5.0
    10/7- 4.4
    10/8- 7.4
    10/9- REST- Grumble Grumble Grumble
    10/10- 5.22
    10/11- 4.02
    10/12- 3.01
    10/13- 6.0

    Total: 50.5/70

    Today's notes: Ran the 6 miles today that I was planning to run yesterday. HR kept creeping up into Fitzgerald zX, or Strava z3. Average HR ended up being 152, which is still z2, just at the higher end. paces were all over the place. I think the combination of slightly overdressing for the 34F temp, sinus issues, and headwinds/crosswinds on the downhill/flat parts of the runs probably contributed to the elevated HR, but the truth is, I just wasn't feeling it today.....Good thing I'm so obsessive about running, otherwise I might have quit after the first loop around town!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today - Miles for October
    10/1 20 miles - 20
    10/2 REST DAY
    10/3 8.1 miles - 28.1
    10/3 5 miles - 33.1 << Daily Double
    10/4 9 miles - 42.1
    10/4 5 miles - 47.1 << Daily Double
    10/5 5 miles - 52.1
    10/6 10.5 miles - 62.6
    10/7 5 miles - 67.6
    10/8 17 miles - 84.6
    10/9 REST DAY
    10/10 13.1 miles - 97.7
    10/11 9 miles - 106.7
    10/11 4 miles - 110.7 << Daily Double
    10/12 5 miles - 115.7
    10/13 9.3 miles - 125


    Upcoming races:
    UAH 8K - 3/6 <<< 34:33 3 in AG
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    PEO-AVN Team Day 5K - 5/4 <<< 19:10 (2.9 mi) 1 in AG 5 OA
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30 << 44:57 PR
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25 << 1:20:22 1 in AG & 15 OA
    Huntsville Half Marathon - 11/12
    Rocket City Marathon - 12/10

  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member

    1/10: 5.09 km (running and squatting in a cornfield scaring people in my PT job for Halloween season)
    2/10: REST
    3/10: 5.02 km (1/3 interval, 2/3 steady treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (arms and core)
    4/10: 5.01 km (steady treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga
    5/10: 5.16 km (minimal progression run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (shoulders and core)
    6/10: 5.03 km (interval treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (chest and legs)
    7/10: 5.20 km (interval treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (upper back and core) + 4.00 km (running and squatting in a cornfield)
    8/10: 5.00 km (running and squatting in a cornfield)
    9/10: REST
    10/10: 10.39 km (general hike and spelunking in a cave)
    11/10: 5.03 km (interval treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (shoulders and core)
    12/10: 5.00 km (mild progression run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (arms and legs)
    13/10: 4.74 km (steady pace run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (chest and core)

    Current PR: 5K in 32:50 / 10K in 1:12:07 / 20K in 2:45:11


    20/10-01/11: Zombies Run! App 2016 Fall Virtual Run

    Today's workout was brutal. This whole week, my energy level has crashed due to the coming of TOM and I feel like everything is a struggle. Just want to sleep for a few days. :sleepy:
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Omg, I'm so torn on what to do. My running schedule is a day late this week, since I did my long run on Monday instead of Sunday, so had a rest day on Tuesday, instead of my first weekday run. Here is my dilemma:

    - I have a 6 mile run w/18 min LT tempo, a 5 mile general aerobic run, and an 8 mile long run to fit in. The long run is definitely happening on Sunday.

    - Today, my legs are super sore from DOMS because I lifted for the first time in ages on Tuesday, then ran 6 miles yesterday + did Zumba.

    - I was just reminded that we have our office building fire drill today, which means walking down 17 flights of stairs.

    Do I gut my way through the 5 miler today, do the 6 miler tomorrow, and rest day on Saturday before my long run? Or do I appease my super sore legs, take the rest day today, do the 6 miler tempo tomorrow and a super easy 5 miler on Saturday, and just don't have a rest day the day before my long run?

    Hmmm, I might even have answered my own question by writing this all out, lol. I'm really not feeling a run today, I'm sleepy too. I'm probably better off taking the rest day today.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @KatieJane83 you answered it alright. Just rest today, with the fire drill, you'll be getting some exercise in there!