October (2016) Running Challenge



  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Oct 1- 7 miles
    Oct 2 10 miles fats finish +0.7 miles with Stella
    Oct 3- rest day
    Oct 4-3.3 miles easy
    Oct 5 rest day
    Oct 6 3.0 miles easy + 0.7 with Stella
    Oct 7 5.0 miles with strides + 0.6 w/ Stella

    It has been an insanely crazy week, both with work and personal life. Running took a back seat to most things this week, which is ok because I have a half marathon coming up this weekend and my body was telling me to give it a bit of a rest. I only managed to squeeze in a few short runs, plus a few short runs with Stella the pup. Something seemed to have clicked with her recently and she has been doing great on our runs which makes it so much fun. The only thing is, she is used to the little route around our neighborhood we have been doing since she was a pup. Now she is pretty much running the whole way without stopping, but when we get back by my house, she thinks she is done, even though I would like to get her to go longer. Something to work on.

    The other night I had one of those conversations with my husband regarding my frustrations with the way certain things are in our life right now. This stems mostly from situations at work and has little to do with him, but sometimes once you open those flood gates, things just come pouring out. Anyway, during the course of the conversation, he mentioned that it bothers him that running seems to always take a priority in my life. He has always been super supportive of my running, but I guess there is a little bit of underlying resentment that I will go to great lengths to fit my runs in and sometimes this might end up being at his expense. He wasn't really complaining, just stating what I already knew. I think this wasn't really much of an issue for us until we got a puppy. So that is something I am going to try and be more mindful of. I know this has been a topic of conversation in this group before. How do you all handle balancing your time running with family obligations?

    In other news, I am running the Dayton River Corridor Classic Half Marathon this weekend. This race holds a special place in my heart because it was my first ever half marathon (in 2004) and also my current PR (in 2014). It's a new course this year that goes through much of downtown. Kind of excited for that. I am hoping for maybe a slight PR, but I am unsure how my hamstring will hold up, so I am not going to be too disappointed if it doesn't happen.

    Who else is racing this weekend? I think @Ohhim and @5512bf both have marathons coming up this weekend, right? Good luck to you both, and anyone else who is racing! Have a great weekend!

  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member

    1/10: 5.09 km (running and squatting in a cornfield scaring people in my PT job for Halloween season)
    2/10: REST
    3/10: 5.02 km (1/3 interval, 2/3 steady treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (arms and core)
    4/10: 5.01 km (steady treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga
    5/10: 5.16 km (minimal progression run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (shoulders and core)
    6/10: 5.03 km (interval treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (chest)
    7/10: 5.20 km (interval treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (upper back and core)

    Current PR: 5K in 32:50 / 10K in 1:12:07 / 20K in 2:45:11


    20/10-01/11: Zombies Run! App 2016 Fall Virtual Run

    I'll be very busy this weekend (and it's a long one for us Canucks, gotta love early Thanksgiving!). See you all Tuesday!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @lporter229 good luck this weekend! I think balancing life is difficult whether it's running, work, kids whatever. I give up running on Saturdays during the school year because of Skip's XC/indoor t&f/outdoor t&f there just isn't time for me to run. Saturdays I need to put her first, sometimes I'll run at the course if I can. I think you could find the balance easier if hubby could give you an example, like if you run Sunday mornings but he really likes to hang in bed with you, then you might change your routine so you are not up and gone every Sunday morning.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited October 2016
    lporter229 wrote: »
    How do you all handle balancing your time running with family obligations?

    I wake up way before the butt crack of dawn to fit my runs in before my wife is awake. Seems to work for us, but a 0400 run after 6 hours of sleep can be hard.
  • cchonka
    cchonka Posts: 36 Member
    edited October 2016
    I'm getting to my 100 Miles!! 13.26 miles down. 86.74 miles to go!!

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,406 Member
    @lporter229 - My husband feels the same. He doesn't say it outright but will tell friends that I am always running, preparing to run or recovering from a run. He also knows that I am a much nicer person to be around when I can get a run in so he doesn't really complain. I do try to have a rest day on the weekend that I don't run or workout at all and one during the week. These are typically days that my time is 'family focused' and there are no planned outside activities like puppy classes that I need to attend to. Good luck on your HM!!

    It is going to be very hot and windy here the next few days. I was hoping to get a run in early this morning but work already hijacked my day and the rest is filled with back to back meetings... unusual for a Friday. Looks like today will be a treadmill day at the gym. I have managed so far this year to not have to go there for months but this is why I keep a membership (that and it is very cheap).
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    The other night I had one of those conversations with my husband regarding my frustrations with the way certain things are in our life right now. This stems mostly from situations at work and has little to do with him, but sometimes once you open those flood gates, things just come pouring out. Anyway, during the course of the conversation, he mentioned that it bothers him that running seems to always take a priority in my life. He has always been super supportive of my running, but I guess there is a little bit of underlying resentment that I will go to great lengths to fit my runs in and sometimes this might end up being at his expense. He wasn't really complaining, just stating what I already knew. I think this wasn't really much of an issue for us until we got a puppy. So that is something I am going to try and be more mindful of. I know this has been a topic of conversation in this group before. How do you all handle balancing your time running with family obligations?

    It is definitely tough on our significant others. It does take a lot of time and if we miss a run we are grouchy (well, I am, can't speak for others). My husband has been very supportive, especially because I try to wake up really early to get it done so it doesn't interfere too much with what we have planned. Also, since I don't run on the days we bike together that helps. For us the worst time is when we are travelling. I always want to run in a different place because I'm pretty much trapped running in my tiny neighborhood during the school year. And of course, he wants to get up and explore, so I feel bad that he either has to go alone or wait 2 hours (run, cooldown, shower). He will ask me "do you really have to run today?" Which he knows is always going to be a "YES!".
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @katharmonic -Your new doggie is a cutie!!! Congrats!
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    @katharmonic Congratulations on the adorable puppy. You look so sweet and excited. Enjoy!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @juliet3455 Wow! On the lynx. Guess that's Canada's version of the bobcat? Looks like it's bigger though.

    @lporter229 As far as making time to run, back in the day, I was lucky that I got off work at 3, DH not til 5 or 6. So that worked well. I'll confess that even if we worked the same hours, we don't like each other enough to mind the other leaving for a bit or days. :wink: Some days well go to the same park to run/walk separate. And there's always a quick lunch run. Rarely am runs because I'm just flat out lazy and won't get up at 4 to run. Good luck. I wish I had a useful answer.
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    Azercord wrote: »
    Snow is a four letter word and I think it should be replaced by *kitten* as well :tongue: I'm enjoying our "Fall" weather here with a high of 91 (honestly it should be cooler by now but the weather is being weird).

    Getting super excited for Halloween and the 15 pounds I'm going to gain and have to run off but the decorations are going up nicely. Any other Halloween nuts on here?

    I'm a fellow Halloween nut. I work part time at a farm that transforms itself into everything Halloween for the month of October. I literally scare people for a living two nights per week for 6 weeks straight. SO MUCH FUN!
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    edited October 2016
    I flaked on my run yesterday. It poured at my house all night (ETA: we got over 5" of rain yesterday), but apparently didn't rain in Tulsa at all. That resulted in a huge temperature difference between work and home. I was going to force myself to go out over lunch, even though it was in the 80s and humid, but about 15 minutes before I was going to head out, the sun decided to make its appearance. Nope--motivation gone. I decided I could just run when I got home instead, when it would be cooler. BUT--I worked late and didn't get home til almost dark and had to take care of the animals, so I flaked again.

    Today, it's cloudy and 55 degrees, though. So, I'll be heading out to run in about 20 minutes to make up for it. Only supposed to be 38 degrees for the morning low tomorrow. May sneak in another few miles early in the morning before we head to the old house to work on it. Long run is on Sunday.

    I have Monday off work (Columbus Day! Gotta love working for a bank, where you get to take off all the holidays everyone else works--those holidays where you never even knew when they were before they became work holidays. LOL). I work normal hours on Tuesday, then head to Virginia for three days to do some volunteer work with an industry organization. I spent some time yesterday mapping out a running route to use while I'm there (using Strava heatmaps). The route I came up with is exactly 7 miles long and is part road/sidewalk, part trail. Should be entertaining!
  • mmteixeira
    mmteixeira Posts: 118 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    How do you all handle balancing your time running with family obligations?

    As others have mentioned, I get up early so I can get to work earlier (I've tried running early mornings but with no success :) ). Getting to work early allows me to get out early enough to run before my daughter's games or my wife gets home. Weekends I get up and run in the AM whenever possible...

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @katharmonic cute pup!
    @lporter229 my wife and I have had that talk this past spring. At the time I had several races on our calendar and I took every single one of them off, except for a few special ones. My summer running mileage plummeted, partly due to that talk. She knows I'm not doing a big fall race because of the extra training time it would take.

    A few times when I did have runs scheduled I found something to do with her (and yes, I let her know I was missing a run so I got credit for it). Next Wednesday I have my last race of a series of 4 trail races but I'm skipping it so she and I can go sailing one last time before we pull the boat out of the water.

    I've decided what I need to do is to allow activities with her to trump my runs every so often, and make sure she knows that I'm picking her over running when I do. One could be sneaky and plan an extra run, only to cancel it later to be with their spouse...not saying I'd be that sneaky though...

    @ddmom0811 I'm fortunate in that my wife likes to sleep in somewhat when we're on a trip. Where it used to be a point of aggravation (she'd want to sleep in, I'd want to get going and play tourist), it is now symbiotic. She sleeps, I run, and when I get back and cleaned up we go.

  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    edited October 2016
    @katharmonic what a cute puppy and you look so happy!

    SNOW????? Already, I've never run in the stuff personally and can't quite imaging it, being from So Cal, although it is quite beautiful and I enjoy looking at it from inside a warm house when I visit Colorado in the winter. :p

    I've been trying out my new Garmin Forerunner 35 and have decided after a week that I really love it and I even think the HR monitor in it might be pretty close to my Polar now that I've experimented with it on a few runs.

    Hope any of you racing this weekend have great races and enjoy them and some of the bling! I'm getting excited about my 10K on November 19th, my new son in law is coming out from CO to race with me, although I'm sure he'll leave me in the dust. My daughter isn't running right now because of knee issues so she'll keep my husband company while the SIL and I run! I have 5 weeks to get from about 4.5 miles to 6.2 but I think I can do it!

    10/01 – Rest Day
    10/02 – 3.6 mile horse trail run with dog – AVG HR 143, High 159 on hills
    10/03 – Rest Day
    10/04 – 2.1 mile horse trail run with dog – testing out the new Garmin
    10/05 – 3.31 miles horse trail run with dog – looks like Garmin is about 7-8 bbm higher than my Polar
    10/06 – 95 min strength training
    10/07 – 3.6 miles horse trail run with the dog – AVG HR 146

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @luluinca This will be my first winter running in it. I've been a skier before, but I have a nice new pair of trail shoes, so I'm looking to get some miles in
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @kristinegift do you come from a big Czech community? My other half's family is Czech and they live in West, Texas which is a HUGE Czech Community. My first 5K was in West at Westfest (big Czech festival) the name of the race is the Kolache 5K. Every race should end with all you can eat Kolaches and Pigs in a Blanket.



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    10/1 8.00
    10/5 4.05
    10/7 2.85
    Total 14.9/100

    9 miles tomorrow, trying to decide when I need to get up. I usually would get up at 5 for Saturday but we will be at a hockey game tonight so I won't get to bed at my normal time.

    Snow? Yikes. I may have to do my longest run of marathon training in snow. 20 miles scheduled for Christmas Eve and I will be in Wisconsin. It's been probably a decade since I ran in snow.

    Family time usually isn't an issue. I try to go early. I get home from work first so if I don't do it in the morning I do it right after work. And the few times he is off work and I have to go after, he finds ways to entertain himself (usually watching his shows that I don't enjoy or sports).