October (2016) Running Challenge



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2016
    @ereck44 It's normal for me to gain weight after a long run. I looked it up once and all I found was an increase in cortisol and water retention.
    I figure it was like a part that has been injured and swells for healing

    I can't remember the suggestions. Or if there were any to prevent it. I just ride it out. Maybe some of the guru's have insight.

    I saw a picture of Lauren Fleshman a day or two after she did the catwalk shoot, she was lean! And she has that swollen belly, she mentioned how her weight fluctuates. Ill see if I can dig it up after some coffee, my bed has me hostage. http://asklaurenfleshman.com/2013/11/keeping-it-real/

    The it band usually hurts from the outside of the knee. Mine is tender to touch all along it. So, I'd assume you could find a tender point? Foam rolling should find it :naughty:

    I'm a broken record. Any injury I've had, from foot to hip has been muscle imbalance in my hips. Outside hip, medial glute area could be ITB. In front will be hip flexors/psoas. Medial knee, opposite hip. Medial shin splints, same hip.

    Good luck!
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,119 Member
    11/10 3 miles
    12/10 3 miles
    13/10 3 miles- 3rd run of week and my ankle doesn't feel too bad!


  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @ereck44 I'm kinda confused by the fact that you have pain all the way from hip to ankle but I'd suspect it's actually originating with your hip, even though you say it radiates up from the ankle. I think especially with females everything goes back to our hips/pelvis and sends pain down the lower extremities. But I've never had any outer leg pain so I'm really no help with that! I'd definitely try foam rolling the IT band though! Just be advised if you've never done it, it kinda hurts the first few times.

    @lissadecker Cute dogs :)

    @swillis21 You're doing great. Don't worry about your time much. Just take it easy and work on being able to run a few miles without walk breaks. 12 minutes or 14 minutes is fine :)

    @katiejane83 Don't try to fit everything in to feel like you're back on schedule. Just let something go. Now I feel like I need to break out into that song......Let it go! Let it go! LOL

    @ddmom0811 Coyotes and bears! Yikes!

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Hello my running buddies! I have been MIA for most of this week. I have not even run since Sunday (I know, right???). Life continues to smack me in the face in a big way this week. Almost over the hump though. It's going to get better because I will get to run this evening AND my wonderful friend just told me about this place:


    I have been gluten free for over 5 years now and have adapted to the life style so much that I hardly think about it any more. But when a place like this pops up, man I am giddy! Those oatmeal creme pies? Can't tell you when I last had one of those. I am so hitting this place after the expo on Saturday!

    In addition, all week long, the weather forecast for Sunday in Columbus had been predicting rain, but today it miraculously changed to "Mostly sunny". A little warmer than I would like, but since I am only running the half, I should be done before that becomes a factor. The Columbus marathon was my full PR race and Boston Qualifier last year. It's a great course with tone of crowd support, and since I made my goal on my half in Dayton last Saturday, all of the pressure is off. Just looking forward to a great run (still gonna give it my best shot though...can't change the soul of a runner, right?).

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @ereck44 I'm kinda confused by the fact that you have pain all the way from hip to ankle but I'd suspect it's actually originating with your hip, even though you say it radiates up from the ankle. I think especially with females everything goes back to our hips/pelvis and sends pain down the lower extremities. But I've never had any outer leg pain so I'm really no help with that! I'd definitely try foam rolling the IT band though! Just be advised if you've never done it, it kinda hurts the first few times.

    @ereck44 If you live in the States and happen to be in a state that allows you to just phone up a pt for an appointment, I'd do so. Or bother your PCP for a referral.

    Of course, I'm battling something chronic and i fear everyone is at risk. So I may be quick to run to pt.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Oct 1 - Rest day
    Oct 2 - 2 mile run, .75 walk, 15 min bodyweight exercises
    Oct 3 - 2.75 mile walk
    Oct 4 - 2 mile run, 1.5 mile walk
    Oct 5 - Rest day
    Oct 6 - 1.5 mile walk
    Oct 7 - 4 mile run, 1.5 walk
    Oct 8 - 3 mile run, 1.5 mile walk (trail)
    Oct 9 - Rest day
    Oct 10 - A.M. 1 mi nasty run, .65 mi walk, 30 min indoor workout
    Oct 10 - P.M. 15 min lower body strength,3 mi awesome interval run, 1 mi walk
    Oct 11 - 5k run, 1 mi walk
    Oct 12 - 40 min indoor cardio/strength workout
    Oct 13 - 5k run

    Goal: 21.3/60 miles run
    ***I'm a little behind I suppose***

    I had a good run this morning and felt like things are finally turning around. It was chilly and I started out running with no walk warmup, although I'd been warming up inside with knee hugs/kicks/sidesteps/etc. No pain whatsoever. I kept telling myself to take it easy but I still ended up running 10:25/9:42/9:25/9:12 splits. A little slower than the last run but I wish I could figure out how to run a steady pace sometimes instead of always increasing speed each mile. I want to start increasing my distance again (finally, after all this knee ordeal) and I don't want to wear myself out the first few miles since I've gotten used to shorter runs :-/

    My blue LED light belt died on me this run. I've been using it 2.5 weeks and wanted to push the battery life to see how long it lasted before needing recharged. So I guess I'll recharge it maybe every other time I change my Garmin and see how that works. I had my red flashing lights in back so I still had visibility from behind. I didn't realize my blue light had died until I got home but then I realized I hadn't been seeing it reflecting off streets signs and house windows the whole time.

    I wasn't expecting the cold wind and mist when I stepped out this morning and I thought about that phrase "There's no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing!" But I warmed up okay after a mile. I would've regretted wearing anything more. Mist on glasses plus they were fogging up, so I didn't have the best vision this morning!
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member


    10/1: 13.1 Miles: 1st Half Marathon Race!! / Yoga
    10/2: 4.5 Miles (Very Slow…) / Yoga
    10/3: 3 Miles…Feeling much better 
    10/4: Body Pump and 3 more slow miles
    10/5: 3.1 mile run / 1.7 mile Social run/walk through my gym with my kiddo
    10/6: Body Pump
    10/7: Yoga and Tried out my new Foam Roller
    10/8: 14 Miles (6 with Hubby running and Kiddo bicycling)
    10/9: 5 Miles
    10/10: 3 mile trail run with the family
    10/11: 7 minutes of Core, Body Pump, 30 minutes of Stationary Bike
    10/12: 4 Mile run turned into 1.8 after doing a Superman style trip over a raised light in the sidewalk

    2016 Races Completed:
    Buffalo Boogie (5K) May 7 – 23:42
    Marine Creek Trailhead Trot (5K) May 14 – 22:00
    Joe’s Run (10K) June 4 – 48:04
    Firecracker 5000 (5K) July 4 – 22:51
    XTERRA Jurassic Trail Run (15K at Night) July 16 – 1:32:05
    Clark Gardens I’m Only Half Crazy Half Marathon/5K (HM) Oct 1 – 1:48:21

    Upcoming Races:
    Turkey Trot – Appleton, WI (5 Miles) Nov 24
    BMW Dallas Marathon (HM) Dec 11
    Cowtown Marathon (Full) Feb 26

    So, I had my first wipeout while running last night. I went to a local social run now that the temps are cooling down a bit. However, if they were cooler last night, I might have worn capri pants instead of shorts which would have saved my skin a bit. My brother and I were just talking about how we just love going downhills on trails as fast as we can and how we both feel lucky that we haven't bit the dust yet. Well, dirt, rocks, and hills may not stop me, but a raised light in the sidewalk sent me flying!! I was almost to the 2 mile turnaround when it happened, so I had a long walk back. Thinking about changing my name to “ClutzyRunner” instead!! LOL! Even though my biggest scrape is still very oozy, I’m walking normal today and there’s no pain other than missing large chunks of skin on my knees and small chunks on my shoulder and hands. My knee hurt so bad, I didn’t even notice that my shoulder was scraped up until my husband pointed it out to me! On a good note, before I fell, my hamstring was feeling great. (It had been giving me some issues earlier in the week.)


  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    @Ereck44 I gained some weight after my half that’s been hard to get rid of. I think I was up about 3.5 lbs and am finally back to within a ½ lb. Now, I did have quite a few beers on Saturday night for my 1 week late birthday party, so that could have something to do with it as well. ;)

    @kristinegift Good luck in your race this weekend!!

    @ddmom0811 I’d turn around too if I saw a bear. How SCARY, but so glad it ran away. We went to Glacier National Park this past summer, and our family of 3 came upon a very large male black bear. He looked to be well over 300 lbs. I made noise and was clapping trying to get him to go away, but he continued to amble towards us. My husband reminded me that I had bear spray and it might be a good time to get it out. So I then got armed and ready. We stood our position, continued to make noise (talking in our very deep scare a bear away voices, and he eventually did start meandering up a hill away from us. From there, we slowly backed away and headed back the way we came. Glad it turned out well, but it scared the bejeezus out of me! We warned some other hikers, but I think they decided to keep going. My 8 year old thought it was pretty cool, but I’m so glad I prepared him about what to do / what not to do if we saw a bear. He behaved perfectly and didn’t freak out or run. We hike so much on our family vacations, but I never thought I’d actually ever see a bear on a trail.

    @tattooeddolphingirl78 I hope you start feeling better soon!! <3

    @swillis21 Congrats on getting your pace down!
  • TGTiger
    TGTiger Posts: 265 Member
    13 of 30 done
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    @BeeerRunner Thanks. Hope your knees heal up quickly! :smile: I'm glad that your fall wasn't worse.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    So, I was looking at the Fitzgerald full marathon training plan level 1. I noticed that it has no 20 mile runs in it. it tops out at 18, from what I can see. Anyone use this plan before? I'm just looking at it for reference, but was curious, if someone has used it, how well it works, since most plans seem to have at least one 20 mile run.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @RespectTheKitty _ I think I remember you saying that this will be your first winter running outdoors, correct? You will find out that you warm up rather quickly once you start running. General rule of thumb is to dress as you would for temps about 20F warmer. You will want to be slightly uncomfortably cold when you first start going.

    @MNLittleFinn - I noticed that about the level 1 plan in Fitzgerald's book. I think maybe that's because he puts so much emphasis on run times rather than distance. Maybe he assumes that those using level 1 are running slower and should not be running that long. I have used his level 2 plan for 2 of my marathons and PR'd them both in a huge way. Both times I tailored the plan to fit my level of fitness. I added quite a few miles across the board the second time. I don't see any problem with using his plan and adding miles where you see fit, including on the long run. (I also used his level 3 HM plan for my most recent half, but subtracted a chunk of miles...level 3 is pretty brutal).
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    edited October 2016
    @RespectTheKitty I love that you tacked on another half mile because YOLO :-D Most people would not choose to run a little more because YOLO. Ha! Last winter was my first winter of running and I overdressed several times when temps were in the 40s. It's an annoying temp where you are going to be cold to start but going to warm up nicely. Even running in colder temps I often got hot and pulled off hat and gloves only to realize that it was freezing outside and put them back on. LOL I really prefer running in capris over shorts so I gladly switch to capris once temps are below 60, but keep short sleeves down to about 45 or go with a super thin long sleeve. I remember a few times it was so hard to get myself regulated I was running in short sleeves and hat/gloves which looked SO ridiculous!

    @BeeerRunner That bloody knee is a badge of honor!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @lporter229 Thanks. I've been reading his book, and really trying to keep my running all in z1-z2 for now, and I was looking at his training plans for Marathon and HM, and trying to get a start on doing some coordinated planning for next running season. With a HM on June 17 for sure, and a potential full on October 1, I'm trying to work out a general long run season training cycle that's somewhat modular, to fit if I add in any other races.
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    Here's a contest I was emailed from Competitor magazine for a sweet Garmin and Saucony prize: saucony.com/en/rechargeyourrunsweeps/?utm_campaign=7223676&utm_medium=email&utm_source=exact_target&utm_content=101316_CompetitorInsider. I'm not eligible, since I'm in Canada, but you American peeps are. Feel free to share if you win :)

    1: 4.02 miles (aerobic)
    2: 6.01 miles (long with 5 x 1/4 mile zone 3 intervals)
    3: 3.00 miles (recovery)
    4: 3.72 miles (tempo)
    5: rest
    6: 6.97 miles (aerobic)
    7: rest
    8: bailed due to rain and other lame excuses
    9: 13.12 miles (long with 12 x 1/4 mile zone 2 intervals and zone 2 finish)
    10. 2.53 miles (recovery)
    11. rest
    12. skipped (grumpy quad and a bad attitude)
    13. 3.42 miles (tempo)
    14. 2.85 miles (aerobic)


    Upcoming Race: Oct 23rd Vancouver Rock n Roll Half-Marathon
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    @BeeerRunner Sorry about your fall. I see that your knee appears to be scar-free up until this point, so . . . as captain of the Clutz Club, your membership is pending further review o:)