I just walk - that's ok, right?



  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    edited October 2016
    OP quite honestly your approach to this is the correct one and the best for long term success. Browse through the success stories and you will find several people who have lost over 100 lbs from walking and monitoring their intake. Far too many people go for the "optimum" workout and diet, which is fine for a short term, but no one can stick with this long term and this results in the yo-yo effect. Long term success comes from making small positive changes which will have a dramatic impact over time. Who knows, walking could develop into something more.

    Just keep the momentum going and see where it leads you.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited October 2016
    _reno_ wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    _reno_ wrote: »
    Walking is better than not working out for sure, however, it is not optimal. And many of these statements such as "walking does more for your legs than squats" are blatantly false.

    Adding resistance workouts and some small doses of more intense cardio will improve your health, fitness, and body composition more than just walking. Sorry there is just tons of research to support this.

    That being said if walking is what you want to do then it is a much better choice than nothing, and not a waste of time.

    Agree with @GottaBurnEmAll.

    Walking is 100% optimal.

    Where's links to the peer reviewed articles to back up your claims? ;)

    You are really going to ask me for peer reviewed articles that adding resistance workouts and some high intensity cardio is more effective. There is tons of research on this subject and I am not going to spend the time to look it up.

    To be clear walking is fine I said it is far better than not exercising. It is not the best use of time or the most optimal for health and fitness. Sorry to interrupt the big pat each other on the back session with a little fact. Clearly it isn't wanted here. Cary on with the congratulations.

    Whoa...I'm not quite sure what to say to the bold part..... :D

    You made the claims, therefore the onus is on you to provide backup. Surely you have some peer reviewed articles to share. ;)

    To be clear, your facts are not correct. There are multitudes of people in excellent health who walk every single day, maintain their weight, and do very well.

    I can't wait to take my 88 year old great-uncle weight lifting with me.....you know, the one who walks every day and is in great shape.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I am encouraged and will go take my dog for a walk in 30 minutes after reading this. It is raining outside but I have a rain jacket! My dog does too!

    Like this?


  • westln
    westln Posts: 35 Member
    I power walked 6 miles every day for 11months and lost 119lbs. 7 years ago. I also changed eating habits.
  • westln
    westln Posts: 35 Member
    Add or invite me everyone. For some reason I can't add on my phone.
  • stationlouisa
    stationlouisa Posts: 150 Member
    edited October 2016
    I walked off 20kg, if you are worried it is not working, eventually change the distance, the terrain or the speed. Cutting food intake sensibly and moving are the most important things for weight loss. Do what you enjoy or else you risk losing interest and giving up. If you need motivation check out this FB page Hiking with Dogs.
  • jamesdaustin70
    jamesdaustin70 Posts: 13 Member
    I read that walking/hiking outdoors is not only good for you and your dog physically but mentally. I exercise on the treadmill during the week after work then on the weekends when I go home I take my dog out for hikes. We both enjoy it and it's just good to get out in nature and just enjoy. Keep doing what your doing.
  • gojaqs
    gojaqs Posts: 471 Member
    Walking 30 minutes 5x a week gets you out of the sedentary classification according to ACSM. If you want to get fit, you need to add 30 minutes 5x a week, where you actually sweat.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    _reno_ wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    _reno_ wrote: »
    Walking is better than not working out for sure, however, it is not optimal. And many of these statements such as "walking does more for your legs than squats" are blatantly false.

    Adding resistance workouts and some small doses of more intense cardio will improve your health, fitness, and body composition more than just walking. Sorry there is just tons of research to support this.

    That being said if walking is what you want to do then it is a much better choice than nothing, and not a waste of time.

    Agree with @GottaBurnEmAll.

    Walking is 100% optimal.

    Where's links to the peer reviewed articles to back up your claims? ;)

    You are really going to ask me for peer reviewed articles that adding resistance workouts and some high intensity cardio is more effective. There is tons of research on this subject and I am not going to spend the time to look it up.

    To be clear walking is fine I said it is far better than not exercising. It is not the best use of time or the most optimal for health and fitness. Sorry to interrupt the big pat each other on the back session with a little fact. Clearly it isn't wanted here. Cary on with the congratulations.

    Yeah, high intensity being superior to low intensity is a myth.


    It comes down to preference.

    I will agree that adding two days of some form of strength training a week is optimal, but that can be anything from bodyweight exercises to powerlifting.

    But the worst thing of all is your attitude. Exercise snobbery sucks.

    Amen to that.
    I walk and lift. ;)
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,424 Member
    I have 5 dogs & take them to dog park 5 days/wk for 1-2hrs & I walk around almost the whole time. We go for walks on weekends & some evenings.
  • troytroy11
    troytroy11 Posts: 180 Member
    If you love walking then continue. I love walking and prefer it over other forms of transportation if everything is in close proximity.
    As a form of exercise it definitely counts you just have to be honest about the calorie burn.
    You have the added benefit of being outside with the stress reduction oh and you are with your dog another added bonus! Keeping the friend healthy and longer living to enjoy that companionship.
    Our nomadic ancestors walked all day every day and the list goes on; just so many good reasons to walk!
  • aliciamariaq
    aliciamariaq Posts: 272 Member
    As long as you are in a calorie deficit, you will lose weight. Walking helps you burn off some of the calories you eat, so of course you can lose weight by walking (and eating less).
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I started walking for exercise on March 28 2015, the day i got my fitbit :lol: And i have barely missed a day since, it's still the only exercise i do. I really enjoy it and know it's something I'm not going to quit.