October (2016) Running Challenge



  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @RespectTheKitty That's amazing! I'm happy for you:)

    @Elise4270 You're making great progress on your walking!

    @MobyCarp Sorry the injury is dragging on.

    @gingerdonalds Welcome!

    I'm not sure yet if I'm running again tomorrow morning before church and taking Monday off, or vice versa. I set out all my clothes and gear just in case :)
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited October 2016
    Finally got in both a reasonable (but less intense) ride and a run today and my legs seem to be doing mostly OK. Going to try both a longer ride (70 miles) and run (13-15 miles) tomorrow as I'm supposed to be peaking for my ironman but still need to respect my recovery from last weekends' Chicago marathon. I'll start with the run, and if I'm not 100%, I'll just do a long swim after, let my legs recover and do the mid-distance ride Monday. Given the race is now 3 weeks out, I'll try a final ironman distance ride mid-week at a reasonable speed/wattage, then start my taper right after.

    10/1 - 5 miles (w. 5x800s @ 6:00 pace)
    10/2 - 8 miles (finished at MP)
    10/3 - 4 miles
    10/4 - 4 miles
    10/5 - 4 miles
    10/8 - 3 miles
    10/9 - 26.2 miles (3:04:57 - Chicago marathon)
    10/13 - 4 miles
    10/15 - 6 miles

    Total: 64 miles
    Goal: 140 miles
    Remaining: 76 miles

    2016 Race Schedule:
    Disney Marathon - Jan 6 - 3:29:09
    Gasparilla 15K - Feb 20 - 1:01:59
    Ironman 70.3 Florida - Apr 10 - 5:07:51
    Pittsburgh Marathon - May 1 - 3:08:25
    Ironman 70.3 Augusta - Sep 25 - 4:43:56
    Chicago Marathon - Oct 9 - 3:04:57
    Ironman Florida - Nov 5
    Rock 'n Roll Las Vegas 10K - Nov 13

    @RunRachelleRun - Not a half specialist (haven't done a standalone one since last November as my last 2 were at the end of Ironman 70.3 races), but usually I've figured out (now that I'm doing them in 1.5 hours) that I can start out at about 89% of my Max HR (once my HR settles in late in the first mile), and sustain my first mile pace for the full race if I'm properly rested, healthy, hydrated, pop 2-3 gels throughout, and the weather isn't too oppressive.

    When they took me closer to 2-2.5 hours or now for full 3 hour marathons, I'll start at about 86% of my max HR and I can sustain that for my full race with some eye-bleeding intensity at the end. Still, my endurance is pretty well developed at this point as is my tolerance for pain/fatigue late in races.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Parkrun this morning, and had a great run! I got caught up running the same pace as those around me at the start (I must have started further forward than usual as you do have to go with the crowd in our parkrun because of the limited space but it doesn't normally push my pace up by that much), then looked at my watch at the mile marker and realised how fast my pace was. I was so pleased that it still felt easy that I decided to just see if I could keep it up, promising instead to slow down if I felt my hip even a tiny bit.

    So, despite my hip issues of last weekend, the good news was I didn't even feel my hip AND, the pace actually didn't feel hard! It was only in the final sprint stretch that it really did feel as though I was pushing, but when I look on Strava that stretch looked to be at a pace beginning in 6, which I have NEVER hit before. So, all in all, happy hip, happy run, happy Louise :smiley: Obviously, I need to be really, super careful this next few days though because of my hip, and I promise I will. If anyone sees me post a run on Strava with anything above 10:30 pace until next Saturday, please feel free to destroy me with your words.

    @Orphia Well done for serving as race director, that looks like a stressful job but no-one could have run today without you and that's awesome :) Out of interest, how many runners do you get each week at your Parkrun? Ours is getting pretty big, they are now talking about needing another local one to split us up/move completely as we are out-growing the park and causing a bit of a nuisance to other park users. They were doing a vote today at the finish for where else we might run instead.

    @louubelle16 Great run!

    My parkrun's average number of runners is only 52! We have 7 core volunteer positions. So it's a pretty small parkrun. It's still stressful being RD though! :wink: Thanks for your kind words. xx

    That's great your area is expanding!

    Ours was the first parkrun within a 100 km radius, and now 5 others are running or in the pipeline!

    I keep telling the Americans they need to get with the program. :smiley:

    Parkrun: most important sporting event on the planet!

  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    October goal...run to earn wine and ice cream

    10/1: core/strength training, 2 mile run and 20 minutes of fancy footwork trying to herd the neighbor's stray cow out of our yard
    10/2 rest
    10/3 slug...never got out of my nightgown and played computer games (it was FABULOUS!)
    10/4 4.10
    10/5 3.11
    10/6 core/strength training
    10/7 rest
    10/8 3.25
    10/9 6.48
    10/10 3.18
    10/11 Snorkel 3 hours
    10/12 4.28
    10/13 core/strength and 2.41
    10/14 rest
    10/15 4.50

    Total 33.31

    Upcoming races:
    Las Vegas RocknRoll Half 11/13/16

    Ticker is my goal for 2016 and accumulation to date:
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    I do note, however, that since she hasn't run yet today, I'm ahead of @kristinegift on the Garmin leaderboard. For now. Small victories.
    I don't run on Fridays, so enjoy your victory day, @9voice9!
    @9voice9 and @kristinegift One of the things I enjoy in this group is the Friendly Good Natured Banter - Challenges all used as a form of motivation-inspiration.

    @mmteixeira I agree we learn so much about our self's and a very rewarding experience.

    @7lenny7 That is some great data in the Daniels Data tables. I have a 5:29/km PB for a 10km so I can relate to your numbers. Looking forward to the thread that you mentioned.

    @Elise4270 Good to hear that you are able to see progress in healing/leg/glute strength.

    @kristinegift Like you I am rather Old School. At the moment I don't even have a GPS Watch, my last watch had a Terminal Failure after an accidental swim in my Washing machine with a load of laundry. The one before that took the brunt of a fall. I just haven't replaced them. I run by feel and by approximate time/km. One of my local club runners calls me the metronome - as a compliment I believe.
    I only have 3 modes - Easy conversational pace 6:00 min/km, Stressed Conversational 5:30 - 5:35 min/km
    Sucking for air 5:20 min/km.

    @RespectTheKitty Now that truly is a Good Friend. Have fun gearing up.

    @Orphia Congratulations on being a RD. Nothing happens without volunteers. Any time I am nursing an injury I step up as a volunteer at some local event - Running - swimming - biking - Curling - etc etc. Not limited to sporting.

    With my Calf keeping me from getting in the Km's I think I need to start adding in some extra short 5-10 km Base Building runs. Have lost more than I thought.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Out of Town for work since Thursday so I missed close to 90 posts, commented on only a few of them. Got 3 short runs in.
    5 km on Thursday after a 12 hr day - 6 hrs driving
    6 km on Friday during a snow storm in Edmonton
    8 km on Saturday night after 6 hrs driving back home. This puts me over the 1000km mark for the year - also explains why I had to retire 2 shoes this month.

    I thought there was a thread in the Monthly Running Challenge where lots of Good Running Reference Books were listed?
    If anyone has a recent link can they send it to me. :)

    October Running 140km Goal 160km Stretch
    10/01 – 0.0 km – 0.0 - 140 km – YTD 954.5 km
    10/01 – 6.0 km – 6.0 - 134 km
    10/02 – 1.0 km – 7.0 - 133 km
    10/04 – 2.0 km – 9.0 - 131 km
    10/06 – 2.0 km – 11.0 - 129 km
    10/08 – 6.0 km – 17.0 - 123 km
    10/11 – 10.0 km – 27.0 - 113 km
    10/12 – 10.0 km – 37.0 - 103 km
    10/13 – 5.0 km – 42.0 - 98 km –
    10/14 – 6.0 km – 48.0 - 92 km – YTD 1002.5 km Woo Hoo Broke the 1000km mark
    10/15 – 8.0 km – 56.0 - 84 km – YTD 1010.5 km

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,413 Member
    @juliet3455 - @Stoshew71 has compiled quite a number of references and links to articles here - http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1269023/running-related-sites-and-references/p1
    Not sure if that is what you are looking for or not.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    I'm not quite clear what zone corresponds to race pace for the half marathon. I think the cut-off for pacers is 2:15.

    I should probably just set distance alerts and then run the rest by feel, taking small walk breaks when/if I feel I need them. Can I trust myself not to go too slow or too fast? Sigh. There are too many options! Oh well, one more week to figure it out.

    I race by pace. I hold back the first half of the race (for the half, 5k is all out!), ramp it up a bit til mile 9, then by mile 11+ light it up. My training pace is where I start the race. Hold back, let everyone run out too fast, you'll be passing them with ease by mile 8. Walk through the hydration stations as walk breaks if needed. I do, but I got where it disrupted my last half of the race pace more than I wanted it to. So hydrate/fuel early.

    I think you'll be surprised how easy the race is. It holds your focus, there are so many distractions from the running self. I'm so competitive, I gotta out run the most of 'em.

    Enjoy this one. It's a learning experience. Ive done 3 halves. I'm still figuring out my race plan. Idk how many it takes until you have it dialed in. @kristinegift , @MobyCarp , @Ohhim, anyone? How many licks does it take?

    Some people will learn faster than others do. While I was able to run a half marathon on my first attempt, I don't think I really managed a half really well as a race until the 10th try. Then I wasn't confident I'd really learned that till I managed the 11th half well. 3 tries in, I haven't learned that for a full marathon. If I don't get it right on the 4th try, I may give up on full marathons because the cost of getting it wrong can be so high.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    No run this morning. According to fitbit I slept 3 hours 46 minutes :o Would've been a wasted awful run and I would've wished I'd stayed in bed. No biggie. I forgot I ran Thursday anyway so Thurs/Fri/Sat in a row is enough for me. Back at it tomorrow.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @juliet3455 - @Stoshew71 has compiled quite a number of references and links to articles here - http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1269023/running-related-sites-and-references/p1
    Not sure if that is what you are looking for or not.

    I think he is referring to this link...

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    I'm not quite clear what zone corresponds to race pace for the half marathon. I think the cut-off for pacers is 2:15.

    I should probably just set distance alerts and then run the rest by feel, taking small walk breaks when/if I feel I need them. Can I trust myself not to go too slow or too fast? Sigh. There are too many options! Oh well, one more week to figure it out.

    I race by pace. I hold back the first half of the race (for the half, 5k is all out!), ramp it up a bit til mile 9, then by mile 11+ light it up. My training pace is where I start the race. Hold back, let everyone run out too fast, you'll be passing them with ease by mile 8. Walk through the hydration stations as walk breaks if needed. I do, but I got where it disrupted my last half of the race pace more than I wanted it to. So hydrate/fuel early.

    I think you'll be surprised how easy the race is. It holds your focus, there are so many distractions from the running self. I'm so competitive, I gotta out run the most of 'em.

    Enjoy this one. It's a learning experience. Ive done 3 halves. I'm still figuring out my race plan. Idk how many it takes until you have it dialed in. @kristinegift , @MobyCarp , @Ohhim, anyone? How many licks does it take?

    I'm not a great example; I slumped on training and whined and cried for my first like 7-8. Around my 9th or 10th was when I figured out how to RACE not just COMPLETE. And since then I've dropped my PR from 1:58 to 1:40 (in about 2 years). Some people's learning curves are steeper than others'. ;)
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    edited October 2016
    12.4k this morning (my long run) which I wanted to do around 6:30-6:40/km pace. Was very wet/slippy in parts and had a fall after just 1.5k, grazing my knee and hand. Although sore it wasn't too bad so found a clean looking puddle to wash out my bloody knee and continued - took another 1.5km before I was able to not think about it but other than the time for the fall and to wash it out it didn't slow me down much.

    At 9k I was at my intended pace and felt really good. As this is a maintenance week I knew I could do the distance, so decided to pick up the pace for the last 3k. Felt amazing during that last few km, and my last km was actually my fastest kilometre to date (5:20). That fast finish also meant I recorded my fastest 10k at 1:03:07 shaving 2.5minutes off my previous fastest. Haven't sorted out my race schedule yet, but this run gives me confidence I'd be able to break 1 hour in right race conditions.

    All in all felt awesome today, and actually felt like a proper runner at the end!

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    I "think" I have my weekly winter running schedule figured out. It will be a M-Sat schedule that looks something like this: 4/6/4/6/4/8-12. These are all just rough mileage, I'll be capping runs at 45/65/85-125 minutes respectively, just because I'll be fitting my runs in before work, and, well, -20F can be a bit cold. The main goal will to keep a z2 average for every run until late February when I'll start adding speedwork as I begin training for my June HM.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @Stoshew71 and @shanaber Thank you - for some reason I did not have them book marked and had Foggy Travellers Brain last night and could not find them. Now to add things to my Santa List. >:)
  • fakhrahassan
    fakhrahassan Posts: 2 Member
    I am in for brisk walking .. yesterday I made 4mi walk .. my target is 60mi on October
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    I only got 3 running days in this past week but I did walk several miles a couple of days with my Daughter In Law. It's difficult to fit everything in when I have company. Took off this morning determined that I would just do what I could because my feet and legs were a bit sore from walking all day yesterday. Once I got past the first .5 mile though things loosened up and I was able to get my long run in after all. Barely more than last week, but still a tiny bit longer. Going for 5 miles next Sunday and will get all my runs in this week!

    10/01 – Rest Day
    10/02 – 3.6 mile horse trail run with dog – AVG HR 143, High 159 on hills
    10/03 – Rest Day
    10/04 – 2.1 mile horse trail run with dog – testing out the new Garmin
    10/05 – 3.31 miles horse trail run with dog – looks like Garmin is about 7-8 bbm higher than my Polar
    10/06 – 95 min strength training
    10/07 – 3.6 miles horse trail run with the dog – AVG HR 146
    10/08 – Rest Day
    10/09 – 4.52 miles at the park – longest run yet – AVG HR 147
    10/10 – Another Rest Day……ugggghhhh
    10/11 – 3.1 miles horse trail run – Fastest 5K yet – AVG HR 147
    10/12 – 3.1 miles horse trail run plus a 3 mile walk this morning
    10/13 – 4 mile walk along the river trail
    10/14 – 95 min strength training
    10/15 – Spent the day at the Aquarium of the Pacific………..lots of walking
    10/16 – 4.6 mile horse trail run – AVG HR 143 but I did run one very steep hill and it got up to 160


    Upcoming Race

    11/19 - San Dimas Turkey Trot - 10K

    I'm pretty sure I'll be ready if I stick to my training schedule from now until then.
  • lissadecker
    lissadecker Posts: 220 Member
    October goal: 50 miles
    10/1: 1.75 miles
    10/2: 3.15 miles
    10/3: 2.25 miles
    10/4: 2 miles
    10/5: 2 miles
    10/6: Rest Day
    10/7: 2 miles
    10/8: 2.25 miles
    10/9: 3.15 miles
    10/10: 2.25 miles
    10/11: 2.25 miles
    10/12: 2.5 miles
    10/13: 2 miles
    10/14: Rest Day
    10/15: 4.19 miles (2.25 + 1.9) <<<
    Today: 2.25 miles

    Total/October: 33.95 miles

    @RespectTheKitty Wow on that gift card! You are lucky to have such a supportive friend. Enjoy your spending spree!

    Yesterday's second run and this morning's run were both pretty rough. My muscles and joints all feel ok. It is the breathing. I remember now why I used to run mostly on the treadmill. The humidity here is tough. And, it is actually not that bad at this time of year. I don't know what I am going to do come next summer. I think it might not be too bad if I didn't have allergies on top of it. I can't really breathe through my nose at all when I run because the airway just isn't clear enough to get enough oxygen. When it gets bad, I can feel the heaviness in my chest and am even coughing a bit by the time I am finished. I already take Zyrtec daily for allergies but it isn't helping much. I'm a singer, so I am familiar with breathing exercises and control but it doesn't help much when there isn't enough air getting in to begin with. Any other suggestions for dealing with this problem? Nasal sprays? I feel like I could run more if I could just get enough breath.
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    My first bad run in ages, but I should have known better than to even try. I felt sick before I went, but went anyway only to feel dizzy at mile 2. I walked for a bit, then threw up in a bush and had to head home. Might try and make the miles up tomorrow if I feel up to it (only headed out for 7 miles anyway), but we'll see. Feeling very, very weak now, ugh.

    October Running Challenge

    2nd - 13.19 miles
    5th - 3.01 miles
    6th - 3.14 miles
    8th - 3.05 miles
    9th - 5.22 miles
    11th - 3.11 miles
    13th - 5.24 miles
    15th - 3.5 miles
    16th - 2.79 miles

    MTD - 44.25/80 miles

    Upcoming races:
    30th Oct - River Thames Half Marathon
    17th Dec - Lee Valley VeloPark Half Marathon
    9th April 2017 - Brighton Marathon
  • Princess4Run
    Princess4Run Posts: 135 Member
    @RespectTheKitty Wow! You have a lovely friend. Do you know which Garmin watch you will get?