OMG just found the most horrific weight loss website:(



  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    edited September 2016
    Anorexia nervosa is a mental illness. I have seen the utter despair and terrible effects it can have, first hand. It breaks my heart.

    However, a lot of people now glamorise it and aspire to it. There seems to be this big split between people who actually suffer the illness, and people who want to and work towards it. They think it's cool.

    They're the ones I want to slap upside the ear. These little twerps aspiring to a deadly disease and actually encouraging others to do likewise. Those sites really piss me off.
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,391 Member
    Never managed to multi quote on this site...

    For some of the points made - no, I have never ever seen a pro Ana site before. I had no clue at all that such sites existed :(

    I absolutely 100% would NEVER promote something like that, I was just so shocked to see it. The only reason I clicked on the link was because it seemed to be a forum and someone had posted a similar question to myself about fasted exercise - then I realised the topic and the stuff on the rest of the site and closed it.

    I feel desperately sorry for anyone suffering with such disorders that can have such devastating consequences.

    The_Original_Beauty - I hope my post didn't upset you and I hope you are either recovered now or well on your way.

    I apologise to anyone who has found my post offensive, or unsolicited, but I can't see anything I wrote that would look like I was promoting this in any way - that certainly was not my intention :'(


    I spent years trapped in them, it's hard to explain why but I'll try my best. I was sick, I went there sick. Yes I did become sicker. They were my friends, people who related to how I felt, they understood me. I didn't feel isolated, I didn't feel like a freak. I felt like I belonged. I know it sounds messed up, it was but when your sick it made perfect sense.

    Don't worry you didn't upset me, I wanted to post from a different POV.

    Don't aplogise, you said nothing wrong!!! The girls on there are sick, desperate and lonely. They feel this is their only control.

    The more education we can get about these websites, the more we can help stop them and help these girls.

    I appreciated seeing your input from the other view. People like yourself that have been there and done that might have a better understanding to help find a way to help these people out of the cycle they are in.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Never managed to multi quote on this site...

    For some of the points made - no, I have never ever seen a pro Ana site before. I had no clue at all that such sites existed :(

    I absolutely 100% would NEVER promote something like that, I was just so shocked to see it. The only reason I clicked on the link was because it seemed to be a forum and someone had posted a similar question to myself about fasted exercise - then I realised the topic and the stuff on the rest of the site and closed it.

    I feel desperately sorry for anyone suffering with such disorders that can have such devastating consequences.

    The_Original_Beauty - I hope my post didn't upset you and I hope you are either recovered now or well on your way.

    I apologise to anyone who has found my post offensive, or unsolicited, but I can't see anything I wrote that would look like I was promoting this in any way - that certainly was not my intention :'(


    There was nothing in your post that could be misconstrued as promoting anorexia! I too have had a look at those sites/forums, it's a whole other world, an upsetting world.
    I for one, would like to learn more about the mind set of pro ana people, because i just can't comprehend their thought process.
  • thunder1982
    thunder1982 Posts: 280 Member
    It is a shock when you see such a site for the first time, like you I found one when researching coke zero which was the main source of 'food' for many on the site I came across. I too stumbled in by coming across a post which seemed to answer my search question and then after reading the rest of the responses in the forum realized what type of site I was on. I had heard of them but never seen one before nor had I actively searched for one but I did read through a few posts before closing it down because it was a bit like seeing a car accident. I hadnt really thought about it since till I saw your post.
  • lanaloveless
    lanaloveless Posts: 1 Member
    It's called the ana creed or something. Literally it's a *kitten* joke in the online anorexia community, I mean some of us may feel that way -eg if you aren't thin you aren't attractive.
    Trust me most people aren't doing it to be thin, a lot of people suffered abuse or ocd or feel in general that their life is utter chaos so need something to control