Caffiene Addict

So my biggest goal starting here is to stop drinking so much caffeine, however, when I try to stop I get so irritable! I know I can't quit cold turkey but I want to stop.
I am also trying the paleo diet. I heard it works well for people who have IBS. I want to stop eating processed foods and junk food! I'm a girl who has turned to nachos, pizza, hot dogs, hot wings, burgers, fries and loads of sugar! It needs to stop! My uncle just had a heart attack at age 50 and I do not want that to be me.
I'm 5'4 and need to loose 50lbs!! And I know I can! ...well kind of. :C lol. I always start off strong but end up giving up. I'm hoping this site helps me stay on top of my goals and also hoping I gain some friendships on the way to help me as well.


  • kiklerr
    kiklerr Posts: 4 Member
    Do it!
  • p8yn02016
    p8yn02016 Posts: 12 Member
    Have u tried intermittent fasting I've lost 7lbs in 12 days using this eating technique
  • mostfahabib7475
    mostfahabib7475 Posts: 12 Member
    Take iron ( like vitamin) from any pharmacy and vitamin C it's keeps you active and energetic
    For your weight loss can you tell me about your diet so I can help you?
  • Babs2Baby
    Babs2Baby Posts: 87 Member
    p8yn02016 wrote: »
    Have u tried intermittent fasting I've lost 7lbs in 12 days using this eating technique

    I don't even know what that means. I have tried fasting and would eat about 500 calories a day for 2 months. Lost 20lbs but gained it all back. :V My problem is I love eating and snacking but I've been eating all the bad things.
  • Babs2Baby
    Babs2Baby Posts: 87 Member
    Take iron ( like vitamin) from any pharmacy and vitamin C it's keeps you active and energetic
    For your weight loss can you tell me about your diet so I can help you?

    Thanks I'll try that. I heard iron helps with more energy. Is there a brand that's better than the other or are they all essentially the same?
    Paleo is just pretty much eating how you would eat if you lived as a caveman. Meat, fat, nuts, veggies (not potatoes or legumes or beans), and fruits. No processed sugar or caffeine.
  • Omar_Apocrypha
    Omar_Apocrypha Posts: 794 Member
    just by decreasing the stresses in your life by mediation , good and enough sleeping , and replacement the caffeine by fresh juices that's helping you to decreasing IBS symptoms which coffee make it worse and helping you to get healthy life style almost without the cravings.
  • mostfahabib7475
    mostfahabib7475 Posts: 12 Member
    Try to keep 1000-1100 calories in your diet, nothing below. It's not healthy to go below. Plus, take mix vitamins before you go on strict diet.

    And I wish if you could try light weight lifting cause below 1000 calories make your muscles week, and to maintain them healthy you need to do that.
    I don't want you to eventually end up destroying your muscles

    One more thing, even if you do 1300 calories is ok, but stay away from sugar!
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Try to keep 1000-1100 calories in your diet, nothing below. It's not healthy to go below. Plus, take mix vitamins before you go on strict diet.

    And I wish if you could try light weight lifting cause below 1000 calories make your muscles week, and to maintain them healthy you need to do that.
    I don't want you to eventually end up destroying your muscles

    One more thing, even if you do 1300 calories is ok, but stay away from sugar!

    So much wrong here... Just stop.

    OP check out these stickies to get started:
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Try to keep 1000-1100 calories in your diet, nothing below. It's not healthy to go below. Plus, take mix vitamins before you go on strict diet.

    And I wish if you could try light weight lifting cause below 1000 calories make your muscles week, and to maintain them healthy you need to do that.
    I don't want you to eventually end up destroying your muscles

    One more thing, even if you do 1300 calories is ok, but stay away from sugar!

    So much wrong here... Just stop.

    OP check out these stickies to get started:

    Yep, this.
  • mostfahabib7475
    mostfahabib7475 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey, I do these stuff by my self and they works!
    My father is a dietitian, so I know what I'm doing!

    I've been doing this for over a month and already can see the difference.

    Don't expect to lose weight without exercising
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Hey, I do these stuff by my self and they works!
    My father is a dietitian, so I know what I'm doing!

    I've been doing this for over a month and already can see the difference.

    Don't expect to lose weight without exercising

    A whole month? Yeah.. no. Just stop. You can lose weight in a calorie deficit without exercise.
  • mostfahabib7475
    mostfahabib7475 Posts: 12 Member
    At point... No! You will not lose any weight if you keep your diet in one situation, no exercise it will happen.

    Many people came to my father with the same problem!

    You will end up getting all what you have lost back

    I know more than friends is doing the same diet as I am and it's working!

    My brother is one of them. He weighs more than 350 pounds. He tried every known diet to us, nothing worked.

    I'll post a website where you can inter your weight info to let you know how much you gotta lose and by maintaining how much of calories per day.

    And clearly this girl tried everything

    My fathers diet has nothing difficult in it.

    So if she wants to lose 50 pounds this year she must eat below 1500 calories, other than that don't.

    If you have Ph'D in this subject you may say what you want. Other than that, please don't.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Take iron ( like vitamin) from any pharmacy and vitamin C it's keeps you active and energetic
    For your weight loss can you tell me about your diet so I can help you?

    Don't take iron unless you have a confirmed case of anemia.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    At point... No! You will not lose any weight if you keep your diet in one situation, no exercise it will happen.

    Many people came to my father with the same problem!

    You will end up getting all what you have lost back

    I know more than friends is doing the same diet as I am and it's working!

    My brother is one of them. He weighs more than 350 pounds. He tried every known diet to us, nothing worked.

    I'll post a website where you can inter your weight info to let you know how much you gotta lose and by maintaining how much of calories per day.

    And clearly this girl tried everything

    My fathers diet has nothing difficult in it.

    So if she wants to lose 50 pounds this year she must eat below 1500 calories, other than that don't.

    If you have Ph'D in this subject you may say what you want. Other than that, please don't.

    No. You're wrong. So wrong. Also I can barely understand what English you are typing.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited October 2016
    Also, OP, some quick thoughts.

    You definitely can do it!

    It would probably be best not to decide you have to change everything at once and to treat this as a learning process. Put your stats in MFP to get a calorie goal, but remember that that goal is before exercise. If you do exercise it's good to add it back. You are young and only need to lose 50 lbs (I lost 95, so that doesn't sound so bad to me!), so you don't need an extremely low calorie goal -- I lost most of my weight eating 1500 or more.

    As for food, I think there are two really helpful things to do. First, log what you are eating now (if you want to get started right away, try to log what you recall from the past week). Look at it honestly and figure out some good easy ways to make cuts. If you are eating lots of snack foods in addition to meals, that might be an easy option. If your meals are high cal, figure out how to cut the calories and keep them enjoyable.

    Second, structure is really helpful. Do you know how many meals and snacks you like to eat (it doesn't matter, there's no way that's good for weight loss, as it depends on the person). If you decide that you (for example) like three meals and an afternoon snack, come up with a basic plan for those meals -- often people have standard breakfasts and lunches and then plan dinner around a protein, starch, and vegetables. I have particular ideas about my own meals, like including vegetables and a reasonable amount protein at all of them. When you are planning the meals (not the specific meals, but the general idea and how you will make sure you have them -- cook, buy, whatever) think about whether they will be filling for you. But also experiment and if you learn that something is not satisfying, change it up. Often having some protein with your meals and snacks does help with satiety/being satisfied, but this is also going to be personal.

    Don't expect immediate perfection and don't be afraid to make small steps rather than (again) trying to do everything at once.

    You don't need to give up all junk food (although if you think it is easier to start with that and have a plan for replacement meals, it's an okay thing to try). Giving up "processed" foods would mean lots of really healthful things (like steel cut oats, greek yogurt, smoked salmon, canned beans, frozen fruit, all bread and pasta, ground beef and boneless, skinless chicken, etc.), but I will assume that you are using the word to mean something else, like maybe pre-made meals. Anyway I like to focus on whole foods myself, but that came from learning how to cook, so if you don't already cook regularly that is a better place to start than deciding that certain foods are untouchable or inherently bad. Especially if you are a new cook a lot of processed foods (canned beans, again, or a bagged rice and beans, or many other things) can be extremely helpful in getting into a cooking habit, even if you graduate to making everything from scratch (which isn't important for health but is something many of us enjoy).

    Learning about nutrition is something I highly recommend, but again beyond the common sense stuff (eat vegetables, keep things like cookies to moderate amounts at most, get enough protein, having fiber in your diet is good, eat balanced meals, don't fill up on junk food, etc.) it's okay to take some time learning about it and don't overcomplicate it. If something sounds too good to be true (you will lose weight just by adding it to your diet or by cutting it out) it is. A great nutrition site for beginners is:

    As for paleo, I did it for a while and if you currently eat mostly junk food maybe it's the kind of motivation you need, but I ultimately decided it was silly and quit it because: (1) the rules (no dairy, legumes, or grains) didn't actually line up with my understanding of good nutrition or even eating from whole foods. Whole grains, beans and lentils (especially beans and lentils), and dairy (if one is not lactose intolerant) are all foods that can be very healthful and play a role in a nutrient-dense diet; and (2) while I liked some of the things about paleo, those were things I was doing anyway and/or not particular to paleo at all (like eating lots of vegetables, getting enough protein, using the whole animal and caring about sourcing, cooking from whole foods), so paleo was just adding something that make it harder and was impossible to defend (as the whole "eat like a caveman" thing is ridiculous).

    Finally, caffeine. I'm a caffeine addict too, and recently cut it down (not out) and am sleeping much better, which I think is important. For that reason, I'm all for cutting caffeine if you think it's a problem for you. However, it's worth understanding that caffeine isn't bad for weight loss at all, so if you are concerned about your overall weight and health it might be something to put off cutting out or back on until you get the food thing under control. Or not, obviously you will know what works for you!

    Oh, one more final thing ;-) -- Please don't supplement iron without a medical test that indicates you need to. Iron is something that some people are prone to get a surplus of and getting too much (which can happen easily with supplements) can be very damaging.
  • mostfahabib7475
    mostfahabib7475 Posts: 12 Member
    If she's addicted to caffeine eating bad food , she could have anemia!

    Cause caffeine drinks destroy the Hb in blood.
    Therefore, that's why I said pharmacy and Dr so she can go and ask before taking anything.

  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    At point... No! You will not lose any weight if you keep your diet in one situation, no exercise it will happen.

    Many people came to my father with the same problem!

    You will end up getting all what you have lost back

    I know more than friends is doing the same diet as I am and it's working!

    My brother is one of them. He weighs more than 350 pounds. He tried every known diet to us, nothing worked.

    I'll post a website where you can inter your weight info to let you know how much you gotta lose and by maintaining how much of calories per day.

    And clearly this girl tried everything

    My fathers diet has nothing difficult in it.

    So if she wants to lose 50 pounds this year she must eat below 1500 calories, other than that don't.

    If you have Ph'D in this subject you may say what you want. Other than that, please don't.

    I'm very glad to hear you're losing weight successfully. I do suggest though that you read posts from lemurcat12 and the sticky that chef_barbell linked to and you'll see we have some good info here.
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    I am also addicted to caffeine- black coffee and Coke Z so no calories! If I stop for whatever reason I get the worst headache for about 2 days and then am fine. I also found a caffeinated chap stick! It's from Perfectly Posh, I have not idea if I am actually getting that much caffeine from it, it was a door prize at a baby shower I was at.
    I would not take anything other then a regular multi vitamin (my doctor told me to take the chew-able kids ones because they absorb better then the pill adult ones so woo for Flintstones!)
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    I quit caffeine for a few months when I first started dieting and working out. Then I realized.. why? In moderation it isn't bad for you. So in the end all I did was cut down on caffeine outside of my pre-workout drink first thing in the morning. Now, if I want it, I'll drink 1 cup of coffee mid-morning and switch to decaf everything by lunch. This way I use caffeine to wake up in the morning, get a good workout in, and then I stop it mid-day so it wears off by night time and doesn't keep me awake all night. Since I started using it to my advantage rather than just drinking coffee, soda, tea all day it's helped me push my body to where I want it to be rather than always fighting fatigue.