Anybody Run?



  • keanndreg
    keanndreg Posts: 5 Member
    This is awesome to see so many runners! I dispise disqualified running but I feel like it's the only way for me to get my cardiologist. I do m-f 1.87 miles in 15 minutes....i also do strength training the night before my runs lunges squats leg lifts etc. Today I switched my run to add sprinting so I do about .5 sprint and .87 run and .5 walk. I read to avoid plateau I have to switch it up so I will see how it turns out.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I run and walk a lot. Marathon or ultra two to three times a mth. Am into trails now, hope to do the at in a couple of yrs.

    That. Is. Impressive.
  • SashEdwards
    SashEdwards Posts: 78 Member
    I love this thread! The more runners the merrier! I have always loved running, but seriously got on the band wagon earlier this year - quit smoking in February and replaced that addiction with running. It was a long haul, but have worked up to 5-6K average 5-6 days a week. I love it. I started again to help me lose the dreaded quit smoking weight. That hasn't really helped lol but I just keep going....please feel free to add me :)
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    @SashEdwards your picked the right addiction my friend!!! Congrats on the quitting smoking!!! I know how hard it is, I have been smoke free for 6 years!!
  • soufauxgirl
    soufauxgirl Posts: 392 Member
    I am an absolute beginner with running and I am enjoying it and I have shocked myself with how far I have come. I completed C25k earlier this year and now I'm working through C10k. I run three times a week and have signed up for my first 5km run next month. feel free to add me
  • fattothinmum
    fattothinmum Posts: 218 Member
    Started running Jan this year with C25K. Am still very slow but can run around 1.5ish hours once a week and 5k twice a week. My fastest was 10k in 70 minutes and 5k in 33 minutes. My distance in longer run is growing. Around 12k is my furthest so far. My goals are 10 miles in long run by my year running anniversary and 5k in 30 minutes. I had health issues and was still overweight when I started. I also quit smoking a couple of months in, to increase my endurance. It helped enormously, even though I was only a one or two cigarettes a day smoker.
  • jordanamrussell
    jordanamrussell Posts: 40 Member
    I've been running off and on for 2 years, this year I finally got serious about it and finished the c25k app and now I run 3-4 miles a few times a week. My goal is a half marathon sometime in the future, so right now I'm just building up my endurance and my mileage. I'd love some new friends on here if anyone wants to add me. I also have a fitbit( and I use the Nike app to track my runs (Jordana84) :)
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 514 Member
    I run to loose weight. I enjoy setting new PR's. I used to run in the army and didn't really enjoy it until about 2010, now I really love seeing my strength and improvement. Please send me a friend request, I need more running friends.
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    I am an absolute beginner with running and I am enjoying it and I have shocked myself with how far I have come. I completed C25k earlier this year and now I'm working through C10k. I run three times a week and have signed up for my first 5km run next month. feel free to add me

    Congratulations!! This is what I did - I started c25k, then did bridge to 10k. I was completely hooked by the end of it and have since run several half marathons and a marathon. Such great programs!
  • TheGaudyMagpie
    TheGaudyMagpie Posts: 282 Member
    I've been running for a few weeks. I've been a hiker for awhile, so I actually did a 10K trail run earlier in the month with a 2000 ft. elevation gain. I only ran part of it, and came in nearly last, but I enjoyed it. I'm tentatively planning another trail 10K (flat this time!) in mid-December. Even if I can't run the whole thing, it keeps me motivated to train to have something scheduled.

    I was running/walking a 5K about three times a week to train, but now it's getting dark too early to do more than about 1.5 miles so I need to either move to a treadmill or find a place I don't mind running in the dark. I can't run in the morning because I have really intractable insomnia and get my best sleep between about 1:00am-6:00am. I'm considering moving more to treadmill & weights for the winter and getting back to hard training in the spring. Has anybody had any success with training on a stationary bike during the week with runs on the weekend? I have one so that would be the easiest thing to do.
  • yelovetter
    yelovetter Posts: 2 Member
    I can't say I'm a runner, but I am getting there.

    I began training about this time last year for the Star Wars 10k at Disneyland (Jan '16). I wasn't in any kind of shape when I started training, but by the time race day came along, I did manage to drop a shirt size (registered for a 2x shirt, needed to return it for an XL). My finishing time was above the mandated 100 minutes (108 minutes), but they let me finish and handed me a medal and I had never been more proud of myself.

    When registrations opened for the 2017 event, I went all in and I'm presently training for the Rebel Challenge (10k Saturday; half on Sunday). I've been ramping up my runs over the last couple of months and actually ran 6.63 miles the other day. Proud to say that I cut 21 minutes off of my 10k time since January (89 min and change now) so I'm pretty close to where I want to be. I have been using a run/walk ratio of 1/2 min and that's working well. I'm hoping by race day to have a ratio of 2/1 instead.

    At any rate, I still tell people they're welcome to run with me, but be prepared to do a LOT of walking! :wink: Feel free add me
  • ChelzFit
    ChelzFit Posts: 292 Member
    I have ran ever since I was 13 and really picked up running in college. After having 2 babies I kind of sidelined running for a while and just picked it about 6 months ago. I am running 3 times a week, 3 miler, 4miler, and a 6 miler being my longest. Now of course I am dealing with a knee issue and the doc think it might me meniscus, I am getting a second opinion and probably an MRI to figure out what exactly is going on. I am still running because I have no pain, just stiffness on and off after my runs. I am hoping for the best because I really have started to enjoy running!
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    I'm not sure what I do is running. I call it more of a slow lumbering but whatever it is I do it 3x per week 2 shorter 4 mile runs on weekdays and 1 longer very slow run on the weekends. i justran my first half marathon about 2 weeks ago my time was okish but can use improvement and finishing 85th out of 90 was a reason to come back and hit it harder.

    I can always use new running friends feel free to add me.
  • Naija82
    Naija82 Posts: 345 Member
    I'm finding my love for running again, started at the end of 2012 and was a regular running up to October 2015, started back at it in the last couple of months.

    I remembered when I started running, I hated it, my legs hurt and I thought it was the worse torture ever but slowly with time my body got used to it and I was able to run further and for longer. I'm quite a slow runner but I get there in the end. There was a time I could barely run 1 mile but now I have a few marathons and half marathons under my belt. For those starting out, keep at it you'll get there and you will smile at those early days.

    I rarely run with music now (I used to grasp in horror at the thought), just me and my thoughts, I tend to get really lost in my runs that I could probably pass someone I know and not register seeing them, lol.
  • Naija82
    Naija82 Posts: 345 Member
    epr3996 wrote: »
    I started running or Jogging as I like to call it 2 1/2 months ago looking to lose some weight and get off some daily pills. I find it harder and harder to not be bored while running any suggestions i've tried different routes and different music but still bored after 10 minutes or less!

    How often do you run and how far? If you are running the same distance at the same pace on the same days it can get a bit boring. Why not switch it up with some speed sessions or hill work? It doesn't have to be too structured. You can try jogging slowly then running from lamp post to lamp post (or trees or whatever) for a few minutes and then back to running slowly.
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 868 Member
    Being an Ultra runner, I love running, especially long distance. I look forward to getting up before dawn (most times) on Saturday (my LSD), and running for hours upon hours (4 - 6+). During the week, I run 10 - 13 miles a day.
  • Bamafit11
    Bamafit11 Posts: 14 Member
    I run 3 to 5 miles 6 days a week and lift weights about an hour 5 days a week with ab work the other two days.
  • niblue
    niblue Posts: 339 Member
    Another runner here. Did C25K in 2014 then pretty much took 2015 off but have been back running since earlier this year. Most of my runs are 5K's or 10K's with the occasional longer run (10 miles being the longest so far). Not done any proper races so far but have entered the London Winter 10K in February and the Edinburgh half-marathon in May.
  • Wife2MrPerfect
    Wife2MrPerfect Posts: 16 Member
    Congratulations on your success!!

    I love seeing other runners here.
    I started running @ 14yrs old! We lived in the country so I was privy to beautiful mornings out on the dirt roads of Texas! I became addicted!
    It's my problem solver for everything.
    I am an O' dark thirty runner. There is nothing better than finishing an awesome run while the world is waking up around you.
    If anyone is looking for a runner friend, feel free to add me:)
  • ysoto2014
    ysoto2014 Posts: 25 Member
    Running is my therapy I get work and personal things in order. I just feel like it helps clear my head to handle things and helps my run go by faster. I've lost 45 pounds total 12 or so since joining MFP. Only thing is going through my shoes every 3 months! Think I'm going to get fit for some at a running store.