October (2016) Running Challenge



  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    So, I was looking at my training logs, and I realized that my long runs were almost always been closer to 35% of my weekly mileage, and I've decided that I want to try to bring that down to closer to the JD recommended 25%. So, in that vein, my next 4 cycles (including this week) are going to look like this:
    4-6-4-6-4-8<- I've run 3 runs of the first week of this cycle)

    weekly mileages will be: 32, 34, 36, 40

    In general, I'll be doing each cycle for 3 weeks, then running a cut back week in which I'll cutback my weekly total by about 30%. Running like this, I'll get to my 40 mpw goal by right before new years. This, of course, is with the caveat that, if I need a cutback week at a different time, or want/need another week at one distance, or the normal, I need to run less, I'll do that.

    At that point, I'll be looking at making y thursday into a speedwork, either a tempo run, or cruise intervals, or a HM pace run, and decide on distance/duration when I get to that point.

    Only reason I'm doing all this thinking is that I only really have two modes: Obsessive organizer and Total Slob who's off track
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Took a rest day today. Something is just off with my right leg and it is still bothering me and sore almost two weeks post HM. I thought running last night might have loosened it up but if anything it's a bit worse today. I'm heading out of town tomorrow and may not have time to run anyway, so if a bit more rest doesn't do it, I'll go back to the PT I saw for a while last year for a different issue.

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    No run since Sunday. Probably wont' get my next one until Saturday.

    Heading out tomorrow to take my son deer hunting, hope to get his first one.
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date     Miles      MTD
    ------   -----    -------
    Oct  1     6.2      6.2 
    Oct  2     6.5     12.7 
    Oct  4     4.3     17.0 
    Oct  5     4.3T    21.3 
    Oct  8    10.1     31.4 
    Oct  9     4.3T    35.7 
    Oct 12     4.6T    40.3
    Oct 13     5.2T    45.5
    Oct 15     6.5     52.0
    Oct 16     4.3     56.3
    Oct 19     4.3T    60.6


  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @7lenny7 and @kristinegift - I am loving all the pictures of the trails and fall colors! Here we just have dry brown! Even the trees that normally change with the change in light have just gone from green to brown :( I really miss seeing all those beautiful Fall colors!
    @luluinca - I didn't start running until I was 56. I think the most important thing is to build slowly and consistenly and your times will improve. You will surprise yourself with how far and how fast you really can go just like how easy that 5k has become!
    @BeeerRunner - glad your scrapes are healing. Dealing with the scabs/healing is the worst part for me! Hope that hamstring works itself out too! Were you having problems with it before your fall?
    @Virkati - It is good to have you back here running with us!
    @MobyCarp and @Stoshew71 - Love the 'Cooking with Moby' show! I am pretty sure we should be finding it soon on YouTube at least! :smiley:
    @RunRachelleRun - when I am healthy and that has been for the last couple of years until now, I pretty consistently run 25-35 miles per week depending on my work and travel and family schedule and if I am racing. Last year was more to the higher end of that range and this year has been more on the lower end. But I run that consistently all year.
    @Elise4270 - I also have very high arches and I pronate. My right arch and ankle collapses in with each step, thus the orthotics, They halp my feet not to pronate (just like stability shoes do) and also help to keep my ankle and arch from collapsing so much. I tried using Superfeet and they worked ok but both my orthopedist and Sports Chiro recommended having an analysis done and the orthotics made specifically for my feet and the problems I have. If you are really thinking you need them I would talk to your PT and see what they think. They should be able to do a gait analysis and see if orthotics are needed and make a recommendation. Your insurance may cover it too - mine did. Also if you don't need orthotics and just need stability shoes, most of the zero drop minimal shoe brands (Altra, Skora, Merrill, etc.) have stability versions. I don't think Vibram does but you could check.
    @kristinegift - I can empathize on the heat but not the humidity. It was 77F here this morning going up over 95F this afternoon. It is very dry and windy though - around 10% really it just feels like an oven out!
    @julieo81 - You are definitely a runner! You got up off the couch, put on your running shoes and ran - regardless of how far or how long! You are a runner!
    @skippygirlsmom - I am so happy to hear that Skip did so well and that the 'other' coach took the time to tell her what he thought. It is really too bad that her actual coach isn't all that invested in his team :(

    Still no running for me. The last couple of days I haven't walked much either. I hyper-extended my knee in agility class on Monday night, slipping in the mud (we had some rain finally that morning!). It is feeling pretty much back to normal now but was pretty sore until this afternoon. The good news is after the treatment pain wore off my Achilles is feeling SO much better!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber Thanks for the feedback on the orthotics. I talked to my pt today about it. In no great detail or insight, she agreed it was likely the gait working out. I'm still wonky. So, I think I'll just keep the orthotics in, and I do have a pair of Merrell's I didn't care for, that I may retry. I broached the subject of running, apparently I'm not anywhere near that currently. That was affirmed by her expression today when I had to do monster walks. :/

    Anyhow, ya when I'm ready I'll ask her about a gait analysis.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Unplanned rest day. Went out to run to our regular Wednesday Night Group meeting point and there was just nothing in the legs.
    I attribute it to yesterdays Adult Swim Club - Kick sets and more Kick sets.
    Did 2125m of swimming but felt like 20,000m due to all the kick sets.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Daily non-running check in:

    Felt pretty good this morning, about like yesterday. Talked myself into trying run/walk intervals; but a minute into the first one was enough to convince me that the original plan of taking today as a rest day was a better idea. I did get the lawn mowed later on, and the leg felt fine.

    It's tough feeling good right up till I start trying to run. It makes it too easy to forget that I have limits.

    There will be no cooking show. No cameras in my house, no getting myself camera-ready in the morning, and no struggle to come up with different things to cook for the audience. Just me, an extended breakfast routine, a little bit of jogging, 3 sets of pull-ups, 3 sets of push-ups, and other supplemental exercises on days when my motivation is above basement level.

    The difference between celebrity chefs and me: I've looked at some online videos by a chef, and picked up a few pointers on how to do some things better; but most of what I see is more work than I'm willing to do and much of it seems snobbish to me.

    An attitude sample: The online chef says, "Never use black pepper on eggs. Always use white pepper." Okay. That got me to try white pepper on the eggs. Yes, I like white pepper on my eggs better than black pepper. I like it enough that I filled a pepper shaker with white pepper. But I don't think the difference is enough to say *always* use white pepper. It's subtle enough that I can see where someone with different tastes might prefer black pepper.

    I guess I'm not enough of a foodie to be a celebrity chef.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @shanaber I'm not sure I have any frame of reference for a 10% humidity. That's so dry! I'm amazed you don't shrivel up like a raisin out there!
  • quimbytimmons
    quimbytimmons Posts: 4 Member
    Between walking and running, my goal for October is 325 miles! I'm getting ready for a half marathon this weekend as well!

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    78.86% of goal

    01-Oct: 10.17 miles
    02-Oct: <Life Day>
    03-Oct: 5.96 miles
    04-Oct: 10.86 miles - Triple Day (Alan, Team RWB)
    05-Oct: 3.40 miles
    06-Oct: 8.49 miles - Double Day (Alan)
    07-Oct: 5.53 miles
    08-Oct: 11.20 miles
    09-Oct: <Life Day>
    10-Oct: 10.81 miles
    11-Oct: 7.57 miles - Double Day (Alan)
    12-Oct: 3.37 miles
    13-Oct: 7.56 miles - Double Day (Alan)
    14-Oct: 5.44 miles
    15-Oct: 13.57 miles (Monthly HM Day)
    16-Oct: <Life Day>
    17-Oct: 5.46 miles
    18-Oct: 7.29 miles
    19-Oct: 5.55 miles
    22-Oct: - Race Day (SCARE 5K)
    23-Oct: <Life Day>
    29-Oct: - Race Day (Jay's Hope 10K)
    30-Oct: <Life Day>


    Nothing really to say - just keep on truckin'...

    Upcoming Races:
    05-Nov: Ridge Run 5K, Macon (?)
    12-Nov: FUMC 5K, Warner Robins
    03-Dec: Reindeer Run (10K), Macon
    26-Dec - 01-Jan: Random running in JAPAN!
    14-Jan: Museum of Aviation HM, Warner Robins (?)
    04-Mar: Albany/Snickers HM, Albany
    25-Mar: Cherry Blossom Road Race 10K, Macon
    08-Apr: Running for Ronald 10K/15K, Macon
  • Agator82
    Agator82 Posts: 249 Member
    Goal: 30 Mi

    10/1/2016: 4 Mi Total, 1.5 Mi Running
    10/3/2016: 4 Mi Total, 2.0 Mi Running
    10/6/2016: 4 Mi Total, 2.5 Mi Running
    10/8/2016: 4 Mi Total, 2.25 Mi Running
    10/10/2016: 4 Mi Total, 2.5 Mi Running
    10/14/2016: 4.4 Mi Total, 2.75 Mi Running
    10/18/2016: 4.3 Mi Total, 3.00 Mi Running
    10/19/2016: 4.3 Mi Toral, 3.00 Mi Running

    Distance Left: 10.50 Mi

    Consistent 3/4 miles intervals with 0.25 mi rest.


  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    I'm not usually one for motivational or feel-good articles, but I read this one and it hit home. I think it would hit home with a lot of runners here.

    The gist of it is, love the runner you are today. We have so many accomplished runners here that it's easy to get do focused on trying to run farther or faster to be like them, that we lose sight of our own amazing accomplishments no matter where we are on the running spectrum, from beginner to elite.

    I know I'm guilty of looking ahead at where I want to be rather just savoring what I can do now.


  • LeelooX2014
    LeelooX2014 Posts: 157 Member
    October running


    10/01: day off
    10/02: 3.5
    10/03: 3.5
    10/04: day off
    10/05: 3.5
    10/06: 3.5
    10/07: day off
    10/08: 3.5
    10/09: day off (major rain)
    10/10: 3.5
    10/11: day off
    10/12: 3.5
    10/13: 3.5
    10/14: day off
    10/15: 3.5
    10/16: 3.5
    10/17: day off
    10/18: 2.0
    10/19: 3.5

    Total: 40.5/60
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @mobycarp - I am definitely a foodie and love to try new and different things. I just don't want to cook them... All of the prep and strange ingredients and I would probably screw it up anyway! Much more fun to just go out and try something new! Had Vietnamese fish sauce wings at a Thai restaurant in LA on Sunday night that were amazing and I hate fish sauce!
    @7lenny7 - Thanks! That article does hit home!
    @kristinegift - fortunately it doesn't hit or stay that dry for too long - at 10pm it is still 80F but now up to 20% humidity. Hopefully this will be gone by the weekend and we will be getting closer to some fall weather - still in the 80s but that is a lot better than mid to high 90's!
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    October goal...run to earn wine and ice cream

    10/1: core/strength training, 2 mile run and 20 minutes of fancy footwork trying to herd the neighbor's stray cow out of our yard
    10/2 rest
    10/3 slug...never got out of my nightgown and played computer games (it was FABULOUS!)
    10/4 4.10
    10/5 3.11
    10/6 core/strength training
    10/7 rest
    10/8 3.25
    10/9 6.48
    10/10 3.18
    10/11 Snorkel 3 hours
    10/12 4.28
    10/13 core/strength and 2.41
    10/14 rest
    10/15 4.50
    10/16 core/strength and 2.07
    10/17 3.22
    10/18 rest
    10/19 4.30....planned a 10k but just wasn't feeling it.....

    Total 42.90
    @skippygirlsmom Yea for Skip.....maybe she could change schools/coaches...?
    @luluinca I was 60 when I started "running"....which most here would consider a Sunday Stroll.....but since I ran ~100 feet on my first outing, and now do 2-3 half marathons/year, I can look back with great satisfaction on where I started.

    Upcoming races:
    Las Vegas RocknRoll Half 11/13/16

    Ticker is my goal for 2016 and accumulation to date:
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Thanks for sharing that @7lenny7. Great reminder to value our own progress and hard work, wherever we are. I needed that. I liked this: