Cheat days??

Does anyone else allow themselves a cheat day once a week? I really never have, I have cheated but just not on a regular basis. Everyone has always told me you should allow yourself that one day to give yourself a reward for all your hard work and good eating habits. I kinda agree, and now over a year down the road in my weightloss I have grown more "anal" lol about it and allow myself to cheat barely ever.....however now I want those foods more then it because I constantly deprive myself??? Tonight is pizza night at my house AGAIN....and I always eat something else while everyone else has it. Can't remember the last time I had What does everyone else do? Any advice?


  • hunterzmomma
    hunterzmomma Posts: 121
    eat the pizza!!!! geez u need to enjoy something once in awhile lol
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    i feel no foods are "off limits" ....ALL things in moderarion.

    have one or two slices, add it into your calories for the day,workout and keep it moving.
  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    I'm like you I don't have a specific day that I can eat whatever that's just counterproductive but say if everyones having pizza I'll let myself have a slice or two or a few bevvies if it's a special occasion. I try to keep it in my cal allowance but if it doesn't it doesn't, that's my version of a cheat anyway..
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    I cheat regularly as well. I dont really consider it a cheat though... I just indulge in foods that are probably more harmful towards my goals than not. (shrugs!) eh! it happens. I fear that if I dont eat what I want...that there is one big BINGE with my name on it. :)
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    I wrote all about the benefits of a cheat day, and how to do it properly. Here's the link
  • shaundam
    shaundam Posts: 38 Member
    If you are craving them more now than ever you are probably tired of holding out. I don't really have a cheat day. If I want something bad enough I just eat it. I eat smaller portions and just keep my calories where they need to be. I am way overweight and if I start depriving myself I will give up. Everyone is different. Good luck with your decision. Just do what feels right
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I still count my calories, i will eat less breakfast and lunch and workout extra if i know i am eating unhealthy food that day or night. That is how i cheat.
  • lobro2010
    lobro2010 Posts: 1
    Cheat meals are best. Don't let yourself go off the wall the entire day, but allow yourself some treats. That's actually what I call them, treat meals. And I allow myself them two times a week. Saturday and Sunday usually..
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    have a slice....or TWO!!!! I give myself a cheat day EVERY Sunday and when I say cheat, I don't mean 1 meal....I eat what ever I want, and as much of it as I want for that 1 day. It's okay to indulge, as long as you can jump right back into your healthy eating the next day
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I don't have cheat days. I eat what I want, when I want. This is a lifestyle change and not a diet. I eat it all in moderation. I feel better knowing I can have whatever I want each and everyday vs having to wait for a "cheat day".
  • jessie580
    jessie580 Posts: 87
    I don't have any off limit foods.
    so, no.

  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I had a slice of pizza at lunch. I participate in frosty fridays (free ice cream on friday at work!). I still lose weight. I just make sure it fits in with my calories for the day, and doesn't throw my other nutrients WAY out of whack. And I exercise. :)
  • bob_t
    bob_t Posts: 12
    I would say it depends on two things: where you are on your "health journey" and your will power. If you're just starting out with a life style change, it might not be a good idea to cheat. Or if you have low will power, a cheat day might turn into a cheat week :)

    I'm very close to my goal, so I cheat on weekends. In the long run, I'm still going to attain my may just take me a few weeks longer.

    Bottom line: just because you've changed your lifestyle doesn't mean that you have to deprive your self of some of your favorite foods.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    In my opinion I wouldn't recommend a whole cheat day...however I've had cheat meals once in a blue moon. I know when I eat some of those bad foods my stomach hurts but also I'll start craving it as well. This past weekend I had a slice of cheese pizza from pizza hut but it hurt my stomach and it actually made me sick. If you can stay strong then its ultimately up to you...just remember why you are trying to lose the weight :flowerforyou:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I never organized it as far as a whole day. I think it's ok, and sometimes it helps because, like you said, you don't feel so deprived so you are more likely to be good for a few days, knowing you get to cheat on Friday, or whatever. But what do you mean by cheat? I think you can eat anything within your calorie allowance, and one day of going over is probably ok.
    Another way of doing it is 80%, so you think you are good 80% of the time then I figure you get 3 meals and a snack each day, 4 "meals" times 7 days is 28 meals each week, so for 5 meals and one snack you could cheat and be 80% compliant.
    But one binge day could slow your progress, just try and see what works for you.
  • wiffe
    wiffe Posts: 224 Member
    Enjoy some pizza. As long as you don't do it everyday it might help believe it or not.

    I ate horribly last week and still managed to lose so ENJOY!!
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    Eat the darn pizza!!! :happy: Just eat in moderation. 1-2 slices will not kill you nor will it damage your diet. :drinker:
    I personally do not beleive in cheat days or weekends, but I eat food I like in moderation or in different forms. I love chocolate, so I eat a fudgsicle or maybe a couple of strawberries dipped in chocolate. I do eat pizza, but only have 1-2 slices and I order healthier versions such as grilled chicken light on cheese and sauce on thin crust. It is good. :bigsmile: And yes sometimes I go for a slice of pan style pepperoni pizza :blushing: ...but you know it is good ad I am not killing myself to avoid those things. I still have been progressing in my weight loss and I feel good. For me this is what works.
    Find what works for you and by all means please enjoy some of the simply pleasures of life; like pizza :flowerforyou:
  • Kimber1012001
    Kimber1012001 Posts: 30 Member
    Why would you want to live a life that is absent of all the foods you love? I sure wouldn't!!

    Go ahead and have a slice there's a difference between enjoying what you love in a small portion and letting it all loose and eating the entire pizza yourself. Balance is key!

    Also, opt for the healthier options when ure making these choices you won't feel so guilty, go for the veggie pizza, a place where they use whole wheat, the least greasy looking one etc and you will be fine! :0)
  • shesblossoming
    I used to have a cheat day, but what I do now is give myself three cheat meals a week (1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner). If I'm craving something, I can have it in moderation. One of the reasons I've failed before was because I deprived myself so much and then would go crazy on it!
  • Aileen46
    Aileen46 Posts: 176 Member
    I count my calories every day regardless of what I eat. I don't consider cheat days because I'm not on a diet. This is a lifestyle change. Everything in moderation is the key to success. If I have a couple of days where I'm over my calories, I know it will balance out down the road by having more fruit or veggies on those other days.

    You could always throw in a quick walk to give yourself a few more calories to play with. And you'll enjoy the pizza better knowing that you worked for it. :)

    Slow and steady wins the race!! :drinker: