


  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    LAC73167 wrote: »
    I don't know how that got bolded lol. ... but sure... I should've explained that a little better...what I meant to explain was that I'm eating enough calories to not be unhealthy.

    Great, but you understand that a calorie deficit just means fewer calories than maintenance, right? If you lose you are eating at a calorie deficit -- it doesn't mean an extreme deficit.
    I was referring to a post above that basically used the term sayin OP was not eating enough food to be healthy or that's how I read it.

    I did not see such a post.

    I also didn't see any posts suggesting that sugar gets people "riled up." If you notice, most of the people saying that cutting out sugar doesn't make a diet inherently more healthy than others are people who don't eat lots of sugar and who do focus on eating lots of vegetables and other high nutrient foods. I am one person who has pointed out that some of the claims made about sugar are false, and yet I've cut out added sugar for a period of time and am supportive of what OP is doing. It's just too bad that threads like hers seem to attract people who want to make false claims about sugar or eating moderate amounts of sugar being bad, that then need to be addressed.

    I personally eat more than 15 g of sugar per day from veg (I'd have to cut back my veg to avoid that) and also eat fruit and dairy, so I eat way more than 15 g on any day, even though I often don't eat any significant amount of added sugar (and when I do I am usually still not particularly high). I don't do this by actively avoiding added sugar, I do it by mostly eating whole foods and moderating sweets (although I will include them and other high cal, lower nutrient foods I enjoy, like cheese) in my overall diet. That you want to do it another way I think is great. The only thing I would object to is if you tried to insist that your way is somehow healthier than mine, as I think that's not supported by any good evidence, and that boiling down nutrition to added sugar is a good way to miss the forest for the trees. If added sugar was a problem for you, good for you for finding a way to address it.
  • LAC73167
    LAC73167 Posts: 114 Member
    edited October 2016
    Thanks for clarifying

    Please read my post again. I meant the subject of sugar gets people ruled up.

    Also. I said I read the post about the deficit and said I read it differently than they meant it. Just like you did with my "sugar gets people riled up" comment

    My point is WHY doesn't everyone support something that works for someone.
  • Wannabmarathoner
    Wannabmarathoner Posts: 96 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    LAC73167 wrote: »
    Thanks for clarifying

    Please read my post again. I meant the subject of sugar gets people ruled up.

    Also. I said I read the post about the deficit and said I read it differently than they meant it. Just like you did with my "sugar gets people riled up" comment

    My point is WHY doesn't everyone support something that works for someone.

    I will repost what I said earlier in this thread...
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I'm here for you!!!! Guess what...just like high school, some people are for you, and some people aren't...Just like life, you get to pick your don't wait for them to come to the ones who are asking the same questions as you.

    I'm here for my 2nd time on MFP, 3rd time dieting in my 56 years....

    I am choosing less sugar and less sodium for health reasons....
    Working for me...have lost 15 lbs, 10 while here on MFP... I care what others say....yes, yes, I do...but I will continue what I think is best for me, until what I think is not working...then I will shift to finally find the fit for me...this is a cycle for all of us...can you see yourself wearing the clothes from junior high...hopefully not, but are evolving...try new (healthy) things give it a month, if not working move on.

    Most people don't want to eschew the desirable things in life, and will attempt to intimidate you into thinking your path is wrong....i.e. sugar

    my you what works for you, and if it doesn't, admit (publically or not) and do something else.

    Actually, having participated in OPs other thread I just want to speak to the bolded part of your post. It isn't that people were poo pooing her because they don't want to give up sugar, that they were trying to derail her because they couldn't hack it themselves. It is that the OP was making bold and flat out incorrect statements that sugar is poison, referencing pseudoscience and debunked articles as her evidence.

    Additionally, the point that many of us are trying to make is that you don't HAVE to give up sugar, or really anything that you enjoy, in order to be successful. Losing weight is hard enough, and there is so much misinformation out there (OP seems to have gotten her good/bad food guidelines from social media, Pinterest I'm guessing) without creating arbitrary, overly restrictive rules for yourself. Creating too restrictive of a plan is why so many people give up, and telling new members that you don't HAVE to give up the foods you enjoy to lose weight and that you CAN eat a healthy diet that includes added sugar and some processed foods is not being negative. It is being supportive, at least that is my intent..

    It's not that people aren't supportive of what OP believes will work for her. It's that they want to make sure that people are doing it for the right reasons and not because they've been convinced that something HAS to be cut out in order to be successful. So many people try and fail, and one of the main reasons is that they make this whole process much harder than it needs to be.

    Again that's an assumption that my primary goal is to LOSE WEIGHT. It isn't.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    ChaleGirl wrote: »
    I always find it so interesting when some people on these boards try to say there are no bad foods. There actually are. Refined sugar is actually not good for you. Yes we all like it,but cakes, chocolate etc are bad for you. Well done for cutting down on the processed sugar. I'm sure your body will thank you for it!!

    Not true at all. Moderation is key.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited October 2016
    LAC73167 wrote: »
    Ooooh. Sugar gets some people on these boards all riled up!! Forget what the naysayers are saying to you. I have mostly cut out sugar (I eat between 10-15g a day) and the sugar I DO eat comes from fruits and. Veggies ...And I have lost weight and I CERTAINLY am not eating at a calorie. deficit. I feel better, I'm not having energy spikes and drops, sleep better, not sore all the time, not foggy headed, Some people like to spew out what they can quickly google to benefit "the lurkers" ...please... you do what works for you, be healthy about it and remember, everyone is different and everyone's BODY will react differently. Interesting side note: I cut out sugar and my fat (mostly all healthy fats) is always over and I've managed to lose 39 lbs. so far. go figure. I was attacked for a sugar post once as well. It sucks to be talked down to when you are looking for inspiration, motivation, whatever. Good luck to you :)

    That's wonderful you have found a way eat at a calorie deficit and lose weight. Setting any medical conditions aside that need attention, a deficit is the only requirement to losing weight. Everything outside of that, including reducing your sugar intake, is preference only.

    Have you read through the forums? There are a lot of stories where people who have lose weight have their symptoms disappear, many symptoms similar to what you describe above.
    I don't know how that got bolded lol. ... but sure... I should've explained that a little better...what I meant to explain was that I'm eating enough calories to not be unhealthy. I use a fitness tracker and sometimes eat back my exercise calories and sometimes I don't / what I was trying to express was I'm never starving myself -sometimes I go over sometime to go under but I'm still losing weight and I'm still being healthy. I am eating at a deficit to lose weight but I was referring to a post above that basically used the term sayin OP was not eating enough food to be healthy or that's how I read it.

    Ah...thanks for clarifying this.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    LAC73167 wrote: »
    Thanks for clarifying

    Please read my post again. I meant the subject of sugar gets people ruled up.

    Also. I said I read the post about the deficit and said I read it differently than they meant it. Just like you did with my "sugar gets people riled up" comment

    My point is WHY doesn't everyone support something that works for someone.

    I will repost what I said earlier in this thread...
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I'm here for you!!!! Guess what...just like high school, some people are for you, and some people aren't...Just like life, you get to pick your don't wait for them to come to the ones who are asking the same questions as you.

    I'm here for my 2nd time on MFP, 3rd time dieting in my 56 years....

    I am choosing less sugar and less sodium for health reasons....
    Working for me...have lost 15 lbs, 10 while here on MFP... I care what others say....yes, yes, I do...but I will continue what I think is best for me, until what I think is not working...then I will shift to finally find the fit for me...this is a cycle for all of us...can you see yourself wearing the clothes from junior high...hopefully not, but are evolving...try new (healthy) things give it a month, if not working move on.

    Most people don't want to eschew the desirable things in life, and will attempt to intimidate you into thinking your path is wrong....i.e. sugar

    my you what works for you, and if it doesn't, admit (publically or not) and do something else.

    Actually, having participated in OPs other thread I just want to speak to the bolded part of your post. It isn't that people were poo pooing her because they don't want to give up sugar, that they were trying to derail her because they couldn't hack it themselves. It is that the OP was making bold and flat out incorrect statements that sugar is poison, referencing pseudoscience and debunked articles as her evidence.

    Additionally, the point that many of us are trying to make is that you don't HAVE to give up sugar, or really anything that you enjoy, in order to be successful. Losing weight is hard enough, and there is so much misinformation out there (OP seems to have gotten her good/bad food guidelines from social media, Pinterest I'm guessing) without creating arbitrary, overly restrictive rules for yourself. Creating too restrictive of a plan is why so many people give up, and telling new members that you don't HAVE to give up the foods you enjoy to lose weight and that you CAN eat a healthy diet that includes added sugar and some processed foods is not being negative. It is being supportive, at least that is my intent..

    It's not that people aren't supportive of what OP believes will work for her. It's that they want to make sure that people are doing it for the right reasons and not because they've been convinced that something HAS to be cut out in order to be successful. So many people try and fail, and one of the main reasons is that they make this whole process much harder than it needs to be.

    Again that's an assumption that my primary goal is to LOSE WEIGHT. It isn't.

    How is it going today, day three?
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am not here to debate the effects of sugar again. My #1 goal is to see if it is sugar that is causing some unusual symptoms I've been experiencing, and the only way to do that is to eliminate most things I've been consuming until a couple days ago. If I lose weight while I experiment then bonus!

    The only symptoms that too much sugar would cause are:
    * Lethargy
    * Increased urination
    * Increased thirst

    If you're experiencing these, you're either diabetic, or pre-diabetic. Your doctor has a simple test for this: A1C panel.
  • Wannabmarathoner
    Wannabmarathoner Posts: 96 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    LAC73167 wrote: »
    Thanks for clarifying

    Please read my post again. I meant the subject of sugar gets people ruled up.

    Also. I said I read the post about the deficit and said I read it differently than they meant it. Just like you did with my "sugar gets people riled up" comment

    My point is WHY doesn't everyone support something that works for someone.

    I will repost what I said earlier in this thread...
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I'm here for you!!!! Guess what...just like high school, some people are for you, and some people aren't...Just like life, you get to pick your don't wait for them to come to the ones who are asking the same questions as you.

    I'm here for my 2nd time on MFP, 3rd time dieting in my 56 years....

    I am choosing less sugar and less sodium for health reasons....
    Working for me...have lost 15 lbs, 10 while here on MFP... I care what others say....yes, yes, I do...but I will continue what I think is best for me, until what I think is not working...then I will shift to finally find the fit for me...this is a cycle for all of us...can you see yourself wearing the clothes from junior high...hopefully not, but are evolving...try new (healthy) things give it a month, if not working move on.

    Most people don't want to eschew the desirable things in life, and will attempt to intimidate you into thinking your path is wrong....i.e. sugar

    my you what works for you, and if it doesn't, admit (publically or not) and do something else.

    Actually, having participated in OPs other thread I just want to speak to the bolded part of your post. It isn't that people were poo pooing her because they don't want to give up sugar, that they were trying to derail her because they couldn't hack it themselves. It is that the OP was making bold and flat out incorrect statements that sugar is poison, referencing pseudoscience and debunked articles as her evidence.

    Additionally, the point that many of us are trying to make is that you don't HAVE to give up sugar, or really anything that you enjoy, in order to be successful. Losing weight is hard enough, and there is so much misinformation out there (OP seems to have gotten her good/bad food guidelines from social media, Pinterest I'm guessing) without creating arbitrary, overly restrictive rules for yourself. Creating too restrictive of a plan is why so many people give up, and telling new members that you don't HAVE to give up the foods you enjoy to lose weight and that you CAN eat a healthy diet that includes added sugar and some processed foods is not being negative. It is being supportive, at least that is my intent..

    It's not that people aren't supportive of what OP believes will work for her. It's that they want to make sure that people are doing it for the right reasons and not because they've been convinced that something HAS to be cut out in order to be successful. So many people try and fail, and one of the main reasons is that they make this whole process much harder than it needs to be.

    Again that's an assumption that my primary goal is to LOSE WEIGHT. It isn't.

    How is it going today, day three?

    Today is day 4 and it's going okay. I don't feel sluggish like before. I had 3 workouts yesterday. Ran in the morning, walked with a friend, and sweated it out last evening on the elliptical (this NEVER happens). I need to work on the all or nothing approach. My concern is working 3 12.5 hour shifts, starting tomorrow (and book club on Thursday. Haha. 'Wine club'). I know I won't want to cook eggs tomorrow morning at 5:30. I may live on the edge and have steel cut oats that I make today. Another key is to not bypass the healthy salad bar at work. Thank you for asking, SLLrunner.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    OP, yoy may want to check out the Low Carber Daily group. Even if you are not low carb ( under 150g of carbs per day) you will find plenty of experience, advice, and empathy from people who have cut back on sugar (and carbs) in their lives - many for health reasons.

    Don't feel nervous about joining if you are not quite low carb. We've had very active members whose carb intake was closer to 250g but they were quite active, and one of our moderators is simply "slow carb" meaning she's not low carb but the carbs she chooses are very low GI so she gets the benefits of a steadier blood glucose level.

    Join if interested. You'll probably get more support there... than in this motivation and support boad. Bit ironic. LOL

    And the headache may be due to electrolyte loss with the water losses you are experienceing from cutting back on carbs/sugars. You may need upwards of 3000-5000 mg of salt per day for a while until your body adjusts. That's 1-2 teaspoons of salt per day. Broth, salt tablets, or drinking well salted water or keto-aid will help.

    Best wishes. I hope your experiement helps.
  • vanmep
    vanmep Posts: 410 Member
    I love my sugar! I haven't eliminated it, but just by the nature of being mindful and logging, I certainly have reduced it significantly. And I am noticing the difference. No more energy surges and drops, no more hangry, no more sugar hangovers. I don't know why I never connected those things with my sugar consumption before. But I have been walking right by the candy aisle lately with hardly a glance because of the difference.
  • Wannabmarathoner
    Wannabmarathoner Posts: 96 Member
    vanmep wrote: »
    I love my sugar! I haven't eliminated it, but just by the nature of being mindful and logging, I certainly have reduced it significantly. And I am noticing the difference. No more energy surges and drops, no more hangry, no more sugar hangovers. I don't know why I never connected those things with my sugar consumption before. But I have been walking right by the candy aisle lately with hardly a glance because of the difference.

    That's a great mindset to be in! Thanks for sharing! I would love to be less hangry! Haha
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited October 2016
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    LAC73167 wrote: »
    Thanks for clarifying

    Please read my post again. I meant the subject of sugar gets people ruled up.

    Also. I said I read the post about the deficit and said I read it differently than they meant it. Just like you did with my "sugar gets people riled up" comment

    My point is WHY doesn't everyone support something that works for someone.

    I will repost what I said earlier in this thread...
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I'm here for you!!!! Guess what...just like high school, some people are for you, and some people aren't...Just like life, you get to pick your don't wait for them to come to the ones who are asking the same questions as you.

    I'm here for my 2nd time on MFP, 3rd time dieting in my 56 years....

    I am choosing less sugar and less sodium for health reasons....
    Working for me...have lost 15 lbs, 10 while here on MFP... I care what others say....yes, yes, I do...but I will continue what I think is best for me, until what I think is not working...then I will shift to finally find the fit for me...this is a cycle for all of us...can you see yourself wearing the clothes from junior high...hopefully not, but are evolving...try new (healthy) things give it a month, if not working move on.

    Most people don't want to eschew the desirable things in life, and will attempt to intimidate you into thinking your path is wrong....i.e. sugar

    my you what works for you, and if it doesn't, admit (publically or not) and do something else.

    Actually, having participated in OPs other thread I just want to speak to the bolded part of your post. It isn't that people were poo pooing her because they don't want to give up sugar, that they were trying to derail her because they couldn't hack it themselves. It is that the OP was making bold and flat out incorrect statements that sugar is poison, referencing pseudoscience and debunked articles as her evidence.

    Additionally, the point that many of us are trying to make is that you don't HAVE to give up sugar, or really anything that you enjoy, in order to be successful. Losing weight is hard enough, and there is so much misinformation out there (OP seems to have gotten her good/bad food guidelines from social media, Pinterest I'm guessing) without creating arbitrary, overly restrictive rules for yourself. Creating too restrictive of a plan is why so many people give up, and telling new members that you don't HAVE to give up the foods you enjoy to lose weight and that you CAN eat a healthy diet that includes added sugar and some processed foods is not being negative. It is being supportive, at least that is my intent..

    It's not that people aren't supportive of what OP believes will work for her. It's that they want to make sure that people are doing it for the right reasons and not because they've been convinced that something HAS to be cut out in order to be successful. So many people try and fail, and one of the main reasons is that they make this whole process much harder than it needs to be.

    Again that's an assumption that my primary goal is to LOSE WEIGHT. It isn't.

    How is it going today, day three?

    Today is day 4 and it's going okay. I don't feel sluggish like before. I had 3 workouts yesterday. Ran in the morning, walked with a friend, and sweated it out last evening on the elliptical (this NEVER happens). I need to work on the all or nothing approach. My concern is working 3 12.5 hour shifts, starting tomorrow (and book club on Thursday. Haha. 'Wine club'). I know I won't want to cook eggs tomorrow morning at 5:30. I may live on the edge and have steel cut oats that I make today. Another key is to not bypass the healthy salad bar at work. Thank you for asking, SLLrunner.

    Wonderful that it's working for you.

    I understand all about the all or nothing approach, I followed it for years. It took a lot of self examination and hard work to get past that when it come to food, but the current result of not demonizing food (this is my experience only and has nothing do do with what you've said throughout) well worth it.

    Steel cut oats are great! Have you ever cooked a batch in the crockpot overnight so you wake up to the wonderful smell, and they are ready for you to eat throughout the week? I've done that before and I may do so tonight.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am not here to debate the effects of sugar again. My #1 goal is to see if it is sugar that is causing some unusual symptoms I've been experiencing, and the only way to do that is to eliminate most things I've been consuming until a couple days ago. If I lose weight while I experiment then bonus!

    The only symptoms that too much sugar would cause are:
    * Lethargy
    * Increased urination
    * Increased thirst

    If you're experiencing these, you're either diabetic, or pre-diabetic. Your doctor has a simple test for this: A1C panel.

    Those are main symptoms of when sugar affect someone who is diabetic (or sends someone to the MD only to be diagnosed with diabetes), but there's also that foggy headed feeling and diarrhea.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    vanmep wrote: »
    I love my sugar! I haven't eliminated it, but just by the nature of being mindful and logging, I certainly have reduced it significantly. And I am noticing the difference. No more energy surges and drops, no more hangry, no more sugar hangovers. I don't know why I never connected those things with my sugar consumption before. But I have been walking right by the candy aisle lately with hardly a glance because of the difference.

    That's interesting how you were able to reduce something you love because too much was causing you to not feel your best. I did the same thing with fat at one time: I was eating way too little (I was in the camp at that time that fat makes you fat, not food), and boy was I a pain in the derriere to be around. Once I increased my fat consumption to a more reasonable amount for me, I began to feel wonderful. Balance is a wonderful thing.
  • Wannabmarathoner
    Wannabmarathoner Posts: 96 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    LAC73167 wrote: »
    Thanks for clarifying

    Please read my post again. I meant the subject of sugar gets people ruled up.

    Also. I said I read the post about the deficit and said I read it differently than they meant it. Just like you did with my "sugar gets people riled up" comment

    My point is WHY doesn't everyone support something that works for someone.

    I will repost what I said earlier in this thread...
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I'm here for you!!!! Guess what...just like high school, some people are for you, and some people aren't...Just like life, you get to pick your don't wait for them to come to the ones who are asking the same questions as you.

    I'm here for my 2nd time on MFP, 3rd time dieting in my 56 years....

    I am choosing less sugar and less sodium for health reasons....
    Working for me...have lost 15 lbs, 10 while here on MFP... I care what others say....yes, yes, I do...but I will continue what I think is best for me, until what I think is not working...then I will shift to finally find the fit for me...this is a cycle for all of us...can you see yourself wearing the clothes from junior high...hopefully not, but are evolving...try new (healthy) things give it a month, if not working move on.

    Most people don't want to eschew the desirable things in life, and will attempt to intimidate you into thinking your path is wrong....i.e. sugar

    my you what works for you, and if it doesn't, admit (publically or not) and do something else.

    Actually, having participated in OPs other thread I just want to speak to the bolded part of your post. It isn't that people were poo pooing her because they don't want to give up sugar, that they were trying to derail her because they couldn't hack it themselves. It is that the OP was making bold and flat out incorrect statements that sugar is poison, referencing pseudoscience and debunked articles as her evidence.

    Additionally, the point that many of us are trying to make is that you don't HAVE to give up sugar, or really anything that you enjoy, in order to be successful. Losing weight is hard enough, and there is so much misinformation out there (OP seems to have gotten her good/bad food guidelines from social media, Pinterest I'm guessing) without creating arbitrary, overly restrictive rules for yourself. Creating too restrictive of a plan is why so many people give up, and telling new members that you don't HAVE to give up the foods you enjoy to lose weight and that you CAN eat a healthy diet that includes added sugar and some processed foods is not being negative. It is being supportive, at least that is my intent..

    It's not that people aren't supportive of what OP believes will work for her. It's that they want to make sure that people are doing it for the right reasons and not because they've been convinced that something HAS to be cut out in order to be successful. So many people try and fail, and one of the main reasons is that they make this whole process much harder than it needs to be.

    Again that's an assumption that my primary goal is to LOSE WEIGHT. It isn't.

    How is it going today, day three?

    Today is day 4 and it's going okay. I don't feel sluggish like before. I had 3 workouts yesterday. Ran in the morning, walked with a friend, and sweated it out last evening on the elliptical (this NEVER happens). I need to work on the all or nothing approach. My concern is working 3 12.5 hour shifts, starting tomorrow (and book club on Thursday. Haha. 'Wine club'). I know I won't want to cook eggs tomorrow morning at 5:30. I may live on the edge and have steel cut oats that I make today. Another key is to not bypass the healthy salad bar at work. Thank you for asking, SLLrunner.

    Wonderful that it's working for you.

    I understand all about the all or nothing approach, I followed it for years. It took a lot of self examination and hard work to get past that when it come to food, but the current result of not demonizing food (this is my experience only and has nothing do do with what you've said throughout) well worth it.

    Steel cut oats are great! Have you ever cooked a batch in the crockpot overnight so you wake up to the wonderful smell, and they are ready for you to eat throughout the week? I've done that before and I may do so tonight.

    Mmm I like the idea of using a crock pot for oats! May give it a try! Thanks!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    LAC73167 wrote: »
    Thanks for clarifying

    Please read my post again. I meant the subject of sugar gets people ruled up.

    Also. I said I read the post about the deficit and said I read it differently than they meant it. Just like you did with my "sugar gets people riled up" comment

    My point is WHY doesn't everyone support something that works for someone.

    I will repost what I said earlier in this thread...
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I'm here for you!!!! Guess what...just like high school, some people are for you, and some people aren't...Just like life, you get to pick your don't wait for them to come to the ones who are asking the same questions as you.

    I'm here for my 2nd time on MFP, 3rd time dieting in my 56 years....

    I am choosing less sugar and less sodium for health reasons....
    Working for me...have lost 15 lbs, 10 while here on MFP... I care what others say....yes, yes, I do...but I will continue what I think is best for me, until what I think is not working...then I will shift to finally find the fit for me...this is a cycle for all of us...can you see yourself wearing the clothes from junior high...hopefully not, but are evolving...try new (healthy) things give it a month, if not working move on.

    Most people don't want to eschew the desirable things in life, and will attempt to intimidate you into thinking your path is wrong....i.e. sugar

    my you what works for you, and if it doesn't, admit (publically or not) and do something else.

    Actually, having participated in OPs other thread I just want to speak to the bolded part of your post. It isn't that people were poo pooing her because they don't want to give up sugar, that they were trying to derail her because they couldn't hack it themselves. It is that the OP was making bold and flat out incorrect statements that sugar is poison, referencing pseudoscience and debunked articles as her evidence.

    Additionally, the point that many of us are trying to make is that you don't HAVE to give up sugar, or really anything that you enjoy, in order to be successful. Losing weight is hard enough, and there is so much misinformation out there (OP seems to have gotten her good/bad food guidelines from social media, Pinterest I'm guessing) without creating arbitrary, overly restrictive rules for yourself. Creating too restrictive of a plan is why so many people give up, and telling new members that you don't HAVE to give up the foods you enjoy to lose weight and that you CAN eat a healthy diet that includes added sugar and some processed foods is not being negative. It is being supportive, at least that is my intent..

    It's not that people aren't supportive of what OP believes will work for her. It's that they want to make sure that people are doing it for the right reasons and not because they've been convinced that something HAS to be cut out in order to be successful. So many people try and fail, and one of the main reasons is that they make this whole process much harder than it needs to be.

    Again that's an assumption that my primary goal is to LOSE WEIGHT. It isn't.

    How is it going today, day three?

    Today is day 4 and it's going okay. I don't feel sluggish like before. I had 3 workouts yesterday. Ran in the morning, walked with a friend, and sweated it out last evening on the elliptical (this NEVER happens). I need to work on the all or nothing approach. My concern is working 3 12.5 hour shifts, starting tomorrow (and book club on Thursday. Haha. 'Wine club'). I know I won't want to cook eggs tomorrow morning at 5:30. I may live on the edge and have steel cut oats that I make today. Another key is to not bypass the healthy salad bar at work. Thank you for asking, SLLrunner.

    Wonderful that it's working for you.

    I understand all about the all or nothing approach, I followed it for years. It took a lot of self examination and hard work to get past that when it come to food, but the current result of not demonizing food (this is my experience only and has nothing do do with what you've said throughout) well worth it.

    Steel cut oats are great! Have you ever cooked a batch in the crockpot overnight so you wake up to the wonderful smell, and they are ready for you to eat throughout the week? I've done that before and I may do so tonight.

    Mmm I like the idea of using a crock pot for oats! May give it a try! Thanks!

    If you have a rice cooker, that's how I do it. Also easy.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    LAC73167 wrote: »
    Thanks for clarifying

    Please read my post again. I meant the subject of sugar gets people ruled up.

    Also. I said I read the post about the deficit and said I read it differently than they meant it. Just like you did with my "sugar gets people riled up" comment

    My point is WHY doesn't everyone support something that works for someone.

    I will repost what I said earlier in this thread...
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I'm here for you!!!! Guess what...just like high school, some people are for you, and some people aren't...Just like life, you get to pick your don't wait for them to come to the ones who are asking the same questions as you.

    I'm here for my 2nd time on MFP, 3rd time dieting in my 56 years....

    I am choosing less sugar and less sodium for health reasons....
    Working for me...have lost 15 lbs, 10 while here on MFP... I care what others say....yes, yes, I do...but I will continue what I think is best for me, until what I think is not working...then I will shift to finally find the fit for me...this is a cycle for all of us...can you see yourself wearing the clothes from junior high...hopefully not, but are evolving...try new (healthy) things give it a month, if not working move on.

    Most people don't want to eschew the desirable things in life, and will attempt to intimidate you into thinking your path is wrong....i.e. sugar

    my you what works for you, and if it doesn't, admit (publically or not) and do something else.

    Actually, having participated in OPs other thread I just want to speak to the bolded part of your post. It isn't that people were poo pooing her because they don't want to give up sugar, that they were trying to derail her because they couldn't hack it themselves. It is that the OP was making bold and flat out incorrect statements that sugar is poison, referencing pseudoscience and debunked articles as her evidence.

    Additionally, the point that many of us are trying to make is that you don't HAVE to give up sugar, or really anything that you enjoy, in order to be successful. Losing weight is hard enough, and there is so much misinformation out there (OP seems to have gotten her good/bad food guidelines from social media, Pinterest I'm guessing) without creating arbitrary, overly restrictive rules for yourself. Creating too restrictive of a plan is why so many people give up, and telling new members that you don't HAVE to give up the foods you enjoy to lose weight and that you CAN eat a healthy diet that includes added sugar and some processed foods is not being negative. It is being supportive, at least that is my intent..

    It's not that people aren't supportive of what OP believes will work for her. It's that they want to make sure that people are doing it for the right reasons and not because they've been convinced that something HAS to be cut out in order to be successful. So many people try and fail, and one of the main reasons is that they make this whole process much harder than it needs to be.

    Again that's an assumption that my primary goal is to LOSE WEIGHT. It isn't.

    How is it going today, day three?

    Today is day 4 and it's going okay. I don't feel sluggish like before. I had 3 workouts yesterday. Ran in the morning, walked with a friend, and sweated it out last evening on the elliptical (this NEVER happens). I need to work on the all or nothing approach. My concern is working 3 12.5 hour shifts, starting tomorrow (and book club on Thursday. Haha. 'Wine club'). I know I won't want to cook eggs tomorrow morning at 5:30. I may live on the edge and have steel cut oats that I make today. Another key is to not bypass the healthy salad bar at work. Thank you for asking, SLLrunner.

    Wonderful that it's working for you.

    I understand all about the all or nothing approach, I followed it for years. It took a lot of self examination and hard work to get past that when it come to food, but the current result of not demonizing food (this is my experience only and has nothing do do with what you've said throughout) well worth it.

    Steel cut oats are great! Have you ever cooked a batch in the crockpot overnight so you wake up to the wonderful smell, and they are ready for you to eat throughout the week? I've done that before and I may do so tonight.

    Mmm I like the idea of using a crock pot for oats! May give it a try! Thanks!

    If you like them cold, like I do, you could just soak them in unsweetened almond milk overnight. Also good.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,019 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    LAC73167 wrote: »
    Ooooh. Sugar gets some people on these boards all riled up!! Forget what the naysayers are saying to you. I have mostly cut out sugar (I eat between 10-15g a day) and the sugar I DO eat comes from fruits and. Veggies ...And I have lost weight and I CERTAINLY am not eating at a calorie. deficit. I feel better, I'm not having energy spikes and drops, sleep better, not sore all the time, not foggy headed, Some people like to spew out what they can quickly google to benefit "the lurkers" ...please... you do what works for you, be healthy about it and remember, everyone is different and everyone's BODY will react differently. Interesting side note: I cut out sugar and my fat (mostly all healthy fats) is always over and I've managed to lose 39 lbs. so far. go figure. I was attacked for a sugar post once as well. It sucks to be talked down to when you are looking for inspiration, motivation, whatever. Good luck to you :)

    Care to elaborate on the bolded? You are losing weight and not eating at a calorie deficit?

    I believe you are eating at a deficit. You are one of my friends and I think your goal is around 1350 or so and you usually eat about 1500. That is most likely a deficit (I don't know how tall you are , but I'm 5'4.75" and that's a deficit for me) especially since you are losing weight. Don't eat added sugar if you don't want to, but it is not poison and in moderation it is fine. I eat added sugar every day (I will always at least drink coffee with real sugar every day) and it did not impede my weight loss and my maintenance is going along just fine even eating refined sugar.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    LAC73167 wrote: »
    Ooooh. Sugar gets some people on these boards all riled up!! Forget what the naysayers are saying to you. I have mostly cut out sugar (I eat between 10-15g a day) and the sugar I DO eat comes from fruits and. Veggies ...And I have lost weight and I CERTAINLY am not eating at a calorie. deficit. I feel better, I'm not having energy spikes and drops, sleep better, not sore all the time, not foggy headed, Some people like to spew out what they can quickly google to benefit "the lurkers" ...please... you do what works for you, be healthy about it and remember, everyone is different and everyone's BODY will react differently. Interesting side note: I cut out sugar and my fat (mostly all healthy fats) is always over and I've managed to lose 39 lbs. so far. go figure. I was attacked for a sugar post once as well. It sucks to be talked down to when you are looking for inspiration, motivation, whatever. Good luck to you :)

    Care to elaborate on the bolded? You are losing weight and not eating at a calorie deficit?

    I believe you are eating at a deficit. You are one of my friends and I think your goal is around 1350 or so and you usually eat about 1500. That is most likely a deficit (I don't know how tall you are , but I'm 5'4.75" and that's a deficit for me) especially since you are losing weight. Don't eat added sugar if you don't want to, but it is not poison and in moderation it is fine. I eat added sugar every day (I will always at least drink coffee with real sugar every day) and it did not impede my weight loss and my maintenance is going along just fine even eating refined sugar.
    The very definition of a calorie deficit is that you eat less than you burn. So, if those stats are true, your friend is not eating at a deficit. Perhaps exercise figures into her stats? Or not logging intake correctly?