8 weeks 8 lbs!! Oct 24th- Dec 19



  • redhen2
    redhen2 Posts: 5 Member
    Let's do this! Good luck to everyone in this group!

    Oct 24: 157.5 (same that I weighed when I was 9 months pregnant with my first)
    Oct 31:
    Nov 07:
    Nov 14:
    Nov 21:
    Nov 28:
    Dec 05:
    Dec 12:
    Dec 19:
  • michelle_more2live4
    michelle_more2live4 Posts: 188 Member
    Thanks @momzie2016 for continuing this challenge.

    CW: 142.2
    GW: 130.5

    Oct 24: 142.2
    Oct 31:
    Nov 07:
    Nov 14:
    Nov 21:
    Nov 28:
    Dec 05:
    Dec 12:
    Dec 19:

    Total lost in challenge: 0 lbs
  • momzie2016
    momzie2016 Posts: 192 Member
    Good morning friends!!! Let's get started!

    Oct 24: 131.6
    Oct 31:
    Nov 07:
    Nov 14:
    Nov 21:
    Nov 28:
    Dec 05:
    Dec 12:

  • michy84
    michy84 Posts: 342 Member
    Alright, let's do this! Good luck, everyone!

    Oct 24: 138
    Oct 31:
    Nov 07:
    Nov 14:
    Nov 21:
    Nov 28:
    Dec 05:
    Dec 12:
    Dec 19:

  • reachedmylimit
    reachedmylimit Posts: 172 Member
    :D Here we go!

    GW 130

    Oct 24: 143
    Oct 31:
    Nov 07:
    Nov 14:
    Nov 21:
    Nov 28:
    Dec 05:
    Dec 12:
    Dec 19
  • Hike4WD
    Hike4WD Posts: 13 Member
    edited October 2016
    SW is 178. GW: 150
    Carb goal/day: <20g

    Oct 24: 176.4, Ave carbs/day: 31.1g
    Oct 31:
    Nov 07:
    Nov 14:
    Nov 21:
    Nov 28:
    Dec 05:
    Dec 12:
    Dec 19:
  • jenkofb
    jenkofb Posts: 43 Member
    edited October 2016
    Challenge GW 183.6

    Oct 24: 191.6
    Oct 31:
    Nov 07:
    Nov 14:
    Nov 21:
    Nov 28:
    Dec 05:
    Dec 12:
    Dec 19
  • starcrystal3
    starcrystal3 Posts: 91 Member
    This is perfect! My next mini goal is to weigh 150 by my family holiday party on December 17, so here goes:

    Oct 24: 160.2 - let's do this!
    Oct 31:
    Nov 07:
    Nov 14:
    Nov 21:
    Nov 28:
    Dec 05:
    Dec 12:
    Dec 19:

  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    edited October 2016
    Starting weight (October 21) 219 lbs

    Oct 24: 218.6lbs
    Oct 31:
    Nov 07:
    Nov 14:
    Nov 21:
    Nov 28:
    Dec 05:
    Dec 12:
    Dec 19:

    Challenge Goal: 210 lbs
    Ultimate Goal: 150lbs
  • rl533010
    rl533010 Posts: 11 Member
    Starting weight 257.8. Goal for Dec 19 225

    Oct 24: 257.8
    Oct 31:
    Nov 07:
    Nov 14:
    Nov 21:
    Nov 28:
    Dec 05:
    Dec 12:
    Dec 19:
  • Divya365
    Divya365 Posts: 95 Member
    Challenge GW 125 lbs

    Oct 24: 139.2 lbs
    Oct 31:
    Nov 07:
    Nov 14:
    Nov 21:
    Nov 28:
    Dec 05:
    Dec 12:
    Dec 19
  • hbarnes1216
    hbarnes1216 Posts: 65 Member
    Oct 24: 135.6 lbs
  • Larks993
    Larks993 Posts: 3 Member
    Larks993 wrote: »
    This sounds perfect! Thank you for setting up this challenge. I am in dire need of dialing my in food choices. CW: 128. GW: whenever I am no longer muffin topping my favorite skinny jeans. :/

    My plan, which I'm dropping here to hold future-me accountable, is to be diligent about prioritizing exercise (my program is good, I'm just not doing it!), make my sedentary job having self hit 10,000 steps a day, and track my food. I need to cut way back on the booze and junk food. Once in a while is fine, but sitting on my butt, drinking beer, and eating chips on the regular does not a healthy body make.

    Oct 24: 128 (followed plan this weekend, but GOOD LORD it was challenging. So many tasty treats available!)
    Oct 31:
    Nov 07:
    Nov 14:
    Nov 21:
    Nov 28:
    Dec 05:
    Dec 12:
    Dec 19:

  • karimomof2
    karimomof2 Posts: 3 Member
    I am so excited about this! This challenge will take me through the holidays! My challenge goal at the end is 195. My end goal is 170.

    Oct 24: 211.8
    Oct 31:
    Nov 07:
    Nov 14:
    Nov 21:
    Nov 28:
    Dec 05:
    Dec 12:
    Dec 19:
  • goin2cruise
    goin2cruise Posts: 28 Member
    RE- Starting weight: 133
    Belly measurement at the biggest part of the gut 31.5
    It be awesome to loose 8 lbs, I'd be stoked to loose 5. But I want to lose some inches my middle!
  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    Oct 24: 219.4
    Oct 31:
    Nov 07:
    Nov 14:
    Nov 21:
    Nov 28:
    Dec 05:
    Dec 12:
    Dec 19:
  • ddye26
    ddye26 Posts: 10 Member
    Oct 24: 204
    Oct 31:
    Nov 07:
    Nov 14:
    Nov 21:
    Nov 28:
    Dec 05:
    Dec 12:
    Dec 19:
  • FreeLovingLisa
    FreeLovingLisa Posts: 7 Member
    Checking in at 168.8. Down 1.2 lbs from last Monday. Hoping to maintain the momentum over the trick-or-treat weekend!
  • tbrzycki
    tbrzycki Posts: 5 Member
    edited October 2016
    The first steps are the hardest. I'm a stay at home mom so going to the gym during the day is impossible. So, I went to the gym at 1am to get in a workout. Just working on making healthier choices for myself. I have to say I am proud of myself for getting to the gym at 1am and I think I might have to stick to that time to reach my goal. It won't be easy, but I need to do this for my kids and myself! I'm feeling hopeful :)

    Oct 24: 331.8 lbs :o
    Oct 31:
    Nov 07:
    Nov 14:
    Nov 21:
    Nov 28:
    Dec 05:
    Dec 12:
    Dec 19:
  • texashockeymom
    texashockeymom Posts: 3 Member
    Oct 24: 172.6
    Oct 31:
    Nov 07:
    Nov 14:
    Nov 21:
    Nov 28:
    Dec 05:
    Dec 12:
    Dec 19: