For the ladies...



  • luvmy2babies
    luvmy2babies Posts: 94 Member
    I had one placed in April after my daughter was born. I took motrin before I went and it wasnt that bad. But I am still bleeding. That is the crappy part, you have break through bleeding for like the first year. It will come and go, but for me for some reason I am still bleeding. I have to wear a pad daily. I had it checked and its placed correctly. I am going to make another appt to find out what is going on.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Thank you all. I'm on Depo right now until I have decent health insurance so I can go in the IUD...I have no issues with pain or cramping...I've been through hell with this body so a bit of pain will be worth not having to worry for years at a time.
    Y'all just made me feel a whole lot better about my decision (I plan on doing the copper one over the hormone one).
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    I've had both the Paragard and Mirena, and neither one was very painful for me, just some minor discomfort. Afterwards it just felt like menstrual cramps. I had one removed and another put in on the same day, and even then it wasn't bad. Try taking some ibuprofen about 1/2 hour before your appointment, that's what I did.
  • nburns325
    nburns325 Posts: 174
    I've had both the Paragard and Mirena, and neither one was very painful for me, just some minor discomfort. Afterwards it just felt like menstrual cramps. I had one removed and another put in on the same day, and even then it wasn't bad. Try taking some ibuprofen about 1/2 hour before your appointment, that's what I did.

    Which one did you like better and why? And what kind of side effects did you have? If you don't mind me asking of course :)
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    @ Nicole:

    I liked the Mirena better. I had the Paragard first, because I wanted to try the one that didn't contain hormones. Unfortunately I had VERY heavy bleeding and pretty bad cramps with it. That's why I had that one removed & got the Mirena. I had no side effects at all with the Mirena. I only had it removed because we wanted to try for another baby.

    Hope this helps! Good luck. =)
  • walkwithme1
    walkwithme1 Posts: 492 Member
    So glad you asked this question. I am having one put in, in the next couple weeks.
  • jstarr0612
    jstarr0612 Posts: 13
    I had mirena put in about 5 months after having my first baby. It was not terribly painful for me, and I have a low pain tolerance, and forgot to take motrin. I also have a terrific doctor lol. After about three days the Mirena became dislodged. I made an appointment with my doctor because I was having significant spotting and cramps. My doctor said that this is rare, but does happen occasionally and most of the time it is the womans body rejecting the foreign object. Although my doctor said that if it happens once, it is likely to happen again, it is a year later and I plan on asking him about trying again at my yearly visit this month.
  • Millie77
    Millie77 Posts: 39
    I had one put in years ago. I had bad experiences with them though. It hurt a little with insertion, but nothing more than with a pelvic exam, in my opinion. They were great at first, but then I started feeling something scratchy and bothered me when I walked, so I went back in and it was slipping, he inserted another one, and within a few weeks, I felt that again, and by the time I got to his office, it fell out completely. He said it was probably because I have had 4 children, and although it's not usually a problem, when you have children, it can stretch things and cause it to fall out. I hope you have great success, it is nice not to have to take BC pills.
  • StEt0417
    StEt0417 Posts: 6
    I got one 6 weeks after having my daughter, then a week later I was in so much pain, it moved and they had to put another one in. The 2nd one i had I bled non stop almost everyday or every other for 10 months straight. It didnt not work well with my body,.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    oh dear, I have been poked and prodded down there so much that I dread going for paps's just a slight "uncomfortable" feeling...if you feel pain something isn't right and you need to let them know. I would definitely go for one, but I'm friends with the synthetic hormones, they keep me from being on prozac during PMS
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    I also guess that the article you mention (I didn't read it, just read your summary) is a bit offensive to me if it does in fact state that hormone use puts me at higher risk of divorce, infidelity, etc - that is a bit of a strong allegation for hormones.

    Didn't mean to offend. The link isn't to some sort of opinion article, it's Scientific American's summary of an actual study done on the subject.

    As for heavier periods, etc. Mine were heavy the first 4 months, but more primarily due to being post-partum (put in at 8wk OB follow-up checkup in Feb 2005 & again in May 2010) Last cycle I spotted 1 day, had 1 normal flow day and spotted another day. Pretty standard since I started using Paraguard, but it's different for everybody, I agree.
  • misslynn23
    misslynn23 Posts: 31 Member
    I had one put in 6 weeks after I had my daughter. The pain wasn't unbearable just felt like a bad cramp. My Dr recommended taking a Motrin before the appt. However, I bled for 3 months after it was inserted and I had it taken out. I was told that I might "spot" up to 6 months afterwards but I bled, I needed tampons. I never knew when it would start or stop. From what my Dr told me, that was abnormal. I hated not knowing when I would start bleeding....once it happened in the middle of a work was jsut too much to constantly think about. I had a it removed successfully and have been having regular periods ever since.
  • nburns325
    nburns325 Posts: 174
    So glad you asked this question. I am having one put in, in the next couple weeks.

    Which one are you going with? Or haven't you decided yet? Are you on any BC now?
  • nburns325
    nburns325 Posts: 174
    I had mirena put in about 5 months after having my first baby. It was not terribly painful for me, and I have a low pain tolerance, and forgot to take motrin. I also have a terrific doctor lol. After about three days the Mirena became dislodged. I made an appointment with my doctor because I was having significant spotting and cramps. My doctor said that this is rare, but does happen occasionally and most of the time it is the womans body rejecting the foreign object. Although my doctor said that if it happens once, it is likely to happen again, it is a year later and I plan on asking him about trying again at my yearly visit this month.

    Aww, that's too bad!!! What are you using right now?
  • nburns325
    nburns325 Posts: 174
    I had one put in years ago. I had bad experiences with them though. It hurt a little with insertion, but nothing more than with a pelvic exam, in my opinion. They were great at first, but then I started feeling something scratchy and bothered me when I walked, so I went back in and it was slipping, he inserted another one, and within a few weeks, I felt that again, and by the time I got to his office, it fell out completely. He said it was probably because I have had 4 children, and although it's not usually a problem, when you have children, it can stretch things and cause it to fall out. I hope you have great success, it is nice not to have to take BC pills.

    Thanks for your input! Stinks that it didn't work for you!! :(
  • nburns325
    nburns325 Posts: 174
    I got one 6 weeks after having my daughter, then a week later I was in so much pain, it moved and they had to put another one in. The 2nd one i had I bled non stop almost everyday or every other for 10 months straight. It didnt not work well with my body,.

    Which one did you try, paraguard or mirena?
  • jstarr0612
    jstarr0612 Posts: 13
    I am using the Nuva ring right now. I don't have to remember to take a pill every day, which is great. I'd like to try Mirena again so I can quit worrying about changing the ring every month, and also to save the twenty dollars each month. (My insurance covers Mirena 100%)
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    I have had my Mirena for about 15 months. The 1st few weeks was hell. I was used to very heavy periods but almost not cramps. But the frist frist few months I was bleeding off and on and had horrible cramps. Maybe 3 months into it the cramps went away. Now I have VERY LIGHT bleeding no cramps and can almost pin-point my starts to the minute.

    I think it is worth it in the end. I know for me I just keeped thinking about the cramps , now that's just a memory. Good Luck!
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    Thanks everybody for the input... I'm still so nervous!!! I do have a pretty decent tolerance for pain, but this is all new to me. But I love the points you gals give.. think of the benefits over the long run versus temporary pain..

    Did any of you have any issues with it not working and getting pregnant or with it coming out/moving? I'm worried about how to tell that it's still where it's supposed to be...

    They only issue I have had is my boyfriend feeling it during intercourse, once. AND IT FREAKED HIM OUT. I thought it was funny because his facial expression. Doctor said that if he felt it again it would need to be cut. So far nothing.
  • Danyell08
    Danyell08 Posts: 7
    I have the mirena IUD. put in sept 2007 when my son was a few weeks old. My doc also prescribed me a pill that opens things up a bit. I found the whole thing a breeze. It was quick, only slightly uncomfortable but not pan full. LOVE this form of birth control and will get another one even though my husband has been snipped because not getting a period ROCKS!!!