


  • StacywithaY
    StacywithaY Posts: 117 Member
    Lol. Y'all should go start your own anti Shakeology thread
  • renae161
    renae161 Posts: 334 Member
    I personally wouldn't do it. Even when I make a shake in the morning, I can't just have that alone. I need something else to go with it or I will feel hungry within the hour after drinking it. If I'm making shakes for breakfast, I usually eat some toast w/ some kind of spread, a bagel with cream cheese, or a small bowl of fruit and cereal.
  • StacywithaY
    StacywithaY Posts: 117 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    sjwozniak wrote: »
    Lol. Y'all should go start your own anti Shakeology thread

    Do you sell shakeology?

    I do not. I was curious about others experiences with the product, much like the original poster.
  • natasha_hal1
    natasha_hal1 Posts: 30 Member
    I've never had Shakeology, but I do usually have some kind of "meal replacement" shake in the morning (herbalife or GNC). Personally, they are a very light breakfast and great for people on the go. I particularly like herbalife's banana caramel flavor and it tastes like a dessert for me (but with less calories). I usually mix mine with almond milk or nonfat milk. It usually will hold me over until lunch and then I eat normal food for the rest of the day.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    sjwozniak wrote: »
    Lol. Y'all should go start your own anti Shakeology thread

    What, with roughly 3000 of them here already by the same low post count folks who never stick around MFP for the long haul? Why?
  • cyndit1
    cyndit1 Posts: 170 Member
    I didn't do Shakeology but I did Isagenix (no comments please - I don't sell the stuff) and I really liked it but the price just got crazy. I would love to be able to afford to continue one shake a day (breakfast) because for me it works for my gym before work lifestyle. I may try to continue to manage one shake a day at least on work days.
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
    cyndit1 wrote: »
    I didn't do Shakeology but I did Isagenix (no comments please - I don't sell the stuff) and I really liked it but the price just got crazy. I would love to be able to afford to continue one shake a day (breakfast) because for me it works for my gym before work lifestyle. I may try to continue to manage one shake a day at least on work days.
    cyndit1 wrote: »
    I didn't do Shakeology but I did Isagenix (no comments please - I don't sell the stuff) and I really liked it but the price just got crazy. I would love to be able to afford to continue one shake a day (breakfast) because for me it works for my gym before work lifestyle. I may try to continue to manage one shake a day at least on work days.

    I tried Isopure Natural Vanilla. Lasted about a month and was like $50? I suppose that is a lot but now I'd be paying even more if I want to continue morning protein shakes. My body isn't tolerating the dairy and you get a lot less protein and a lot less product for the vegan powders... for a lot MORE money :/
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member

    This might help it compares several shakes
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member

    This might help it compares several shakes

    Um....looking at the list I would say they are being paid to promote certain products.
  • not_my_first_rodeo
    not_my_first_rodeo Posts: 311 Member
    So I talked to two of my colleagues after I posted in this thread. The one person never bought the shakes at all. She loves the fitness program. She is religiously using that weird container system, but it sounds like she's making sound choices in what she eats and I think this person is also maybe weighing her food even though I don't think the plan suggests that. She has lost a considerable amount of weight and kept it off. The other person also loves the fitness program, tried the shakes, hated the shakes. She claims she's still using the container system, but she's actually put on weight and I got the feeling she's not adhering to their plan anymore.
  • tillerstouch
    tillerstouch Posts: 608 Member
    So I talked to two of my colleagues after I posted in this thread. The one person never bought the shakes at all. She loves the fitness program. She is religiously using that weird container system, but it sounds like she's making sound choices in what she eats and I think this person is also maybe weighing her food even though I don't think the plan suggests that. She has lost a considerable amount of weight and kept it off. The other person also loves the fitness program, tried the shakes, hated the shakes. She claims she's still using the container system, but she's actually put on weight and I got the feeling she's not adhering to their plan anymore.

    The problem is using containers isnt as accurate as weighing your food, also its not very practical. Its much easier just tracking everything you eat, and eating what you want.

    Also i dont think anyone is argueing against the videos/workouts, so if those interest you i would say go for it.
  • ccjlgrider
    ccjlgrider Posts: 49 Member
    I am doing 21 Day Fix round 2. I like thinking of my food as "I can have 2 carbs, 4 proteins, 2 fruits, 4 veggies, etc per day." Much less tedious to me than counting calories. I tend to get to obsessed with calories. This helps me stay full whereas I would cheat myself when counting cals because I'd squeeze crap food in there and then be hungry quickly. I do drink Shakeology and I like it. I did not enjoy the vanilla. I love the Vegan Tropical Strawberry. I put half a banana in it and make it a slushy with ice. At first it took a while to get used to the aftertaste of Stevia but I'm used to it now. I have never done any other shakes before so I have nothing to compare it with. I do not eat soy so I am glad that Shakeology is void of soy protein. I will use it as a meal replacement on a night like last night where our family's activities were crazy and my family ordered a pizza. Pizza is not a love of mine and so wasn't worth it to me so I had my Shakeology with half a banana instead. I do not drink it everyday. I only use it when it fits into my plans for the day. In addition to Shakeology yesterday I had the Fugi apple chicken salad with one tbsp of dressing on the side from Panera (hold the cheese) and for breakfast I had eggs and bacon. I had a small piece of baguette with lunch which isn't exactly 21 DF approved but it was worth it to me to have non whole wheat bread because I really like it. I think I ate a snack yesterday but I'm having a hard time recalling what it was. I have lost 6 lbs over the past 4.5 weeks. Starting weight 157, current weight 151. It's working for me. I love the structure. It fits my needs. I love having Shakeology as an option when we have one of those days that falls apart and I need a quick substitute to what I planned. When I hit goal I will adjust my allowances to be at maintenance level instead of weight loss level. I enjoy my coach. I realize she isn't specifically trained to be a coach but that's ok. She is my accountability partner. And she's funny and smart. We are both physicians who left medicine to stay home with our children.
  • ccjlgrider
    ccjlgrider Posts: 49 Member
    I should also add that while I really like the work outs that come with 21 day fix I haven't really been able to do the cardio much. I developed plantar fasciitis in my left foot in August and I am in physical therapy for it right now. So I just started going on some longer walks again about a week ago. I have worked with the personal trainer for strength training or 2 1/2 years so I either work out with her or do the strength training DVDs with 21 day fix. I also do a stretching video that I found on YouTube. So my exercise has not been up to the point where it normally is. My activity level was never my problem. It was my food choices.