Sugar Fast....



  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    ChaleGirl wrote: »
    A colleague and I were talking about how much sugar we eat. I literally eat soooooo much sugar, it's not good at all!!! I eat multipacks of chocolates and there's always cake in my office. I know I have zero self control. So we made a pact that we would not eat any added sugar for the rest of the October, in the hope that it will get us back under control. If anyone wants to join us feel free. We can perhaps post when we need motivation to stay away from the while stuff lol, we can also confirm when ila day has been successfully sugar free!! :)

    That's not sugar.
    That's food.

    The issue isn't sugar, the real issue here is how you lack self control around cake and chocolate.

    As a side note, my clients eat dark chocolate regularly because it's good for you.
  • Spears1354
    Spears1354 Posts: 223 Member
    Day 23 Done! Made it! 3 more days!
  • ChaleGirl
    ChaleGirl Posts: 270 Member
    I went to a vegan festival today where there was free food galore, lots of vegan cakes, chocolate etc but I wasn't even tempted! I stuck to real food and had rice n peas, chickpea, sweet potato and pumpkin curry and plantain. Absolutely delicious!! I'm finding that real food is tasting really sweet now that I'm not having really sugary processed foods.
    I've kind of lost count with the days but know that Monday is the last day. Defo think I'm going to continue!!
    Well done @Spears1354 you have done so well!!!!
  • ChaleGirl
    ChaleGirl Posts: 270 Member
    Feel free to join us @ Iksh_mccray!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    ChaleGirl wrote: »
    I went to a vegan festival today where there was free food galore, lots of vegan cakes, chocolate etc but I wasn't even tempted! I stuck to real food and had rice n peas, chickpea, sweet potato and pumpkin curry and plantain. Absolutely delicious!! I'm finding that real food is tasting really sweet now that I'm not having really sugary processed foods.
    I've kind of lost count with the days but know that Monday is the last day. Defo think I'm going to continue!!
    Well done @Spears1354 you have done so well!!!!

    What is real food?
  • Spears1354
    Spears1354 Posts: 223 Member
    Day 24... Done! Made it! It was the only Challenge I stuck to today! It's becoming second nature just to avoid sugar... I will definitely splurge on Tuesday but I won't go overboard to where it messes me up. I will def stick to some form of this I think because I just feel so much better!
  • Spears1354
    Spears1354 Posts: 223 Member
    Day 25 done! One more day left!
  • jenncat65
    jenncat65 Posts: 4 Member
    I haven't had any chocolate for a whole month, no cookies ,cake ,or ice cream. Only sweet I have had is Altoids .
  • ChaleGirl
    ChaleGirl Posts: 270 Member
    Gosh can't believe it's the final day!!! We made it!!! I had lunch with my cousin yesterday and there was wine and dessert but I wasn't even tempted. Yay!

  • Spears1354
    Spears1354 Posts: 223 Member
    ChaleGirl wrote: »
    Gosh can't believe it's the final day!!! We made it!!! I had lunch with my cousin yesterday and there was wine and dessert but I wasn't even tempted. Yay!

    so is today the final day or tomorrow? Im good either way but I have cake waiting for me in the! jk...Well... not kidding about the cake haha but Im going to take the Challenge through tomorrow the 31st anyway... Thank you for hosting this Challenge! It was something i needed to prove to myself I could do and I have felt so much better! I need this to be more of the norm for me and after completing this Challenge I feel like it can be. :smiley::smiley::smiley:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Would love to see this thread continue! :smiley:

    @Spears1354 @ChaleGirl <3 YaY!! You guys made it!! Congrats :smiley:

    I've been cheering you both from the sidelines. :p You've been so motivating, I remember how fabulous my body and mind feel when I eat less processed food. The cravings lessen for me on about the 2-3 days so I'm going to jump in the challenge.

    Be great if anyone wants to continue or join us so we can keep each other motivated!

  • ChaleGirl
    ChaleGirl Posts: 270 Member
    @Spears1354 I'm GMT time zone, London, so it's Monday 31st now! It's 5:44am and I'm in the gym, yay lol! So yeah this is our final day :smile:

    @Hearts_2015 I am definitely up for continuing. I am going to at least try something sugary this week but then continue and only have added sugar on birthdays/special occasions. I have some luxury fudge that I ordered just before he challenge. I put it in the freezer but would like to try some lol. We will see! I completely agree re feeling good when you give up sugar, I have felt really well and much more energetic!! I think our bodies tell us what works for us and what doesn't, we just have to listen!
  • Spears1354
    Spears1354 Posts: 223 Member
    Would love to see this thread continue! :smiley:

    @Spears1354 @ChaleGirl <3 YaY!! You guys made it!! Congrats :smiley:

    I've been cheering you both from the sidelines. :p You've been so motivating, I remember how fabulous my body and mind feel when I eat less processed food. The cravings lessen for me on about the 2-3 days so I'm going to jump in the challenge.

    Be great if anyone wants to continue or join us so we can keep each other motivated!

    Thank you. I am definitely going to keep trying to live this lifestyle. Like ChaleGirl I do want to splurge to celebrate tomorrow... Part of my motivation was knowing I could have something sweet on the day this was over hoping to teach myself control. After tomorrow my plan is to refrain from added sugar on normal days but have the occasional treat but no more than once per week. If there are more than one special occasions in a week then I will have to choose... Also with the holidays coming up I will choose which family holiday I want to eat the sweet at since I might be 3 different places in 3 days... Ect... I am so thankful ChaleGirl started this Challenge... I have learned a lot about myself! I would be happy to continue posting on this page as we all need a little accountability.
  • Spears1354
    Spears1354 Posts: 223 Member
    ChaleGirl wrote: »
    @Spears1354 I'm GMT time zone, London, so it's Monday 31st now! It's 5:44am and I'm in the gym, yay lol! So yeah this is our final day :smile:

    Yay!!! I've learned so much about myself through this! Thanks again!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Day 3 - still no sugar :+1:
  • ChaleGirl
    ChaleGirl Posts: 270 Member
    Oh brilliant, well done! I've still not had sugar either and don't even want it. Went to a work event yesterday and there was so much wine but I felt like having sparkling water with a slice of lime. I think I feel too good to let the sugar back in haha!!
    Have you been having any cravings @Hearts_2015
  • traceyroy54
    traceyroy54 Posts: 89 Member
    Have you ladies lost any weight , doing this?
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited November 2016
    Day 5 - going strong
    Have you ladies lost any weight , doing this?
    I've dropped 10 so far.

    ChaleGirl wrote: »
    Oh brilliant, well done! I've still not had sugar either and don't even want it. Went to a work event yesterday and there was so much wine but I felt like having sparkling water with a slice of lime. I think I feel too good to let the sugar back in haha!!
    Have you been having any cravings @Hearts_2015
    Yesterday was tricky but I stayed strong :smiley:@ChaleGirl
    Nice job passing on the wine! Mm Sparkling water with lime or lemon sounds fabulous about now!
  • ChaleGirl
    ChaleGirl Posts: 270 Member
    The scale wasn't moving for me so I gave up on weighing. I definitely look smaller and my stomach looks smaller, plus I feel a zillion times better which is enough to keep me going. I had date night last night and still skipped the wine and dessert and just had a hearty meal. The more you just say the easier it gets. Well done @Hearts_2015 for getting to day 5!!!
  • Spears1354
    Spears1354 Posts: 223 Member
    ChaleGirl wrote: »
    The scale wasn't moving for me so I gave up on weighing. I definitely look smaller and my stomach looks smaller, plus I feel a zillion times better which is enough to keep me going. I had date night last night and still skipped the wine and dessert and just had a hearty meal. The more you just say the easier it gets. Well done @Hearts_2015 for getting to day 5!!!

    i messed up on my goal to stay away from sugar but once per week and then had a terrible week of wanting to eat everything so this week the only sugar i will have is two drops of honey ( and I do mean drops) in my coffee just to make it taste a tad smoother. Im a slow loser but while i was on the sugar fast i had some major inches lost. I truly believe thats why I'm in my skinnier jeans right now and I definitely felt better. Im planning to do this till Thanksgiving and then try my best to pick one desert only. Being on sugar really does make my appetite increase. I know i can do this... I just have too!