23 lbs and counting... Adipex is my friend.



  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    Edit-duplicate. arghh.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I dont understand... why not just cut the calories and have some discipline? 1600 calories is more than enough to fill you up for the day you just need to make the right food choices. I went from eating everything and anything that would taste good and it was a lot of cravings, food is a drug for me and it helped me feel better. if you drink lots of water throughout the day, it helps fill you up so you don't have the hungry feeling half way between meals. Anyways, i stopped eating 3000 plus calories a day to 1200 - 1500 a day without a pill so it is possible.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Congrats on your success. I have tried adipex before, it does suppress the appetite and provide super energy. The downside of this drug is once you stop taking it, you gain "ALL" the weight you lost and much more. Quick fixes aren't lasting. Do what works for you and your body. Best Wishes!!!!!

    "Quick fixes aren't lasting".......................so true.
  • GiniN
    GiniN Posts: 39 Member
    I assume the original poster knew this would generate controversy, so I am not going congratulate or offer encouragement. Just reporting my own experience.

    I have tried various "diet" pills throughout my adult life (over a period of 25+ years), including phen-fen way back when. Each time, I thought it was a miracle. All the energy! No hunger! Feel like I could do everything and wash the windows, too! And I felt GOOD, almost euphoric. Probably because of the quick and "effortless" weight loss and boundless energy. And there were ALWAYS physicians who were only too happy to write the prescriptions. I know many others who have made similar efforts, and no one I know had a lasting result.

    Each time I lost a lot of weight very quickly. I was sure that I would never let my weight creep up again. And each time I gained it all back, usually within months. And all these years later, I ended up at my highest weight ever.

    Finally, I came to the point where my weight plus aging prevented me from doing most of the things I liked. I had so much joint and back pain that I could barely walk. I knew if I didn't work on this NOW, I would be an invalid and die an early death. I have been working very hard on eating healthy and exercising for the past 3 months, working with a dietician and a personal trainer. It has been expensive, and it is the toughest thing I have ever done. But for the first time in my life I feel like food is not the enemy. I've learned better habits, and eat enough (1200-1500 cal per day with lots of fruit/veg, water, and minimal processed food) that I am not hungry. Mind you, it hasn't been easy. My weight loss has been slower than I would like, and I don't like the amount of time I have to spend on exercise. But at least I am improving.

    I would love it if there was a pharmaceutical that would speed up weight loss and give me lots of energy and lead to LASTING weight loss. But I've been through it so many times and I know that the result is not what I want. Back when I was taking the pills, no one could dissuade me; I thought I knew better. But now I think I wasted a lot of my life chasing this, and that all the drugs did was to prolong the journey.

    If you are going to continue this (and it sounds like you will) I hope it works for you. But I urge you to also get information about nutrition and start applying it, even though the drugs stifle your appetite for now. And start being more active. And hopefully you have a good physician who is monitoring your overall health. Best wishes
  • This is so true. I have been on adipex as well after speaking to friends and reading as well. I can tell u I have had no changes other than they truly take away my cravings. No sudden burst of energy. I nice mild lift I would say. No racing heart. No dizziness. I really feel no different.other than suppressing my appetite and actually able to be productive.something to remember. Medications do not treat everyone the same! I am glad I made the choice to take the script.it is simple really if you are not comfortable taking them call your doc. Something else to remember U MUST DRINK PLENTY OF WATER. I despise water but drink half my body weighing ounces every day. 100 oz. Flavor it with zero calories Milo. Flushes the impurities out. Negative comments turn people away from something that may actually help some one. And the point of this board is to help.or so I thought!
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    I dont understand... why not just cut the calories and have some discipline? 1600 calories is more than enough to fill you up for the day you just need to make the right food choices. I went from eating everything and anything that would taste good and it was a lot of cravings, food is a drug for me and it helped me feel better. if you drink lots of water throughout the day, it helps fill you up so you don't have the hungry feeling half way between meals. Anyways, i stopped eating 3000 plus calories a day to 1200 - 1500 a day without a pill so it is possible.

    I figured someone would beat me to it! :wink: I'm sure that this is an advert., but I was thinking the same thing, if you are on a "strict" 1600 calorie a day diet, that alone is going to make you lose weight!!! It never ceases to amaze me how some people will work so hard to find a way around self discipline and exercise! The original poster said something about not exercising just taking the drug in one post, and then said something about all their hard work in another post. Really??? What hard work? Now I know there are those that have a valid eating disorder, and need some sort of appetite suppresant, but for most it is a lack of desire to dig deep enough to find some self discipline!!! 1600 calories a day and some good sweat sessions will give you far better lasting results than some little pill!!! :explode:
  • tkwilliams67
    tkwilliams67 Posts: 15 Member
    Congrat's on your success, whatever you do someone is going to have something negative to say. You have to do what works for you, I would encourage you to learn to eat while you are taking Adipex, that way when you stop taking it you can maintain your weightloss. If you don't learn how to eat properly you will gain it all back and some... People are saying that it is addictive and it has side effects, everything you take can be addictive if you have an addictive personality and any, any medicine you take, prescibed or not has side effects.... I again applaud you on your weightloss, keep up the good work...:flowerforyou:
  • Shineonme06
    Shineonme06 Posts: 73 Member
    Do you have a hard time getting your daily calories intake on adipex? Since it makes u eat less
  • I say it's an advert too. No friends, no pic, no info. All signs point to advert. Prove me wrong Tsartele!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    everyone is different, mentally, physically, or health wise, and of course money and general life situations play a part, but personally, in my opinion, i think (just getting those words out of the way in advance before i get yelled at)

    i disagree with the pills being a long term solution to a weight problem. if you need to take them because of health reasons where your weight is a problem, or you want to take them for short amounts of time to help you jump start your diet, then fine. but i don't think that you should take a pill that you don't NEED when some extra effort and will power will most likely get you results. if, there is nothing physically wrong with you, and after you educate yourself on the correct and healthy way of exercising and dieting, there are still not results, then a real doctor, nutritionist, or personal trainer might be able to help.
  • I am currenly taking adipex and I love it, the first time I took it I lost 16 pounds in a month with diet and excercise. After I ran out of pills and couldn't afford to go back to the doctor (just the visit cost $100) I gained half of the weight back because I got lazy and quit eating right and going to the gym. You can't just sit on your butt and eat what you want when you're done taking them, keep up the diet and excercise plan and you should keep it off. No I don't recommend it as a long term solution but its a good kick start to a good diet and excercise program. The only side effects I experienced were dry mouth and jitters, both of which went away after a week. I think this time I'm going to stick with it.
  • VeroM1234
    VeroM1234 Posts: 84 Member
    So damn annoyed by these stupid advertisements....!!! They are evrywhere!!!

    People need help and try to look for info and always fall in those stupid publicity....

    (Not talking about evryone here that replied but to the OP)
  • kt_smatie
    kt_smatie Posts: 1
    Hello, i started taking Adipex yesterday, I am just wondering what sort of calorie intake and exercise plan you used to get the most out of the Adipex?
  • RdySetGO11
    RdySetGO11 Posts: 89 Member
    Hoodia does the same thing and its all natural.

    Does it really? I have wondered about that. I have taken phentermine and lost 33 lbs on it the first time and gained 15 of it back and then lost that 15lbs again and have maintained it for 6 months. I'm trying to break this stubborn plateau and I need some sort of appetite surpressant because I LOVE food! lol
  • Demoneia
    Demoneia Posts: 16 Member
    I'd often wished that I could just start off at not a bad weight and start from there. Having a lot of weight to lose just is discouraging sometimes and it's a lot easier to exercise once you've lost some weight. The side effects frankly don't sound much worse than birth control pills or anti-depressants. I thought about taking a weight loss prescription but I heard it caused anal leaking so I decided that was one side effect I couldn't live with lol.
  • Where are you getting adipex? Is that not pondimin? The lethal half of phen-fen? I know phentermine is still prescribed today as the safer half of the old phen-fen diet...be careful with the adipex.
  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    ive gone from 329-287 with the adipex... LOVE it... my mom wants to get on it now... i had some side effects in the begginning but not anymore... i love it...
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Where are you getting adipex? Is that not pondimin? The lethal half of phen-fen? I know phentermine is still prescribed today as the safer half of the old phen-fen diet...be careful with the adipex.

    Adipex IS phentermine

    Adipex = Brand name

    Phentermine = Generic name

    Its the equivalent of calling tylenol, Acetometophyn (yeah theres a reason everyone calls it tylenol :)) Ibuprofen=motrin
  • jmuller815
    jmuller815 Posts: 7 Member
    I love love love phen/adipex... It is a tool to help you get into the groove of eating better. Thats exactly what is happening w me. I think I wouldn't have been motivated to accomplish what i have in 2 months w/o it. Now when I stop I have healthy eating habits so I wont regain. I go to the dr, give him 20 bucks a week, get a b-shot & my seven pills, its totally worth it for me. I love the accountabilty knowing that I get weighed every fri morning. Yes there is risk of addiction, but thats where willpower comes into play, u don't let the drugs control you. If u have addictive personality traits, then this isnt for you at all. Speed is not a drug of choice for me, so i don't forsee any issues there. My little half a pill in the morning is just enuff to keep the fat kid craving monsters away. I say yes to the weight loss helpers, Phen, alli & fiber!!! Good Luck to all of u!!
  • Nikki206
    Nikki206 Posts: 69
    I was told that it takes about a month to begin to form a habit. If Adipex helps to control your appetite and cravings in order for you to get your eating habits into shape then go for it. Being in the mental health field I do have some strong opinions about it.

    -I think it should only be prescribed IF the side effects are outweighed by the potential benefits of the drug for example, if you are obese and have diabetes, heart disease, etc. in your family.
    -I don't think people should take it if they are only in need of losing 30-50 lbs. I think this should be reserved for the obese with a potential for the future health conditions.
    - It needs to be monitored by the doctor very closely. I'm talking monthly meetings where they go over the side effects again, monitor weight loss, talk about nutrition, calorie intake, exercise, etc.
    - DON'T always trust your doctor. I know that they went to school forever so they should know what they are doing but I switched doctors recently because he was prescription happy and instead of really listening to me he would prescribe me stuff. I have been given prescriptions that I never even had filled. My suggestion, do your research, I never take anything without researching the side effects, I look up other people's reactions to it and then I determine if I can handle the very worst of it. I don't care if it's an antibiotic, cough medicine, I'm talking ANYTHING.
    - Make sure you always make someone close to you aware that you are taking something with side effects like Adipex has, just to make sure you don't have any personality changes or whatever. That way if you don't see it, they will. There is a reason you are only allowed to take it for one to three months then are taken off of it for awhile.

    Overall, everyone reacts differently, everyone has things they can and can't handle and some people need that little boost of help. Don't feel bad about it, just make sure you take things seriously and make permanent lifestyle changes that carry over when you are done taking it. Some people can do it with just diet and exercise and some need a boost.

    GOOD LUCK!!!! Only you know what is good for you just make sure you are aware of the addictive qualities of the drug and make those lifestyle changes so you don't gain it back.
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