Addicted to Diet Coke!



  • the9a3eedi
    the9a3eedi Posts: 2 Member
    As with all foods, too much of anything is bad for you. Me personally I always drink diet coke when I go out to eat or something. The main way that diet coke noticeably affects me though, and probably you as well, is my teeth. It messes them up due to the acidic content. So I suggest reducing it.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    the9a3eedi wrote: »
    As with all foods, too much of anything is bad for you. Me personally I always drink diet coke when I go out to eat or something. The main way that diet coke noticeably affects me though, and probably you as well, is my teeth. It messes them up due to the acidic content. So I suggest reducing it.

    You could try swishing with water after every few sips, or after finishing the can. I'm a big tea drinker, which causes staining. I have my bottle of water right next to my teacup and swish after every 3-4 sips. I'm trying to extend the visits in between dental cleanings. I'm petrified of the dentist :sad:
  • mbbseb
    mbbseb Posts: 124 Member
    muwee72 wrote: »
    Its addicting. I was drinking them from the time I got out of bed till went to bed again. I am now down to 3 a day. Much better

    Just ran across these post all I can say is WOW to some of these comments. People are so nice. I'm addicted to diet coke and I want to stop, I know if I set my mind to it I could stop, aspartame is not good for you, soda's aren't good for you. In moderation you can have anything but I can't do moderation. I was doing good by drinking 3 a day, then before I new it I was drinking 4, then 5, then I lost count. Oh and BTW I drank at least 64 ounces of water on most days along with all those sodas. So I want to give it up, I do believe it makes me crave sweets. That's me it may not affect others the same way.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    edited November 2016
    Giving up Diet Coke -- and I was an addict -- has made my dental hygienist very happy. My gums & teeth are in better shape. I gave it up along with other uses of artificial sweeteners because I was one for whom the sweet flavors, without calories to go with them, induced hunger pangs. Diet Coke made me ravenous. I switched to unsweetened flavored seltzers. I still get my fizzy drink fix but without the aspartame, etc. Now, on the very rare occasion I do have a diet soda of any kind it just tastes dreadful to me.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    kgeyser wrote: »
    There is evidence that full-fat salad dressing aids in nutrient absorption, so using reduced fat or non-fat dressings can defeat the purpose of eating the healthy, nutrient filled salad in the first place.

    If you are suggesting that one should dump things like full-fat ranch dressing on salads, to eat healthier, I cannot agree with that, and I don't interpret any research as stating that either. I have no issues with lower-fat dressings, as long as one pays attention to the other ingredients. It is incorrect to say that "salads are healthier with full-fat dressing". And obviously sugar as main ingredient would not be a good thing. However, remember that you can get those "healthy fats" in something other than salad dressing, too. I see lots of people eating salads out, and loading them up with gobs and gobs of creamy dressings. THAT is the point I was making.

    "According to Iowa and Ohio State University researchers, pairing a little bit of fat with your veggies helps the body absorb cancer-fighting and heart-healthy nutrients like lycopene and beta-carotene. Not to mention, “Fat-free dressings often have added sugars or fillers, so even though you’re getting less fat, you’re not always saving calories,” says Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD.

    tip: That doesn’t give you an excuse to load up your salad with globs of dressing. Keep calories in check by sticking to two tablespoons of an olive-oil based dressing like Bolthouse Farms Classic Balsamic Olive Oil Vinaigrette, and be sure to steer clear of varieties that use soybean or vegetable oils. They don’t serve up the same health benefits."

  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    So now I desperately want to try wild cherry diet pepsi. My office provides most any kind of soda you can imagine, and for free, but that is not one of my options, which means I have to go out and spend my OWN dollar on a soda. That's what this thread did for me. So thanks a lot.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    JeepHair77 wrote: »
    So now I desperately want to try wild cherry diet pepsi. My office provides most any kind of soda you can imagine, and for free, but that is not one of my options, which means I have to go out and spend my OWN dollar on a soda. That's what this thread did for me. So thanks a lot.

  • HerFire
    HerFire Posts: 22 Member
    Your doctor is right. You should give up diet Coke because Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi is far better.

    Totally gonna get some now, thanks. :D
  • mfp_nicole_2017
    mfp_nicole_2017 Posts: 10 Member
    I have been eating healthier since March of 2015. I lost about 110 lbs from March 2015-all the way up to this summer. My weight loss has halted, so now I am trying to not gain any weight. I am honestly getting sick of some of the diet foods I ate to lose weight. So I am slowly trying new things, but still trying to keep my budget down. I was following an 1800 calorie diet. Since I have hit a number where I do not lose anymore (which is a healthy weight and I think it's my body's set point), I have been trying new foods that are not extremely high in calories and fat, but not as restricted in calories as the foods I ate.
    I was eating smart ones, lean cuisines, and healthy choice dinners. I still eat them, but I will buy other things such as hot pockets and I will eat out every now and again (not very often though) to give myself some variety. I have always been the type of person to eat microwavable foods, so moving into things like hot pockets or other types of dinners that maybe have a little more calories (and flavors) than the smart ones, is nice.
    I originally gave up pop completely. I miss pop, and sometimes crave it. I tried a couple of different diet sodas, and I liked them. I think the diet A&W is really good. I do not plan to drink this constantly, but I want to have this for those cravings. I know diet pop is not healthy, but at least you can get your fix without all the calories! I surely hope it will not make me gain weight, but I will be watching my scale closely!
  • not_my_first_rodeo
    not_my_first_rodeo Posts: 311 Member
    I have never been able to drink diet sodas. Doesn't matter what the sweetener is, if I drink them, I get violent headaches.
  • dmspurli
    dmspurli Posts: 12 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I switched to regular coke only occasionally and the flavored cabonated waters (la croix). Diet Coke was giving me headaches. I didn't lose weight instantly or anything magical after giving them up though. But they definitely weren't helping my weight loss.

    How can a diet drink that has no calories impact your weight?

    Because artificial sweeteners are worse than sugar. Empty calories leave you craving more junk which ultimately leads to weight gain.
  • Sloth2016
    Sloth2016 Posts: 846 Member
    I'm ok with diet soda. I don't always get a taste for it - but maybe have 2 or 3 a week. Been like that for the last 10 years. (I am down about 90 lbs in the last 3 years)
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    dmspurli wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I switched to regular coke only occasionally and the flavored cabonated waters (la croix). Diet Coke was giving me headaches. I didn't lose weight instantly or anything magical after giving them up though. But they definitely weren't helping my weight loss.

    How can a diet drink that has no calories impact your weight?

    Because artificial sweeteners are worse than sugar. Empty calories leave you craving more junk which ultimately leads to weight gain.

    that certainly doesnt happen to me - i drink diet soda now and then (probably about 3 cans a week) and I dont get any cravings when I do nor do I gain weight

    If you individually find this effect on you (probably placebo effect but anyways) then you dont drink it - fine.

    But as a generic It does it to collective everyone you - No it doesnt.