I can't stop eating!



  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    When I can't stop thinking about eating, I tell myself I can have it in XX minutes. Then I try to go do something physical - take a walk, etc. Usually, if I can put off the craving and get in a little exercise, the craving goes away. If it doesn't, I log it and have it.

    I also pre-log my food for the day, so I know what kind of wiggle room I have for the day. Like today, I have ZERO wiggle room.4bxn08504exr.jpg

    But, as you can see, I've also pre-logged my half-pint of Ben and Jerry's. That stuff is so good, there is NO WAY I'm going to snack on something else throughout the day and not let myself have the ice cream.

    Some days, I have plenty of wiggle room. That allows for office treats, etc.

    After I posted this, someone sent out a office-wide e-mail that said there is pumpkin cake in the break room. Helps make my point. Because I have pre-logged my day, I know what my choices are. I can have pumpkin cake, and no ice cream tonight. I can have ice cream tonight, but no pumpkin cake at work. Or I could have LESS ice cream, and a small piece of pumpkin cake.

    For me, the choice is ice cream tonight and no pumpkin cake at work. Because the ice cream is delicious, and pumpkin cake may not be. For someone else, the choice could be different and still be an acceptable choice.

    Knowledge is power! ;)

    Or you could have your last remaining calorie of pumpkin cake :blush:
    Down to the last calorie-I love it! That's awesome planning :heart:
  • leooftheyear
    leooftheyear Posts: 429 Member
    I usually have an issue with sugar close to my TOM or when I'm stressed. yesterday happened to be both and I was craving sweet tarts or skittles. I knew I had plenty of room in my calories for a pack of skittles, but thought about how it would make me feel if I had them, I knew it wouldn't make me feel any better. I think the best thing to do is to figure out what's making you crave stuff, if its stress, get up and walk away from your computer for a bit.

    Another thing that has really helped, is planning out my meals and snacks, during the week, I know when im going to eat (breakfast between 8-9, snack at 1030 (unless I included my snack w my breakfast), lunch between 12-1, snack at 3, and dinner between 5-6. Trust me it's been a struggle but once you figure out your triggers and pre-plan meals it's easier.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member

    Can anybody give me any advice on how to stop eating?! Like how to take my mind off food? It sounds ridiculous but I have absolutely no self discipline whatsoever.. if I want a chocolate bar, I'm having it, even if I've just eaten three.. I don't eat because I'm hungry, I eat because I want to and food is permenantly on my mind. I'd always had a good metabolism but in the past year I've put just over a stone on and it's seriously getting me down!

    Thanks in advance ☺️

    Ps I'm extremely fussy so replacing the bad stuff with healthy options isn't easy!

    You don't need to replace the bad stuff with anything. As you say, you aren't eating out of hunger. You know that you are overeating so really it all comes down to you. You have to want to stop more than you want to continue.

    I'd suggest asking yourself why you are eating. Are you bored or stressed, for example? Then try to fix that problem. Get a hobby, find ways to manage stress other than eating.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    When I can't stop thinking about eating, I tell myself I can have it in XX minutes. Then I try to go do something physical - take a walk, etc. Usually, if I can put off the craving and get in a little exercise, the craving goes away. If it doesn't, I log it and have it.

    I also pre-log my food for the day, so I know what kind of wiggle room I have for the day. Like today, I have ZERO wiggle room.4bxn08504exr.jpg

    But, as you can see, I've also pre-logged my half-pint of Ben and Jerry's. That stuff is so good, there is NO WAY I'm going to snack on something else throughout the day and not let myself have the ice cream.

    Some days, I have plenty of wiggle room. That allows for office treats, etc.

    So jealous of your allowable calories! :)
  • RayvenLark
    RayvenLark Posts: 11 Member
    I have the same issue, and have found that having a protein heavy shake(50+ grams) for breakfast helps to set my day off right. Carbs are a huge binge trigger for me, so I tend to avoid them until lunch or dinner.
  • momof2boys2265
    momof2boys2265 Posts: 23 Member
    Ask yourself if it's something worth eating. This about it in the context of the rest of your day - assuming you've thought through your other meals. Think about how you will feel if you do eat it. Are you okay with that? Could you add in some additional exercise later in the day to account for the extra calories? If you truly think it through and you still answer yes, then eat it, enjoy it, don't feel guilty and move on. Eating healthy means that there should really be no food off limits.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,731 Member
    1. Stay busy. If you are mentally and physically involved in what you are doing, you won't be fantasizing about food.
    2. Ask yourself, before you eat anything, whether you are actually hungry or just eating to eat. Only eat if you are really hungry (i.e. a 4 or 5 out of a scale of 1-5. Learn to recognize what real hunger feels like.
    3. Don't keep trigger foods around. Even if you have kids, you don't need to have candy or cookies or chips in the house. Teach them a better way.
    4. If there is a food you really crave, save it for later. Eat ice cream on the weekend, after you've been for a walk or bike ride, or eat a chocolate at the end of the day, after you know how many calories you have left. Often, by waiting, you find that you don't really want it after all.
  • caroldownie58
    caroldownie58 Posts: 23 Member
    I know how you feel there are days I want to eat everything in sight. I try to plan around either 6 small meals around 300 calories or 3 meals with treats around 100 calories each. I use my calories like currency. ONCE you've spent your allowance you can't have anymore therefore plan the times you will eat your meals and your treats. I use exercise to gain calories although I don't usually need to eat them all. I try to stick to around 1500 calories a day. Hope this helps x
  • caroldownie58
    caroldownie58 Posts: 23 Member
    edited November 2016
    Try to count your intake in the morning just as previous person states. I love food especially carbohydrates but try to count them into my daily calories. I've also tried to be calorie savvy. CHECK out the calories on all foods. I've discovered that some so called diet foods are actually higher in calories than non diet foods. BE aware xx
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Honestly...you just have to put your big girl panties on and not eat "it". Adults have to make all kinds of decisions. You can make the decision to eat "it" and be upset with yourself or make the decision to accept that it's best that you just don't, and be proud of yourself. Trust me, being proud of something you've done or accomplished is going feel so much better than eating that 3rd chocolate bar...
  • TreyTnt9
    TreyTnt9 Posts: 104 Member
    Would an enema help? :o
  • PennWalker
    PennWalker Posts: 554 Member

    Can anybody give me any advice on how to stop eating?! Like how to take my mind off food? It sounds ridiculous but I have absolutely no self discipline whatsoever.. if I want a chocolate bar, I'm having it, even if I've just eaten three.. I don't eat because I'm hungry, I eat because I want to and food is permenantly on my mind. I'd always had a good metabolism but in the past year I've put just over a stone on and it's seriously getting me down!

    Thanks in advance ☺️

    Ps I'm extremely fussy so replacing the bad stuff with healthy options isn't easy!

    I would make sure I get some fat in my diet -- avocado in salad, some almonds, something else. That seems to help me with cravings.

    I have no self discipline around sweets, either. None. I get migraines from too much chocolate and have some other health problems. My solution is I don't have sweets in my house. If I want something sweet I eat an apple.

    Somebody else suggested exercise -- that 's a very good thing to do. Instead of eating go for a walk for an hour or ride a bike or go to the gym.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member

    Can anybody give me any advice on how to stop eating?! Like how to take my mind off food? It sounds ridiculous but I have absolutely no self discipline whatsoever.. if I want a chocolate bar, I'm having it, even if I've just eaten three.. I don't eat because I'm hungry, I eat because I want to and food is permenantly on my mind. I'd always had a good metabolism but in the past year I've put just over a stone on and it's seriously getting me down!

    Thanks in advance ☺️

    Ps I'm extremely fussy so replacing the bad stuff with healthy options isn't easy!

    When I'd get like that, I'd go for a walk to distract myself.

    Then upon my return, if I *still* had to have that treat, at least I'd have earned some extra calories on my walk. :)
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,242 Member
    You just need to start working on your self discipline then. It's going to be useful for you not just for eating habits.
  • TGTiger wrote: »
    Take in alot of water and try to mix in some almonds as well. They sent a signal to your brain that you are full and may get your mind off of food.

  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    Since you are a stay at home mom, imagine what you would do for someone else in your circumstances and mother yourself. You deserve to take the time to get healthy and as a result will be a good role model for your children.
  • susannekb
    susannekb Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for taking the time to reply guys, really appreciate it. It's mainly when I'm in the office I have the attitude I noted (perhaps I need a new job haha!). I'm going to give it my best shot though, not only for my weight gain but for my health!

    I found the same thing I would just scoff down chocolate when I was in the office cause I was bored. I find that I need about 5 different strategies to stop eating the chocolate - walk to the bathroom, drink a glass of water, eat some fruit or carrots, get a cup of herbal tea, change the task I'm doing. Doing some or all of the above has helped me break the chocolate habit when I'm in work.