Has anyone stopped counting calories and still lose

I've been here for over a year. Counting calories, weighing everything. At this point I'm just tired of it per say. I just want to cook dinner for my family and not worry about my portion being exactly calculated to the tee. In reality it only takes a few mins out of my day but I'm wondering do people actually do this....forever? At some point doesn't our bodies know when enough food is enough without having to count calories. I'm thinking of just not counting for a few weeks and I'm wondering how that worked for others.


  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    has counting been working for you?? if so, not sure why you would want to change that. but if you do, stop counting and see what happens. let us know.
  • rachelr1116
    rachelr1116 Posts: 334 Member
    When I get tired of logging and stop counting calories I always end up gaining. I've done that twice since I joined MFP in April of 2015. The first time I stopped logging I really didn't pay much attention to what I was eating though because it was during the holidays last year.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I think that if you can lose/maintain without counting calories, you should do that. If not, you could count calories. If you can't eyeball proper portions, or can't stick to a proper portion unless you have weighed it out, calorie counting, however tedious, is far better than not losing weight, or gaining weight, in my opinion.

    I have counted calories before, and regained. So it can't be enough just to learn how to count calories. To me, MFP ended up being a tool to learn how to eat like a normal person. But I was also determined to eat and think like a normal weight person. I started to pay attention to what I eat and how it affects me, what hungry and full feels like, how normal portions and normal meals looks like. I started to trust myself and my appetite. I also started weighing myself every day as I entered maintenance (2 years ago). This was particularly helpful when I messed up and forgot to take number of meals per day into consideration :#

    I still weigh certain foods, but that's for meal planning purposes, not for the calories.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited November 2016
    SideSteel said everything I would have said much better than I could have said it. I know that for me the act of logging keeps me accountable as does the act of weighing myself.

    I do have breaks where I don't log because I feel like I need them or just can't be bothered. But I keep systems in place like SideSteel mentioned to guard against weight regain because I know it's going to be a life-long battle for me.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,576 Member
    I got tired of counting after about 3 weeks. Actually after about 3 days but I continued for about 3 weeks before stopping. I lost almost all of my 30 lbs without counting.

    I think your idea of not counting for a few weeks sounds like a good one.
  • kissedbythesunshine
    Thanks everyone for your responses. I think I'm going to not count for the rest of this month and see how it goes. If it doesn't work in my favor then I'll go back to weighing and counting. Definitely don't want to regain my weight back.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    I've been here for over a year. Counting calories, weighing everything. At this point I'm just tired of it per say. I just want to cook dinner for my family and not worry about my portion being exactly calculated to the tee. In reality it only takes a few mins out of my day but I'm wondering do people actually do this....forever? At some point doesn't our bodies know when enough food is enough without having to count calories. I'm thinking of just not counting for a few weeks and I'm wondering how that worked for others.

    I haven't logged in over 3.5 years...mostly that has been maintenance but I tend to put on about 8-10 Lbs every winter because I'm just less active overall and I've managed to be able to take it off every spring. The thing is, you still have to be mindful of what you're doing...I don't weigh every little thing, but I'm pretty good with estimating a proper portion or whatever it is.

    My diet also consists of lots of home cooking and meals prepared with scratch, whole ingredients. I don't eat a lot in the way of "junk" food or highly processed food goods because it's too easy for me to overeat with these things. Also, dining out tends to be an occasion rather than a regular occurrence.

    I exercise regularly and monitor my weight...if I'm trending up, I try to cut back a little on my food or up my exercise. I have a bit of a tough time in winter largely because I'm less generally active (i.e. a movie or football game on Sunday afternoon vs. strolling around the zoo for a few hours, etc) and I'm also not out on my bike as much. I did get an indoor trainer for this winter so I'm sure that will help.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited November 2016
    I don't have to count calories in maintenance. But I use the bathroom scale to weigh myself and quickly cut back if I see a gain.

    During "active" weight loss I do have to weigh food using a kitchen scale , journal, prepare, and log calories.
  • codename_steve
    codename_steve Posts: 255 Member
    I stopped counting about two and a half weeks ago and have been maintaining my weight (which is my intent). I try to stick to the same way of eating as before which includes being conscious of protein choices, staying well hydrated, moving frequently, and eating mindfully.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I keep losing for a couple weeks after I stop counting, then I slip into old habits and gain. This has happened about four times now. It even happens when I weigh myself daily. I don't think I'm one of those people who could ever lose or maintain without counting.
  • jkquinn13
    jkquinn13 Posts: 203 Member
    SideSteel wrote: »
    Yes I've done it and other people have too.

    [*] Finally, realize that if you fail it does not necessarily mean that you must log for the rest of your life. It simply means that right now, the methods you implemented didn't work and they need to be adjusted.


    Good luck!


    Well said Patrick - one of the best summaries I have seen - I'm printing this off to put in my journal